Overcoming Difficulties in Giving Information To Foreign Guests As a Concierge Trainee At Hilton Hotel Bandung.


Tugas akhir ini berisi analisis permasalahan yang dihadapi ketika saya
melaksanakan kerja praktek sebagai Concierge di Hotel Hilton Bandung.
Kerja praktek dimulai dari bulan Juni hingga bulan September 2012.
Selama melaksanakan kerja praktek, saya menemukan kesulitan dalam
memberikan informasi kepada tamu-tamu asing dengan menggunakan
Bahasa Inggris..
Faktor yang menjadi penyebab dari permasalahan yang saya alami
adalah saya kurang cakap dalam berkomunikasi langsung menggunakan
bahasa Inggris. Faktor yang lainnya adalah tidak adanya pelatihan
percakapan Bahasa Inggris yang diperuntukan bagi peserta kerja pratek di
hotel. Saya pun kurang menguasai informasi tentang kota Bandung dan
Hotel Hilton, sehingga saya gugup dan takut memberikan informasi yang
salah kepada tamu asing. Hal-hal tersebut mengakibatkan saya
mendapatkan kesulitan untuk mengerti apa permintaan-permintaan tamu
Saya memaparkan tiga solusi yang dapat digunakan untuk menangani
kesulitan saya dalam memberikan informasi kepada tamu-tamu asing
beserta dampak positif dan negatif dari masing-masing solusi tersebut.
Solusi yang pertama adalah menggunakan bahasa tubuh jika diperlukan

ketika menyampaikan informasi kepada tamu asing. Solusi yang kedua
yaitu mengikuti kursus percakapan Bahasa Inggris dengan penutur asli.
Solusi yang ketiga adalah mempelajari buku informasi tentang produk dan
fasilitas hotel beserta informasi tentang Bandung secara intensif. Setelah
analisis dilakukan, saya mendapatkan solusi gabungan yang paling tepat
untuk menghadapi kesulitan tersebut. Solusi tersebut adalah saya akan
mengikuti kursus Bahasa Inggris dengan penutur asli dan saya akan
mempelajari buku informasi yang berisi semua informasi tentang hotel dan
daerah sekitarnya.

Maranatha Christian University


ABSTRACT ............................................................................................ .... i
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ......................................................... .... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................... .... iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................... .... v
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................... .... 1


Background of the Study
Identification of the Problem
Objectives and Benefits of the Study
Description of the Institution
Method of the Study
Limitation of the Study
G. Organization of the Term Paper
CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS ...................................................... .... 9
CHAPTER III. POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS ............................................... .... 13
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION ................................................................. .... 19


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A. Flowchart
B. The Interview Questions
C. The Transcription of Interview
D. TBI Pricelist

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Cause 1: I was not fluent
in speaking English.
Cause 2: The hotel did not
provide English training
for hotel trainees.
Cause 3: I have limited
knowledge about hotel and
its surrounding.

I had difficulties in giving
information to foreign guests
when I was a concierge
trainee at Hilton Hotel

Potential Positive

Effects: :
1. The message for
foreign hotel
guests will be

Potential Negative
I will use body language if

2. The foreign guests
will think that I am
professional and
will appreciate me.
Potential Positive
1. I will feel more
confident in

speaking with
foreign guests.
2. It will broaden my
foreign culture

Potential Positive
1. The foreign guests
will think that I am
a well-trained
2. I will give prompt

Effect 1: The services I
give will not satisfy foreign
guests expectaton.
Effect 2: I became
nervous in dealing with

foreign guests.
Efffect 3: The foreign
guest could not
understand the information
that I gave to them.

1. The foreign guests
might not
understand it.
2. A cultural
might occur.

Potential Negative
I will take an English
conversation course with a
native speakers of English as
my teacher.

I will intensively study the
information book about
Bandung and hotel product

The combination betwwen
potential solution II and
potential solution III.


I will spend a lot
of money.
2. I will become
overloaded if
taking a course
while still going to


Potential Negative
1. It will consume a
lot of time.
2. Information that I
collect is only
restricted to the
information book.



1. How long you have been working as a concierge at Hilton Hotel
2. In your opinion, are job of the concierge hard to do?
3. Do you have any dificulties in communicating with foreign guests?
4. If yes, do you have any tips in handling that kind of situation?

5. Do you have any difficulties in giving information to foreign guests?


Name of Interviewer

: Amelia Kurniawan

Name of respondent

: Gema Guna Buana

Day & date of interview

: Sunday, 30 September 2012

Place of interview

: Kantin Saparakanca, Hilton Hotel Bandung

Amel : Halo,ka Gema. Makasih yah uda bersedia di interview, bantuin
tugas akhir saya.
Gema : Iya sama-sama Amel. Sok hayu atu dimulai, Gema cuma bisa
setengah jam disini, harus cepet balik lagi ke depan, takut ga ada
Amel :Okeh, langsung aja yah. Ka Gema udah berapa lama kerja
sebagai concierge di Hilton?
Gema : Hmm.. Gema disini uda 2 tahun lebih, kira-kira itu masuk sekitar
bulan July tahun 2010.

Amel : Oh, lama juga yah ka Gema. Terus menurut ka Gema sendiri,
pekerjaan concierge itu berat ga?
Gema : Sebenarnya pekerjaannya itu ga berat, Cuma tanggung jawab
kita bawa itu menurut ka Gema cukup besar yah. Hilton kan uda,
ada di seluruh dunia terus termasuk hotel internasional bintang 5
sebagai staff nya kan berarti kita harus kasih servis hotel yang
sepadan. Terus concierge itu sebagai first impressionnya tamu
yang dateng kesini, mau kita lagi bad-mood, berantem sama
pacar, lagi sedih,sebisa mungkin harus tersenyum dan kasih
pelayanan yang terbaik.
Amel : Terus ka Gema sendiri ngerasa kesulitan ngga kalo harus
ngehadepin tamu asing?
Gema : Ngehadepin gimana maksudnya?
Amel : Kaya berkomunikasi sama mereka gitu. Kan pasti harus pake
bahasa Inggris.
Gema : Oh, dulu awal-awal kerja sih iya, tapi sekarang uda mulai terbiasa.
Amel : Nah itu,ka. Kemarin waktu aku magang disini, aku paling takut
kalau harus komunikasi sama bule. Ka Gema punya tips apa ngga
buat ngadepin situasi kaya gitu?
Gema : Hmm.. Asal kita berani sebenernya, pasti bisa. Bule itu ga terlalu
mentingin grammar, yang penting kita ngomong, dia bisa ngerti.
Gema waktu pertama kali masuk sini, Inggrisnya kacau balau,
parah lah. Tapi Gema niat gitu buat belajar, buat berani, jadi kalau
ngeliat bule dateng Gema berusaha ga takut, malah Gema
datengin, diajak ngobrol, pede aja, padahal Inggris Gema kacau
Amel : Hahaha. Pertanyaan selanjutnya yah ka Gema. Kan tugas
conciege itu berkaitan sama penyediaan informasi seputar

Bandung, restorannya, tempat rekreasinya, jadwal kereta api. Ka
Gema pernah merasa ngga kesulitan dalam memberikan
informasi tersebut? Terutama ke tamu asing.
Gema : Iya. Soalnya kan informasi itu update terus yah, kadang malah
tamu hotel yang lebih tau daripada Gema, kaya restoran baru di
Bandung. Tapi ya sebisa mungkin kita harus bantu mereka. Kalau
Gema ga tau tentang informasi yang tamu tanya biasanya Gema
langsung tanya sama staff lain, ke concierge lain, ke operator
Magic atau langsung ke tempat yang bersangkutan juga bisa.
Amel : Bukannya lebih baik langsung cari dari buku informasi yang ada di
hotel yah?
Gema : Dulu ka Gema malah pernah salah kasih informasi ke tamu asing
gara-gara ngikutin buku. Dia mau reservasi restoran sendiri lewat
telpon, dia tanya nomor telponnya ke Gema, Gema kasih. Taunya
nomor telpon restoran itu uda ganti. Dia balik lagi nyariin ka Gema
katanya no telponnya salah, untung dia nya ga marah. Jadi buku
informasi kadang ga lengkap,Mel, ga terlalu update. Baca buku
informasi menurut ka Gema sih kurang efektif, butuh waktu lama.
Mending langsung tanya sama staff lain.
Amel : Oh, ngerti-ngerti. Untung yah bule nya ga marah, hahaha.Makasih
yah ka Gema uda bagi pengalaman.
Gema : Sama-sama, Amel. Uda beres ini?ga ada pertanyaan lagi?
Amel : Hahaha, ga ada ka Gema, udah cukup. Terima kasih yah.
Gema : Kembali kasih.


A. Background of the Study
Nowadays, transportation is becoming more advanced. People can
travel abroad anytime either on holiday or business. A relationship
between one person to another from different countries can be easily built.
That situation not only provides huge benefits for transportation
companies but also for hospitality companies.
Staff in every hospitality companies must be ready because people
from different countries with different characteristics and languages can be
brought together in a hotel. Naturally, each of them expects to have a
comfortable place to stay with excellent services. Therefore, it is a big
challenge for hotel staff to satisfy their needs. In other words, a good hotel
staff must be able to master the hospitality skills in order to provide
excellent services to hotel guests. In the real world, not all of hotel staff
have really mastered all the hospitality skills especially a new

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hotel staff and a trainee. Many of them still have problems in performing their
duties as hotel staff.
A vital part of all hotel staff is a front liner staff or usually called as a Front
Officer. Front Office staff are usually divided into 4 categories, they are: Front
Desk or Receptionist, Guest Relation Officer, Concierge, and Operator.
According to article entitled “Front Office”, it states front office is the first
impression of the guest and face of every aspects of the business in the hotel
(par 1). Therefore, Front Office staff plays a deciding role in hotel progress.
I encountered one problem relating to giving clear and correct information
to foreign guests especially Indian, Arabian and Australian guests when I did
my internship as a concierge trainee in Hilton Hotel Bandung. For example,
on my second day as a concierge, an Indian gentleman came to me to ask
about the nearest maternity hospital for his wife. I could not give a correct
information that he needed because I did not know where the nearest
maternity hospital was (July 11, 2012). It is obvious that a good concierge
staff should have a good mastery of all information relating to the hotel and its
surroundings. Therefore, this paper will be very useful because it will not only
expose some difficulties that concierge trainees usually have in giving
information to foreign guests but discuss how to overcome those difficulties.

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B. Identification of the Problem
In this term paper, the problem will be analyzed to find out the answer of
the following questions:
1. Why did I have difficulties in giving information to foreign guests as a
concierge trainee at Hilton Hotel Bandung?
2. How did my difficulty influence my job as concierge traine at Hilton
Hotel Bandung?
3. How should I overcome those difficulties?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
The aim of this study is to analyze why I have difficulties in giving
information directly to foreign guests when I became a concierge trainee at
Hilton Hotel Bandung. This study also will analyze the effective ways to
overcome those difficulties.
The benefit of this term paper is to help the present writer find out the best
solution for the problem. For the readers, it is expected to increase their
knowledge about the effective ways in communicating and giving information
to foreign guests, especially for those who do not have any working
experience. This term paper is also useful to help the insitution to find out the

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problems that their staff encounter while handling foreign guests; therefore,
they can try to find out the best solution to help their staff.

D. Description of the Institution
Based on the article entitled “The History of Conrad Hilton Corporation”,
the founder of Hilton Hotel’s network in the world is Conrad Nicholson Hilton.
Hilton Hotel Bandung began to operate in 2009 and it is the only Hilton Hotel
in Indonesia. Hilton Hotel is an international hotel with 5 star amenities,
located in downtown Bandung, and is one of the best hotels in Bandung.
Hilton Hotel is strategically located close to the Pasteur toll gate, Bandung
airport and the railway station. Many tourists and businessmen stay at Hilton
Hotel. The design of the hotel itself is not only very luxurious but also
minimalist so as to leave an impression that it is a comfortable home.
Hilton Hotel Bandung has 186 rooms which are divided into 5 types;
deluxe, executive, executive plus, junior suite, and presidential suite. Deluxe
type has 118 rooms, executive type 45 rooms, executive plus type 19 rooms,
junior suite type 3 rooms, presidential suite type 1 room. In addition, there are
smoking room and non-smoking room types in Hilton Hotel Bandung.
Smoking room types for deluxe are located on levels 5 and 6, while the
smoking room types for executive are located on level 12.

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Hilton Hotel also offers complete facilities, from a Magma lounge, a Jiwa
spa, swimming pools, a gym, a kid’s corner, to Purnawarman International
Restaurant and Fresco Italian Restaurant. A Magma lounge and
Purnawarman International Restaurant are located on the lobby area while a
Jiwa spa, swimming pools, a gym, a kid’s corner and Fresco Italian restaurant
are located on level 6. Those facilities are not only for in house guests but
also outsiders or public. Purnawarman International Restaurant opens a
buffet every night from 6 pm untill 10 pm and Jiwa spa provides many health
and massage spas for outsiders and in house guests.
Hilton Hotel worldwide has a brand standard in serving their guests, in
welcoming guests, and also in handling guest’s complaints directly or by
phone. They also have a brand promise, vision, mission and Hilton’s value.
Brand Promise
To ensure every guest feel cared for, valued, and respected
Vision and Mission

: To fill the earth with light and warm of hospitality


: To be the preeminent of global hospitality company, to be
the first choice of guest, team members and owner alike

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‘H’ for ‘Hospitality’

: We will be passionate in delivering an exceptional
guest experience

‘I’ for ‘Integrity’

: We do the right thing all the time

‘L’ for ‘Leadership’ : We are the leader in our industry and community
‘T’ for ‘Teamwork’

: We are the team-player in everything that we do

‘O’ for ‘Ownership’ : We are the owner of our action and decision
‘N’ for ‘Now’

: We operate with the sense of urgency and

E. Method of the Study
Related data collection is obtained from my self observation in a job
training that I had been through for 60 days from June 18th until September
16th, 2012 in Hilton Hotel Bandung. There are also several data obtained
from the brochure of Hilton Hotel Bandung, Internet site and also an interview
with a concierge staff, Gema Guna Buana, at Hilton Hotel Bandung. The
interview transcript will be attached in the appendices .

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F. Limitation of the Study
In this term paper, the study will focus on the difficulties in giving
information about the hotel and its surrounding areas to foreign guests. The
subject of research is I as a trainee at concierge in Hilton Hotel Bandung. My
internship period started from June 18th until September 16th, 2012. My
working hour were divided into 2 shifts: morning shift ( 7am – 4pm ) and
evening shift ( 2pm – 11pm ). The analysis would be concerning things that
can bring a problem to a concierge trainee. Moreover, the analysis would also
discuss how a concierge trainee can overcome the problems.

G. Organization of the Term Paper
This term paper begins with Abstract that contains a summary of this term
paper. Then it is followed by Acknowledgements, which contains my
gratitudes to those who have helped me in the completion of this term-paper.
After Acknowledgements, there are Table of Contents followed by four
chapters. Chapter I is an introduction to the analysis, which consists of
Background of the Study, Identification of the Problem, Objectives and
Benefits of the Study, DescrIption of the Institution, Method of the Study,
Limitation of the Study, and Organization of the Term Paper. Chapter II
contains the analysis of the problem, the cause and effects of the problem.
Chapter III contains the analysis of potential solutions, potential positive
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effects and potential negative effects based on a relevant theory. Chapter IV
contains a conclusion and the best solution for the problem. Those four
chapters are followed by Bibliography, which consists of a list of books,
articles, and an interview used as sources in the preparation of writing this
term-paper. The last part is Appendices, which contains background
information or relevant materials such as flowchart, interview questions and
an interview transcript.

Maranatha Christian University


Being a concierge trainee at Hilton Hotel Bandung is not as easy as I
thought, especially when I have to speak English with foreign guests. In
dealing with foreign guests, I have difficuties in giving a correct and clear
information to them. On account of the analysis in the previous chapter, I
have found three causes and effects of my difficulties in giving information
to foreign guests. Those causes are: I was not fluent in speaking English,
the hotel did not provide English training for hotel trainees and I had
limited knowledge about hotel and its surroundings. Furthermore, those
causes will bring up some effects such as: the services I gave did not
satisfy foreign guests’ expectation, I became nervous in dealing with
foreign guests, and the foreign guests could not understand the
information that I gave to them. From my analysis, I have found three
potential solutions that might be useful to solve the problem. The first
potential solution is I will use body language when explaining something
to foreign guests if necesary. Second, I will take an English conversation
course with a native speaker of English as my teacher. Last,I will study the
information book about Bandung and hotel product knowledge intensively.
Maranatha Christian University

From all the potential solutions above, the solution that I think might be
the best to solve the problem is the combination of the second potential
solution and the third potential solution, namely taking an English
conversation course with a native speaker of English and study the
information book about Bandung and hotel product knowledge. By doing
these, I will be capable of giving a clear and correct information to foreign
The reason why I choose those two potential solutions is because
taking an English conversation course with a native speaker of English
has a lot of benefits. As written in the previous chapter, when I speak with
my English teacher, I can imagine that I am speaking with a foreign guest.
Moreover, I will feel more confident when having a conversation with
foreign guests in real situations. Besides, by interacting with native
speakers, I could learn more about foreign cultures that might be useful for
me to build a good realtionship with foreign guests in Hilton Hotel
Bandung. I also choose the third potential solution because based on my
research, frontline hospitality staff must have a strong knowledge of their
‘product’ in order to deliver pro-active hospitality. Moreover, I could provide
all guests with a prompt response. As a result, the guests will appreciate
me as a profesional staff. The reason why I do not choose the first
potential solution is because it is problematic and culture-bound. It might
either cause the guests not to understand the message or they might
misunderstand it.

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Finally, I have some suggestions to other students going to work as
hospitality trainees, especially for those who will work as a concierge or a
front office trainee. In my opinion, It is better to practice their English
speaking skill before they start working as concierge trainees because
there will be a lot of foreign guests that come and stay at the hotel.
Furthermore, they must study seriously about the hotel product knowledge
and the hotel surroundings because it will be very useful. Based on my
experience, at the first day of my training I did not consider seriously about
the importance of knowing the hotel product knowledge. As a result, I
began to have a lot of problems relating to giving information to the
guests. By applying all the suggestions given, a concierge trainee can
avoid problems in giving information to foreign guests.

Maranatha Christian University


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Maranatha Christian University

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Kennedy, Doug. “ Pro-Active Hospitality Requires Knowing Your Product “.
4Hoteliers. 9 July 2010. 1 October 2012.
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Maranatha Christian University