Overcoming the Lack of Customers at Panorama Travel Agency Cihampelas Bandung.


Tugas akhir ini berisi analisis permasalahan yang saya hadapi ketika
melaksanakan kerja praktek sebagai Customer Service di PanoramaWorld
Cihampelas Bandung mulai bulan Februari hingga bulan Juni 2013.
Selama melaksanakan kerja praktek, saya menemukan permasalahan
dimana jumlah pelanggan dari PanoramaWorld tidaklah banyak.
Faktor-faktor yang mengakibatkan kurangnya jumlah pelanggan di
PanoramaWorld tersebut adalah kurangnya promosi dari pihak
PanoramaWorld sendiri. Selain itu jumlah variasi paket tour yang
ditawarkan terlalu sedikit sehingga kurang memberi kebebasan kepada
pelanggan untuk memilih paket yang diinginkan serta usia
PanoramaWorld cabang Cihampelas masih terbilang cukup muda,
sehingga belum mampu bersaing dengan pendahulu-pendahulunya yang
sudah dikenal oleh masyarakat kota Bandung. Masalah ini berakibat
PanoramaWorld Cihampelas Bandung tidak berhasil memperoleh
keuntungan yang diharapkan, selain itu terjadi demotivasi pada para
Saya memaparkan tiga solusi yang dapat digunakan untuk menangani
kurangnya jumlah pelanggan di PanoramaWorld. Pertama adalah dengan
melakukan promosi melalui surat kabar. Kedua adalah dengan menambah

variasi-variasi baru dalam paket wisata yang ditawarkan. Dan yang ketiga
adalah dengan melakukan penetration pricing strategy. Setelah analisis
dilakukan, saya memilih solusi gabungan sebagai solusi yang paling tepat
untuk mengatasi kesulitan tersebut.

Maranatha Christian University


DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY……………………………………………….......ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS...…………………………………………….........................v
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………….1
A. Background of the Study
B. Identification of the Problem
C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
D. Description of the Institution
E. Method of the Study

F. Limitation of the Study
G. Organization of the Term Paper
CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS ………………………………………………....6
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION……………………………………………….............15

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A. Background of the Study
Nowadays, we can see that the mobility of people around the world
grow quickly. People travel not only around domestic areas, but also to
international destinations. Some people travel to a place for business

purposes, some others travel for a vacation. The increase in the number of
people travelling is caused by the proliferation of inexpensive flights,
leisure parks, theme parks, museums, and other tourists attractions. The
growth of people’s mobility affects the tourism industry around the world,
so that the tourism industry has been growing very rapidly in the last ten
The growth of people mobility does not only affect the tourism industry
in other countries, but also in Indonesia. In Indonesia, tourism industries
have been growing even more rapidly. This is due to many places of
tourist attractions in Indonesia, which continue to grow over time. In
contrast, the number of Indonesians who travel also increases. This
condition triggers the development of tourist agencies in Indonesia.
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To meet the demand of Indonesian people who want to travel, there are
some travel agencies established in every city in Indonesia. Some tourist
agencies also start to open branches or offer franchises. One of them is
PanoramaWorld, which opened at Jalan Cihampelas Bandung. It is
expected that with the establishment of this youngest PanoramaWorld,

people, especially the residents of Bandung, are provided with some
accommodation, cruise tickets, helping to apply visas, passports and
various other tourism facilities.
Based on my observation during my internship, the travel business in
PanoramaWorld does not run as well as I had thought before. There were
not always many people coming to the travel agency to use the service.
Thus, I can say that this travel agency has a problem concerning the
number of customers. So, in this paper, I want to share about overcoming
the lack of customers in the travel business at PanoramaWorld
Cihampelas. I will try to propose some potential solutions that can help
PanoramaWorld to increase the number of customers.

B. Identification of the Problem
In this term paper, the problem will be analyzed to find out the answer
of the following questions:
1. Why did PanoramaWorld experience a lack of customers?
2. How does the lack of customers affect PanoramaWorld and its
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3. What should PanoramaWorld do to overcome this problem?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
The objectives of this study are to analyze why PanoramaWorld had a
lack of customers, and how the problem affected PanoramaWorld and its
employees. Besides, the study also aims at analyzing the most effective
ways to overcome the lack of customer.
There are some benefits of the study. First, for me this study can help
me to know how to solve problems with less than the expected number of
customers. I also hope that with this paper, the readers can get some
information to be considered whenever they want to build their own
business in tourism industries. This study also can help the institution in
overcoming the problem that they have at the moment.

D. Description of the Institution
PanoramaWorld is one of the travel agencies in Bandung which is a
franchise of PanoramaTours. PanoramaWorld provides tour
accommodation, tickets, vouchers, visas, passports, and all the
documents which are related to travelling.

In 2009, PanoramaWorld Cihampelas, which is managed by PT.
Mahkota Wisata Sentosa, was established by Mr. Fadjar Triwahju Sentosa
and also Mrs. Murnita Tanzil, with five employees. The service provided by

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PanoramaWorld Cihampelas are providing tickets, vouchers, and
accommodation,and also helping people to apply visas, and also cruise
tickets. PanoramaWorld also helped companies which want to do some
business review abroad.

E. Method of the Study
The study is done by applying both the field research and library
research. In doing the field research, I used two methods. The first is
observation which is done during my internship from 4th February 2013
until 30th June 2013 at PanoramaWorld Bandung. The second method is
by conducting an interview with Mrs. Murnita, who is the director of
PanoramaWorld Cihampelas Bandung. The interview transcript will be
attached in the Appendices.

I also collected some theories which are needed to support my analysis
by doing the library research. The printed and electronic resources that I
used are attached in the Bibliography.

F. Limitation of the Study
In this term paper, the study will focus on the lack of customers during
my internship at PanoramaWorld Cihampelas Bandung. The subject of
research is PanoramaWorld Cihampelas Bandung. My internship period
started on February 4th until June 30th, 2013. My working hours were 09.00

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– 17.00 on Mondays until Fridays, and 08.00 – 13.00 on Saturdays. The
analysis would concerns the things that affect the limited number of
PanoramaWorld’s customers during my internship. Moreover, the analysis
also discusses about the potential solutions to overcome the problem.

G. Organization of the Term Paper
The first part of this term paper is the Abstract, the overall summary of

this term paper. The second part is Declaration of Originality which
guarantees the originality of this term paper. The third part is
Acknowledgements which contain the purpose of this term paper and also
my thanks for those who have supported me during the process of writing
this term paper. The fourth part is Table of Contents, which lists contents
of this term paper.
This paper contains four chapters. The first chapter is the Introduction,
which contains Background of the Study, Identification of the Problem,
Objectives and Benefits of the Study, Description of the Institution, Method
of the Study, Limitation of the Study and Organization of the Term Paper.
The second chapter is the Problem Analysis, that explains causes and
effects of the problem. Then, the third chapter, Potential Solution, will
presents three potential solutions with the analysis of the positive and
negative effects of each potential solution. The last chapter, the
Conclusion, consists of the best solution to the problem. The term paper
ends with the bibliography and appendices.

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In the previous chapters, I have discussed the problem of the lack of
customers during my internship at PanoramaWorld from 4 February 2013
until 29 June 2013. Based on the analysis, I find that there are three
causes of the problem. The first cause is PanoramaWorld did not do
enough promotion. The second cause is PanoramaWorld holiday
packages do not have enough variety. While the third cause is
PanoramaWorld at Cihampelas is the youngest PanoramaWorld branch
that has been established in Bandung. The problem also creates some
effects for PanoramaWorld. The first effect is PanoramaWorld could not
reach the expected profit. The second effect is demotivation of
PanoramaWorld’s employees. In the previous chapters, I have
proposedthree potential solutions to overcome the problem. The first
potential solution is PanoramaWorld should do more promotion. The
second potential solution is PanoramaWorld should improve the variety of
tour packages to increase competitiveness. The last potential solution is
PanoramaWorld should do penetration pricing strategy.

Maranatha Christian University

In my opinion, the best potential solution to overcome the problem that
PanoramaWorld encounters is a combination of all the potential solutions.
Firstly, PanoramaWorld should do more promotion. Promotion will help
PanoramaWorld to explains and give potential customers awareness
about PanoramaWorld’s packages and service, so the potential customers
will be attracted, educated, reminded and convinced to join
PanoramaWorld’s tour packages. Along with doing more promotion,
PanoramaWorld should also improve the variety of tour packages. The
variety of products will increase the competitiveness because it can give
potential customers extra flexibility to choose the most desirable package.
Beside those two potential solutions, PanoramaWorld also should do
penetration pricing strategy. Penetration pricing strategy will help
PanoramaWorld to increase the number of customers rapidly.

Maranatha Christian University


Printed Sources
Allen Aaker, David. Brand Portfolio Strategy : Creating Relevance,
Differentiation, Energy, Leverage, and Clarity. New York : Simon and
Schuster, 2004
Alma, Buchari. Manajemen Pemasaran dan Pemasaran Jasa. Bandung :
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Business Review, 1976.
Hariandja, Marihot Tua Efendi. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia.
Bandung : Grasindo, 2002.
Kotler, Philip, and Lane Keller, Kevin. Manajemen Pemasaran. Jakarta :
Erlangga, 2009.
Marshall, Alfred. Principles of Economics : An Introductory Volume. New
York : Macmillan, 1930.
Schiffman, Leon, andLazar Kanuk, Leslie. Perilaku Konsumen. Edisi
ketujuh. Jakarta : Indeks, 2006.

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Swastha, Basu, and Irawan. Manajemen Pemasaran Modern. Yogyakarta
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Tjiptono, Fandy. Strategi Pemasaran. Edisi Ketiga. Yogyakarta : Andi,

Electronic Sources
Fergianti. “Menurut Philip Kotler”. Scribd.com. 2013

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Azcentral.com. 2013
“Penetration Pricing”. Accountingtools.com.
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Riley, Jim. “Pricing Strategies – Penetration Pricing”. 23 September 2012

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Tanzil, Murnita. Personal interview. 29 June 2013.

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