The influence of parenting style Toward Josie`s character as seen through Jodi Picoult`s nineteen minutes.



Rizky Yuga Permana. The Influence of Parenting style toward Josie’s Character as seen as Jodi Picoult’s Nineteen Minutes.Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University. 2015.

Nineteen Minutes is one of the Jodi Picoult’s novels. This novel tells about a relationship between a mother named Alex Cormier and her daughter named Josie Cormier. As a mother, Alex wants to take care of and raise her child well. However, the way she treats her from childhood to adolescences has changed her characteristics.

This study aims to find out the characteristics of Josie Cormier and how the

parenting style influences Josie Cormier’s Characteristics.

Library research is held to support this study and some steps had been arranged for answering the problem. The writer divided the sources into two types. The first was primary source and the second was the secondary sources. The novel, Nineteenth Minutes written by Jodi Picoult, is used as the primary data source to find out the characteristics of Josie and Alex Cormier in the story. The secondary sources were some books and sites from the internet. There are three theories that the writer use in analyze this novel, those are theories on character and characterization, theories on adolescence, and theories on parenting style. The approach which is appropriate to be used in analyzing this novel is psychological approach because it deals with the individual psychology. A psychological approach is an approach that applies principles of modern psychology to characters or situations within a literary work. As could be seen in the novel, there is a recurring pattern of parenting style which is appropriately observed using the theory of psychology.

The Result of the study can be formulated as follows. There are two main characters in this novel, those are Alex Cormier and Josie Cormier. There are six

characteristics of Alex Cormier as Josie Cormier’s Mother, those are wise, intelligent,

perfectionist, decisive, hard worker, and uncompromised. Josie has five characteristics when she was child. Those are cheerful, confident, good-hearted, intelligent and loyal. In Adolescences there are four characteristics of Josie Cormier. Those are wise, rebel, not perfectionist, and loyal. After seeing the influence of parenting style in Josie's character in child period, to reinforce how parenting style gives big influence person's character, the writer also discusses the effect when the parenting style changes. When Alex Cormier changes her parenting style to treat Josie in adolescence period, it is lead the changes Josie Cormier's character. In adolescence period, Alex Cormier uses different parenting styles to treat Josie Cormier. In adolescence period Alex Cormier uses authoritarian parenting style to treat Josie Cormier.



Rizky Yuga Permana. The Influence of Parenting style toward Josie’s Character as seen as Jodi Picoult’s Nineteen Minutes. Yogyakarta : Jurusan Sastra Inggris. Fakultas Sastra. Universitas Sanata Dhama. 2015.

Nineteen Minutes adalah salah satu novel garapan Jodi Picoult. Novel ini menceritakan tentang suatu hubungan antara seorang ibu yang bernama Alex Cormier dan anaknya yang bernama Josie Cormier. Sebagai seorang ibu, Alex ingin merawat dan membesarkan anaknya dengan baik. Namun, cara yang ia lakukan selama anak – anak hingga remaja telah merubah karakter anaknya.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik Josie Cormier dan bagaimana gaya pengasuhan mempengaruhi Karakteristik Josie Cormier

Penelitian kepustakaan diadakan untuk mendukung penelitian ini dan beberapa langkah telah diatur untuk menjawab masalah. Penulis membagi sumber menjadi dua jenis. Yang pertama adalah sumber utama dan yang kedua adalah sumber sekunder. Novel, Nineteenth Menit ditulis oleh Jodi Picoult, digunakan sebagai sumber data primer untuk mengetahui karakteristik Josie dan Alex Cormier dalam cerita. Sumber sekunder beberapa buku dan situs dari internet. Ada tiga teori yang penulis gunakan dalam menganalisis novel ini, yaitu teori tentang karakter dan karakterisasi, teori tentang masa remaja, dan teori tentang gaya pengasuhan. Pendekatan yang tepat untuk digunakan dalam menganalisis novel ini adalah pendekatan psikologis karena berhubungan dengan psikologi individu. Pendekatan psikologis adalah pendekatan yang menerapkan prinsip-prinsip psikologi modern untuk karakter atau situasi dalam karya sastra. Seperti bisa dilihat dalam novel, ada pola yang berulang dari gaya pengasuhan yang tepat diamati menggunakan teori psikologi.

Hasil penelitian ini dapat dirumuskan sebagai berikut. Ada dua karakter utama dalam novel ini, yaitu Alex Cormier dan Josie Cormier. Ada enam karakteristik yang dimiliki oleh Alex Cormier sebagai ibu dari Josie Cormier, yaitu bijaksana, cerdas, perfeksionis, tegas, pekerja keras, dan tanpa kompromi. Josie memiliki lima karakteristik ketika ia masih kecil. yaitu ceria, percaya diri, baik hati, cerdas dan setia. Dalam masa remaja ada empat karakteristik yang dimiliki Josie Cormier. Yaitu bijaksana, pemberontak, tidak perfeksionis, dan setia. Setelah melihat pengaruh pola asuh dalam karakter Josie pada periode anak, untuk memperkuat bagaimana pengasuhan gaya memberikan karakter besar pengaruh seseorang, penulis juga membahas efek ketika perubahan gaya pengasuhan. Ketika Alex Cormier merubah gaya pengasuhannya untuk merawat Josie dalam periode masa remaja, itu membawa perubahan karakter pada Josie Cormier. Pada saat remaja, Alex Cormier menggunakan gaya pengasuhan yang berbeda untuk merawat Josie Cormier. Pada periode remaja Alex Cormier menggunakan gaya asuh otoriter untuk merawat Josie Cormier.






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 084214018









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 084214018









When you walk through a storm Hold your head up high And don't be afraid of the dark

At the end of the storm There's a golden sky

And the sweet silver song of a lark

Gerry And The Pacemakers - You´ll Never Walk Alone

And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no

man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not

denied my name.

Revelation 3: 7 – 8

Jika Satu Senar saja cukup kenapa harus memainkan banyak senar.


This undergraduate thesis is dedicated to


My Beloved Father and Mother

My Sister

The Wolves

Bigreds Indonesia

And those who love me



First of all, my deepest gratitude goes to my Lord, Father, Best Friend and My

Creator, Jesus Christ, to whom I lay down all my dreams and hopes. When I walk

through a storm, you hold my head up high, You said ―Don't be afraid of the dark

because at the end of the storm, there is a golden sky‖. I thank Him for all the grace, miracles, and joy in my life.

Special thanks go to my advisor, Hirmawan Wijanarka, M. Hum., for all the

helps, suggestions, patience, and guidance during my undergraduate thesis up the

end. I thank him so much for the hard work and being so patient in correcting my

thesis so that I could complete this thesis. Big thanks, for helping me to realize my

ideas. I would like to thank my Co Advisor, Dr. F.X. Siswadi, M.A. I thank all

lecturers in Sanata Dharma University for teaching me many things.

My greatest appreciation goes to my beloved parents, Iswahyu Nugroho

(Alm.) and Gandini, who always give me love, support, motivation, and challenge to

finish my study. I thank my sister Nanda Wahyu Sari for his love and support in

many ways. Much gratitude is also for my big family, I thank them.

My gratitude also goes to my best friends: Cahya Unggul Hartama, Rudi

Setyanto, Aditya Wisnu, Maria Rosari, Rizal Ahmed, Cynthia Budi Janto, Anton,

Sefti Ayu Wardhani, Icha Kristiani,Bernike, Oky, Edy, Septian, Bernadetha Kristiani,

Iman Wagiana, Antonius Yoga, Kurnia Putri, Yoga Adi, Gigih Indarko,Latifa


band, Adyt and Friends Company Band, Deercoustic band, KKN crew, Heru Kost

Family who always makes me happy, 2008 classmates, and Senandung Senja

Management. Last but not the least is my gratitude for ―the wolves‖ Sylva

Haryosaputro, Andri Alghoni, Agustinus Damar, Diamantino Soares, and Artantya

Krispradipta for all of the crazy days and stories.



TITLE PAGE ……….. ii





MOTTO PAGE ……… vii




ABSTRACT ………. xi

ABSTRAK ……… xii


A. Background of the Study………...……….………. 1

B. Problem Formulation……… 3

C. Objectives of the Study ……….……. 4

D. Definition of Terms ……….…… 4


A. Review of Related Studies ………... 6

B. Review of Related Theories ……….… 9

1. Theories on Character and Characterization ………... 9

2. Theories on Adolescence ……… 14

3. Theories on Parenting style ………. 15

C. Theoretical Framework ...……….………... 19


A. Object of the Study …………..……….………..…… 20

B. Approach of the Study ……….…... 21

C. Method of the Study ………..………….. 21

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS A. The Presentation of Alex Cormier and Josie ………….……….. 23

B. The Parenting Style that give influence to Josie…………...……. 30





Rizky Yuga Permana. The Influence of Parenting style toward Josie’s Character

as seen as Jodi Picoult’s Nineteen Minutes.Yogyakarta: Department of English

Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University. 2015.

Nineteen Minutes is one of the Jodi Picoult’s novels. This novel tells about a

relationship between a mother named Alex Cormier and her daughter named Josie Cormier. As a mother, Alex wants to take care of and raise her child well. However, the way she treats her from childhood to adolescences has changed her characteristics.

This study aims to find out the characteristics of Josie Cormier and how the

parenting style influences Josie Cormier’s Characteristics.

Library research is held to support this study and some steps had been arranged for answering the problem. The writer divided the sources into two types. The first was primary source and the second was the secondary sources. The novel, Nineteenth Minutes written by Jodi Picoult, is used as the primary data source to find out the characteristics of Josie and Alex Cormier in the story. The secondary sources were some books and sites from the internet. There are three theories that the writer use in analyze this novel, those are theories on character and characterization, theories on adolescence, and theories on parenting style. The approach which is appropriate to be used in analyzing this novel is psychological approach because it deals with the individual psychology. A psychological approach is an approach that applies principles of modern psychology to characters or situations within a literary work. As could be seen in the novel, there is a recurring pattern of parenting style which is appropriately observed using the theory of psychology.

The Result of the study can be formulated as follows. There are two main characters in this novel, those are Alex Cormier and Josie Cormier. There are six

characteristics of Alex Cormier as Josie Cormier’s Mother, those are wise, intelligent,

perfectionist, decisive, hard worker, and uncompromised. Josie has five characteristics when she was child. Those are cheerful, confident, good-hearted, intelligent and loyal. In Adolescences there are four characteristics of Josie Cormier. Those are wise, rebel, not perfectionist, and loyal. After seeing the influence of parenting style in Josie's character in child period, to reinforce how parenting style gives big influence person's character, the writer also discusses the effect when the parenting style changes. When Alex Cormier changes her parenting style to treat Josie in adolescence period, it is lead the changes Josie Cormier's character. In adolescence period, Alex Cormier uses different parenting styles to treat Josie Cormier. In adolescence period Alex Cormier uses authoritarian parenting style to treat Josie Cormier.



Rizky Yuga Permana. The Influence of Parenting style toward Josie’s Character

as seen as Jodi Picoult’s Nineteen Minutes. Yogyakarta : Jurusan Sastra Inggris.

Fakultas Sastra. Universitas Sanata Dhama. 2015.

Nineteen Minutes adalah salah satu novel garapan Jodi Picoult. Novel ini menceritakan tentang suatu hubungan antara seorang ibu yang bernama Alex Cormier dan anaknya yang bernama Josie Cormier. Sebagai seorang ibu, Alex ingin merawat dan membesarkan anaknya dengan baik. Namun, cara yang ia lakukan selama anak – anak hingga remaja telah merubah karakter anaknya.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik Josie Cormier dan bagaimana gaya pengasuhan mempengaruhi Karakteristik Josie Cormier

Penelitian kepustakaan diadakan untuk mendukung penelitian ini dan beberapa langkah telah diatur untuk menjawab masalah. Penulis membagi sumber menjadi dua jenis. Yang pertama adalah sumber utama dan yang kedua adalah sumber sekunder. Novel, Nineteenth Menit ditulis oleh Jodi Picoult, digunakan sebagai sumber data primer untuk mengetahui karakteristik Josie dan Alex Cormier dalam cerita. Sumber sekunder beberapa buku dan situs dari internet. Ada tiga teori yang penulis gunakan dalam menganalisis novel ini, yaitu teori tentang karakter dan karakterisasi, teori tentang masa remaja, dan teori tentang gaya pengasuhan. Pendekatan yang tepat untuk digunakan dalam menganalisis novel ini adalah pendekatan psikologis karena berhubungan dengan psikologi individu. Pendekatan psikologis adalah pendekatan yang menerapkan prinsip-prinsip psikologi modern untuk karakter atau situasi dalam karya sastra. Seperti bisa dilihat dalam novel, ada pola yang berulang dari gaya pengasuhan yang tepat diamati menggunakan teori psikologi.

Hasil penelitian ini dapat dirumuskan sebagai berikut. Ada dua karakter utama dalam novel ini, yaitu Alex Cormier dan Josie Cormier. Ada enam karakteristik yang dimiliki oleh Alex Cormier sebagai ibu dari Josie Cormier, yaitu bijaksana, cerdas, perfeksionis, tegas, pekerja keras, dan tanpa kompromi. Josie memiliki lima karakteristik ketika ia masih kecil. yaitu ceria, percaya diri, baik hati, cerdas dan setia. Dalam masa remaja ada empat karakteristik yang dimiliki Josie Cormier. Yaitu bijaksana, pemberontak, tidak perfeksionis, dan setia. Setelah melihat pengaruh pola asuh dalam karakter Josie pada periode anak, untuk memperkuat bagaimana pengasuhan gaya memberikan karakter besar pengaruh seseorang, penulis juga membahas efek ketika perubahan gaya pengasuhan. Ketika Alex Cormier merubah gaya pengasuhannya untuk merawat Josie dalam periode masa remaja, itu membawa perubahan karakter pada Josie Cormier. Pada saat remaja, Alex Cormier menggunakan gaya pengasuhan yang berbeda untuk merawat Josie Cormier. Pada periode remaja Alex Cormier menggunakan gaya asuh otoriter untuk merawat Josie Cormier.



A. Background of the Study

Literature is a study of human being experiences. The writer can see

experience of human in the literary works that people write. Literary works show us

how people faced some problem and solve it. Sylvain Barnet, Morton Berman, and

William Burto stated that

An author may share her or his feeling toward the social condition, life experience and views of the issue which appear around her or him through work of literature. Therefore, it can be said that literature portrays the reality of life (1963:3-5).

The quotation means that the writer can find out about the author thought to

the social conditions that exist around us from literary works. It is because of the

literary works sometimes explaining the situation and social conditions in expressed

or implied. Except the social condition, through a beautiful packaging author also

invites us to be more critical about personal character around us.

There are many kinds of literary works. Those are novel, poem, and script of

the drama. In literary work there are many elements could be analyzed. Those are

theme, plot, setting, message, character, point of view, title, tone, and etc.

In this research the writer chooses one of Jodi Picoult’s novels entitled

Nineteen Minutes as an object in this study. The writer chooses Nineteen Minutes as


author who likes to write a novel about family life. Jodi Picoult is good author in

writing novel about family life because most of her novels that tell about family life

are becoming a best seller. Moreover, Jodi Picoult always makes character to make

the reader understand with her purpose why she writes a novel in this case in

Nineteen Minutes.

After reading clearly, the writer decided to uses character as the subject of his

research. It is very important to know about the character because there is a

relationship between character, author, and the reader. In the novel, the author

controls what character is like and the reader should try to respond to that character in

a way that is true to what the author has done.

Richard Gill says that characters in the book are not real people, but figures who have been specially created by the author. Characters also may have all sorts of link with the people we meet every day, or in some cases we feel more strongly about them than real people (1995:127).

Richard Gill also said that character makes the reader easier to understand the

characteristic of the people in novels and sometimes character differentiates between

good stories and bad stories. Good stories, to begin with, are interesting; they present

characters you care about; however fantastic, they are yet somehow plausible; they

project a moral world you recognize.

Because of many reasons above the writer chooses two of the characters on

Jodi Picoult’s novel entitled Nineteen Minutes as the writer research subject in this research. Then, the writer chooses Josie Cormier’s character and her mother Alex


Cormier as an object of this research; it is because those characters represent the

relationship between mother and her daughter that is in the adolescence period.

Before the writer talks about the characters, the writer has to know about

adolescence period. Adolescence period is a transitional stage in our evoluntary

development from beast to human. Stanley Hall, the pioneer of theory of adolescence

said that being adolescence was something like being a fully grown animal in a cage,

an animal who sees freedom, but does not know quite when freedom will occur or

how to handle it. Adolescence is a very important period, much character that the

writer have as adult, formed when the writer are in adolescence period.

A psychologist Robert Havighurst also added his thought, the pattern of

development a particular adolescent display depends upon great many factors. The

most important of these include the individual’s adjustment in childhood, the level of

adjustment of his or her parents and peers, and the changes that occur during


In the other words, the writer has aims to show how important of parenting

style is and to make parents understand that the parenting style can influence their


B. Problem Formulation

1. How are the characters of Alex and Josie Cormier described?

2. How do the parenting styles influence Josie Cormier characteristics?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem formulation, this study has several aims to be achieved.

First, the writer analyzes the description of the characters. The characterization of the

characters is connected to the influence of parenting style toward the character’s

behavior. The second aim is to find out how parenting style influences the character.

Those two objectives of the study give evidence about how parent influence their

children in their life.

D. Definition of Terms

To avoid different understanding during reading this thesis, some definitions

of important terms related to the analysis are provided.

1. Parenting Style

A clinical and developmental psychologist, Diana Baumrind says that

parenting style is a complex activity that includes many specific behaviors that work


2. Character

M.H. Abrams stated characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or

narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular

moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons say

and their distinctive ways of saying it the dialogue and from what they do—the action. (1999:32-33).

In other character theory, Richard Gill added that characters in book are not

real person but person who have been specially created by the author. Characters also

may have all sorts of link with the people we meet every day, or in some cases the




This chapter focuses on some reviews related to the work of literature and also

some relevant theories to support the analysis on the topic discussed in this thesis.

There are two sections in this chapter. The First section is the review on related

studies of Nineteen Minutes. Second section consists of some theories used to

analyze the topic.

A. Review of Related Studies

The novel under discussion is relatively new, having only been published for

seven years at the time this thesis is written. Related studies in printed media (books,

magazines, etc.) are very rare. Therefore, the writer has to find alternative sources of

related studies from the internet.

―There’s a word we learned in social studies: schadenfreude,‖ one of this

book’s characters writes. ―It’s when you enjoy watching someone else suffer.‖ Schadenfreude surges through Ms. Picoult’s version of Peter’s life, although it is not precisely his misery that the reader is meant to enjoy. It’s the sense that

the tragedy that has struck the Houghtons could happen to even the nicest family — at least if the parents tolerate hunting, television and video games and neglect to notice that their child has become bully bait. (, 2007, 5 September 2015)


There are many topics and themes that can be discussed in the novel Nineteen

Minutes. In the above quotation the article by Janet Maslin focuses on the social

studies: schadenfreude. The author of the article makes one of the characters in the

novel becomes the focus of the writing of the article. The author discusses how Peter

faces a situation he experienced bullying in school.The duration of a high-school

shooting rampage perpetrated by Peter Houghton is the setting of the article. The

author tries to explain the development of Peter’s life Houghton from childhood until

teenage. Bullying earned by Peter from his friends when he was a child until teenager

form himself into a person who is create chaos in his high school. How the social life

affect a person's character is the theme of the author in writing his article.

It’s most convincing; "Nineteen Minutes" is less a narrative about a horrific event than an insightful deconstruction of youthful alienation, of the shattering repercussions of bullying, and the disturbing effects of benign neglect. Seventeen-year-old Peter wasn't a bad kid. He came from a loving home; his mother, Lacy, a warm and generous nurse/midwife; his father, a pleasant if distracted scientist. They were all still reeling from the death of Peter's brother, Joey, just the year before, but all were dealing in their own way. (, 2007, 4 September 2015)

Another articles by Karen Campbell that talks about Nineteen Minutes said

how one of the character in this novel, Peter, become the victim of bullying. The

author said that what Peter does in High School tragedy is a consequence that occurs

as a result of bullying acquired. The author said slow journey toward his desperate act

began years before, as early as kindergarten. On his very first day, he was tagged as

somehow different -- inferior, smaller, weaker, less socially comfortable. Karen


who comes from loving have a better live than others, but the relationship between

Peter and his social life makes him become a person who are solitary person and not

comfortable with his social life. The article written by Karen Campbell discussed

about consequence that happened if there is a bullying in social life.

If we read the existing reviews and essays, the writers basically agree that

Nineteenth Minutes is a unique book and not easy to analyze. However, on the

subject of the novel’s strong points and weak points, what makes the novel special or

otherwise; their opinions often differ greatly and even contrast with each other.

In the official website of Jody Picoult,, 24 June 2013 Jody Picoult

said that this book is hard to analyze. It is always hardest for Jodi Picoult to write a

book that has kids in it close to her kids’ ages and Nineteen Minutes does. She thinks

that every parent has probably experienced bullying in some form, either from the

point of view the bully or the victim. So it’s a pretty universal subject.


She knows that many of her readers are the age of the young characters in this

book, and over the years. But it wasn’t until she began to connect what kids

experience in school with how adults treat other adults who are somehow different

that she began to piece together the story. Discrimination and difference at the high

school level will never end until the adults running these schools can go about their


Jody said that it’s funny if the readers should compare Nineteen Minutes to My Sister’s Keeper because she sees them as very similar books. They are both very

emotional, very gut-wrenching, and they’re situations that every parent dreads. And like the moral and ethical complications of My Sister Keeper, we have a kid in

Nineteen Minutes who does something that, on the surface, is absolutely devastating

and destructive and will end the lives of others. But we can understand why a child

who’s been victimized might feel like he’s justified in fighting back. We also think it’s fascinating to look at how two good parents might find themselves with a child they do not recognize a child who does something they cannot swallow.

What makes this research different from the researches shown earlier is the topic that

the writer discussed in this research. The writer discusses about how parenting style

influence the changes the character of Josie Cormier.

B. Review of related Theories

There are several theories that the writer use to support the analysis.

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

First the theory that support for this research is the theory of character and

characterization, the writer uses theory from William Harmon, Hugh Holman, and


William Harmon and Hugh Holman stated that character is a complicated

term that includes the idea of moral constitution of the human personality, the

presence of moral uprightness, and the simpler notion of the presence of creatures in

art that seem to be human beings of one sort another; character is also a term applied

to a literary form that flourished in England and France in the seventeenth and

eighteenth centuries. It is a brief descriptive sketch of a personage who typifies some

definite quality. The person is described not as an individualized personality, but as

an example of some vice or virtue or type, such as a busybody, a glutton, a fop, a

bumpkin, a garrulous old man, or a happy milkmaid (2009:95).

William Harmon and Hugh Holman also stated that characterization is a

creation of imaginary persons so that they seem lifelike. There are three fundamental

methods of characterization. First, the explicit presentation by the author of the

character through direct exposition, either in an introductory block or more often

piecemeal throughout the work, illustrated by action. Second, the presentation of the

character in action, with little or no explicit comment by the author, in the expectation

that the reader can deduce the attributes of the actor from the action.Third, the

representation from within a character, without comment by the author, of the impact


Regardless of the method by which a character is presented, the author may

concentrate on a dominant trait to the exclusion of the other aspects of personality, or

the author may attempt to present a fully rounded creation. If the presentation of a

single dominant trait is carried to an extreme, not a believable character but a

caricature will result. If this method is handled with skill, it can produce striking and

interesting two-dimensional characters that lack depth (2009:95-96).

Furthermore, a character may be either static or dynamic. A static character is

one who changes little if at all. Things happen to such a character without things

happening within. The pattern of action reveals the character rather than showing the

character changing in response to the actions. Sometimes a static character gives the

appearance of changing simply because our picture of the character is revealed bit by

bit. A dynamic character, on the other hand, is one who is modified by actions and

experiences, and one objective of the work in which the character appears is to reveal

the consequences of these actions (2009:95).

Character is a person in a literary work that has some sort of identity. Their

identity made up by appearance, conversation, action, name and (possibly) thoughts

going on in the head.

In other character theory, Richard Gill added that characters in book are not

real people but figures who have been specially created by the author. Characters also

may have all sorts of link with the people we meet every day, or in some cases we


Richard Gill also divided characters based on their range into three. First, is

character that very lightly sketched in, the second is a character that is clear but

minimal. It means that in the story character is clearly but its minimal explanation.

There is no building up of resolution, no weighting of moral considerations. And the

third is complex character; it means that in this character we can see a lot of fully

developed character (1995:128-129).

According to Richard Gill, we do not just focus on the kind of characters we

find in a novel, but actually we also must give attention to the process of

characterization will be taken for granted in a good deal of what we say, and attention

will be taken by what the characters are like. In particular, we shall be looking at how

the identities of a character are present in the individual elements that make them

what they are. (1995:135).

Authors frequently make characters, distinctive by giving them recognizable

and memorable ways of speaking. A character might, for instance, speak in a very

complicated way, repeat certain words and phrases, use lots of illustrations, rely upon

common sayings and proverbs, and say a great deal or very little. You should always

look to see if a character speaks in a way which expresses his or her personality.

Sometimes it is useful to point to grammatical features which establish a particular


Of course, when a character speaks, that character is thinking. A character

might, for instance, use lots of vivid images; or might be given a vocabulary which is

laden with moral words. There is another way in which a character’s though can be evident to the reader. This is undeclared thoughts. If an author chooses to have access

to the thoughts in character’s head, the reader can be aware not only of what he or

she is thinking, but can be acquainted with the manner of thought or how the

character’s mind is made up, and how they approach problems and challenges. Under

the influence of psychological ideas, they regarded these private. Undeclared

thoughts as being particularly expressive of what character is like (1995:136-137).

After we see the character speaks, then we also notice the character’s clothes.

Clothes are also something important to see character personality. Clothes are an

extension or expression of someone’s personality. Their plainness, not only sets off someone beauty, but it is also expressive of their seriousness. Sometimes clothes are

used to indicate social status. Clothes can also help to create the atmosphere of the

book. Graham Greene, for instance, presents a world of seedy characters, whose

shabby, dirty and scruffy clothes enact the very strong feeling in his novels of


Music is important in the social and personal lives of adolescents. The typical

adolescents spends over 10,000 hours listening to music, an amount of time similar to

that spent in class by the time thay graduate from high school. (Mark, 1988) Many

researchers have examined why music is so important to adolescents and how

adolescents actively use music to satisfy particular social, emotional, and

developmental needs. (Arnett et al., 1995)

Researchers have been particularly interested in Adolescents and young adults

who are marginalized and/or experiencing major psychological issues and have found

that they prefer heavier forms of music such as heavy metal and rock.(Took and


Researchers have suggested that these relationships occur because of the

match between characteristics of listeners and the themes in heavy music (e.g.,

rejection of authority, hyper individualism, acceptance of antisocial behavior; Klein

et al., 1993). It is also likely that heavy metal music matches the qualities and

intensity of their feelings (e.g., tough, wild, angry) associated with the themes

through its pounding rhythm, fast pace, and discordant sounds. (Arnett, 1996) suggest

that heavy music can serve a cathartic or calming effect, an effect that relieves


2. Theory of Adolescence

In addition to the theory of character, there is the other that it is also important

that support this research, which is adolescence theory. According to the writer, the

adolescence theory is important because one of the main characters in novel that the

writer analyzes was in adolescence ages.

G. Stanley Hall is the pioneer of adolescence theory. Hall, who thought in

evolutionary terms, saw the adolescent as representing a transitional stage in our

evolutionary development from beast to human. Being adolescent for Hall was

something like being a fully grown animal in a cage, an animal who sees freedom, but

doesn’t know quite when freedom will occur or how to handle it. Thus, the adolescent

was portrayed as existing in a state of great ―storm and stress,‖ as a marginal being, confused, troubled, and highly frustrated. (2002:222)

The other psychologist named Robert Havighurst adding to support Hall’s

theory. As psychologist Robert Havighurst has pointed out, every adolescent face

challenges, in the form of developmental tasks that must be mastered. Among the

tasks that Havighurst list are the following: Accepting one’s physical make – up and

acquiring a masculine or feminine sex role, Developing appropriate relations with age

mates of both sexes, Becoming emotionally independent of parents and other adults,

Achieving the assurance that one will become economically independent, Deciding

on, preparing for, and entering a vocation, Developing the cognitive skills and


responsible behavior, Preparing marriage and family, and Acquiring values that are

harmonious with an appropriate scientific world picture.

The pattern of development a particular adolescent display depends upon a

great many factors. The most important of these include the individual’s adjustment

in childhood, the level of adjustment of his or her parents and peers, and the changes

that occur during adolescence. (2002:223)

3. Parenting style theory

The third theory that the writer use is parenting style theory. The writer use

this theory because the way in which adolescents seek independence and the ease

with which they resolve conflicts about becoming adults depends in large part on the

parent-child relationship.

Diana Baumrind (1971, 1973) observed and interviewed nursery school

children and their parents. The impact of three distinct parenting styles on children. In

authorities families parents are the ―bosses‖. They do not feel that they have to explain their actions or demands. In fact, such parents may feel the child has no right

to question parental decisions.

In democratic or authoritative families adolescents participated in decisions

affecting their live. There is a great deal of discussion and negotiation in such

families. Parents listen to their children’s reasons for wanting to go somewhere or do


adolescents make many decisions, but the parents retain the right to veto plans of

which they disapprove.

In permissive or laissez – faire families’ children have the final say. The parents may attempt to guide the adolescents, but give in when the children insist on

having their own way. Or the parents may simply give up their demands, voicing no

expectations, virtually ignoring the young people in their house.

Maccoby and Martin (1983) later identified a fourth parenting style:

uninvolved parents were typically very self-centered in their child rearing, seemed

uncommitted to their role and quite distant from their child.

Numerous studies suggest that adolescents who have grown up in democratic or

authoritative families are more confident of their own values and goals than other

young people.

First of all, there are two dimensions of parenting by Vasta, Haith, and Miller.

They are parenting warmth and parenting control. Both dimensions should be best

applied equally in a family. Parenting warmth includes support, affection, love, care,

encouragement from parents to their children. Parenting control is the other side of

parenting dimensions which involves the monitoring of the children, the disciplined

and regulated behavior of the children (1995:476).

The combination of the two dimensions and research done by Diana

Baumrind resulted in four styles of parenting. There are authoritative parents,


They have the characteristics of caring, loving, and sensitive parents. At the

same time, they also set clear limits on the children behavior. Children of

authoritative parents have the most positive effects on their early social development.

Children become self-confident, independent, academically and socially successful.

Authoritarian parents are low in warmth, but high in control. They generally

have the characteristics of demanding with threats and punishment. They have a

strong control over their children’s behavior. As the result, children under the authoritarian parents are moody, easily upset, aggressive and often creating problems.

Permissive parents are the opposite of the authoritarian parents. They set high

warmth, but low control. They are loving and sensitive parents, but set very few

limits on their children’s behavior. Because of the lack of control of the parents,

children become impulsive, immature and out of control. Indifferent parents are those

parents that are low both in warmth and control. They set few limits as well as little

attention, affection, and concern for their children. Children under indifferent parents

become very demanding, disobedient, and lack of social skills to deal with other

people (Vastaet al.1995:476).

Huffman and the Vernoys summarized the parenting styles of Baumrind’s research into three broad patterns: authoritarian parents, permissive parents, and

authoritative parents. Huffman et al. added that authoritarian parents demand mature

awareness and responsibility of their children. No questions are needed to be asked

by the children under the authoritarian parents. This style of parenting makes the


For the permissive parents, Huffman et al. divided into two types. They are

indifferent parents who set few limits as well as little attention, and indulgent parents

who provide high affection and concern but few controls on their children. Huffman

et al. also added that children under the indulgent parents have no respect to others.

The third style of parenting is authoritative parents who are caring, but also set firm

limits and encourage increased responsibility of the children. As the result, children

become self-reliant, self-controlled, high achieving, friendly and sociable (Huffman

et al.1997:316).

Almost similar to Huffman et al., Kasschau also divided Baumrinds’s research

into three patterns: authoritarian families,democratic/authoritative families, and

permissive/laissez-faire families. According to Kasschau, parents in authoritarian

families are considered as a boss. Meanwhile, in the democratic/authoritative

families, discussion and negotiation between parents and their children are highly

involved in the families. In the permissive/laissez-faire families, Kasschau found that

children have the final say.

Parents make no demands and rules about their children’s behavior. They

guide their children, but give up easily when children insist on having own way

(Kasschau, 1995:236-237).

From all the parenting styles, it can be concluded that the authoritative

parenting is the best one, as stated by Bukato and Daehler:

―It seems clear that authoritative parenting yields the best results. This seems

to come from two features – the establishment of limits on the child and


C. Theoretical Framework

In analyzing the problem formulation, the writer uses several theories to

support the answers of the problem. Theories of character and characterization,

theories of adolescence, theory of parenting style are chosen in order to describe the

characteristics of the major and minor characters, Josie and Alex Cormier, in

Nineteenth Minutes, as well as the major character, Josie. Theory of parenting is used

to analyze how Alex Cormier applies the parenting style towards Josie. Parenting

style theory and adolescences theory are applied to show the success of the Alex’s

role as parents in fulfilling their parenting style by providing the physiological and



A. Object of the Study

The literary work that analyzed in this undergraduate thesis is a novel by Jodi

Picoult entitled Nineteenth Minutes. The Novel was published by Atria Book, New

York in 2007. This Novel consists of 642 pages, 2 parts, and 16 chapters. The author

of this novel got best seller in most of her novels, for example, My Sister’s Keeper.

Nineteen Minutes is a novel about story about children in adolescence era. In

this story there are many characters here. Josie Cormier and Alex Cormier are the

main character on this novel, Josie Cormier is a high school student and Alex

Cormier is her mother, she is a new superior judge in New Hampshire. The main

theme of this novel is about the relationship between a mother and her children, Alex

Cormier is representing parent and Josie Cormier represent children.

The story begins when Alex Cormier has relationship with Logan. One day

Alex Cormier is pregnant and following prenatal class, in this prenatal class Alex

Cormier begin to know about Lacy Houghton, Lacy Houghton is a mother of Peter

Houghton. Peter Houghton is Josie Cormier best friend when she was child. In this

story, Lacy and Peter Houghton have important role. It is because they are affecting

the parenting style changes of Alex Cormier through Josie Cormier.

The changes of Alex Cormier’s parenting style has important effect in this story


B. Approach of the Study

The approach which is appropriate to be used in analyzing this novel is

psychological approach because it deals with the individual psychology. Lewis Leary

states that:

A psychological approach is an approach that applies principles of modern psychology to characters or situations within a literary work or to the person who wrote that work (1976:57)

Rohrberger also sums up that the psychological approach involves certain

recurrent pattern. A psychological approach is an approach that applies principles of

modern psychology to characters or situations within a literary work. As could be

seen in the novel, there is a recurring pattern of parenting style which is appropriately

observed using the theory of psychology. This research is concerning in the main

characters in the novel. So, the writer applies principles of modern psychology to

characters within a literary work to analyze the novel. In the novel, there is a

recurring pattern of parenting style which is appropriately observed using the theory

of psychology. The theory parenting style help the writer to observe and to answer the

main problems formulated.

C. Method of Study

Library research is held to support this study and some steps had been

arranged for answering the problem. The writer divided the sources into two types.


The novel, Nineteenth Minutes written by Jodi Picoult, is used as the primary

data source to find out the characteristics of Josie and Alex Cormier in the story. The

characteristics of Josie and Alex Cormier can be found by what they had said in the

dialogue and the actions they had done. The secondary sources were some books and

sites from the internet. The writer used those sources to find out the facts of parenting

style that influence the characteristic of Josie.

The steps in analyzing the novel were as follows: First, the writer reads the

novel and collected data to answer the first problem. The writer is trying to

understand the theory of character and characterization that are used. Then analyze

that data by using those theories.

Second, the writer collected data for answering the second problem. The writer

collected the additional sources theory’s book and articles from the internet. These

sources were used to complete the information about parenting style in the novel to

support the answer of the second problem.

Third, According to the theory of parenting style that the writer understood

from the second problem, the writer is analyzing how parenting style influences the

character of Josie.

After the analysis was completely done, it was the moment to make

conclusion about this research, what the parenting style that have big influence Josie



In this chapter, the questions that appear in the problem formulation above are

answered. The Psychological approach that has been discussed in the previous

chapter is used to explore and analyze the problems formulated. The psychological

theory, parenting style theories and the theories of character and characterization are

the based to help analyze the problems.

There are two problems that discussed here. The first is about how the

character of Josie Cormier and Alex Cormier are presented in Nineteen Minutes. In

the novel there are two main characters. The first main character is Alex Cormier, and

the second character is Josie character. Alex Cormier have a static character. She is

static character because there are no changes from the beginning of the story until the

end of the story. Different from Alex Cormier, Josie Cormier is a character that has

many characteristics changes from her childhood until her adolescence. The second

problem is discussing about what parenting styles that give big influence to the Josie

as main character. The last is the main problem, how does the parenting style


A. The Presentation of the Main character Josie and Alex Cormier in Nineteen Minutes

1. Alex Cormier

First, the writer is describing the character of Alex Cormier as a single parent

of Josie. Alex Cormier is a single parent of Josie, she is a new superior court judge,

and she had been a superior judge for thirty four days. She is a perfectionist person;

we can see it from the first time before she left her house.

She twisted her thick copper hair into a knot and anchored it at the base of her neck with bobby pins, transforming herself into the person she needed to be before she left her house. (p.6)

The quotation shows that Alex always prepares all of things before she leaves

her house. She wants all of thing to be well prepared. Alex Cormier is a perfectionist

who always cares about everything what she has done.

Alex glanced down at her skirt, blouse, and heels and frowned. ―Why? Is it

too Margaret Thatcher?‖

―No, I mean…why do you bother? No one knows what you have on under

your robe. You could wear, like, pajama pants. Or that sweater you have from

college that’s got holes in the elbows.‖

―Whether or not people see it, I’m still expected to dress…well, judiciously.‖


Alex Cormier’s perfectionist character is not only seen from the way the first

time she was preparing something, but we can also see it on how she is dressed;

Richard Gill says that clothes also something important to see character personality

and social status. Graham Greene also says in theory, in addition, we see from the

character speaks, and then we also must notice to the character’s clothes. Clothes are something important to see character personality. That’s conversation a


that Alex Cormier is a perfectionist woman, she always concern about what she is

dressed. The way she is dressed up is like Margaret Thatcher, it is symbolized that

Alex is a perfectionist and decisive. Based, 2014, 24 August

2014 Margaret Thatcher was first women England prime minister. Margaret Thatcher

was a perfectionist, decisive and uncompromising in politics and leadership style,

until she called as the iron lady. That is why Alex Cormier dressed like Margaret

Thatcher; she wants to emphasize her identity as perfectionist, decisive and

uncompromising judge.

The quotation above also shows that Alex Cormier is a wise person. It is

showed in this conversation before Josie comments to Alex why she is dressed in a

skirt, blouse, and heels. Josie says that if no one knows what you have on under your

robe. Alex explained that in view of someone we should not judge someone without

actually seeing what is inside the person.

Alex didn’t necessarily think that Josie was hiding anything more than any other teenager, but it was different: a normal parent might metaphorically

judge her child’s friends, whereas Alex could do it legally. (p.6)

Another evidence shows if Alex was a wise figure; it was shown from how

she faces her daughter. Alex does not necessarily think that Josie is hiding anything

more than any other teenager, but it is different; a normal parent might

metaphorically judge her child's friends, whereas Alex can do it legally. She is a wise

woman, she looks at what has happened to Josie doesn’t occurs because of the influence of her friend.


When Alex submitted her name years ago for the bench, it had been with the sincere desire to make sure people in this legal system were innocent until proven guilty. She just never anticipated that, as a judge, she might not be given the same benefit of the doubt. (p.6)

Except she is a perfectionist person, perfectionist, decisive, uncompromising,

and wise, Alex Cormier also has dedication in her work, Before we are talking about

dedication, it is important if we know about the meaning of dedication. Longman

Dictionary and Contemporary English say that dedication is a hard work or effort that

someone puts into a particular activity because they care about it a lot. In that

quotation shows how Alex has dedication in her job because she doesn’t care about something that she can receive but she is just care about the purpose and duty as a

judge in a best way. She also tries to be an objective judge. because she doesn’t

concern about the bad risk. She is forty years old, at forty; she is still the youngest

judge in the state. Many people are doubted with her ability, but her dedication make

people stigma change.

―You’d be good at it, Alex. You’re a fine decision maker. You’re even

tempered. You don’t let your emotions get in the way of your work. You have

a defense perspective, so you understand the litigants. And you’ve always been an excellent trial attorney.‖ He hesitated. (p. 98)

In this story, before Alex Cormier become a superior judge her old boss when

she is a public defender said that Alex Cormier is an intelligent and hard worker. It

proved that before she is appointed as a judge, she gives some tasks to handle some

cases, at the age of which is relatively young as a public defender; she is able to


In Nineteen Minutes Alex Cormier is a static character because in this

storythere is no changes character. The writer concludes from many evident that Alex

Cormier is a mother who has some characteristic, those are wise, intelligent,

perfectionist, decisive, hard worker, and uncompromised.

2. Josie Cormier

After we discuss Alex Cormier’s characteristics, then we can discuss Josie Cormier

Characteristics. In this chapter, the writer was discussed two different characteristics

of Josie. The first, the writer talk about her character when she is child, and the

second one the writer when she is in adolescence period.

a. In her Childhood

Cheerful, Confident, good-hearted, Intelligent and loyal were characteristics that she

had as a child. First, we are discussing about her loyalty to her friends.

Peter sank back into his seat. His face felt cold, but his ears were burning. He could hear the boy and his friends laughing, as loud as if it were happening in

his own head. Then he felt Josie’s hand slide into his. ―I’ve got peanut butter,‖ she whispered. ‖We can share.‖ (p.93)

Quotation above describes the first character of Josie. Good-hearted and

solidarity are the Josie’s character. We can see how Josie willing to share lunch with

friends. Peter is one of Josie’s kindergarten friends Josie who later became Josie’s

best friend. Peter is always bullied by his friends but Josie still wants to be his

friendand to share with him. Josie is not affected by her friends, but instead continues


―Come on,‖ Alex said, leading Josie upstairs to the bathroom. There, she

peeled off her daughter’s shirt, washed her cuts, and covered them with

Neosporin and Band-Aids. She sat down in front of Josie, on the bathmat that

looked like it was made of Cookie Monster skin. ―You want to talk about it?‖ Josie’s lower lip quivered and she started to cry. ―It’s Peter,‖ she said. ―Drew

picks on him all the time and Peter gets hurt, so today I wanted it to be the

other way around.‖(p.101)

One day Josie beats the crap out of a boy on the playground. She is fighting

because she feels irritated to see her friend, Peter, who always bullied by them. Josie

tries to give lessons to some friends who like to bully.The incident shows how Josie

has a good heart and solidarity towards the people around her. In addition to

solidarity and good heart character, in the incident also shows how Josie has

self-confident character because a woman usually does not dare to man, but in this case

Josie dared. Josie also dares to express her reason to the mother behind her actions.

Only people who have self-confident who is able to do this action.

b. In her Adolescence

The writer is trying to analyze the facts displayed in the novel. The Pioneer of

adolescence theory, G. Stanley Hall sees that adolescent representing transitional

stage in our evolutionary development from beast to human. Josie Cormier has some

distinct characteristics and reflections itself. Many evident show Josie as adolescent


First, Josie is a pretty famous private school student as well as her boyfriend Matt,

but he is not too comfortable with the popularity in schools.

Sometimes Josie thought of her life as a room with no doors and no windows. It was a sumptuous room, sure-a room half the kids in Sterling High would have given their right arm to enter-but it was also a room from which there

really wasn’t an escape. Either Josie was someone she didn’t want to be, or

she was someone who nobody wanted. (p.10)

The quotation above shows how a Josie stressed to her situation. In the novel

Nineteen Minutes explain with some symbols. The situation also symbolize of the

restrained of Josie. In the situation the writer wants to describe how Josie felt

confined, she feels she could not do anything.

She wore her dark hair long and straight; she dressed in in Abercrombie & Fitch; she listened to Dashboard Confessional and Death Cab for Cutie. She liked the eyes of the other girl in the school when she sat in the cafeteria

borrowing Coutney’s makeup. (p.10)

The quotation above that says she hears the song of Dashboard Confessional

and Death Cab for Cutie with emo and alternative rock that reflects someone in

adolescence. Emo music reflects sadness and alternative rock reflects a spirit rebel

against something. And it is strengthening with how Josie dresses up; she dresses up

in Abercrombie & Fitch. Abercrombie & Fitch is an American retailer that focuses on

casual wear for young consumers, and is headquartered in New Albany, Ohio, a

suburb of Columbus. The way she dresses up and the songs she is heard symbolize a


Abercrombie & Fitch also symbolize that Josie is not a perfectionist person,

because Abercrombie & Fitch is designed to show how a teenager exploring how to

dress casual and unrestrained with a rule. It shows that Josie has different characters

with her mother who is very perfectionist.

Except rebel, an event described in Chapter 4 shows that Josie has a good

characteristics and wise in looking at something. She does not hate Peterdirectly

because she has not been proven legally.

Today, thanks to the superman binder, they’d started off the year with crisis.

With Josie’s help, he’d made a slip-cover of sorts from the tape and an old

newspaper they stole from the science lab. He could take it off when he was

home, she reasoned, so that his mother wouldn’t be offended. (p.198)

This quotation shows that good character of Josie, in that chapter tells that

Josie frustrated because of her mother as a judge. Josie's mother does not want to

close with Peter, but because Josie has thought he was a good friend. Then Josie still

helps Peter. The incident also shows the rebel side of a Josie. She ignores her

mother’s command, but instead of acting otherwise.

The writer concludes that in adolescence age Josie Cormier has some


B. The Influence of Parenting Style changes toward Josie Cormier

This part is discussing the influence of parenting style toward the

characteristic of Josie. The writer compares the parenting style that Josie got when

she was a child and adolescence. The purpose of comparing parenting styles is to

determine the changes of Josie’s Character.

1. In Josie’s Childhood

First, the writer is discusses about what Josie Cormier gets in children period.

Josie is the daughter of Alex Cormier and Logan. Actually, Josie is an unwanted child

by her biological father. Her parents wants to aborted her but when her mother is

following pre-natal classes she is given advice by someone named Lacy Houghton to

dissuade the aborted of her daughter. Starting from that incident, Alex Cormier

intends to take care of her daughter by herself because Josie’s biological father still does not want the birth of Josie.

In Josie childhood, Alex uses the method of parenting style called

authoritative parenting style to treat Josie. The characteristics of the authoritative

parenting style are caring, loving, and sensitive parents. At same time, they also set

clear limits on the behavior of children. Children of authoritative parents have the

most positive effects on their early social development. Children become

self-confident, independent, academically and socially successful.

Now we are look at some facts that indicate if Alex using the authoritative parenting style to treat Josie.

Alex didn’t necessarily think that Josie was hiding anything more than any

other teenager, but it was different: Normal parent might metaphorically


Quotation above shows that Alex is a fair person, when Josie do some fault

she does not accuse her daughter’s friend influence Josie immediately. But she will

find some evidences in advance to know who is guilty in this case.

Josie’s eyelashes were spiked with tears. ―Are you mad at me?‖

Alex hesitated. ―I’m angry at the aides for not paying attention when Peter

was getting teased. And I’m not thrilled that you punched a boy in the nose.

But I’m proud of you for wanting to defend your friend.‖ She kissed Josie on the forehead. ―Go get some clothes that don’t have holes in them, Wonder Woman.‖ (p.102)

When Josie was child there was an incident. Josie defended his friend who

was bullied by their friend; she defended her friend by join a fight until her clothes

are damaged. Alex asked about the incident and refuse to listened to the explanation

of her daughter, even she still gave encouragement to their children. Listening about

the reasons why her child committed an act that made good or bad effects is a form of

caring and love.She also showed when she was still forgiving and encouraging Josie

for the actions that have been done.

Children of authoritative parents have the most positive effects on their early

social development. Children become self-confident, independent, academically and

socially successful. As evidence that Josie had positive effects, the writer is using


"So," Alex said, "you did what you thought was the best thing at the time?" "Yeah.For Peter. "

"Imagine if you always did that. Let's say you Decided that you liked someone else's coat better than yours, so you took it. "

"That would be stealing," Josie said.

"Exactly. That's why there are rules. You cannot break the rules, not even when it seems like everyone else is doing it. Because if you if we all do-then the whole world Becomes a very scary place. One where coats get stolen and people get beat up on the playground. Instead of doing the best thing, we sometimes have to settle for the rightest thing. "

"What's the difference?"

"The best thing is what you think should be done. The rightest thing is what needs to be done-when you think not just of you and how you feel, but Also the extra stuff-who else is Involved, and what's happened before, and what the rules say. "She glanced at Josie. (p.101-102)

The quotation above is shows how Josie has a self-confident character. Josie

dares to convey the thought that she considers that’s a true thing to his mother. The

action of Peter’s defenses is regarded as another evidence of her self-confident. She

does what she thinks right, she isn’t influence by others. Josie does not care about the

bad effects that will be acquired as a result of the fight. She only does what she thinks

was right.

The Boldness to arguing with her mother about her attitude also proves that

Josie has very strong self-confident character. The character of self-confidence leads

her becoming an independent person. Has own thoughts about what her rightness and

does her right thought are examples of an independent person. The characteristics of

independent person aren’t doing anything because of influence of others because

independent person has her own thoughts. Children who do not have a self-confident


Something that also associates with a self-confident character who becomes the result of the character of the children under the authoritative parents is socially successful.

Josie had once been so proud to have a mother as a judge. Alex could remember Josie broadcasting her career to the tellers at the bank, the baggers in the grocery store, and the flight attendants on planes. (p.7)

The quotation above shows how her self-confidence also leads her to be a

successful in social life. Parameter in assessing how she is successful in social life is

how she interacts with the people around her. When she was child she was not the

kind of a shy person and loved to greet peoples she met when she is traveling with

her mother. Josie always talked about the greatness of her mother as a judge. The fact

is an effect of authoritative parenting style method that her mother gives when she

was child.

She didn’t fit in with the popular crowd at school because she was a straight-A

student. Peter was different-he got B’s and C’s, and once a D. He didn’t fit in

either, but it wasn’t because he was a brain. It was because he was Peter. If

there was a totem pole of unpopularity, Josie knew she still ranked relatively higher than some. Every now and then she wondered if she hung out with Peter because she enjoyed his company or because being with him made her feel better about herself. (p.203)

The last effect that proves a child under the authoritative parenting style is she

is good in academic. The quotation above describes how Josie at school, in addition

to being a popular person, she also became a smart academically. Josie always gets an

A and she always finishes the task assigned to her faster than her friends. In the


Based on how Alex treats Josie and the effect after Alex using authoritative

parenting style to treat Josie, the writer can conclude that Josie is a child who is

educated in the authoritative parenting style.

2. In Josie’s Adolescence

Talking about Josie Cormier in her childhood, the writer will talk about Josie

Cormier get in her adolescence period. In, adolescence period, there are a lot of

changes in relationship between Alex Cormier and Josie Cormier. The tunnel of

communication between them slowly bricked shut. There is a factor that makes it

happened, that is the changes of parenting style that Alex Cormier give to Josie

Cormier. The changes in parenting styles are including several aspects in Josie’s character. In this part the writer wants to show how Alex threats Josie as evidence

that Josie is under authoritarian parenting style.

Alex watched Lacy kneel beside her son and that was all it took to trip the

switch: Josie’s steadfast loyalty to peter suddenly seemed to only to be weight

dragging her down. Maybe it was best for Josie if she started making other

friends. Friends who did not get her called to the principal’s office and who

place rifles in her hand. (p.118)

The first character of a parent who uses authoritarian is having a bossy style in

controlling her children. The quotation above explains how Alex is so concern with

something that is related to her daughter, in that case is about her daughter’s social intercourse. She does not want her daughter to have relation with Peter because Peter

give Josie bad Influence. Actually, Alex does not have any strong evidence that can

be explained to Josie how big the influence that Peter gives to Josie as a result of their


However, Alex is immediately decides that Peter will give a bad influence on

Josie. The evidence shows us how Alex starts to control the life of Josie, in this case

is in the Josie’s social intercourse. Alex ignores Josie's request to make a friend with

Peter. She uses bossy style to control Josie.

The character of bossy style is controlling something with no care for others

and thinks that her decision is the best decision. Bossy style is one of the

characteristics of parent under authoritarian parenting style.

―Tell me you haven’t been up all night,‖ she parroted.

Alex poured herself a cup of coffee and slid into the chair across from


―You asked me to tell you something,‖ Josie said. ―You didn’t ask for the truth.‖ Alex frowned. ―You shouldn’t be drinking coffee.‖

―And you shouldn’t be smoking cigarettes.‖ Alex felt her face heat up. ―I don’t‖

―Mom,‖ Josie sighed, ―even when you open up the bathroom windows, I can still smell it on the towels.‖ She glanced up, daring Alex to challenge her

other vices.(p.6)

The quotation above shows that Alex looks very attentive to her daughter,

Alex looks very bossy and has authority over what is done by his daughter.

Prohibition not to drink coffee and do not smoke show how Alex wants to establish

and prepares Josie to be as she wants, she is controlling her. The conversations in the

quotation above also shows how Alex Cormier’s attitude has changed, it can be seen

when Josie Cormier was a child, Alex Cormier always listened the explanation of

Josie when she was doing something, but in the quotation above Alex does not listen



Nineteen Minutes is one of Jodi Picoult’s novels.Nineteen Minutes is released in 2007. Such as Jodi Picoult novel before that is my sister’s keeper, Novel Jodi Picoult this time also still themed family. This novel tells the story of the relationship

between mother and her daughter.

In this novel there are two very influential character in the story. The first

main character is Alex Cormier. Alex Cormier is a single parent. She works as a

Judge. In the legal system Alex is not new person. She is a woman who is quite

accomplished in the field of law. Before becoming a prosecutor, she is a public

defender. Alex Cormier is judge that has characteristic perfectionist, decisive,

uncompromising, dedicated, intelligent, and hardwork.

The second character is Josie Cormier. Josie Cormier is the biological child of

Alex Cormier and Logan. Josie Cormier is the only child of the couple. She is

abandoned by his biological father when she still in Alex Cormier’s womb. Josie is

initially unwanted child by her father so that she is almost alone in aborted, but when

her mother meet a person's named Lacy Houghton then his mother thinks better not to

abort it.

In this study, Josie Cormier becomes a very important figure since she

became the object of this study. In the novel Josie has the characteristic changes


She is changed due to several factors of parenting style that her mother give.

As a teenager that lives in adolescence ages, Josie Cormier wants to have freedom

about what she wants to do, but her mother Alex Cormier has different perspective

and thinking. Alex wants Josie to be what she wants. This complicated relationship is

the part that the writer is interested to discuss how Alex treats Josie influence Josie


The writer of this research starts the analysis on Josie Cormier’s and Alex

Cormier’s characterization by giving the visual image of Josie and Alex as first

problem. In this novel, Alex describes as static character because from the beginning

of the story until the end of the story always has the same characters. This is very

different from Josie; Josie has a very significant change in characters. Self-confident,

independent, academically, socially successful and Cheerful are the Josie's

Characteristics when she was child. In the adolescent period Josie’s characteristics turn into a moody, easily upset, and aggressive.

After explaining the character of Alex Cormier and Josie Cormier, in the

second problem is about the parenting style that gives big influence to Josie Cormier

and how those parenting styles influence to Josie's character.

In this research the writer uses two kinds of parenting style. First is

authoritative parenting style. In Childhood Alex applies Authoritative parenting style

as a style of educating Josie when she was a child. In the discussion above Alex

describes herself as a mother who is caring, loving, and set clear limits on the


The authoritative parenting style also has effects to the child's character. The

authoritative parents that Alex used lead Josie to be self-confident, independent,

academically and socially successful character.

Second style is Authoritarian parenting style. In Childhood Alex applies

Authoritative parenting style as a style of educating Josie in Adolescent period. In

Adolescences period there are many changes in Josie characters. In childhood Josie

has self-confident, independent, academically and socially successful character but in

adolescence period Josie become moody, easily upset, and aggressive. The changing

of the characters is the result of the changing in parenting style that Alex used; the

changes of the parent style that loving, and set clear limits on the behavior of children

to be a parent that has a low in warmth, but high in control. Generally they have the

characteristics of demanding with threats and punishment. They have a strong control

over Reviews their children's behavior. The research leads the writer to conclude that

parenting style changes children characteristics. The parenting style chosen in



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Summary of Jody Picoult’s Nineteen Minutes

Alex Cormier, a judge at the Grafton County courthouse in New Hampshire,

has lived a pretty good life but Alex had her fair share of problems. Her daughter,

Josie, is now a junior at Sterling High School and has been facing more obstacles

then most kids her age. She is considered one of the ―popular‖ kids.

When Alex found out she was pregnant she took abortion into consideration.

She felt that she was not cut out to be a parent. Before making a final decision she

started taking parenting classes where she met Lacy Houghton. Alex began talking to

Lacy about her thoughts on whether or not to keep the baby and eventually they

became best friends. Since Alex found a person to confide in she made the decision to

keep they baby.

Alex and Lacy both raised their children together. Alex had Josie and Lacy

had Peter. As they were growing up Peter and Josie did everything together until the

one time their parent were talking and Peter took Josie to the basement to look at his

dad’s guns. When Alex and Lacy found them they started to fight. Alex felt that Lacy

was not careful enough because Peter knew where the key to the gun safe was.

After the gun incident, Peter and Josie were no longer allowed to go to each other’s

houses. They were still able to see each other at school though so they made the best

of it. School was hard for Peter because the other boys picked on him. Lacy and


When he did this the other kids just teased him even more so Josie stuck up

for him. Josie and Peter’s friendship eventually faded and they stopped talking. Peter became an outcast and Josie became popular. Josie started dating Matt who bullied

Peter the most. Josie always felt like there was something wrong with her but she

never said anything to her friends about it because they might think she was weird

and then she’d be like Peter.

One day Peter and Josie ended up in an elevator together. Instead of ignoring

each other they started talking and that’s where Josie told Peter the truth about why

she had crutches. It was because Matt pushed her while they were having an

argument. She also told him that it wasn’t the first time Matt did something like this

to her. When Josie told him Peter was angry with Matt.

The last person he killed was Matt, Josie’s boyfriend. It was Peter, Josie and

Matt in the boy’s locker room. Matt tried tackling Peter and caused him to drop one of the guns which Josie picked up and shot Matt in the stomach with. Then Peter

walked over and shot Matt in the head. After shooting Matt, Peter hit Josie in the

head with the gun so she’d forget what happened and wouldn’t be able to tell anyone she killed Matt. The boy’s locker room is where Patrick, a cop, found Peter and arrested him. Peter ended up receiving eight consecutive murder sentences after

spending many days in jail and court. Throughout the court sentencing Josie started to

remember what she did during the shooting. After being able to remember the whole

thing she told everyone the truth. After coming clean Josie received two years for