The Comparison Between POE (Predict-Observe�Explain ) and TPS (Think�Pair�Share) Learning Model on Student�s Learning Achievement, Activity, and Critical thinking Skill on Human Circulatory System GradeXI IA SMA Negeri 2 Balige Academic Year 2013/2014.






Remli Nelmian Simarmata


Biology Education


Submitted as Fulfillment of requirement for Holds Sarjana Pendidikan












Remli Nelmian Simarmata 409342027


This study aims to investigate the comparison of student learning achievement, critical thinking skill and activity between POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) and TPS (Think–Pair–Share) learning model on the topic human circulatory system. A quasi experimental research with equivalent post test control group design was used in this study. The population of this study was all of grade XI IA students of SMA Negeri 2 Balige. There were 2 classes chosen as the sample by applying cluster random sampling technique. One class was taught by POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) model while another one class was taught by TPS (Think–Pair –Share) model. Instruments test used consist of cognitive test in the multiple choice (25 questions) and essay test (5 questions), critical thinking test in the essay form (5 questions) and observation sheet for activity.

Based on data analysis, the average value of posttest in POE group higher than TPS group (POE group = 80.31±6.51>TPS group=78.44±8.57). While based on t-test analysis, tobs less than ttable with α=0.05 and df=62 (tobs= 1.010 < ttable=1.669). It means that Ha was rejected and H0 was accepted, there was no a significant difference of student learning achievement between POE (Predict – Observe – Explain) with TPS (Think – Pair – Share) learning model. Then, the average value of critical thinking posttest in POE group was higher than TPS group (79.81± 5.71>70.6±7.18) with tobs higher than ttable (tobs=5.761> ttable=1.669). It means Ha is accepted so there was significant difference of student’s critical thinking skill that taught by POE (Predict – Observe–Explain). The observation results show that students’ activity in both research classes is significantly different. The students in POE class were more active than students in TPS class by the average of percentage of 60.55% and 50.25% respectively. The result of hypothesis test for student activity show that tcount = 4.793 > ttable = 1.669. It means Ha is accepted that students’ activity in POE class is higher than students’ activity in TPS class.

Keywords: POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) model, TPS (Think – Pair Share), critical thinking skill, students’ activity, learning achievement.




First of all, the writer thank and praise God for His Love and mercy for blessing hence writer is able to finish this thesis with title “The Comparison Between POE (Predict-Observe–Explain ) and TPS (Think–Pair–Share) Learning Model on Student’s Learning Achievement, Activity, and Critical thinking Skill on Human Circulatory System Grade XI IA SMA Negeri 2 Balige Academic Year 2013/2014 to fulfill one of the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in Biology Department, FMIPA Unimed on time.

The writer would like to express appreciations to all people with whom she has been working with. First, she thanks to Dr. Ely Djulia as writer thesis supervisor who has generously spent precious time in giving the guidance, encouragement, comments and suggestions until this thesis comes to its present form. The enormous appreciation is addressed to Dra. Martina A. Napitupulu, M.Sc, Dra. Meida Nugrahalia, M.Sc, and Syarifuddin, M.Sc, Ph.D, as the examiners for their criticisms and valuable advices. The writer would also like to thank Prof. Drs. Motlan, M.Sc, Ph.D., as a dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Prof. Dr. Herbert Sipahutar, MS., M.Sc a first vice of dean, Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Binari Manurung, M.Si as coordinator of Bilingual, Drs. Tri Harsono, M.Si as the chairman of Biology Department, Mrs. Rice Aritonang for her administrative assistance, and all lecturers of Biology Bilingual Education Program. Special thanks are extended to the headmaster of SMA Negeri 2 Balige Aldon Samosir, S.Pd and Biology teacher Rohani Siburian, S.Pd, M.Si and all teachers and students ( XI IA-5 and XI IA-6) of SMA Negeri 2 Balige who have help the writer during the research.

Special thanks to her beloved parents, the late A. Simarmata and Nurhaida br Manik, for the genes and her beloved grandmother Kastina br Sihaloho for her endless love, unfailing support, encouragement throughout the entire life, and also brothers and sister for their support and kindness (Kristian Simarmata, ST, Hernika Hutauruk, ST, Hermian Simarmata, S.Si, Jaksen Simarmata, Rino Pardede, SE, Togi Simarmata, Andri Manik, SE, Dwi



Indah Manik, S.Ked, David Manik, Ego, Tiur, Anggun, Lulu, Sony, Melky , Yovi etc), all nephew and nieces (Bonatua, Belicia, Rahmanda, Alessa, Nia, Weni, Joe etc) and my “SIMARMATA’s Big Family and Aunt Lince Sianipar.

Lucky to have amazing friends in Biology Bilingual’09 for togetherness during the study. Especially Nella Sitinjak S.Pd, Rilly Andika, S.Pd, Siti Aini S.Pd, Devie Wani S.Pd, ViJe S.Pd, Asri Ivo S.Pd and Dwi Rahmanarsih S.Pd, Tresia Sihombing S.Pd and Agnes Pasaribu, S.Pd for their motivation, kindness, and encouragement. Thank to Ayah Idris Pasaribu, SH, M.Hum and Aunty Aishah Othman for their huge encouragement and prayer during finishing this thesis and all of my friends in KSI (Komunitas Sastra Indonesia) Medan. Thanks to Elna Sipayung and all sisters in Kos 139 Pardamean and all family and/or friends are also undeniable.

The writer has put all efforts and time to finish this thesis. She very aware about all things that are not acceptable for the readers. She welcomes all suggestions and advices to improve the quality of this thesis

Medan, April 2014 Writer,

Remli Nelmian Simarmata 409342027




Approval sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgement iv

Content list vi

Table list vii

Figure list viii

Attachment list x


1.1. Background of Problem 1

1.2. Problem Identification 5

1.3. The Scope of Study 5

1.4. Research Questions 6

1.5. Reserach Objectives 6

1.6. Significance of Research 6

1.7. Operational Definition 7


2.1. Theoretical Framework 8

2.2. Relevant Research 27

2.3. Subject Material 29

2.4. Study Hypothesis 44


3.1. Location and Time of Research 46

3.2. Population and Sample 46

3.3. Variable of Research 47

3.4. Designs of Research 47

3.5. Research Procedures 48



3.6. Instrument Testing 52

3.7. Data Analysis 55


4.1 Result of Research 59

4.1.1 Instrument Test Data Analysis 59 4.2. Description of Research Data 60

4.2.1 Student Pre test 60

4.2.2 Student Learning Achievement 61 4.2.3 Student Critical Thinking Skill 63 4.2.4 Student Learning Activity 66 4.3 Analysis of Research Data 67

4.3.1 Normality Test 67

4.3.2 Homogeneity Test 67

4.3.2 Hypothesis Test 67

4.4 Discussion 68

4.4.1 Student Learning Achievement 68 4.4.2 Student Critical Thinking 71 4.4.3 Student Learning Activity 72


5.1 Conclusion 73

5.2 Recommendation 73





Table 2.1 An example of POE task 13

Table 2.2 Syntax of TPS learning model 16

Table 2.3 Relationship between syntax POE learning model with the level of mastery of concepts and critical thinking skills 23

Table 3.1 Number of student population class 46

Table 3.2 Number of regular student’s population class 47

Table 3.3 Research design 48

Table 3.4 The Lattice Cognitive test instrument developed 50 Table 3.5 The lattice cognitive instrument used 51

Table 3.6 Criteria of critical thinking skill 58

Table 3.7 Qualification of Students critical thinking skill and activity 58 Table 4.1 Distribution of student Post test data 62




Appendix 1 Syllabus 76

Appendix 2a Lesson Plan POE 78

Appendix 2b Lesson Plan TPS 92

Appendix 3a Worksheet POE 102

Appendix 3b Worksheet TPS 112

Appendix 4 Instrument Achievement Test 118

Appendix 5 Keyword of Achievement Test 129

Appendix 6 Critical Thinking Test 131

Appendix 7 Key Answer of Critical Thinking test 133

Appendix 8 Critical Thinking Rubric Score 136

Appendix 9 Learning Activity Assessments 137

Appendix 10 Students Activity Observation Sheet 139

Appendix 11a Table of Validity Instrument: Multiple choice 140

Appendix 11b Table of item discriminant 141

Appendix 11c Table of Validity Instrument: Essay 142

Appendix 12 Calculation of Validity 143

Appendix 13 Calculation of Reliability 144

Appendix 14 Calculation of Difficulty Level 146

Appendix 15 Calculation of Discrimination Index 149

Appendix 16 Data of Student Pretest & Posttest 150

Appendix 17 Calculation of Average of Achievement data 152

Appendix 18 Normality of Achievement Data 154

Appendix 19 Homogeneity of Achievement Data 156

Appendix 20 Hypothesis I Testing 158

Appendix 21Recapitulation of Critical Thinking Skill 162

Appendix 22 Calculation of Average of Critical Thinking skill 164

Appendix 23 Hypothesis II Testing 166

Appendix 24 Recapitulation of Student Learning Activity 170

Appendix 25 Calculation of Average of Student Activity Data 172

Appendix 26 Normality Test of Student Activity 173



Appendix 28 Hypothesis III Testing 175

Appendix 29 Research Documentation 177





Figure 2.1 Anatomy of Heart 31

Figure 2.2 Blood vessels 33

Figure 2.3 Composition of blood 36

Figure 2.4 The main component of blood 37 Figure 2.5 The Blood clotting event 38 Figure 2.6 Scheme of Blood Circulation 40 Figure 2.7 Coronary Arteries and plaque 43 Figure 4.1 Student’s pre-test data of Class XI IA SMA Negeri 2 Balige in 60 Human Circulatory System

Figure 4.2 Student’s Post-test learning achievement data of Class

XI IA SMA Negeri 2 Balige in Human Circulatory System 61 Figure 4.3 The differences of Student learning Achievement 63 Figure 4.4 Student’s critical thinking skill ( pre-test) and after (post-test) 64 Figure 4.5 Data pre-test of Student’s Critical thinking skill of 65 Figure 4.6 Student’s Critical thinking skill 65 Figure 4.7 Variance of student learning activity in Grade 66




1.1 Background

Natural Science is an interdisciplinary life sciences major, with courses in biology, chemistry and physics. Natural Sciences concerned with how to find out (inquiry) about the nature systematically, so that natural science is not for a mastery of knowledge; facts, concepts or principles, but also a process of discovery (BSNP, 2006).

Biology as a science provide a variety of learning experiences to understand the concepts and scientific process includes observing, hypothesizing, using of tools and materials well and right, considering the security and safety, asking questions, classifying and interpreting data, communicating findings orally or written, discovering and sifting the relevant factual information to test the ideas or solve daily problems (BSNP, 2006). Biology is science have to learn and practice directly.

The common problem of education is that the majority of students tend to memorize learning material but they do not understand the concept correctly, not able to apply theory and concept in the solving the problem (Wina, 2006). This supported by Trianto (2009) that students are only memorize the concept and less apply those concept in daily life. These case are inconsistent with the educational goals, teaching and learning activities are direct for mental formation that affect cognitive development and helps student aware the thinking process. It includes basic skills, knowledge, attitudes and motivations.

Studies of learning biology revealed that in high school had a lot of experience difficulties. The main reasons for learning difficulties were the nature of the topic, teacher’s style of teaching, student’s style learning and studying habits, student’s negative feelings and attitudes towards the topic and a lack of resources. The characteristics of biological science include many abstract concepts, events, topics and facts that students have to learn (Cimer, 2012). Lazarowitz and Penso (1992) reported that high school students difficult to learn



physiological processes that need analyzing, reasoning and critical thinking skill. Human circulatory system topic is categorized difficult to comprehend because its complicated characteristics which deal with complex mechanism.

Through the implementation of PPLT (Integrated Field Experience Program) 2012/2013 in SMA Negeri 2 Balige, many student experienced difficulty in learning biology. The result of Mid Semester test revealed that about 40 % of student’s score under the CMC (Criteria Minimum Completeness) which is less than 75. Seen from list set value (DKN), that class XI IA, student achievement in human circulatory system topic is about 50% below the value 75. Another biology teacher, said that is probably caused by some reason, such as the deadline for complementing all learning material. Those students with low score indicated that they have not mastered the subject. The interview result from several student said that biology lesson disinterest because contain a lot of concepts, various biological events that cannot be seen by the naked eye, some concepts are too abstract and full memorization. Chiepetta and Fillman (1998) state that the learn material through memorization, prevents meaningful learning (Cimer, 2012). Generally, biology lesson still carry out through teacher’s lectures or teacher-centered lessons. Even, in SMA Negeri 2 Balige still dominated by teacher-centered learning so that student focus on teacher, does not accustoming to think critically (Tarigan, 2012). Critical thinking skills is one type of thinking skill that will be achieved if students are more involved in the learning process (Permendiknas RI No. 22 Tahun 2006).

According to Wina (2006), one of teacher’s mistake in class is does not attempt to find out the student prior knowledge and stimulate student critical thinking skill. The above reasons suggest that biology teachers should enable students to understand the concepts of biology and its applications to daily life. Science education researches have established that student’s alternative conceptions in science is very tenacious and traditional instruction is not very effective in promoting conceptual understanding.

To highlight of evidence of above research studies, designing new instructions is needed to improve biology achievement. Effective instructional



strategies by promoting the active role of the learner and the facilitative role of the teacher become essential. Teacher should find out the best way to convey the concepts to be taught so that students can remember longer and learn how to relate it to real life. Teacher should choose and use teaching and learning method to improve student learning achievement and critical thinking.

Bybee (2006), in research conference about Biological Sciences

Curriculum Study (BSCS) wrote that students come to the classroom with preconceptions about how the world works. If their initial understanding is not engaged, they may fail to grasp the new concepts and information, or they may learn them for the purposes of a test but revert to their preconceptions outside the classroom. This supported by Prain (2009) teacher need to know the prior knowledge and student’s understanding of concepts in learning that can do in various ways, such as test, query, and interview. This study follows the principles of constructivist learning. Learning is process to construct knowledge through real experiences from the field. So, teachers should make biology lessons interest and attractive for students to learn more effectively. Teachers might accomplish this by using visual materials, teaching through practical experiment, giving examples from student’s daily lives, linking the topics to each other (Cimer, 2012).

The POE strategy provides more effective teaching strategy. POE (Predict–Observe–Explain) is learning strategy which developed to find out

student’s understanding about concept with constructivist approach. Özemir et al

(2011) wrote that one of the ways to promote student’s attitudes toward science is to use laboratory in science courses. Methods can be used to think about results of experiments for students in laboratory. The POE strategy was firstly developed by White and Gunstone (1992). In the POE strategy, students are asked to do experiments for the prediction, then make the observation and description and then ask to compare their observations with the predictions (cited in White and Gunstone, 1992; Çepni and Çil, 2009; Liew, 2004; Köse et al., 2003).

Furthermore, according to Slavin (2004) cooperative learning very effective in solving the problems encountered in the effort to enable students to learn. According to the Johnson & Johnson model, cooperative learning is



instruction that involves students working in teams to accomplish a common goal Cooperative learning can be used in for any type of assignment that can be given to students in lecture classes, laboratories, or project-based courses (Felder and Brent, 2007). Cooper (1995) argues that putting students in group learning situations is the best way to foster critical thinking. Think-Pair-Share is one of cooperative learning strategies students are prompted to think about a topic or problem, record their ideas, pair with a neighbor, and share their ideas.

Previous studies was conducted POE strategy in high school in the subjects of physics states that POE can improve student's mastery of concepts in the material on the pressure and creative thinking skills, including

Kusrinaningrum (2012), in her research entitled The Effectiveness of Using POE

Strategy (Predict, Observe and Explain) for Increasing the Critical and Creative Thinking Skills for students at SMP N 1 Karangtengah on Pressure Subject of Natural Science Learning concluded that the the learning strategy using POE was effective to increase the critical and creative thinking skills. Wui –Tsai (2005) on

their studies “Effect of constructivist-oriented on elementary school student

cognitive structures”, applied POE strategy in constructivist-oriented biological learning to enhance students’ conceptual learning and knowledge construction. Manurung (2011) in her research was applying POE models assisted with multimedia to make learning process more interesting, interactive, and facilitate the understanding of the students so that they can think critically and use the scientific method to solve problems. And the result shows the increasing of student learning outcome.

While, Berutu (2011), in her research in comparing between NHT (Numbered head Together) and TPS (Think- Pair-Share) that result of student

learning outcomes in TPS (Think-Pair-Share) teaching is better than NHT

(Numbered Head Together). Ifamuyiwa, A. S and Onakoya, S.K (2013) in their

research “ Impact of Think-Pair-Share Instructional Strategy on Students’

Achievement in Secondary School Mathematics” showed that there was significant main impact of treatment (Think-Pair-Share) on the student’s achievement.



– Share Terhadap hasil belajar siswa Menggunakan Peta Pikiran Terhadap Siswa Kelas X SMU Pada Pokok Bahasan Struktur Atom revealed that Think – Pair – Share has significant effect on student’s learning achievement.

Based on the problems described above, the researcher compare those two learning models on student learning achievement, activity and critical thinking

skill on Human Circulatory System. The study was entitled “The Comparison

between POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) with TPS (Think–Pair–Share) Learning Model on Student’s Learning Achievement, Activity and Critical Thinking on Human Circulatory System Grade XI SMA Negeri 2 Balige Academic Year 2013/2014”

1.2 Problems Identification

Based on the background of the problem, the problem can be identified :

1. The learning achievement of student’s SMA Negeri 2 Balige is low.

2. The classes are still teacher centered.

3. Students are directed only to memorize information without needs of

understanding and applying.

4. Less of learning process during biology lesson.

1.3 Scope of Study

The scope of study, namely:

1. Learning topic taught in this research is Human Circulatory system in

Grade XI Natural Science SMAN 2 Balige at A.Y. 2013/2014.

2. The implementation of POE (Predict – Observe – Explain) model and TPS

(Think – Pair – Share)learning model.

3. Comparison of student’s learning achievement, activity, and critical

thinking that taught by POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) and TPS (Think –

Pair – Share) Learning Model on Human Circulatory System in class XI SMA Negeri 2 Balige at Academic Year 2013/2014.



1.4 Research Questions

From the background and the extent of the problems above, the questions can be formulated:

1. Is student’s learning achievement taught using POE (

Predict-Observe-Explain) higher than student’s achievement taught using TPS (Think– Pair– Share)?

2. Is student’s learning activity taught using POE (Predict-Observe-Explain)

higher than student’s learning activity taught using TPS (


3. Is student’s critical thinking skill taught using POE (

Predict-Observe-Explain) higher than student’s critical thinking skill taught using TPS (Think – Pair – Share)?

1.5 Purpose of Research

This research aim to compare student’s learning achievement, activity and

critical thinking skill taught by POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) with TPS (Think –

Pair – Share) Learning Model.

1.6 Significances of Research

These research significances are for:

1. Teachers (Educator):

o As an input in teaching especially in the high school biology teachers

teaching in class XI Natural Science

o As an alternative for teachers who teach science in selecting and

determining learning strategies.

2. Students:

POE and TPS learning strategies require students to study concretely the knowledge of the existence of the current study, expected to motivate students to actively involved in learning activities that can improve mastery of concepts and their understanding of the biological material, in particular physiological concept of human circulatory system .



1.7 Operational definition

Critical thinking in this research defined as a process of intelligent conceptualization, implementation, analysis, synthesis, and generated the information by observation experience, reflection and reasoning.

When students think critically, they will show the processes as follows submit the questions, knowing the difference between the observations and conclusions, provide an explanation and interpretation, and make observations and predictions. Learning achievement is student’s mastery learning, as the result of student’s cognitive test on Human Circulatory System.

Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) carries out three tasks. First, students must predict the outcome of some event or situation and must justify their prediction (P:Predict). Second, they describe what they see happen (O: Observe). Finally, they must reconcile any discrepancy between prediction and observation (E:Explain).

Think-Pair-Share (TPS) is one of cooperative learning strategies students are prompted to think about a topic or problem and record their ideas, the pair with friend, and share their ideas. Both of these stimulate student’s critical thinking and interactive lesson.





5.1. Conclusion

Based on the result of research, it can be concluded as follows:

 There is no significant difference on student learning achievement between Predict–Observe–Explain (POE) learning models with using Think–Pair-Share (TPS) on the topic of Human Circulatory System in Grade XII IA SMA Negeri 2 Balige Academic Year 2013/2014.

 There is a significant difference on student critical thinking between Predict – Observe – Explain (POE) models with using Think – Pair – Share (TPS) on the topic of Human Circulatory System in Grade XII IA SMA Negeri 2 Balige Academic Year 2013/2014.

 There is a significant difference on student learning activity between Predict – Observe – Explain (POE) models with using Think – Pair – Share (TPS) on the topic of Human Circulatory System in Grade XII IA SMA Negeri 2 Balige Academic Year 2013/2014.

5.2 Recommendation

Looking at the findings, conclusions and discussion of the results, the following is presented some suggestions that expected to me meaningful to all parties who use this research information, both as literature and/or for benefit of advanced research, among others:

1. Predict – Observe – Explain (POE) Model can improve student learning achievement, critical thinking skill, and learning activity caused students need to be involved actively in the learning process.

2. The result of this research can be a consideration for biology teacher in order to develop teaching and learning process on biology subject, in accordance to the improvement of students learning achievement, critical thinking and activity.




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Remli Nelmian was born in Bandar on 31st July 1991, the fourth daughter of the late Amur Simarmata and Nurhaida br. Manik. In 1997, the writer started her first educational experience in SDN 095197 Simangonai and finished in 2003. In 2003, the writer continued her study in SLTP Swasta PTPN IV Bukit Lima and finished in 2006. In 2006, the writer continued her study in SMA Katolik Trisakti Medan and graduated in 2009. In 2009, the writer was registered in Biology Bilingual Education Program, Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Medan. During following study in university, the writer was become the member of IKBKB and Treasurer of Retreat Committee at 2011. Besides that, the writer participated in Olimpiade Sains UNIMED at 2011 and as a Lecturer Assistant for Experimental in Laboratory.


1.4 Research Questions

From the background and the extent of the problems above, the questions can be formulated:

1. Is student’s learning achievement taught using POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) higher than student’s achievement taught using TPS (Think– Pair– Share)?

2. Is student’s learning activity taught using POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) higher than student’s learning activity taught using TPS (Think–Pair-Share)?

3. Is student’s critical thinking skill taught using POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) higher than student’s critical thinking skill taught using TPS (Think – Pair – Share)?

1.5 Purpose of Research

This research aim to compare student’s learning achievement, activity and critical thinking skill taught by POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) with TPS (Think – Pair – Share) Learning Model.

1.6 Significances of Research

These research significances are for: 1. Teachers (Educator):

o As an input in teaching especially in the high school biology teachers teaching in class XI Natural Science

o As an alternative for teachers who teach science in selecting and determining learning strategies.

2. Students:

POE and TPS learning strategies require students to study concretely the knowledge of the existence of the current study, expected to motivate students to actively involved in learning activities that can improve mastery of concepts and their understanding of the biological material, in particular physiological concept of human circulatory system .


1.7 Operational definition

Critical thinking in this research defined as a process of intelligent conceptualization, implementation, analysis, synthesis, and generated the information by observation experience, reflection and reasoning.

When students think critically, they will show the processes as follows submit the questions, knowing the difference between the observations and conclusions, provide an explanation and interpretation, and make observations and predictions. Learning achievement is student’s mastery learning, as the result of student’s cognitive test on Human Circulatory System.

Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) carries out three tasks. First, students must predict the outcome of some event or situation and must justify their prediction (P:Predict). Second, they describe what they see happen (O: Observe). Finally, they must reconcile any discrepancy between prediction and observation (E:Explain).

Think-Pair-Share (TPS) is one of cooperative learning strategies students are prompted to think about a topic or problem and record their ideas, the pair with friend, and share their ideas. Both of these stimulate student’s critical thinking and interactive lesson.




5.1. Conclusion

Based on the result of research, it can be concluded as follows:

 There is no significant difference on student learning achievement between Predict–Observe–Explain (POE) learning models with using Think–Pair-Share (TPS) on the topic of Human Circulatory System in Grade XII IA SMA Negeri 2 Balige Academic Year 2013/2014.

 There is a significant difference on student critical thinking between Predict – Observe – Explain (POE) models with using Think – Pair – Share (TPS) on the topic of Human Circulatory System in Grade XII IA SMA Negeri 2 Balige Academic Year 2013/2014.

 There is a significant difference on student learning activity between Predict – Observe – Explain (POE) models with using Think – Pair – Share (TPS) on the topic of Human Circulatory System in Grade XII IA SMA Negeri 2 Balige Academic Year 2013/2014.

5.2 Recommendation

Looking at the findings, conclusions and discussion of the results, the following is presented some suggestions that expected to me meaningful to all parties who use this research information, both as literature and/or for benefit of advanced research, among others:

1. Predict – Observe – Explain (POE) Model can improve student learning achievement, critical thinking skill, and learning activity caused students need to be involved actively in the learning process.

2. The result of this research can be a consideration for biology teacher in order to develop teaching and learning process on biology subject, in accordance to the improvement of students learning achievement, critical thinking and activity.



Arikunto, S., (2010). Prosedur Penelitian, Edisi Revisi, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta. Aryulina, D., (2006). Biology Book XI, Esis, Jakarta

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Remli Nelmian was born in Bandar on 31st July 1991, the fourth daughter of the late Amur Simarmata and Nurhaida br. Manik. In 1997, the writer started her first educational experience in SDN 095197 Simangonai and finished in 2003. In 2003, the writer continued her study in SLTP Swasta PTPN IV Bukit Lima and finished in 2006. In 2006, the writer continued her study in SMA Katolik Trisakti Medan and graduated in 2009. In 2009, the writer was registered in Biology Bilingual Education Program, Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Medan. During following study in university, the writer was become the member of IKBKB and Treasurer of Retreat Committee at 2011. Besides that, the writer participated in Olimpiade Sains UNIMED at 2011 and as a Lecturer Assistant for Experimental in Laboratory.