The Roles Of Public Relations In Pt. Angkasa Pura 1 Adisutjipto International Airport Of Yogyakarta Final Project Report bab 1

A. Background
Nowadays, the competition in company or institution becomes more and
more competitive. This condition makes the company or institution to be more
creative and innovative to survive. Besides, company or institution should make
good communication and information services. Communication and information
become the two things that are very important in each institution or company.
Communication can build a good understanding between internal and external
institution. Moreover, the information can give more knowledge about the
institution to public. Each institution or company needs to build a good
communication and information because those are basic factor that can build
public perception. In making good communications and information an institution
or company needs a division called Public Relations.
Public Relations officers have responsibility to make sure that the
communication and information in their institution run well. Public Relations
officers (PRO) should know further about the institution to make good

communication among internal institutions. Then, Public Relations officers are
demanded to always update the information about the institution, for monitoring
the institution. So, when Public Relations officers know the current condition of
the institution they can do some right ways to respond this condition.
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All of the activities of Public Relations have a purpose to make a good
reputation of their institution. The reputation can influence the public perception
about the institution or company, when the reputation is good the public will have
good perception about the institution or company. Good perception from publics
is important to get loyal consumers. Loyal consumer is needed by all companies,
including companies in the service sector. When the company has loyal
consumers the company will have many advantages, so the number of the
consumers always increases.

PT. Angkasa Pura 1 Adisutjipto International Airport of Yogyakarta is one
of the companies that work in the service sector. The service that is provided by
PT. Angkasa Pura 1 Adisutjipto International Airport of Yogyakarta is divided
into two things, i.e. aeronautics and non aeronautics. Aeronautics includes all the
services about aviation and non aeronautics includes all the activities in Airport
excluding aviation. The companies that work in service sector are important to
build good perception. So, PT. Angkasa Pura 1 Adisutjipto International Airport
of Yogyakarta needs to build a good perception from its publics (consumers and
users) in order to get loyal consumers.
According to Cutlip (2005, 32) Public Relations have four roles that are
expert prescriber, communication facilitator, problem solving process facilitator,
and communication technician. In each institution or company the dominant role
of Public Relations influence many factors such as salary, experience, gender, etc.
Even though the dominant role in each institution is different but the main goal of
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this role is same. The main goal of this role is to create good perception from their

public. So, Public Relations officer of PT. Angkasa Pura 1 Adisutjipto
International Airport of Yogyakarta has responsible to create good image from its
The writer had the job training in PT. Angkasa Pura 1 Adisutjipto
International Airport of Yogjakarta from 10th March 2014 until 10th April 2014 in
shared service and communication division. Shared service and communication
division are known as humas in Indonesian language. The final project is focus in
the role of Public Relations in PT. Angkasa Pura 1 Adisutjipto International
Airport of Yogyakarta therefore the Final project report is entitled THE ROLES

B. Objective
The objective of the final project report is:
To describe the roles and activities of Public Relations in PT. Angkasa Pura 1
Adisutjipto International Airport of Yogyakarta

C. Benefits

This final project is expected to be beneficial for:
1. PT. Angkasa Pura 1 Adisutjipto International Airport Yogyakarta
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The final project can be used by the Public Relations division of PT.
Angkasa Pura 1 Adisutjipto International Airport Yogyakarta to find its
strength and weakness, so they can do the right way in order to improve
the quality of its services.
2. The readers
The final project can give some additional information to the readers about
Public Relations and the role of Public Relations of PT. Angkasa Pura 1
Adisutjipto International Airport Yogjakarta.
3. Other writers
The final project is expected to become one of the references for other

writers of final project report in conducting observation about Public

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