Cancer is knowed as a desease that is feared by society

Cancer is knowed as a desease that is feared by society. Most of the society always
thinking that this disease can not healed and will always leads to death. Although there are
many treatment techniques from modern techniques to traditional techniques, however
disease this ferocious have not found treatment that right. Difficult found treatment that right
is becaused cell-cell of cancer is mentioned very fast multiply even faster even faster than
normal cell-cell that exist in the body, so its control of course very difficult. Even cancer
could grow in all parts the body as brain, lungs, mouth, sex and others.
Cancer can grow in all parts of the body is becaused cancer it is call-cell normal that
experience demage or genetic mutation. That cell previously functioned with good, but
because of demage will be disadvantangeous and cause disease. Cancer can grow one of them
effect of light of UV,
Actually, there are many types of cancer treatment. However, because cancer has
many types, the types of treatment that you receive will depend on the type of cancer you
have. Of course, before the treatment, the doctor will check what type of cancer you have and
the extent to which the cancer infects your body. Your treatment depends on how big it is and
where your cancer is. If the cancer has spread, you need treatments like chemotherapy or
radiation therapy. But if not, you only need only one treatment, such as surgery.
Surgery is a way of cancer treatment by removing the affected part of the cancer.
While, chemotherapy is a way of cancer treatment by using drugs to kill cancer cells.
Chemotherapy drugs target cells at different phases of the process of forming new cells,
called the cell cycle. As described earlier that cancer cells replicate very quickly than normal

cells, this makes them a better target for chemotherapy drugs. However, chemotherapy drugs
can’t tell the difference between healthy cells and cancer cells. So, normal cells are damaged
along with the cancer cells, and this causes side effects.
Cancer can also be treated with radiation therapy. Radiation therapy is a type of
cancer treatment that uses high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells. The types of radiation
used for cancer treatment such as X-rays, gamma rays and others. Radiation therapy kills
cancer cells by damaging their DNA. DNA is the molecules inside cells that carry genetic
information. such Such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy can also damage normal cells and
causes side effects.
Before treatment, patient will do some kind of examination. Such as a body scan like
CT scan, MRI and others. During scanning (CT scan or MRI or others), pictures of the inside

of the body are created by a computer. From the data obtained from the scanning process, the
doctor can determine the point of treatment, so as to reduce the side effects of cancer
treatment. The scanning process can also serve to see the extent to which treatment has
successfully killed cancer cells.

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