Kode etik jurnalistik

Kode etik jurnalistik
• Pelindung kredibilitas tindakan jurnalistik
yg tercermin dari nilai-nilai kunci (key
values) yang dirinci dalam kode etik

Kode etik jurnalistik
• Wartawan Indonesia bersikap
independen, menghasilkan berita
yang akurat, berimbang, dan tidak
beritikad buruk
• Wartawan Indonesia menempuh caracara yang profesional dalam
melaksanakan tugas jurnalistik.

• Wartawan Indonesia selalu menguji
informasi, memberitakan secara
berimbang, tidak mencampurkan
fakta dan opini yang menghakimi,
serta menerapkan asas praduga tak

• Wartawan Indonesia tidak membuat
berita bohong, fitnah, sadis, dan
• Wartawan Indonesia tidak
menyalahgunakan profesi dan tidak
menerima suap.

• Wartawan Indonesia memiliki hak
tolak untuk melindungi narasumber
yang tidak bersedia diketahui
identitas maupun keberadaannya,
menghargai ketentuan embargo,
informasi latar belakang, dan “off the
record” sesuai dengan kesepakatan.

• Wartawan Indonesia tidak menulis
atau menyiarkan berita berdasarkan
prasangka atau diskriminasi terhadap
seseorang atas dasar perbedaan suku,

ras, warna kulit, agama, jenis
kelamin, dan bahasa serta tidak
merendahkan martabat orang lemah,
miskin, sakit, cacat jiwa atau cacat

• Wartawan Indonesia menghormati hak
narasumber tentang kehidupan
pribadinya, kecuali untuk kepentingan
• Wartawan Indonesia segera mencabut,
meralat, dan memperbaiki berita yang
keliru dan tidak akurat disertai
dengan permintaan maaf kepada
pembaca, pendengar, dan atau

• Wartawan Indonesia melayani hak
jawab dan hak koreksi secara

• Penilaian akhir atas pelanggaran kode
etik jurnalistik dilakukan Dewan Pers.
Sanksi atas pelanggaran kode etik
jurnalistik dilakukan oleh
organisasi wartawan dan atau perusahaan

• The Multidimensional Ethical Reasoning
and Inquiry Task Sheet
Lembar kerja penyelidikan alasan etis
Perkakas yg membantu membuat
keputusan etis yg baik
1. Conflicting values 2.normative
framework 3.stakeholder interest 4. dities
and effects

1. Conflicting values

• Identify & explain the key values in conflict in
dillema. Examine the importance of each &
articulate the conflict
*explain how each value might be given priority
and thus offer a solution
*decide which value should be given priority and
justify it
*will your decision promote key concepts such
justice, respect, tranparancey,etc? how so?
*are these concepts override by some other
compelling interest?
*if they are, justify the exception that your
decision creates

Normative framework
• Considerwhich philosohical approach is most
applicable & articulate how it should guide
ethical thinsking in this case
*does the dillema primarily pose question of
unequal power relations or of fairness?consider

how Rawls could be apllied
*does the dillema primarily pose a question of
possible special treatment,equality or the relative
importance of truthfulness? Consider how Kant
could be applied
&does the dillema primarily pose a question of
balancing of rights or of the relative usefulness if
moderation? Consider how Aristotle could be

Stakeholder interests
• Identify all potential parties that would be affected
by your decision or have legitimate interest in the
*what exactly is the potential harm faced by various
stakeholders, and how might you minimize it?
*which stakeholder should be given priority? Justify,
drawing from the appropriate philosophical
*which stakeholder appears to have the most to gain

from your decision?which appears to have the most
to lose?
*how might you accommodate secondary

Duties and Effects
• Consider how all your opinion reflect the moral duties you
may have & how they may advance your effectiveness as a
moral agent
*to whom are you directly responsible or accountable?
*what duties do you have in your role as media professional?
*once you decide on a justifiable course of action, consider
whether your decision emphasizes certain duties or values
over others. What are they?
*is your decision duty-based, or is it based on your desire to
produce a certain outcome?
How would you feel about your decision if it were to be
widely publicized?


• Obviously is not intended to uncover the
definitive “ethical” course of action that
should be taken in a given
dilemma.different people may well
emerge from the model with very
different decisions and equally compelling
justifications for them

• If we can become effective in knowing
which questions to ask and keep our focus
on the appropriate ethical issue (as
opposed to political,personal, or economic
ones), more solid ethical reasoning and
heightened selfawereness is likely to
emerge from the resulting discussions

• "PSSI itu bukang perusahaang. Kalau
sedang diterangkang, coba dengarkang,

penting itu pengalamang. Mengerti
kang?..." tulis @tifsembiring, Selasa
• Ahmad Dhani tak masalah telah
dilaporkan wartawan Global TV terkait
kasus dugaan penganiayaan. Namun,
pihak Dhani menganggap laporan
wartawan Global TV itu berlebihan.