-----------LINDA-----------DEA, it’s 11.30 have a nice sleep.
1. coz e’thing u’ve learn’ll b useless if u’r sleepy while doing d test.
C u on thurs.OptionBack1.
2. dear Vicky,Our niece got an accident this morning. She is waiting for the operation in Dr.Moewardi
now. It is scheduled at 3 pm. Our family will be waiting for it there before three. Please don’t worryabout
that. I’m sure it will run well for the operation.
Dr. Moewaardi hospitalb.
The accidentc.
The operationd.
3. FamillyDear Virna,
I was so sorry to learn of your mother’s passing. I know it was very sudden. I saw her as a
warm and grcious lady who was both honest when needed but sincere in her affections towardsothers. She
is one person who will be misses not just by her family but by all those who knew her.Please extend my
condolences to your entire family. I am willing to help in any way neededduring this time. Please
contact me if i am needed.With my deepest sympathyLaura.
4. Dear Ami,
I am afraid I cannot come to your house to attend your birthday party tonight. I have to
accompany my mother to visit a doctor. She has got fever for two days. I am sorry but I hope you

will have fun in your party.

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How to make a boat ora hat
Things you need :
What to do: frstt fold paper in half the long way t crease and
unfold. Second fold the sides up to the middle creaset keep

folded. Nextt fold the cornerstdown to the middle. Finallyt open
the middle and turn it inside out to make a boat or fip it over
andwear it as a hat.

8.From: +62815556165
Just to inform you that the meeting will be canceled for tomorrow Mon, May 23 '09
at 10 a. m. as the principal will arrive from Singapore tonight.

9. to: All Scout Members.
We are going to go camping at Bringin area, from 14 — 16 June 2009. The
contribution is Rp75,000.00. Members who would like to join the activity should
register their names to Mrs. Katmiati. Registration will be on 10th June, 2009.
Naufal A. C.
10. 136 guestrooms including 1 Penthouse (3 bedrooms), 1 Presidential suite (3
bedrooms), 54 Jayakarta Suites, 39 Executive and 45 Deluxe Rooms. Banquet and
function facilities are available for multipurpose, meetings, wedding, seminar and
conventions for up to 1000 participants. Recreation facilities wrapped in a unique

shape of open air swimming pool, where you can bring your children to play around
on a sand beach atmosphere.
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda (Dago) 381A, Bandung 40135 – Indonesia
Tel. (022) 2505888, fax (022) 25053888, E-mail.
11. Dear Irfan,
I am very glad to write this letter to you. How is your school? Here in Sleman, we
are preparing for the Independence Day celebrations. So everybody is very busy.

First, we are going to have some sports competition. There will be soccer, volleyball
and a tug of war competition. The winning team will receive a big goat as a prize.
I'm going to play in the football and volleyball competitions.
Then, we are going to have a wayang show on the night before the Independence
Day. The dalang is a famous one from Yogyakarta. He will perform all night long.
Have you ever seen a wayang show? It is very entertaining.
Finally, I'm going to attend a fag raising ceremony at school on Independence Day.
After that, we will give out prizes to the competition winners.
What are your plans for the Independence Day celebrations? Please write back and
tell me.
Best regards,
12. To : Santi
I've just got the news that our grandmother passed away two hours ago. We are
going to leave for Purworejo soon to attend the funeral. Please be here before 6
13. From : +6281010000
Just to inform you that the meeting will be canceled for tomorrow Mon, 23rd May
2009 at 10 a.m. as the principal will arrive from Singapure tonight.

14. Dear anna,
I’m sorry I have to tell yau that I can’t come to your house to work on our
project as we have planned before. Unexpected thing happens. My grandma
must be hospitalized soon. I’ll tell you about our plan later.

15 . Please join us to celebrate

Michael’s 14th birthday.
Monday, October 20th,2013
At 5 until 7 p.m
Jalan raya Mawar no 456 Purwokerto
Please come on time
This is a surprise party
Mr. and Mrs. Hartawan
FRIDAY January 25TH, 2010

There will be a girls’ basketball short meeting right after school this
afternoon in the school library. The meeting is expected to last around 45 minutes
and finish by 5. vlery member needs to be present in this important meeting.
Should anyone unable to attend the meeting, find r. vlder for permission and
further details about the agenda.
Looking forward to seeing you all in the meeting.
I feel g8, thx.
Cu 2morrow @d party
Hilton…I’m coming. How about our dance in Hyatt, Marcopolo n Pacifcc
wasn’t itc
18. Date: wed, 12 May 2013 12: 16.33-0700 (PDT)

Have you opened the presentc Just see and you will love it. I am
afraid I can’t see you tomorrow. Four friends are coming to my
house. How about next two daysc Let’s fnd some time to talk.

19. To: Ricky
Mother and I are going to the mall for some window shopping this afternoon. If you are free, you
can join us. Meet us in Grand Indonesia at 1 p.m.
20.Reni, don’t forget to study
Together at my house at 04.30 p.m.
Be on time!

21. All students of class nine A are supposed to gather in the school yard on Monday

August 12 th, 2006 at 10 a.m. for practicing flag ceremony.
Please be on time!

Tomorrow : Matinee

Seiji Ozawa Conductor
Rachmaninov : Symphony Dances Mahler :
Symphony No. 4
Beethoven Virginia Concerto
Izthak periman Violin
Symphony hall 1024 terrace Avenue

Dear Sue,
Please accept our sympathies on your daughter’s death, Linda.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difcult time.
Please know that we are here for you.
With Love, Agnes, Kathy and Bruce.
24.Dear Sandra,
Have you planned to do something this weekend,San?
If you haven’t, why don’t we go and see the music consert next saurday night.
our favorite band will perform. That must be great. I’ll ask Joan to join us.
Let’s meet at the bus station at
6 pm. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are agree!

.Dear Anindya,
wish you many happy returns of the day.
May God bless you with health,wealth and prosperty in your life.

26..Dear Karin,
Congratulation on your appoinatment as the OSIS chairperson in your
school. Do your best. There
are a lot of things that you can do to make our school better. I am sure you
can manage it.

Goodbless you.
Best wishes
27. Well done Mike!
Congritulation on winning the second place of basketball competition. Your team is really the best one in
our school. Keep practicing and get the 1st winner on the next session.

School Board
Wendy Baker
28. Our school basketball matches will begin on Saturday, January 1. The events will run from
8.00 – 10.00 for the next four weeks. The final tournament will be held on February 7. For more
information, contact Rizka (021 12345678)”
29. Dear Friends,

We request the pleasure of you in the candle light party
for the 10th anniversary of our marriage at garden Resto
on February 20, 2009 at 19.00
Dress code: Casual Red
30. Ass wr wb,
I am so amazed that you can create a lot of English practices facing the next UN.
Thanks a million for sending them for me hoping that Allah SWT give you blessing
life in health and in a happy family, amin ya robbal alamin.
31. Ass wr wb,
I am so amazed that you can create a lot of English practices facing the next UN.
Thanks a million for sending them for me hoping that Allah SWT give you blessing

life in health and in a happy family, amin ya robbal alamin.
32.A morning is a wonderful blessing, either cloudy or sunny. It stands for hope, giving us

another start of what we call life. Have a good morning and nice day.
33. Dad, Pick me up at 3 p.m. I have an OSIS meeting after school. Deasy
34.Dear Donie, I’ve prepared some food for breakfast. I put it on the refrigerator. Sorry, I have to
go to work very early. Mom
Dear Mrs. Jessica, I need your help. Please deliver some tart cakes for birthday party. I’m
waiting the cake before 10 a.m. tomorrow morning. Mrs. Rubent
36. Jennie, Don’t forget to bring the book. It’s on the table. Bram
37.Dear Lisa I had come to return your book. But, unfortunately you weren’t at home. I gave the
book to your mom. Susanti
38.when I looked at the stars in the night, I hoped to fnd the best one. But
I fnally couldn’t fnd the best star in the sky, because it’s near from me
and then it was you.
39.Happiness is not how much money on my hand right now. It is how
much love I can give to you.

40At the frst time when I saw you, there was a hope in the heart. When I
have already known you, there is a strong certainty in your eyes so I never
41. Remembering you is a happiness, hearing your voice is a beauty, and
seeing you is a gift from God.
42. Kindness, love, and faith will continue existing among us only if these
hearts stay close.
43. ever put any limitation since you want to start something, but if you have done
you know your limitation.”
44. “Good communication comes from people to people, but great communication
comes from people to Allah.”

Contoh soal notice
e notice is for questions number 1 and 2.

1. The following are the meaning of the notice EXCEPT ....
A. No one is allowed to swim here.
B. Swimming in this area is prohibited.
C. Do not swim in this area when it is dangerous.
D. To swim in this area is forbidden.
2. The caution may be found at the dangerous areas in the following places, EXCEPT…
A. beaches
B. rivers
C. ponds
D. bathrooms

This notice is for questions number 3 and 4

3. This caution is meant to warn anyone who walks on the floors to be careful because ...
A. the floors are wet this time
B. the floors are not wet
C. anybody can make the floors wet
D. anybody will be wet if they walk on the floors
4. From the text we know that….
A. we may not make the floors wet
B. we are required to step on the floors
C. we might slip if we step on them
D. we should mop the floors
5. What does this sign mean?

A. Anyone who sees this sign will be dead.
B. Anyone who passes this road will die at the end.

C. This is the end of the road and progress cannot continue
D. Somebody is dead so anyone must stop at the end of this line
Read this notice to answer questions number 4 to 6

6. This notice means ....
A. no one is allowed to smoke in these buildings.
B. everyone may smoke in this area.
C. it is not good for your own health to smoke here
D. smoking is dangerous for your health.
7. These are no smoking premises.
The underlined word has similar meaning to ....
A. statement
B. building
C. promise
D. permission
8. ... to permit smoking in these premises.
The underlined word means to ...
A. allow
B. invite
C. obey
D. forbid

9. This notice means ....

A. you are not allowed to smoke in this building
B. you are free to smoke in this building
C. you are permitted to enter this building if you smoke
D. you are not allowed to enter this building if you are smokers
10. What does this caution mean?

A. You are not allowed to enter because it might be dangerous.
B. You may enter if it is not dangerous.
C. You have to buy a ticket first if you want to enter.
D. You are welcome to enter the area or the building.
11. Read this notice. You ...park here.

A. may not
B. should not

C. have to
D. will not
12. This notice means that the property belongs to one particular person or group only so ....

A. anybody can approach and make use of it
B. it is intended for public
C. anybody must not approach or make use of it
D. it must be put outside
13. What does the caution mean?

A. The liquid is easy to set on fire.
B. The liquid is yellow.
C. The liquid is made of fire.
D. The liquid is colourful.
14. Read this notice

The notice is to warn visitors who want to get in. The owner of the building informs visitors
that ....
A. he is afraid of the dog
C. the dog is afraid of visitors
B. he does not like the dog
D. there is a fierce dog inside
15. What does this sign mean?

A. Follow this way.
B. Pass this way.
C. Don't pass this way.
D. Don't park here.
16. What does this notice mean?

A. You may not ride bicycles or motorcycles here.
B. Riding bicycles or motorcycles on this way is allowed.
C. Don't take bicycles and motorcycles from this area.
D. Park bicycles or motorcycles here.
17. What does this sign mean?
A. We may throw rubbish in this area.
B. We may not throw rubbish here.
C. We are allowed to throw rubbish here.
D. We are required to throw rubbish here.
18. This notice might be found in the following places EXCEPT ...

A. in a library
B. in a cafe
C. in a hospital
D. inside a cinema
19. This sign means ....

A. Children should play in the playground, not in this road.
B. Children must play anything slowly in this area.
C. You must drive slowly because children are playing in dramas.
D. You must drive slowly because there might be children playing in this area.
20. This sign means anyone... in this area.

A. may not stop
B. may take a rest
C. must stop and take a rest
D. must not take a rest

21. What does this notice mean?
A. You are required to step on the grass.
B. You are forbidden to step on the grass.
C. You are invited to walk on the grass.
D. You are expected to walk on the grass.
Read this notice to answer questions number 22 and 23.

22. With this notice, they want to inform anyone that there is an examination, so ....
A. those who are doing the examination must be quiet
B. everyone must do the examination quietly
C. everyone must do the examination
D. don't disturb those who are doing it
23. Where do you usually find this notice?
A. In a hospital.
B. In public places.
C. At home.
D. At school.
24. What does this notice mean?
It means that you ... go through this side.
A. may
B. must
C. will
D. can
25. The notice means that you have to ...
A. pay with the exact amount of money so you do not need a change
B. pay in a cash not in a cheque or money order
C. be ready to pay before they ask you to
D. be ready to know the exact fare

26. This sign is commonly put on an electrical or mechanical device that ...
A. is not in an order
B. is not working properly
C. is good to be placed outside
D. is working very well
This notice is for question number 27 and 28.

27. What does this sign mean?
A. Don't drive too fast.
B. Don't be too far from this vehicle.
C. Don't be too close to this vehicle.
D. Don't drive over the speed limit.
28. Where can the notice commonly be found?
A. At the back of a bus, a truck, or a car.
B. At the back of a train.
C. At the side of the road.
D. At the bus station.
29. Where can you usually find this notice?
A. In an airplane.
B. At a domestic airport.
C. At a stadium.

D. At an international airport.
30. This notice warns you not to ride a motorcycle or a bicycle on this road because it is ....
A. a path for people to walk along
B. a path for bicycles
C. very dangerous for the cyclists
D. intended only for cars
31. This sign warns you that you will come to a/ an .... immediately.

A. T-junction
B. public telephone
C. television station
D. train
32. What does this sign say?

A. You must turn left.
B. You must turn right.
C. You must go straight.

D. you must stop here.
33. What does this sign say?

A. You may not take a U-turn here.
B. You may not overtake.
C. You may not turn left.
D. You may not turn right.
34. What does this sign say?

A. All the vehicles must turn right.
B. All the vehicles must run on the right side of the road.
C. Only those who want to turn right are allowed to proceed.
D. Only those who want to turn right are allowed to park here.
35. Who is not allowed to use this path?
A. people riding bicycles
B. people riding motorcycles
C. people driving cars

D. people walking