A Correlational Study between Grammatical Competence, Students’ Interest in Writing, and Writing Skill of Eight Grade Students of MTs Negeri 2 Surakarta in the Academic Year of 2016/2017 - UNS Institutional Repository

  “A Correlational Study between Grammatical Competence, Students‟ Interest in Writing, and Writing Skill of Eight Grade Students of MTs Negeri 2 Surakarta in the Academic Year of 2016/2017




  Submitted to Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University as a Partial Fulfillment for Getting the Undergraduate Degree in English Education












  Darna Oktaviani. K2210013. A CORRELATIONAL STUDY BETWEEN GRAMMATICAL COMPETENCE, STUDENTS‟ INTEREST IN WRITING, AND WRITING SKILL OF EIGHT GRADE STUDENTS OF MTS NEGERI 2 SURAKARTA IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2016/2017. Thesis. English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University. Surakarta. July 2017.

  The objectives of this study is to find out the correlation on (1) students‟ grammatical competence and writing skill; (2) students‟ writing interest and writing skill; and 3) students‟ grammatical competence and students‟ writing interest simultaneously and writing skill. This study used correlational method with quantitative approach. The population was all the eighth grade students of MTs Negeri 2 Surakarta. This study involved 32 students that were selected by using cluster random sampling. In collecting the data the researcher used questionnaire and test. The techniques which were used of analyzing the data were Correlation and Regression both of simple and multiple. The result of the research show that (1) there is a positive correlation between grammatical competence and writing skill (r = 0.368); (2) there is a

  x1y x2y =

  positive correlation between students‟ writing interest and writing skill (r 0.430

  ); (3) there is a positive correlation between students‟ grammatical competence and, writing interest and writing skill (R = 0.663). The students‟ grammatical competence gives 24.68% effective contribution to writing skill and the students‟ writing interest gives 19.32% effective contribution to writing skill. Both students‟ grammatical competence and writing interest give 44% effective contribution to w riting skill. It means that the increase of students‟ grammatical competence and writing interest simultaneously will be followed by the increase of students‟ writing skill. Based on the study, it can be concluded that students‟ grammatical competence and writing interest are aspects that support writing skill.

  Keyword: grammatical competence, writing interest, writing skill



  “Yakinlah kau bisa dan kau sudah separuh jalan menuju ke sana” (Theodore Roosevelt) “Fa inna ma‟al „usri yusra. Inna ma‟al „usri yusra”.

  “Maka sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan. Sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan itu ada kemudahan”.


(Al-Insyirah 5-6)



With love, I dedicate this thesis to:

My Mother and Father that always love me


My husband that always love and support me in every situation

My brother that always remembering me for doing my thesis

My friends in EED’10



  Alhamdulillah all praises just be for Allah SWT, the Merciful Lord, for His blessing to the writer, helping, and giving him health, mercy, strength, guidance, and everything during working and finishing this thesis. The writer is also completely grateful to everyone for help and support so that this thesis can be realized. Hence, he would like to express his deepest gratitude and appreciation to the following:

  1. Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University

  2. the Head of the English Department of Teguh Sarosa, S.S., M. Hum., .

  Teacher Training and Education Faculty

  as the first consultant, for his time, patience, help, 3.

  Drs. Martono, MA

kindness, and suggestions during the completion of this thesis.

  as the second consultant, for 4.

  Drs. Gunarso Susilohadi, M. Ed., TESOL

  his time, patience, help, kindness, guidance, and suggestions during the completion of this thesis.

  5. Dewi Sri Wahyuni, S.Pd., M.Pd. the academic consultant, for the motivation, kindness, and advices.

  6. All lecturers in English Education Department for the precious knowledge.

  7. The Headmaster, teachers and students of MTs Negeri 2 Surakarta for their cooperation during the research.

  8. Eight Grade Students of MTS N 2 Surakarta for their participation in

  this research 9. Her beloved parents, Bapak Musawwir and Ibu Nuryati, for their endless love, night and day prayers, patient, and sincere encouragement and help.

  10. Her beloved husband, Unggul Prayitno, for his love, support and togetherness.

  11. for your love and

  Her beloved younger brother, Wisnu Jaya Rizky, support.

  12. Her friends in his boarding house such as Oris, Neti, Mbak Ii, Tesih, Arin, Murni, Enny, and Devi for togetherness.

  13. Her friends in EED 2010 Evi, Ika, Haniva, Fadil, Ayu, and many others

for their lively friendship and togetherness and sincere help.

  14. All of her friends in English Education Department, especially A class, for the supports and everlasting friendship. The writer accepts gratefully every comment and suggestion because nothing

is perfect except Allah SWT and neither is this thesis. However, the writer hopes that

this thesis will be useful to the improvement of English teaching and learning.

  Surakarta, July 2017 Darna Oktaviani



COVER ................................................................................................................. i

PRONOUNCEMENT ......................................................................................... ii

APPROVAL OF THE CONSULTANTS ........................................................ iii

APPROVAL OF THE BOARD EXAMINERS ............................................... iv

ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... v

MOTTO .............................................................................................................. vi

DEDICATION ................................................................................................... vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... x

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................... xiv

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. xv


CHAPTER I ......................................................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study ............................................................................... 1 B. Identification of the Problem ......................................................................... 3 C. Limitation of the Problem .............................................................................. 4 D. Formulation of the Problem ........................................................................... 5 E. The Benefits of the Study ............................................................................... 5

CHAPTER II ....................................................................................................... 6

A. Review of Related Theory ............................................................................. 6

  1. Grammatical Competnce .............................................................................. 6

  a. Definition of Grammar ............................................................................. 6

  b. Definition of Competence ....................................................................... 7

  c. Definition of Grammatical Competence .................................................. 7

  d. The Scope of Grammar ............................................................................ 9

  2. Stu dents‟ Interest in Writing ...................................................................... 11 a. Definition of Interest .............................................................................. 11

  b. Types of Interest ..................................................................................... 12

  c. Aspect of Interest.................................................................................... 12

  d. Indicators of Interest .............................................................................. 13

  e. Students‟ Writing Interest ...................................................................... 15

  3. Writing Skill ............................................................................................... 15

  a. Definition of Writing .............................................................................. 15

  b. Definition Writing Skill ......................................................................... 16

  c. Descriptive Text and Recount Text ........................................................ 17

  d. Differences between Written and Spoken .............................................. 20

  e. Process of Writing .................................................................................. 21

  f. Aspect of Writing ................................................................................... 25

  g. The Scoring of Writing .......................................................................... 26

  B. Rationale ...................................................................................................... 28

  C. Hypothesis .................................................................................................... 30


CHAPTER III ................................................................................................... 31

A. The Place and Time of the Study ................................................................. 31 B. The Method of Research .............................................................................. 31 C. Population, Sample and Sampling ............................................................... 32

  1. Population ................................................................................................... 32

  2. Sample ........................................................................................................ 32

  3. Sampling ..................................................................................................... 32

  D. Techniques of Collecting the Data ............................................................... 33

  1. The Instrument of Collecting Data ............................................................. 34

  2. The Validity of Instrument ......................................................................... 35

  3. The Reliability of Instrument ..................................................................... 37

  E. Technique of Analyzing the Data ................................................................. 38

  1. Prerequisite Test ......................................................................................... 38

  2. Statistical Hypothesis ................................................................................. 39

  3. Hypotheses Test ......................................................................................... 41


CHAPTER IV .................................................................................................... 43

A. The Description of the Analyzing Data ....................................................... 43

  1. The Data of Students‟ Grammatical Competnce ........................................ 43

  2. The Data of Students‟ Writing Interest ...................................................... 44

  3. The Data of

Students‟ Writing Skill ........................................................... 45

  B. The Hypothesis Testing ............................................................................... 47

  1. Prerequisite Test ......................................................................................... 47

  2. Hypothesis Testing ..................................................................................... 49

  C. The Contribution Analysis ........................................................................... 53

  D. The Discussion of the Research Finding ..................................................... 53


CHAPTER V ..................................................................................................... 57

A. Conclusion ................................................................................................... 57 B. Implication ................................................................................................... 58 C. Suggestion .................................................................................................... 59

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................. 60

APPENDICES ................................................................................................... 63



Table 2.1 Present Tense Formula ....................................................................... 17Table 2.2 Scoring Rubric of Writing .................................................................. 27Table 4.1 The Data of Stu dents’ Grammatical Competence ........................... 43Table 4.2 The Frequency Distribution of Grammatical Competence ............. 43Table 4.3 The Data of Students’ Writing Interest ............................................. 44Table 4.4 The Frequency Distribution of Writing Interest .............................. 45Table 4.5 The Data of Students’ Writing Skill .................................................. 46Table 4.6 The Frequency Distribution of Writing Skill ................................... 46Table 4.7 The Contribution Analysis of the Variables ..................................... 53



Figure 2.1 Diagram of the Process Wheel .......................................................... 23Figure 3.1 Diagram of the Relationship of Variables ....................................... 31Figure 4.1 The Histogram of the Grammatical Competence ........................... 44Figure 4.2 The Histogram of Writing Interest Score ........................................ 45Figure 4.3 The Histogram of Writing Skill Score ............................................. 46

  LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1 The List of Students Joining Try Out ............................................

  63 Appendix 2 Blue Print of Grammatical Competence Try Out .........................

  64 Appendix 3 Instrument of Grammatical Competence Try Out ........................

  66 Appendix 4 Answer Key of Grammatical Competence Try Out ......................

  71 Appendix 5 Student‟s Answer Sheet of Grammatical Competence Try Out ... 72 Appendix 6 Validity and Reliability of Grammatical Competence ..................

  73 Appendix 7 Blue Print of Writing Interest Try Out ..........................................

  77 Appendix 8 Instrument of Writing Interest Try Out .........................................

  79 Appendix 9 Student‟s Answer Sheet of Writing Interest Try Out .................... 82 Appendix 10 Validity and Reliability of Writing Interest Try Out ....................

  85 Appendix 11 Blue Print of Grammatical Competence .......................................

  88 Appendix 12 Instrument of Grammatical Competence ......................................

  90 Appendix 13 Answer key of Grammatical Competence ....................................

  94 Appendix 14 Student‟s Answer Sheet of Grammatical Competence .................. 95 Appendix 15 Blueprint of Writing Interest .........................................................

  96 Appendix 16 Instrument of Writing Interest .......................................................

  98 Appendix 17 Student‟s Answer Sheet of Writing Interest.................................. 101

  Appendix 18 Blueprint of Writing Skill ............................................................. 104 Appendix 19 Instrument of Writing Skill ........................................................... 105 Appendix 20

  Student‟s Answer Sheet of Writing Skill ..................................... 106 Appendix 21 The List of Students Joining The Test .......................................... 107 Appendix 22 The Calculation of Each Test ........................................................ 108 Appendix 23 Score of the Result of


  1 Students‟ Grammatical Competence (X

  Writing Interest (X

  2 ), and Writing Skill (Y) ................................. 109

  Appendix 24 The Main Data of X

  1 , X 2 , and Y ................................................... 110

  Appendix 25 The Data Description of Grammatical Competence Result (The Mean, Mode, Median and Standard Deviation) ............................ 111

  Appendix 26 The Data Description of Writing Interest Result (The Mean, Mode, Median and Standard Deviation) .................................................. 113

  Appendix 27 The Data Description of Writing Skill Result (The Mean, Mode, Median and Standard Deviation) .................................................. 115

  Appendix 28 The Computation of Normality Test of Grammatical Competence (X

  1 ) ................................................................................................ 117

  Appendix 29 The Computation of Normality Test of Writing Interest (X ) ...... 119

  2 Appendix 30 The Computation of Normality Test of Writing Skill (Y) ............ 121

  Appendix 31 The Main Data of YX

  1 .................................................................. 123

  Appendix 32 The Computation of Significance and Linearity of Regression of Writing Skill (Y) and Grammatical Competence (X

  1 ) .................. 124

  Appendix 33 The Main Data of YX

  2 .................................................................. 127

  Appendix 34 The Computation of Significance and Linearity of Regression of Writing Skill (Y) and Writing Interest (X

  2 ) .................................. 128

  Appendix 35 The Computation of Multiple Regression ..................................... 131 Appendix 36 The Computation of Correlation Coefficient between Grammatical

  Competence (X ) and Writing Skill (Y)........................................ 133

  1 Appendix 37 The Computation of Correlation Coefficient between Writing

  Interest (X

  2 ) and Writing Skill (Y) ............................................... 135

  Appendix 38 The Computation of Multiple Correlation .................................... 137 Appendix 39 The r-Table .................................................................................... 138 Appendix 40 The Standard Normal Distribution Table ...................................... 139 Appendix 41 The Liliefors (L) Table.................................................................. 140 Appendix 42 The F-distribution Table ............................................................... 141 Appendix 43 The t-distribution Table................................................................. 142 Appendix 44 The Letter of Permission ............................................................... 143

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