The lymphatic system and Immunity Bahan

The lymphatic system
and Immunity
Bahan kuliah
Anatomi Fisiologi Manusia

by Rika Yulia

Tujuan pembelajaran
• Mengidentifikasi & menjelaskan komponen utama
sistem limfatik
• Menjelaskan definisi infeksi, patogen dan antigen
• Menjelaskan definisi getah bening dan bagaimana
sirkulasinya dalam tubuh
• Menjelaskan perbedaan innate (nonspecific)
defenses & adaptive (specific) defences
by Rika Yulia

Lanjutan tujuan …..
• Membedakan “cellular immunity” dan “humoral
• Menjelaskan peran limfosit dalam respons imun

• Menjelaskan tipe dan fungsi sel T
• Menjelaskan fungsi antibodi

by Rika Yulia

Sistem limfatik vs Imunitas
• Peran utama menjaga kesehatan tubuh
• mikroorganisme penyebab penyakit :
• Setiap patogen mempunyai cara hidup yg
berbeda, menyerang tubuh dengan cara
by Rika Yulia

Sistem limfatik vs sistem imun
• Immune system
– Protects the body
• Bacteria
• Viruses

• Fungi
• Toxins
• Parasites
• Cancer

• Lymphatic system
– Works with immune
system to remove
– Organs
• Thymus
• Spleen
• Lymph nodes

Patogen disekitar kita

by Rika Yulia

The Lymphatic System
• Network of connecting
– Collects fluid (lymph)
between cells and
returns it to
– Picks up lipids from
digestive organs and
transports them to
– Functions to defend
the body against


Sistem limfatik
• Sel, jaringan, organ yang bertanggung
jawab thd pertahanan tubuh

• Terhadap : environmental hazards (various
pathogens) & internal threats (cancer
• Limfosit : the primary cells of the
lymphatic system
by Rika Yulia

Komponen sistem limfatik
• Limfa : cairan getah benih dari plasma darah ()
contains a much lower concentration of
suspended proteins)

by Rika Yulia

Lymphatic Pathways
• Lymphatic capillaries
– Extend into interstitial spaces
– Permeable, thin walls pick up fluid, now lymph
– Delivers lymph to lymphatic vessels
• Lymphatic vessels

– Deliver lymph to lymph nodes
• Cells in nodes can remove pathogens from
lymph and start an immune response
– Leaves nodes through efferent lymphatic

Lanjutan sistem limfatik
– a network of lymphatic vessels, often called
lymphatics, which begin in peripheral tissues
and connect to veins
– Jaringan limfoid dan organ limfoid di seluruh

– Limfosit dan sejumlah sel fagosit

by Rika Yulia

Peran sistem limfatik
• Fungsi utama : produksi, pemeliharaan dan
distribusi limfosit
• Jaringan limfoid (tonsil), organ limfoid
(spleen & timus), memproduksi &
menyimpan limfosit

by Rika Yulia

• The ability to resist infection and disease
• Klasifikasi : innate (nonspecific) immunity
and adaptive (specific) immunity.

by Rika Yulia

Pembuluh limfatik

by Rika Yulia

Kapiler limfatik

by Rika Yulia

Peran limfosit
Mengeliminasi :
• invading pathogens (such as bacteria or viruses),
• body cells (such as virus-infected cells or cancer

• and foreign proteins (such as the toxins released
by some bacteria).
by Rika Yulia

Lanjutan limfosit
• Utk pertahanan efektif, limfosit harus
mendeteksi & mencapai tpt terjadinya
• Lymphatic vessels

by Rika Yulia

Klasifikasi limfosit

by Rika Yulia

by Rika Yulia


by Rika Yulia

• The ability to resist infection and disease
• Klasifikasi :
– Innate immunity
– Adaptive immunity

by Rika Yulia


by Rika Yulia

Innate (non-specific) defenses
• Mencegah, menghalangi & membatasi
penyebaran mikroorganisme
• Terdiri dari :

Physical barierrs
NK cells

- komplemen

- respon inflamasi

by Rika Yulia

Mekanisme sel NK

by Rika Yulia

Peran porforin

by Rika Yulia


by Rika Yulia


by Rika Yulia


by Rika Yulia

Respon imun adaptif

by Rika Yulia

Mekanisme sel T

by Rika Yulia

Pengenalan antigen

by Rika Yulia


by Rika Yulia


by Rika Yulia

Mekanisme sel B

by Rika Yulia

Struktur & Fungsi Antibodi

by Rika Yulia

Kesmipulan, peran masing2

by Rika Yulia


by Rika Yulia

Pertahanan thd bakteri &

by Rika Yulia

The lymph system is composed of pathways known as
lymph vessels. In addition to the lymph vessels, the
organs of the lymphatic system include lymph nodes
located throughout the body, the thymus in the
mediastinum, and the spleen located in the LUQ.
Lymph is the body fluid found between the body’s cells.
It circulates through the body via lymphatic capillaries,
lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, lymphatic trunk,
collecting ducts, and to the subclavian vein.


Infection is the presence of a pathogen in or on the
body. A pathogen is a disease-causing agent, and
antigens are foreign substances within the body that
may or may not cause disease.
The nonspecific body defenses include species
resistance, mechanical and chemical barriers,
phagocytosis, fever, and inflammation.

Inflammation is the result of injury or infection. Signs
are redness, heat, swelling, and pain.


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