








itted to Partial Fulfillment of the Requireme for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Reg. Number: 209220043


















itted to Partial Fulfillment of the Requireme for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Reg. Number: 209220043














Pasaribu, Rosni. 209220043. Lexical Metaphor In Bon Jovi’s Slected Song Lyrics. A Thesis. Medan. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan. UNIMED. 2013.

This thesis deals with Lexical Metaphor as found in the Selected Song of Bon Jovi. It was conducted to discover the types of Lexical of Metaphor as proposed by Saragih (2006:162) namely Lexical metaphor that is formed by comparing Noun with Noun, Lexical metaphor that is formed by comparing Noun with verb, Lexical metaphor that is formed by comparing Noun with Adjective, Lexical metaphor that is comparing two ideology or concept, Lexical metaphor that used as symbol of sound. In this researh the writer find out three type of lexical of metaphor that applied in the Bon Jovi’s songs. The research is conducted by using descriptive qualitative approach. The subject of the study is all entire contetnt of the selected on Jovi’s songs.

The findings indicate that lexical metaphor found in the song include, Verbal/Verbal-Nominal (61%), Nominal (16%), Nominal-Adjective (13%). Lexical metaphor that is formed by comparing Noun with Verb was the most dominat type in Lexical metaphor used in Bon Jovi’s Selected song. It is dominantly used when he describes the meaning and represent his feelings

Keywords: Lexical Metaphor, Bon Jovi’s Selected Song




A great thank to Heavenly Father Jesus Christ for blessing and protection that the writer has been granted so she can finally complete this thesis as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra. The writer is aware that only by God’s help; she can finish her study and find some solutions for many difficulties and troubles during the completion of this thesis.

In completing this thesis, the writer has received a lot of assistance and academic support from some people. Therefore, the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude, love and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., as the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts for her leadership and administrative assistance during the process of writing this thesis.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., as the Head of English Department, Rika S.Pd., M.Hum., as Secretary of English Department, Dra. Meisuri, M.A., as the Head of English Literature Department and Dra. Masitowarni, M.Ed., as the Head of English Education Department.

Dr. Siti Aisah Ginting, M.Pd., her thesis adviser, for the advice, guidance, constructive comment, valuable knowledge, and precious time she spent in correcting and supervising the draft of writing during the completion of this thesis. And all beloved lecturers in English and Literature Department who advised and guided the writer during academic years.

Prof. Lince Sihombing as the academic adviser and reviewers, M.Pd., Drs. Elia Masa Gintings, M.Hum., Dra. Masitowarni, M.Ed., for the valuable advice and suggestion as the reviewers at Seminar Proposal and Sidang Meja Hijau.



• Her beloved parents; her father, Sihar Sitohang and her mother, Risma Sitohang for the pray, love, moral support, and financial support. And also thanks for the love and support from her dearest brothers Liber Pasaribu

and Jekson Pasaribu; dearest sister, Sorta.

• Her friends, a special partnership of all this hard and leisure times, Devi mulyanti, Lusi Rengsiana Hutagalung, Ingrid Gibreta, Suci, Delima Sari Simamora and her beloved Applied Linguistics A and B Reg’09, Abadi 109B that could not be mentioned one by one. Thanks for their support, info, encouragement, and beautiful day spent together.

Maam Endah and Maam Euis, for helping the writer in preparing the files for the purposes of this thesis.

Without their deep and sympathetic understanding, this thesis could not complete. Over all, the writer hopes this thesis can give a bit contribution to the Applied Linguistics. Therefore, comments, critics, suggestions, and advices are expected from the readers.

Medan, September 2013 The writer











A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. The Problem of the Study ... 5

C. The Objectives of the Study. ... 5

D. The Scopes of the Study ... 5

E. The significance of the Study ... 6


A. Metaphor ... 8

1. Lexical Metaphor ... 9

a. Lexical Metaphor Nominal-nominal ... 10

b. Lexical Metaphor Nominal-verbal/verbal-nominal ... 11

c. Lexical Metaphor Nominal-Adjective ... 11

d. Lexical Metaphor with social-ideology concept ... 12

e. Used as a sign of sound ... 13

2. Grammatical Metaphor ... 13

3. Context ... 14

4. Song ... 15

5. Biography of Bon Jovi ... 19


A. Research Design ... 21

B. The Source of Data ... 21

C. Technique of Collecting Data ... 22

D. Technique for Analyzing Data ... 22


A. The Data ... 24

B. Data Analysis ... 32




A. Conclusions ... 40

B. Suggestions ... 41






1.1 Example of Metaphor ... 2

1.2 Example of Metaphor ... 3

2.1 Example of Metaphorical Concept... 10

2.2 Example of Metaphorical Concept... 10

2.3 Example of Metaphorical Concept... 11

2.4 Example of Metaphorical Concept... 11

2.5 Example of Metaphorical Concept... 11

2.6 Example of Metaphorical Concept... 12

2.7 Example of Metaphorical Concept... 12

4.1 Lexical Metaphor in Bon Jovi’s song ... 24

4.2Lexical Metaphor Noun-Noun in Bon Jovi’s song ... 32

4.3Lexical Metaphor Noun-Verb in Bon Jovi’s song ... 33

4.4 Lexical Metaphor Noun-Adjective in Bon Jovi’s song ... 36

4.5 Identification the percentage of Lexical metaphor... 37







APPENDIX 1 ... 43







A. The Background of The Study

Human is unable to communicate with each other without language. Language is inseparable part of human life to express thoughts, feelings, desires and intention both in spoken and written way. People use language to communicate between and among them. Spoken is the process of expressing ideas and feelings or giving information orally. Spoken language can help people to express their feelings, intentions and emotions directly. Written is done in writing activity, available in short story, article, poem, song lyrics, and etc. Written language can help people send their message by using a sequence of letters or the others to express their feelings.

Language can be combine with art in order to find various kind of communication or to entertain people with messages contain in it. There are many ways do communication which is used to deliver message from the creator to the people, for example: poem, poetry, paint, movie, and song. Song is the most universal one. Every song has lyrics which contains with meaning and message. The lyric of the song shows the feeling or experience of the writer. The lyric has its own meaning related to the writer and also to affect the hearer’s feeling because it is usually based on personal experience and most of the songs are not just using the literal meaning but also use some figures of speech, one of which metaphor.



Metaphors have been used to make knowledge of semantic rules with other meanings and effects. They are more than just semantic meanings. Then metaphors are taken to be the most fundamental form of figurative language, carrying the assumption that terms literally connected with one object that can be transferred to another object. It can be said that metaphor is considered the most basic where one object is used to describe or represent another object and both the objects are essentially disparate entities, but common in one or more attributes. Generally people like to listen to the music, especially songs. Song is as universal as language is. People can express their feelings, their thought, and their experience by using a song, either by writing song or singing song. Sometimes people do not know what the meaning of the song is because they just enjoy the rhythm. That is why it is significant to explain about language which its essence is to give information. A singer always tries to deliver the ideas of his or her songs to the listener. One of the legends of music Bon Jovi was not just writes songs about romance in their life but they also wrote songs about struggle of love story of people to gain their true love. The song writer expreses their feelings through song by using lexical metaphor as follow in this examples:

1. Looking at the pages of my life. Which pages extended life. Life as a book

Table 1.1 Example of metaphor

Source Target

It can be reading It can be writing Can opened and closed



2. Baby blind love is true. Love as a human.

Table 1.2. Example of metaphor Source Target

Feeling that can make human happy and sad

Strong feeling of deep affection for something

Strong feeling of afecction and sexual atraction for something

Unable to see

It can caused by accident

From the example above it can be seen that “Bon Jovi’s songs” are songs that apply lexical metaphors for some purposes has encouraged the writer to see the characteristics of each type of lexical metaphors that is applied in the songs. Then, through the description of a number of lexical metaphors in the songs, it is drawn which kind of lexical metaphor.

The very frequent tendency to use metaphors in the song also forces the study to see the line between metaphors and the songs, besides conveying the sequence of experiences through relation of words in the text of the songs and expressing feelings or ideas within the songs, metaphors must have particular function in the songs.

(Goatly, 1997:149) states that the purpose of metaphor is to give the color and vigor in the sentence where it force readers open their mind to find the poet’s needs by their interptetation. Metaphor is one way to make abstract concrete philosopher and psychologist frequently employ metaphor to help their



reader’s grasp difficult concept. It makes and clarifies something to be clear. Metaphor also can be used to beautify words in the song lyrics.

Burke (1945), states that Metaphor is a device for seeing something in terms of something else. Metaphor uses to find alternative expressions of a given meaning which only differ from each other in one lexeme. Simply, the function of a metaphor is to convey a 'new truth' to the reader/listener, helping the person receiving the information to be enlightened in a succinct manner. For example: distinctly, he throws his opinion in meeting. (Opnion as noun that is compared throw as verb). Usually the word “ throw” relates with stone or thing, so in this clause opinion is compared with stone, it’s not saying opinion of stone but throw of his opinion.

In this case, the study is focuses on lexical metaphor. The expression of the meaning is metaphorical in relation to a different way of expressing the same meaning which would be more congruent. Examples of lexical metaphor can be seen in the clause:

Indonesian economic development, now days crawl with a large number of burdens of increasing loans.

The realization of crawl and burdens in the text show lexical metaphor, since the congruent meaning of crawl (verb) is to walk on knees and palms of hands, as a baby learns to walk, whereas burden (noun) is a heavy load which should be brought on a person’s back. Thus, the clause expresses the meaning of a difficult situation faced by the Indonesian economic to grow faster because it has a big problem with loans.



Lexical metaphors are categorized in five kinds.

1. Lexical metaphor that is formed by comparing noun with noun. 2. Lexical metaphor that is formed by comparing noun with verb. 3. Lexical metaphor that is formed by comparing noun with adjective. 4. Lexical metaphor that is formed by comparing two concept or ideology. 5. Lexical metaphor that is formed by sound.

Therefore, the writer is interested in analyzing the Lexical Metaphors use in Bon Jovi’s song lyrics which are contains with beautiful and meaningful lyrics to give useful contributions for many people especially students of language to enrich knowledge about analyzing text in terms Lexical Metaphor.

B. The Problems of The Study

Based on the background of this study, the problem of the study will be formulated as follows:

1. What lexical metaphor are applied in Bon Jovi’s songs?

2. What is the dominant type of lexical metaphor applied in Bon Jovi’ songs?

3. In what context is the dominant Lexical Metaphor found?

C. The Objectives of The Study

The objectives of the study are:



2. to find out the dominant type of lexical metaphor applied in Bon Jovi’ songs

3. to elaborate the contextual occurrence of the use of dominant Lexical in Bon Jovi’ song.

D. The Scope of The Study

In linguistic studies there are two types of metaphor, namely: Lexical metaphor and grammatical metaphor. (Saragih, 2001: 190)

This study focuses on Lexical Metaphor especially in 5 types of Lexical Metaphor applied in Bon Jovi’s selected song namely: 1). Lexical Metaphor Nominal-Nominal. 2). Lexical Metaphor Nominal-Verbal/Verbal-Nominal. 3). Lexical Metaphor Nominal-adjective. 4). Lexical Metaphor with social-ideology concept. 5). Lexical Metaphor used as a sign of sound. To limit the data, every repetition on the lyric of ten songs will not be analyzed. The data is taken from browsing internet.

E. The Significance of The Study

This study is conducted to give advantages and contribution for the people in order to develp their knowledge about the Lexical Metaphor.

1. Theoritically

a. The significance for english teachers as to improve the ability to teach English.



b. Learners provide valuable information in enhancing students’ develop the knowledge of lexical metaphor.

2. Practically

The significance of this research in practice are:

a. The teacher can use the authentic material can be used in teaching of Lexical Metaphor to students in understanding song lyrics.

b. The learners can use the findings of this research to give a new point of view of interpreting Lexical Metaphor in studying listening and meaning in sentence that is commonly implicit.





A. Conclusions

There were 3 points of the result of the data. The descriptions were:

a. There were three types of metaphor in Bon Jovi’s selected songs. The percentage of each metaphor: Nominal-Verbal/Verbal-Nominal (61%), Nominal-Nominal (16%), Nominal-Adjective (13%).

b. The most dominant type of metaphor, which was found in Bon Jovi’s selected song is Nominal-Verbal/Verbal-Noun with the percentage is 60%.

c. The context of situation from Lexical Metaphor in Bon Jovi selected song is about love. He loves his girl so much and always wants to stay beside her. Extremely romantic way to express his feeling to his girl. And sometimes his girl ignored him, but he always try to be loyal forever. When he lived by her he can’t survive, because he loves her so much. Generally his song tells about his love to his girl. And it’s also happen in his real life he is love his wife so much. The author also good father for his child. His love for his family also affects the way he wrote songs.



B. Suggestions

There are (3) points of a suggestion of the writer as below:

1. It is suggested to the readers to listen and read Bon Jovi’s songs and seek for the meaning. The songs of Bon Jovi contain of romanticism. 2. It is also suggested to the students of language in studying of metaphor

to see that metaphor gives style and colour of language in communication between the authors and the readers.

3. The last is also suggested to the other writer to develop her ability more and more about metaphor in order to understand that metaphor is a special form of language, which has a different meaning its literal meaning.



Aisyah, Sity. 2008. Metafora Leksikal Dalam Novel Larung Karya Ayu Utami Suatu Kajian Linguistik Fungsional Sistematik. Medan:USU (unpublished) Burke, Kenneth. 1945. A Grammar of Motive. New York: Francis Fergussion Cook, G. 1989. Language Teaching. Oxford University Press

Goatly, A. 1997. The Language of Metaphor. New York: Rouledge

Jumrieni, 2008. Metaphor of Gender in Pranita Dewi’s Poems. Medan: UNIMED (unpublished)

Halliday, M.A. K. 1985. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Edward Arnold. Halliday, M.A.K. 1994. Introduction to Functional Grammar (SecondEdition). London:

Edward Arnold.

Martin, J. R. 1992. English Text: System and Structure. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Nazir.1988. Metode Penelitian. Jakarta: Ghalia

Saragih, Amrin. 2001. Bahasa dan Konteks Sosial: Pendekatan Linguistik Fungsional Sistemic. Medan: Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Medan. UNIMED

Rahmah. 2012. Functional Grammar. Medan: UNIMED (unpublished)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bon_Jovi// Accesed on November 3rd October 2012

http://www.lyricsfreak.com/b/bon+jovi/biography.html// Accesed on November 3rd October 2012

http://www.buzzle.com/articles/types-of songs.html// Accesed on November 14th October 2012


Lexical metaphors are categorized in five kinds.

1. Lexical metaphor that is formed by comparing noun with noun. 2. Lexical metaphor that is formed by comparing noun with verb. 3. Lexical metaphor that is formed by comparing noun with adjective. 4. Lexical metaphor that is formed by comparing two concept or ideology. 5. Lexical metaphor that is formed by sound.

Therefore, the writer is interested in analyzing the Lexical Metaphors use in Bon Jovi’s song lyrics which are contains with beautiful and meaningful lyrics to give useful contributions for many people especially students of language to enrich knowledge about analyzing text in terms Lexical Metaphor.

B. The Problems of The Study

Based on the background of this study, the problem of the study will be formulated as follows:

1. What lexical metaphor are applied in Bon Jovi’s songs?

2. What is the dominant type of lexical metaphor applied in Bon Jovi’ songs?

3. In what context is the dominant Lexical Metaphor found?

C. The Objectives of The Study The objectives of the study are:


2. to find out the dominant type of lexical metaphor applied in Bon Jovi’ songs

3. to elaborate the contextual occurrence of the use of dominant Lexical in Bon Jovi’ song.

D. The Scope of The Study

In linguistic studies there are two types of metaphor, namely: Lexical metaphor and grammatical metaphor. (Saragih, 2001: 190)

This study focuses on Lexical Metaphor especially in 5 types of Lexical Metaphor applied in Bon Jovi’s selected song namely: 1). Lexical Metaphor Nominal-Nominal. 2). Lexical Metaphor Nominal-Verbal/Verbal-Nominal. 3). Lexical Metaphor Nominal-adjective. 4). Lexical Metaphor with social-ideology concept. 5). Lexical Metaphor used as a sign of sound. To limit the data, every repetition on the lyric of ten songs will not be analyzed. The data is taken from browsing internet.

E. The Significance of The Study

This study is conducted to give advantages and contribution for the people in order to develp their knowledge about the Lexical Metaphor.

1. Theoritically

a. The significance for english teachers as to improve the ability to teach English.


b. Learners provide valuable information in enhancing students’ develop the knowledge of lexical metaphor.

2. Practically

The significance of this research in practice are:

a. The teacher can use the authentic material can be used in teaching of Lexical Metaphor to students in understanding song lyrics.

b. The learners can use the findings of this research to give a new point of view of interpreting Lexical Metaphor in studying listening and meaning in sentence that is commonly implicit.




A. Conclusions

There were 3 points of the result of the data. The descriptions were:

a. There were three types of metaphor in Bon Jovi’s selected songs. The percentage of each metaphor: Nominal-Verbal/Verbal-Nominal (61%), Nominal-Nominal (16%), Nominal-Adjective (13%).

b. The most dominant type of metaphor, which was found in Bon Jovi’s selected song is Nominal-Verbal/Verbal-Noun with the percentage is 60%.

c. The context of situation from Lexical Metaphor in Bon Jovi selected song is about love. He loves his girl so much and always wants to stay beside her. Extremely romantic way to express his feeling to his girl. And sometimes his girl ignored him, but he always try to be loyal forever. When he lived by her he can’t survive, because he loves her so much. Generally his song tells about his love to his girl. And it’s also happen in his real life he is love his wife so much. The author also good father for his child. His love for his family also affects the way he wrote songs.


B. Suggestions

There are (3) points of a suggestion of the writer as below:

1. It is suggested to the readers to listen and read Bon Jovi’s songs and seek for the meaning. The songs of Bon Jovi contain of romanticism. 2. It is also suggested to the students of language in studying of metaphor

to see that metaphor gives style and colour of language in communication between the authors and the readers.

3. The last is also suggested to the other writer to develop her ability more and more about metaphor in order to understand that metaphor is a special form of language, which has a different meaning its literal meaning.


Burke, Kenneth. 1945. A Grammar of Motive. New York: Francis Fergussion Cook, G. 1989. Language Teaching. Oxford University Press

Goatly, A. 1997. The Language of Metaphor. New York: Rouledge

Jumrieni, 2008. Metaphor of Gender in Pranita Dewi’s Poems. Medan: UNIMED (unpublished)

Halliday, M.A. K. 1985. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Edward Arnold. Halliday, M.A.K. 1994. Introduction to Functional Grammar (SecondEdition). London:

Edward Arnold.

Martin, J. R. 1992. English Text: System and Structure. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Nazir.1988. Metode Penelitian. Jakarta: Ghalia

Saragih, Amrin. 2001. Bahasa dan Konteks Sosial: Pendekatan Linguistik Fungsional Sistemic. Medan: Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Medan. UNIMED

Rahmah. 2012. Functional Grammar. Medan: UNIMED (unpublished)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bon_Jovi// Accesed on November 3rd October 2012

http://www.lyricsfreak.com/b/bon+jovi/biography.html// Accesed on November 3rd October 2012

http://www.buzzle.com/articles/types-of songs.html// Accesed on November 14th October 2012