Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in Teaching English

Arfanin Nadhif
NIM D35211049


Nadhif, Arfanin (2016), “Relevansi Buku ajar yang di susun oleh mahasiswa kelas

IMALT Jurusan Pedidikan Bahasa Inggris di UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
dengan Kurikulum 2013 (K13)”. Skripsi, Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas
Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, UIN Sunan Ampel, Surabaya. Pembimbing (1) Sigit
Pramono Jati, M.Pd, (2) Rahmat Efendi, M.A.
Kata Kunci: Speaking, Kurikulum 2013, IMALT
Buku Pelajaran adalah salah satu media yang di gunakan untuk pengajaran Bahasa
Inggris sebagai bahasa asing. Desain buku pelajaran harus sesuai dengan kebutuhan
siswa dan kurikulum. Pada kelas IMALT jurusan pendidikan bahasa inggris di UIN
Sunan Ampel Surabaya, mahasiswa belajar mengenai cara menyusun materi ajar
untuk pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Sebagai tugas akhir pada kelas IMALT, mahasiswa
di minta untuk menyusun buku ajar bahasa inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah
Pertama kelas tujuh yang sesuai dengan Kurikulum 2013 (K13). Terkadang,
menyususn bahan ajar adalah salah satu hal yang berat untuk mahasiswa karena
mereka harus menyusun buku pelajaran yang memuat tentang Languange contents
dan Languange skills. Language contents terdiri atas grammar dan vocabulary, dan
language skills terdiri dari menulis, berbicara, mendengar, dan membaca. Peneliti
fokus pada menganalisis materi speaking karena ini merupakan kemampuan produktif
yang membutuhkan siswa untuk praktek menyampaikan pesan ke penonton.
Permasalahan yang diperbincangkan dalam penelitian ini adalah pada materi speaking
dalam buku pelajaran didesain oleh mahasiswa di kelas IMALT telah relevan dengan

kurikulum 2013 atau tidak. Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah penelitian deskriptif
kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan dari mahasiswa di kelas IMALT. Setelah mendapatkan
data, peneliti menganalisis data materi speaking di dalam buku pelajaran dan
kompetensi utama nomor 3 dan 4 dari kurikulum 2013 dan membandingkan
keduanya. Instrument dalam penelitian ini diambil dari kompetensi utama nomor 3
dan 4 dari kurikulum 2013. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu 52% materi speaking dalam
buku pelajaran yang didesain oleh mahasiswa di kelas IMALT telah relevan dengan
kompetensi utama nomor 3 dan 4 dari kurikulum 2013. Berdasarkan Badan Standart
Nasional Pendidikan buku pelajaran yang didesain oleh mahasiswa kelas IMALT ini
dikategorikan sebagai buku pelajaran yang relevan dengan kurikulum 2013.


Nadhif, Arfanin (2016), “The Relevance of Speaking Materials in Coursebook
Designed by Students in IMALT Class of English Department in UIN Sunan
Ampel Surabaya with Curriculum 2013 (K13) A Thesis, English Teacher
Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Sunan
Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya. Advisors (1) Sigit Pramono Jati,
M.Pd, (2) Rahmat Efendi, M.A.

Key words: Speaking, curriculum 2013, IMALT
Course book is common media in teaching English as Foreign language. Course book
design has to suitable with students’ need and the curriculum. In IMALT class of
English Department in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya students, learn about the way to
develop materials for English subject. As final project of IMALT class student have
to develop English course book for Junior High School which is relevant with the
curriculum 2013. However, developing English materials is hard thing for students in
IMALT class because they have to develop course book which is consist of language
contents and language skills. Language contents consist grammar and vocabulary and
language skills include speaking, writing, reading and listening. The researcher
focused on analyzing speaking materials because speaking is productive skill which
is require student to practice more to convey the message to the audience. The
problem that have been discussed in this research is the speaking materials in course
book designed by students in IMALT class relevant with curriculum 2013 (K-13) or
not. A descriptive qualitative research was used I this research. Data were collected
from student in IMALT class. After getting the data, the researcher was analyzed the
data of speaking materials in course book and basic competence number 3 and 4 in
curriculum 2013 (K-13) and comparing two of them. The instrument in this research
was taken from basic competences number 3 and 4 in curriculum 2013. The result of
this research is 52% of speaking materials in course book designed by students in

IMALT class is relevant with basic competences number 3 and 4 of curriculum 2013.
Based on BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan) the course book designed by
students in IMALT class is categorized as course book that is relevant with
curriculum 2013.



TITLE SHEET ..........................................................................................


ADVISOR APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................


APPROVAL SHEET ...............................................................................


MOTTO ....................................................................................................


DEDICATION SHEET ...........................................................................


ABSTRACT ..............................................................................................


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................


PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN TULISAN ...............................................


LIST OF CONTENTS .............................................................................


LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................


LIST OF APPENDICES ..........................................................................


A. Research Background ....................................................................


B. Research Question ..........................................................................


C. Objective of the Research ...............................................................


D. Significance of the Research ...........................................................


E. Scope and Limitation of the Research ............................................


F. Definition of Key Terms ..................................................................



A. Review of Related Literature
1. Definition and the role of course book.....................................


2. Designing course book ............................................................


3. Speaking materials ..................................................................


4. Core competence (KI) of curriculum 2013 (K13) ..................


5. Basic competence (KD) of curriculum 2013 (K13) .................


B. Previous Study ..............................................................................


A. Research Approach and Research Design ......................................


B. Research Presence ..........................................................................


C. Research Location ..........................................................................


D. Data and Source of Data ..................................................................


E. Research Instrument ......................................................................


F. Data Analysis .................................................................................


G. Checking Validity of Finding ..........................................................


H. Research Stages ..............................................................................


A. Finding ...........................................................................................


B. Discussion ......................................................................................


A. Conclusion .....................................................................................


B. Suggestion ......................................................................................


A. Background of the study
A common equipment in teaching english as foreign language is
course book. An English course book has an important role in teaching
English as the foreign language. For students, course book can make them
easier to understand and enjoy the material.1 For teachers, using course book
in learning activities can facilitate them in trying to engage students with the
subject they are going to deal with.2 For both teachers and students, course
book helps providing them with the map to look what have been done in the
As teachers, we need to be able to develop or select suitable course
book or supporting material for students3. In designing course book, teacher
has to design materials which are appropriate with students’ need. Moreover,
some research mentions that the criteria of good course book is giving
cohesion to the language activity and learning process with the direction,
supporting materials for the classroom activity4.


Cunningsworth Alan, chosing your coursebook, (cambridge : Cambridge University
Press), 1995.
Harmer J. How to teach English. London and new York : longman inc .2007
Tomlingson, Brian developing materials for language learning and teaching ,
(Cambridge : Cambridge University Press) 2012.



Since July 2013, the ministry of Education and Culture in Indonesia
has implemented a new curriculum named curriculum 2013 (K13). In this
curriculum, there are 3 aspects that have to be taught by teacher; affective,
cognitive and psychomotor skills. Based on standard point of this curriculum,
the course book is included as one of the aspects of standard quality, those
are: Contents of the Standards of Education, specifically Content Standard,
Standard Process, Graduates Competency Standards, Educators and
Administration Standards, Infrastructure Standards, Management Standards,
Financial Standards and evaluation standard.5 Related for those decisions of
ministry education on curriculum 2013 (K13), it can be concluded that the use
of course book should have content validity, a systematic content, language
use and appropriate graphic design.
Based on those reasons, as a department that is trains the candidates of
English teacher English education department at UIN SUNAN AMPEL
SURABAYA designs on class named IMALT. This class is expected to trains
students in developing materials. As the final project of this class, the
students have to design a course book for (VII) seventh grader that is relevant
with the curriculum 2013 (K13). The students of IMALT class have to be
able in designing course book that relevant with curriculum 2013 (K13)6.


Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayan Pemerintah Indonesia, Permendikbud.,
Salinan Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia
No. 32 tahun 2013. (Jakarta: Permendikbud, 2013), 1
Interview with the lecturer in IMALT class


Before give course book to the students, we should evaluate the
course book. From evaluating course books, we can find the suitable course
book for our students’ need and relevance materials with the core
competences and basic competences in the curriculum. From the previous
study there was found some book that did not relevance with the curriculum:
1. In Sejara Kebudayaan Islam book for VII grader published by
Kementerian Agama RI was found incorrect word. In page
number 25 printed “Allah Saw” that should be “Allah Swt”. In
page number 11 mention that the wife of prophet Ibrahim is Siti
Hawa, in the fact, the wife of prophet Ibrahim AS is Siti Hajar.
2. In Hanik Sulistyowati S.Pd found that core competence one (KI-1)
in the first chapter in science book for VII grader is not included.
The reasons above motivated the researcher to evaluate the worthiness
of English course book designed by student in IMALT class in UIN Sunan
Ampel Surabaya.
In this research, the researcher is expected to analyze course book
design by student in IMALT class. The purpose of this research is to find out
whether the course book designed by student in IMALT class is relevant with
K13 or not, find out the weakness of the speaking materials in course book,
and to helps the teacher to evaluate the materials that want to teach to the


To be specific in content analysis research, the researcher only focuses
on analyzing in one language skill that is speaking. The researcher focuses in
analyzing the speaking since it is an essential tool in communication, it shares
the information directly from speaker to listener, and it is important in
shaping, modifying, extending, and organizing thought between them.
B. Research question
Based on the background which is explained above, the researcher
formulates the research question bellow:

Are the speaking materials in course book designed by student in IMALT
class in English teacher training department in UIN SUNAN AMPEL
SURABAYA relevant with K13?

C. Objective of the research
Based on the problem which is explained above, the researcher
formulated the objective of the research bellow:
1. To know the quality of speaking materials in course book designed by
student in IMALT class in English teacher training department in UIN
D. Significance of the study
1. For lecturer
It is expected to give feed back to the lecturer that teaching student in
developing speaking materials,
2. For student


It is expected to give feedback and to improve student ability in
developing course book.
3. For the teacher
For English teachers the result of the study could provide helpful
information in selecting and evaluating good course book before making
decision to use it in classroom practices.
4. For the publisher
the result of the study might help them to be more careful in developing
English textbooks for students and more aware of the worthiness of
content, the language correctness and appropriateness, and layout of the
5. For future research
For other researchers, the research could give general knowledge of how
to evaluate textbooks or other forms of English instructional materials.
The research also could be used as the foundation for the next research.
E. Scope and limitation
The scope of this research focuses on speaking materials in course
book designed by student in IMALT class. The author limits this research
only on the speaking materials based on rubric to know the speaking
materials in course book designed by student in IMALT with K13 is relevant
or not.


The subject of this study is the students of English Teacher
Department who have taken IMALT class. There are two classes provided by
English Teacher Department. Based on the recommendation from Mrs. Riska
Safriani as the head of English Education Department, The researcher
chooses the class who has taught by Afida Safriani, M. A.
F. Definition of Key Terms
1. Content Analysis
Content or document analysis focuses on characteristics of
material. It means that a research method applied to written or visual
materials for the purpose of identifying specified characteristics of the
material. The materials analyzed can be textbooks, newspapers, web






compositions, or any of a host of other types of documents 7. In this
research, content analysis means an evaluation materials which is expect to
found the quality of the course book.
2. Relevant
Here relevant means, that speaking materials content in the course
book is suitable with the standard of the curriculum 2013 and the design of
the course book is appropriate with the rubric is used by the researcher in
analyzing this research. The course book will be categorized as relevant

Donald Ary,, Introduction to Research in Education (Canada: Wadsworth,
Cengage Learning, 2010, 2006), 457


with curriculum 2013 when the percentage of relevant aspect in the course
book with curriculum 2013 is above 70%.
3. Speaking Materials
Here, speaking means the product that developed by student in
IMALT class as the final project. Speaking is one skill that have to be
achieved by student for communication. This research is expected to
measure the quality of speaking materials.
4. Course Book
In education, a cousebook is part of the continuity of education.
With coursebooks, the implementation of education can be more smooth.
Teachers can manage learning activities effectively and efficiently trough
the means of coursebooks. Students also can track on learning activities
maximally by means of a course. Coursebooks constitute an effective
resource for self-directed learning and for presentation of material, a
source of ideas and activities, a reference source for students, a syllabus
where they reflect pre-determined learning objectives8. Here, course book
means the product of student in IMALT class in class B as final project
that would be main object of this research.


Alan Cunningsworth, chosing your coursebook, (cambridge : Cambridge University
Press), 1995.

The literature in this chapter gives a brief explanation about some theories
that support this study. it deals with the theory related to course book, materials
development, speaking materials, and core competency of curriculum 2013 (K13),
and basic competency (KD) of curriculum 2013 (k13).
A. Review Of Related Literature
1. Definition And The Role Of Course Book
A media has purpose to help student and teacher in learning
activity. Teachers usually use some media to help them organize the
teaching and learning activities in consistently and genres for four skills
area (speaking, listening, reading and writing). Other expectation to use
media is to help teachers easier in explaining the materials. One of media
which common used by the teacher is course book. The textbook is easy to
buy, to carry, and to study. Even though there are so many kinds of media
rivaling the printed materials of communication, the textbook remains the
major source in school. Other definition of course book is “stimulus and
instrument in teaching and learning”1. Other terminology of course book is
students’ book. According to Jack C Richard a course book is the printed


Thomson Heinle, Designing Language Courses: A Guide for Teachers, (Canada:
Kathleen Graves, 2000), p. 175.



materials that can be use for teaching activity2. In addition, coursebooks
constitute an effective resource for self-directed learning and for
presentation of material, a source of ideas and activities, and a reference
source for students, a syllabus where they reflect pre-determined learning
objectives, and support for less experienced teachers who may be lacking
in confidence.3
From the description above, we can conclude that course book is
printed materials that helps student to make easier understanding the
materials. A course book is kind of media which helps teacher to prepare
the materials and it can be route maps for both teacher and learner, to look
ahead what will be materials in the next class, and to look back on what
lesson has been done.
2. Designing course book
As teachers, designing a course book is important activity in
teaching program. Other terminology of course book is course materials.
Most of teacher focus on selecting, evaluating, adapting, and designing
materials for their students. 4


Richard, Jack C. Curricullum Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge:
Cambridge University press, 2001.
Alan cunningswort, choosing your…..15
Jocelyn Howard.– Jae Major. Guidline for Designing Effective English Language
Teaching Materials (
accessed on April 04, 2015)


There are several rules in designing materials, those are:5
a. The English speaking materials should create the productive, joyful,
and without stress learnings.
b. The English speaking materials should integrate the language skills
and the content.
c. The English speaking material should contain linguistic and
communicative competence.
d. The English speaking materials should be able to optimize the
students’ potentials through conscious and unconscious suggestion.
e. The English speaking materials should promote natural, social, and
moral realities (good character).
In conclusion, designing a coursebook is a work in process in its
whole, pairs, and its implementation. Each aspect of course designed, the
content, objectives, need assessment, material, and evaluation are works in
progress both in their conception and in their implementation. Therefore,
that it can achieve the goal or objective of the lesson.
3. Speaking materials
Speaking is one basic skill that we have to master in learning
English, because its skill is the main purpose for communication. Speaking
is like singing. It means we have to go-up and down our intonation voice

Santoso Didik Developing Speaking Materials For English Education
Department Students Based On Accelerated Learning Approach Asaihl
Conference Nanyang Technological University Singapore, December 3-5, 2014


in different level. A student of a music have to combine the voice with the
sounds music harmonic as well as speaking. In speaking, we have to
combine; vocabularies, intonation, pronunciation, grammar and other
aspect for delivering our speaking to the audience. In learning English,
speaking is important skill. To be master in speaking we have to learn
about speech of sounds, spelling, pronunciation, vocabulary and other
Bygate stated Other terminology of speaking, a skill deserves every
bit as much as literary skill, in both of first and second language. There ae
two basic ways, he adds, which speaking can be seen as skill, they are: 7
a. Motor perceptive skill, including articulation, perceiving, recalling, in
the correct order sounds and the structure of the language.
b. Interaction skill, which cover making decision about communication,
such as what to say, how to say it and whether to develop it, in
accordance with one’s intention, with maintaining the desire relation
with other.
Bailey stated that speaking is the production skill that consist of producing
systematic verbal utterance to convey the meaning.8 based on the
description above, we can conclude that skill diverse every bit to convey

Buechener,CarlW 2007 Education and Language. Austria
Bygate . 1987 Language Teaching: A scheme for Edecation. Oxford. Oxford
Bailey, K. M 2005 S peaking in Practical English Language Teaching


the speaker meaning to the audience. In addition, the researcher adds that
someone who speak in foreign language have to know the rule of that
language, like grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and word-formation.
In addition, they have to apply those sub skills when they are communicate
using that language.
4. Core competence (KI) of K13
Based on Curriculum of 2013, the structure of K-13 consist of
organizing of core competency, subjects, the load time of learning (the
whole load of activities that must be followed by students in one week, one
semester, and one year), and basic competencies.9 However, the researcher
limited to focus on the related topic to the Core Competency 1, 2, 3, 4 (KI1, KI-2, KI-3, and KI-4) and Basic Competency (KD) which is formulated
to achieve goal of learning.
The Core Competency (KI) stated in the standard of K-13 was
designed by PERMENDIKBUD along with the increasing age of students
in a particular class. Through those core competencies, basic competencies
of vertical integration in the different classes can be maintained. The


Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Pemerintah Indonesia, Permendikbud.,
Salinan Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Rebublik Indonesia
Nomor 68 Tahun 2013Entang Kerangka Dasar dan Struktur Kurikulum Sekolah
Menengah Pertama/Madrasah Tsanawiyah. (Jakarta: Permendikbud, 2013), 6-8


formulation of core competence has its own classification such as the
a. (affective) Core Competence 1 (KI-1) that covered for core
competencies of spiritual Attitude.
b. (social affective) Core Competence 2 (KI-2) that covered for core
competencies of social attitudes;
c. (cognitive) Core Competence 3 (KI-3) that covered for the core
competencies of knowledge;
d. (psychomotor) Core Competence-4 (KI-4) that covered for the core
competency developing skills.
Although all of KI are important, the writer limited focuses on
number 3 (KI-3) and 4 (KI-4) because speaking skills is related with other
skills such as listening stated in core competency number 3 (KI-3) and
speaking material presented in curriculum of 2013 stated in Core
Competency 4 (KI-4) of Syllabus K-13 that trying, processing, and
showing in the realm of the concrete (using, analyzing, composing,
modifying, and creating) and the real of the abstract (writing, reading,
counting, drawing, and arranging) in accordance with that have been
learned in school and other similar sources in viewpoint/theory. The


Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Pemerintah Indonesia, Permendikbud.,
Salinan Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Rebublik Indonesia
Nomor 68 Tahun 2013Entang Kerangka Dasar dan Struktur Kurikulum Sekolah
Menengah Pertama/Madrasah Tsanawiyah. (Jakarta: Permendikbud, 2013), 6-8


writer concentrated on the Core Competency number 4 with the reason
that the matter and activity stated in KI-4 reflect to develop all skills that
support the achievement in all criteria in KI-1, KI-2, KI-3. The activity
showed in every chapter of coursebook should be appropriate to the
material arrangement of KD in KI-4. In every chapter should have such as
project, problem solving, or concluding and connecting with other concept
then conveying to teacher or friend orally or written.
5. Basic Competency of K-13
The following Basic Competencies (KD) from KI-4 included the
speaking activity in grade VII which stated in the standard syllabus of
curriculum of 2013 consist of 14 KD which contain of 12 KD which
required to speaking skill material:11
Basic competence number 3 (KI-3)
1) (KD.3.1) Understanding written and oral text for asking and
responding greeting, farewell, apologizing.
2) (KD.3.2) understanding written or oral text for simple and short selfintroduction with the social function and correct in linguistic elements
in context.


Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Pemerintah Indonesia, Permendikbud.,
Salinan Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Rebublik Indonesia
Nomor 68 Tahun 2013Entang Kerangka Dasar dan Struktur Kurikulum Sekolah
Menengah Pertama/Madrasah Tsanawiyah. (Jakarta: Permendikbud, 2013), 6-8


3) (KD.3.3) understanding social function, text structure, and linguistic
aspect in written and oral text in mention names of day, months, time
year in numeral aspect.
4) (KD.3.4) Understanding social function, text structure and linguistic
aspect in delivering short simple self-identity.
5) (KD.3.4) Understanding social function, text structure and linguistic
aspect in delivering short simple self-identity.
6) (KD.3.6) Understanding social function, text structure and linguistic
aspect to mention label and list.
7) (KD.3.7) Understanding social function, text structure and linguistic
aspect to mention the characteristic of people, animals, and things.
8) (KD.3.8) Understanding social function, text structure and linguistic
aspect to mention oral and written the behavior of people, animals,
and things.
9) (KD.3.9) Understanding social function, text structure and linguistic
aspect to mention oral and written short simple instruction, notice,
warning or caution.
10) (KD.3.10) Understanding social function, text structure and linguistic
aspect to mention oral and written description of people, animals, and


Basic competence number 4 (KD.4):
1) (KD.4.1) Developing oral for asking and responding greeting, farewell,
thankful, apologizing, with the correct linguistic elements in context.
2) (KD.4.2) Developing simple oral and written texts to express, ask, and
respond to self-introduction,
3) (KD.4.3) Developing oral and written texts to express and ask for the
name of the day, the month, the name of the time of day, time in the
form of numbers, date, and year. With the correct linguistic elements in
4) (KD.4.4)Stating meaning of identity orally and written with very short
and simple.
5) (KD.4.5) Developing oral and written text to mention the names of
animals, things, and buildings based on students daily live.
6) (KD.4.6) Developing oral text about label and list with due regard to
the social function, the structure of the text and correct linguistic
elements and in context.
7) (KD.4.7) Developing oral and written texts to express and ask the
nature of people, animals, and objects, taking int account the social
function, the structure of the text and correct linguistic elements and in


8) (KD.4.8) Developing oral and written text for stating and asking
behavior/ action/ function/ of the person, animals, and objects, with the
correct elements and appropriate language context.
9) (KD.4.9) developing short simple oral instruction, warning, caution
text with the correct element and appropriate language in content.
10) (KD.4.10) stating the meaning of instruction text (Intruction), (shortnotice), (warning/caution), oral and written with very short and simple.
11) (KD.4.11) Developing short simple oral and written description text
about people, animals, object with the correct elements and appropriate
language in content.
12) (KD.4.12) stating the meaning in the descriptive text oral and written,
with very short and simple.
B. Previous Study
There are some researches that were conducted by researcher focused
in analyzing course book. On those research there are many similarity with
this research, but, there are many differences on the topic and focus with this
The first study was done by LIMSUI entitled An Analysis of the
Speaking Materials on “English on Sky” Published by Erlangga for First
Grader of Junior High School, 2011. This study analyze appropriateness the
speaking materials in course book entitled English on sky published by
Erlangga on 2011 to the indicator course book based on basic competence in


curriculum KTSP.12 The similarity of this research with this research is
analyzing coursebook which is appropriate to the curriculum or not. On the
contrary, the difference of this research with the previous study is analyzing
the speaking materials in coursebook design by students in IMALT Class
English Teacher Education in the Faculty of Education Teacher Training in
UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The result of the study that was done by Limsui
showed that speaking materials in the text book entitled English on Sky
published by Erlangga did not relevant with the criteria of curriculum 2006
(KTSP) since there are 5 speaking materials that are not included in the
The second research was conducted by Siti Solichatun entitled
Content Analysis of Reading Materials in English on Sky textbook for Junior
High School. Similarly, this study was focus on analyzing English textbook
for junior high school. Contrary, this study was focus focused on finding out
the genre contained in the reading passage found in English on Sky textbook
for 9th grade of Junior High School published by Erlangga and finding out
the lexical density of reading text based on English on Sky textbook for 9th
grade level of Junior High School. as the result, this study was found that the
English on Sky textbook contained three genres. They are procedure, report

Limsui “An Analysis of the Speaking Materials on “English on Sky”
Published by Erlangga for First Grader of Junior High School,
2011.(RIAU, Islamic university of Riau 2011)




and narrative. The dominant text on this book is report text. The writer found
seven report texts. Furthermore, the writer found only one procedure text in
this book. 14
The next research was conducted by Afrilia Yunita. This research
entitled Analisis Kesesuaian Isi, Model Keterpaduan Materi IPA, dan
Penilaian Kognitif berdasarkan Tuntutan SK dan KD pada Buku Pelajaran
IPA untuk SMP Kelas VIII . This research was conducted by student in State
University of Yogyakarta was resulted that there are many weakness was
found in the text book for VIII grader of Junior High School.15
Similarly, this research was focus on analysis course book for student
in Junior High school. But, contrary, previous research was focused on
analyzing course book in science subject for VIII grader in Junior High
school in curriculum 2006 (KTSP). This research is focusing to analysis
English course book for VII grader based on 2013 curriculum (K13).
The fourth research was entitled Analisis Keakuratan Materi Buku
Ajar Fisika SMP se-Kota Semarang. This research was conducted by student
in University of Semarang. This research was concluded that the accuracy
level of student book in physic subject for junior high school is appropriate

Siti Sholikhatun “Content Analysis of Reading Materials in English on Sky textbook for
Junior High School. (SEMARANG, States Institutes for islamic Studies Walisongo
Afrilia Yunita, “Analisis Kesesuaian Isi, Model Keterpaduan Materi IPA, dan
Penilaian Kognitif Berdasarkan Tuntutan SK dan KD pada Buku Pelajaran IPA untuk
SMP Kelas VIII”, Skripsi, (Yogyakarta: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan
Alam Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Tahun 2012), pages. 92.


with BSNP standard.16 Similarly, the previous research was focused on
analyzing course book for student. But, in contrary, previous research was
focused on analyzing course ook for physic subject. In this research, the
researcher focuses on analyzing English course book designed by student in
IMALT class.
The last previous study was conducted by student in state institute for
Islamic studies (IAIN) Wali Songo Semarang. This research was conducted
by Amrih Prayoga with title “Kelayakan Isi Buku Teks Pelajaran Fisika
SMA”. This research was resulted that many materials in Fisika course book
for Senior High school was not appropriate with student life skill17. The
different with this research is on the object of the research.
For those explanation, its shows that this research is different with the
previous researches. The different aspect is on the focus of the research: the
relevant of speaking materials with the basic competence in curriculum 2013

Ratna Wati, “Analisis Keakuratan Materi Buku Ajar Fisika SMP se-Kota Semarang”,
Skripsi, (Semarang: UNNES Semarang, 2008), pages. vi.
Amrih Prayoga, “Kelayakan Isi Buku Teks Pelajaran Fisika SMA”, Skripsi,
(Semarang: FITK IAIN Walisongo Semarang, 2008), pagesvi.

In this chapter, the researcher will present in details the methodology of
the research used in this study. It is divided into several sub chapters. They are
research approach and research design, researcher presence, research location,
data and source of data, research instruments, data analysis technique, checking
validity of findings and research stages.
A. Reseach Approach and Research Design
In this research, the researcher will use qualitative approach. Maxwell
stated that “the strength as qualitative research derives primarily from its
inductive approach, its focus on specific situation or people, and its emphasis
on words rather the numbers”1.
In this study, it was described the relevance speaking materials in the
coursebook designed by students of IMALT Class English Teacher Education
Department based on speaking materials stated in core competencies and
basic competences on curriculum of 2013. The researcher collects the
document and analyze it to find out the relevant of speaking materials in
course book designed by students in IMALT class with the core and basic
competence of curriculum 2013 (K13). According with Donald “The
materials analyzed can be textbooks, newspapers, web pages, speeches,


Maxwell, Joseph Alex. Qualitative Research Design, (London: SAGE Publication,
1996), p. 17.



television programs, advertisements, musical compositions, or any of a host
of other types of documents.2
B. Research Presence
In this research, the researcher roles are the collector of the data and
as participator in analyzing course book designed by student in IMALT class
to find out the objective of the research. The documentation analysis and the
interview guide used in definite function to endorse the researcher’s task as
instrument. Therefore, the presence of the researcher in qualitative research is
imperative. Here, the human instrument can understand the meaning of every
interaction, read mime, and see through opinion and value of each subject’s
statement or deed. In the qualitative method, the researcher is to be
everything in the whole research process.3
One of the researcher’s roles in this research is as the participator in
analyzing coursebook designed. The researcher analyzing the course book
designed by students in IMALT class to find out is the course book relevant
with K13 or not.
C. Research Location
The research is held in English Teacher Education Department, State
Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya, This major is chosen by the

Donald Ary,, Introduction to Research in Education (Canada: Wadsworth Cengage
Learning,2010, 2006), 457
Prof. Dr. Sugiyono. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitative dan R & D, Bandung:
Alfabeta, 2009. Pages 121


researcher because English Education Department provide an English course
that is Instructional Material (IMALT) which students have learnt developing
material, selecting the appropriate cousebook, adapting material, designing
communicative coursebook, and others. In addition, students of IMALT class
have a project for designing a coursebook in-group as the practice what they
have got in teaching learning during the class in whole semester. Thus,
developing a coursebook is the ultimate goal for students of English Teacher
Education Department who take the course Instructional Material (IMALT).
The students have to design a coursebook for seven (VII) grade Junior High
School that is relevant with Indonesian Curriculum of 2013 (K-13) as their
final project.4 Therefore, the research location conducted in English Teacher
Education Department State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.
D. Data and Source of Data
Based on the objective of the study, basically, this study is
documentary research. The writer attempts to gather the document from
students in IMALT class B academic year 2012/2013 in English Department
in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya as data sources. In other terminology,
documentation research is library research. Library research used to gain
written sources either had been published or not published yet, by reading and


analyzing as the basis of composing the research.4 In this research, the writer
does not need hypothesis test for present and explaining the data.
In this research, writer will use one technique to collect the data
named documentary research. The writer uses document as the main data to
know the result of this research. Document is all of the written file or film
that provides the research to get the goal of the research.5 The researcher will
analyze students’ final project of IMALT class. The researcher will analyze
seven chapters in the course book, all the material provided in chapter consist
of language skills material and language components. In this study, researcher
only focuses on speaking materials in the course book. Therefore,
documentation is used to know the result of this study.
E. Research Instrument
In this research, writer will uses checklist as the instrument. Through
checklist, it will know the objective of this research. Using checklist is
commonly used to observe and to know the result of the research and one
effective way of ensuring that the needs and wants of learners are given
careful consideration when choosing coursebook is to apply a written
checklist of appropriate selection criteria to potential coursebook.6

Siti Sholikhatun “Content Analysis of Reading Materials in English on Sky textbook for
Junior High School. (SEMARANG, States Institutes for islamic Studies Walisongo
Donald Ary,, Introduction to Research …, 503
Alan Cunningsworth, Choosing your Coursebook. (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1995), 2


In the checklist, the researcher compares the speaking materials
activities in course book designed by student in IMALT class with basic
competence of curriculum 2013 (KD) and core competence of curriculum
2013 (KI) to measure the result of this research. in this research, researcher
focus on analyzing speaking activities. Speaking is included as one of the
psychomotor skill. In curriculum 2013, improving psychomotor skill is on
core competence (KI) 4. Moreover, the researcher will only use core
competence 4 (KI4) in the table of checklist. The result of this research will
be presented in table.
F. Data analysis
In qualitative research, the documentation in this research is act as the
main subject to find out the objective of the research. the technique of
analysis data in this research is use descriptive analysis. This research is
refer to the research instrument. In this research, the basic curriculum 2013
is taken as the research instrument. The writer uses some step in analyzing
the document. Those are the following:


Table 3.1
Steps of analyzing the data






In the table of research steps shows that before analyzing the course
book, we need to find the topics, objectives and the speaking activities in the


course book. This research is focus on analyzing the relevance of basic
competences number 3 and four in curriculum 2013 with speaking activities
in course book to find out the objective of the research.
Aspect of analysis in this research is the relevance of the activities in
the course book with the third and fourth basic competence in curriculum 2013.
On each aspect, there are 3 categories: good, fair, and bad. Score aspect
description is stated in the table below:
Table 3.2

Score Description of Relevancy of Materials With the Basic Competence of
Curriculum 2013





all activities in the course book are
relevant with basic competence in
curriculum 2013



Some activities in the course book are
relevant with basic competence in
curriculum 2013


All activities in the course book are not
relevant with basic competence
curriculum 2013


In the research instrument there are 3 categorizes of score. The final
score of course book can be find out using formula below:


After getting the score percentage of course book, the researcher find
the categorize the course book based on the table below:
Table 3.3
Course Book Categorization

Course book status

85 – 100


65 – 84


55 – 64


40 – 54

Not good

0 – 39


This table is adopted from the research was conducted by IKA
YUSMIUM with the title “Analisis Buku Teks Mata Pelajaran IPA untuk
MTs/SMP” from the table, the researcher know the quality of course book
designed by student in IMALT class based on the relevance with the basic
curriculum in curriculum 2013.
G. Checking Validity of Finding
In this research, researcher will use one technique to make this
research be accurate and valid research. Validating findings means that the
researcher determines the accuracy or credibility of the findings through
triangulation strategies. Triangulation is the process of reinforcing evidence


from different individuals (e.g., a principal and a student), types of data (e.g.,
observational field notes and interviews), or methods of data collection (e.g.,
documents and interviews) in descriptions and themes in qualitative
H. Research Stages
In this research the main data is documentation. The researcher will
analyze the data in three steps:
a. Preliminary Research: The researcher formulates the title and
research question, examine the related literature, choose the
research location that relevant with research question, and
collecting the data.
b. Research design: In the research design stage, the researcher do
some activities, they are make research proposal, decide research
instruments, organize preliminary research, construct research
instruments, and prepare research activity.
c. Research activity: in this study, the researcher will do some
research activities to find out the object of the research. those
activities are: develop research background, do the research,
collect the data, analyze data, find conclusion.


Jhon W. Creswell, Educational Research Planning, conducting, and evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitatative Research. America: Pearson
Education, 2012.

This chapter presents some result and discussion dealing with the object of
the research. the research findings are based on the field data and it will be discuss
trough the discussion of the result of the data analysis.
A. Research Finding
The objective of this research is to find out The relevance of speaking
materials in course book designed by students in IMALT class In English
Education department in UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya with Curriculum 2013
(K13). This book is designed for seven grader of junior high school. This book
is consist of seven chapters:
Table 4.1
Topics In The Course Book Designed By Student In IMALT B Class

How are you?




My job


My pet


Thing Around You


My home town

The course book is consist of topics about “UNYIL”. One of the
Students in IMALT class thinks that UNYIL is the best character for children.1
Other perception, “UNYIL” was chosen by student in IMALT class as the

Interview with Agil as the student in IMALT B class.



topic in the course book because in television most of children in Indonesia
know that “UNYIL” is kind, smart, and religious character in television
program. For those reason, the researcher expected to make children more
exciting with the course book designed by student in IMALT class.
By taking topics “UNYIL” in course book, student in IMALT B class
had to develop materials that are same with the “UNYIL” as main characters.
Students may use family, friends and culture of UNYIL as the topics of the
course book. Therefore, students in IMALT class decided into 6 groups. Each
group consists of 5 students. Then, student had to deciding the skills for each
member of the groups. The students started to search the materials base on their
skill in their group from the internet, newspaper, magazine, and television.
The contents of the course book should cover four sub skills in English
language materials: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Moreover, the
course book should cover additional sub skill such as language items:
grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary. This research is focused in analyzing
speaking materials in every chapters of the book. The speaking was puts in the
second part of the skill after listening skill. It showed that speaking skill is
communicative skill. Through speaking, student can communicate with others.
1. Course Book Table of Contains
Here the examples of speaking skills in course book which were
developed by students in IMALT B class. This table is consist of the topics,


objective, and the activities which is stated in course book designed by students
in IMALT B class.
Table 4.2
Topics, Objective, and Speaking Activities in Course Book


1. How are

Objective of the lesson
In this chapter, you will
learn about:

Speaking Activities
 Read the example of

1. Greeting

self-introduction on

2. Leave taking

the course book.

3. Self-introduction.

(activity 1)
 hi, my name is
 Hi, my name is
pak Raden.
 Good morning,
I’m Melanie.
 Good morning,
I’m Usro.

Practice of
greeting with


friend based on
example given in
the previous
(activity 2)
 Hi, hello
 Good morning
pak raden, good
morning unyil.
 Good afternoon
Melanie, good
afternoon unyil.

Practice dialogue
in the book.

(activity 3)

Complete the
dialogue based on
the example in the

(activity 4)

Write the


dialogue based on
the instruction in
the book.
(activity 5)
2. Holiday

in this chapter, you will
learn about:


Practice mention

1. Where did you go?

unyil activities on

2. Days in months


3. Sing a song
4. Did he or didn’t he?

(activity 1)


5. Who went where?

expression for

6. Functional text.


7. Times.

(activity 2)

expression for