The Marketing Strategies of PT.Mekar Cargo Semarang - UDiNus Repository



Reasonfor Choosingthe .l'itle
Nowadays businesscompetition is becoming harder

and harder because

of- the growing nttnlberof companies,big arrd
srnall.Cornpetitio' is obstacle
factor ttat must be done by companieswhich
is moved i' the salne field..
Since national economy crisis in lggT, rnany changes
have happenedi' t6is
country' Many companieswould go bankrupt,
so the other companieshave an
opportunity to exchangethe cornpanieswhich would
go banknrpt..
one of the activitiesdone by the company and

also the irnportantrole of
it is rnarketing,suclt in PT Mekar Cargo
Sernarang. Marketing is tlre first
face of company. Marketing is one aspectin
businesswhich has to be handled
A ccltnpanylnttst ltave a tnarketing strategy if
it .wa-ntsto succeedin its
market' The refonn of marketing strategyin the
conrpanyis expectedto joi'
the cornpetition. Usually, the companies with good
marketing strategy can
win the competition. on the other hand. the companies
with bacl marketing
strategywill go banknrpt.Gito Suclanno(1ggg.
135 - 13g) clairn tltat,, t0
win a contpelition the company rnul-lhave goocl

rtn ntorkeling,,.

The sllccess or failure of marketing strategy
rvould influence t5e
colnpiuly' That is why all of companiesmust be
able to create a competitio'
strategyto compete with other companies.

Basedon this fact, the r,vn'terchosethe title "The Marketing Strategiesof
P'f. Mekar Cargo SelnarAng".

1.2 Statement of the Problem
Tlre statemeltt of the problern mentioned in this paper is Wrat are t1e
Marketing Strategiesof PT. N4ekarCargo Sernarang?

1.3 Objecfiveof the Stucly
The objectiveof tlris studyis to describethe MarketingStrategies
of pT..

1.4 Significanceof the Stucly

The significanceof the study are as follorvs :
l. l:'rtrtlrc Writcr
1-clget new cxpedenceand knowledge fi'orn lvlarketing Strategiesof
Pl'. Iv{ekarCargo Semarang.

2. For the Acadernic
To fincl out how the studentsdeepll' understancl
the Marketinq
3. Iror the Conrpany
To receiveindirect benefitsfrom the stuch,.



1.5 Implementationof the Study
The study was conducted for two weeks (From February 17 to
MarcM, 2003).The activitiesthatthe writer did duringthe sftrdyare:

On Februarvl7 th.2003

to get acquainted with the onployee of pT. Mekar

OnFebruary18th, 2003
OnFebnrary19th, 2003

to collect shippingline documents

20 th, 2003

to inputthe datacustomer's

On February21 th, 2003

to visit the port with the GeneralManagerand other

staff to know shippingline system

Ot,lfU*ary 22 th,2003
24 th, 2003


to input the datacustomer's

25 th, 2003

to interviewing with GeneralManager

26th, 2003

to visit the port

27 th, 2003

to prepareshippingline documents

On Febnrary28 th,2003

to translatethe corespondence
into english

the leftersto the the customer

On Marclt2,2003

1.6 Method of Data collection
To rvrite this paperthe writer usedseveraldata,while the rnetliodsusedin
collectingthe datawe asfollows:
l. Observation
According to Kartini Kartono (1990:157)observationis'o sfudi yang
disengajadan sistematistentangfenomenasosial dan gejala-gejata alam


denganjalan pengamatan"(The systematicstudy aboutsocialand natural
by observation).
By usingthis methodthe writer observeddirectly the marketingactivities
of PT. MekarCaleo Semarang.
2. Interview
According to

Sutrisno Hadi ( 1987:193)

Inrerview is ,.Metode

pengumpulandata denganjalan tanya jawab sepihak yang dikerjakan
dan berdasarkan
of data collection by interviewingsystematicallyand based on the

objectiveof theresearch).
By usingthis methodthe writer interviewedthe MarketingManagerof pT.
3. Library research
According to Moh Nasir (r9g3:3) Library researchis..Metode
pengurnpulandata dengan rnenggiutakant'uku-buku literatur yang
berhubungandenganpenelitian"(the rnethodof data collectionby using
book relatedto the research).
ln this case,the wdterreadthebook relatedto theproblerns.

1.7 PaperOrganizafion
chapter I. INTRODUCTION.This chapterconsistsof Reasonfor
Choosingthe fitle, Statementof the Problem,Objectiyeof tlre Stu