View of Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana's Thingking, Today and in the Future. Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana as a Literary Writer 124 1 10 20171017


+ l{csc11si l111ln

Nosa Nur 111t111da

.J11nw/' .\'ustral1'1. \ntan I• iks1 dun Fuktn, \ntara Senim
d1111 Wnrtawan
9. Ilcrlin Putri
Mendengungkan Suara Yang Terbungkam

+ Jndeks

Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana's Thinking, Today
and in the Future.
Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana as a Literary Writer.
E. Ulrich Kratz

SOAS, London

Until today, the discussion over Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana's works has still been
controversial. On one hand, he was considered pro-West and anti-East, while on
the other he was respected as a visionay and a man of principle whose contribu­
tions to 20' century Indonesian intellectual and political life have been essential.
Aside from these contradicting views, a thorough study on his lifelong works
1s still rare, and people based their views more on hearsay rather than on their
own reading of his writings
lhis paper, I hope, will mark an important point in the Indonesian and intenation11 nppreciation and recognition ofSutan Takdir Alisjahbana's work. Particularly,
I wish to encourage people to actually read his work, rather than to perpetuate
, w'll-established tradition of passing on unsubstantiated views, seemingly as
ill' 1cs11lt of an immediate, intellectual confrontation with the author's work, but
r,hv1ously based on secondary reading.
l,q words: controversy, intellectual, thinking, Poedjangga Baroe.

.l �,111:1c has been no end to the discussion over Sutan Takdir Alisjah­

- hmm 's work ever since he began publishing in the early 1930s and,
If 1 1111

lollows what has been written and said about him in the course
r,' 111m 111 Indonesia alone, there has been no limit to the positive and
It ,1 t Vl l'lllotions aroused by him and his work. It would appear that his
\. "' � p1 uvokcs strong views, which continue to be aired - whenever
It Ii. d 1.,i>n Prof. S. Takdir Alisjahbana. Indonesia Circle, (53) , 3-11.
I )ltlOO ,\'11111her terpilih sejarah sastra Indonesia Abad X.Jakarta:
hq,111t.1k111111 Populer Gramedia. xxxix, 980 pp.
l11clit111 (1·d ) I 979. Pelangi, 70 tahun Sutan TakdirAlisjahbana.Jakarta:
�111h:111I li.urtu.



Mihardj a,Achdiat K.(editor.) I 954. Polemik kebudayaan. Djakarta: Perpustakaan
Perguruan Kenenterian P.P. dan K. 3rd. edition. [First edition 1948.J
Mohamad, Goenawan. 1982. Menghadapi pemikiran TakdirAlisjahbana. Hori­
son, 17(7), 179-79.
--. 1983. Dealing with TakdirAlisjahbana's thinking. Prisma, 29, 24-30.

Nadjib, EmhaAinun.1984. Dari Takdir dan Gunawan sampai sastra yang Indo­
nesia. (In Nadjib, EnhaAinun. Sastrayang membebaskan. Yogyakarta:
Pusat Latihan, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Masyarakat, 39-47. ) [First
edition 1982.]
Sastrowardoyo, Subagio. 1986. Sikap budaya Takdir dalam Polemik Kebudayaan
serta pengaruhnya. Horison, 2I (7), 12-19.
Udin, S.( ed.)1978. Spectrum, ssays presented to Su tan Takdir Alisjahbana on
his seventieth birthday.Jakrta: Dian Rakyat.

'Novel of Ideas":
A Textual Analysis of Mohd. Afandi Hassan 's
Pujangga Melayu Based on Persuratan Baru
Mohd. Zariat Abdul Rani
Universiti Putra Malysia


lhe function of literary works, speciically that of fictional narratives, has been
,, �ource of debate in Westen and Eastern civilisations throughout the ages. The

Malay literary tradition is no exception; V.I. Braginsky states that since the 16th
111d 17th centuries, Malays have been aware of the functional value of literature,
which among other functions serves to teach, and to enlighten mankind with
� 1111wledge. It is important to note that the same issue is still a matter of debate
111 rnntemporary Malay Iiterature. Chief amongst those who regularly foreground
iht issue is Mohd. Affandi Hassan (heraier Hassan) , a contemporary Malay
1l1c1 uy critic and creative writer. As a literary critic, Ilassan generated the no­
t i1111 ol 'Pcrsuratan Baru', a notion that amongst other principles urges authors
ff,lulay literary works to prioritise the transmittance of knowledge. Naturally,
tlt1I invites scrutiny, especially given the context of Hassan being a creative
, itc, himself; with such a standing (as a literary critic and creative writer) the
j!IC�t11111 lhal immediately springs to mind is whether Hassan heeds his own call.
lu llii li�:hl, this article will analyse one of Hassan's works based on his own
II� ti1,ll framework - Persuratan Baru - in an efort to determine whether the
llilt 11l'l1on of said work truly takes into account his own identiication of the
111�111111 11f literary works, that is as a medium of knowledge. llassan's novel
tllJ:•' Afelayu (1997) will be the study material, with the employment of
1111l'lil:1tl framework of Persuratan Baru. By using Persuratan Baru which
IIH\lli\h'S between 'knowledge' (ilmu) and 'narrative' (cerita) as an analyti1 ltn11u ,,,1,r k, my findings answer the question brought up earlier that Hassan