Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Teh Hitam (Camelia sinensis) terhadap Jumlah Trombosit pada Mencit yang Diinduksi Heparin

Trombositopenia adalah suatu keadaan dimana jumlah trombosit darah
kurang dari 150.000/m3. Teh hitam merupakan daun teh yang mengalami
fermentasi dan banyak mengandung senyawa yang bermanfaat, diantaranya
kuersertin dan tanin. Kuersetin dan tanin dilaporkan dapat meningkatkan
proliferasi dan diferensiasi megakariosit dalam sumsum tulang, sehingga dapat
meningkatkan jumlah trombosit.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk
mengetahui karakterisasi dan golongang senyawa kimia dari simplisia dan ekstrak
etanol teh hitam, serta untuk mengetahui efek pemberian ekstrak etanol teh hitam
terhadap jumlah trombosit pada mencit yang diinduksi heparin.
Penelitian ini meliputi pembuatan ekstrak etanol teh hitam dengan cara
maserasi, karakterisasi dan skrining fitokimia simplisia dan ekstrak etanol teh
hitam, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pengujian ekstrak etanol teh hitam terhadap
jumlah tombosit pada mencit yang diinduksi heparin. Penelitian ini menggunakan
empat kelompok mencit, yaitu kelompok kontrol (P 0 ) dan kelompok perlakuan
P 1 , P 2 , dan P 3 . Kelompok P 0 diberi CMC Na 1% bb secara oral. Kelompok P 1
diberi heparin 270 unit/kg bb dan CMC Na 1% bb. Kelompok P 2 diberi heparin
270 unit/kg bb dan ekstrak etanol teh hitam 100 mg/kg bb. Kelompok P 3 diberi

heparin 270 unit/kg bb dan ekstrak etanol teh hitam 200 mg/kg. Heparin diberikan
secara subkutan, sedangkan ekstrak etanol teh hitam diberikan secara oral. Setelah
24 jam pemberian, jumlah trombosit darah dihitung menggunakan alat
hemositometer. Hasil perhitungan ini kemudian dianalisis secara statistik
menggunakan program SPSS.
Dari hasil karakterisasi simplisia teh hitam diperoleh kadar air 8,65%,
kadar sari larut air 10,16%, kadar sari larut etanol 19,29%, kadar abi total 5,19%,
dan kadar abu tidak larut asam 0,37%. Sedangkan hasil karakterisasi ekstrak
etanol teh hitam diperoleh kadar air 10,6%, kadar sari larut air 14,11%, kadar sari
larut etanol 79,53%, kadar abu total 1,92% dan kadar abu tidak larut asam 0,37%.
Hasil skrining fitokimia simplisia dan ekstrak etanol teh hitam menunjukkan
adanya kandungan bioaktif senyawa golongan alkaloid, flavonoid, tanin, steroid
dan glikosida. Hasil analisis secara statistik menunjukkan ada perbedaan
bermakna antara kelompok P 0 dengan P 1 (p = 0,00), P 1 dengan P 2 (p = 0,00) dan
P 1 dengan P 3 (p = 0,00). Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, pemberian ekstrak etanol teh
hitam 100 mg/kg bb dan 200 mg/kg bb dapat meningkatkan jumlah trombosit
pada mencit yang diinduksi heparin.
Kata kunci: ekstrak etanol, teh hitam, trombosit, induksi, heparin.

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Thrombocytopenia is a condition when blood platelet count is less than
150,000/mm3. Black tea is the fermentated tea leaves and contain a lot of
compound which is good for health, such as quercertin and tannin. Quercetin and
tannin was reported could increased the proliferation and differentiation of
megakariocyt in bone marrow, so it can increase the thrombocyt count . The aim
of this study was to determined the characterization, class of chemical compounds
of the botanicals and the ethanol extract of black tea and to finded out the effect of
the ethanol extract of the black tea on the platelets count of mice which induced
by heparin.
This study involved the preparation of the ethanol extract of the black tea
using maseratiom methode, characterization, phytochemical screening of
botanicals and extracts, then continued by the test of the effect of ethanol extract
of the black tea on the platelet count of mice which induced by heparin. This
study used four group of mice, they are the control group (P 0 ) and the treatment
groups P 1 , P 2 , and P 3 . P 0 was given CMC Na 1% bw orally. P 1 was given heparin

270 unit/kg bw and CMC Na 1% bw. P 2 was given heparin 270 unit/ kg bw and
100mg/kg bw ethanol extract of the black tea. P 3 was given heparin 270 unit/kg
bw and 200 mg/kg bw ethanol extract of the black tea. Heparin was injected
subcutanneus, while the extract was given peroral. After 24 hours of treatment,
the amount of the platelet were counted using hemositometer. Then, the result was
being analysed statistically using the SPSS program.
Botanicals characterization of black tea derived water content 8.64%, the
level of water soluble extract 10.16%, the level of ethanol soluble extract 19.29%,
total ash content 5.19%, and the acid insoluble ash content 0.37%. While the
extract characterizaton result water content 10.6%, the level of water soluble
extract 14.11%, the level of ethanol soluble extract 79.53%, total ash content
1.92%, and the acid insoluble ash content 0.37%. The results of botanicals and
ethanol extract of black tea phytochemical screening showed there were bioactive
compounds classified as alkaloid, flavonoid, tannin, steroid dan glycosides. The
result of the statistical analyze showed that there was significantly different
between P 0 and P 1 (p = 0.00), P 1 and P 2 (p = 0.00), P 1 and P 3 (p = 0.00). Based
on the result, giving ethanol extract of the black tea 100 mg/kg bw and 200 mg/kg
bw can increased the amount of the platelet of mice which induced by heparin.
Key words: ethanol extract, black tea, thrombocyt,induced, heparin.

Universitas Sumatera Utara