Determiner deletion in The Jakarta Post, The Jakarta Globe and International New York Times.



Maria Septiyani. 2014. Determiner Deletion in The Jakarta Post, The Jakarta Globe and International New York Times. Yogyakarta: English Language Studies. Graduate Program. Sanata Dharma University.

Style in linguistics has gained prominence in at least two branches of linguistics, sociolinguistic and stylistic. However, the focus is different. In sociolinguistic, style may have the effect on the society. In traditional stylistic, the focus is on the style itself. This research is a stylistic study on how determiner deletion occurs in English-language newspapers published in Indonesia. Determiner itself is one of the distinctive features in a text since it used to express the reference of noun and noun phrase in a text. In this research, the texts used are news articles from three English-language newspapers. Two are published in Indonesia, namely The Jakarta Globe and The Jakarta Post. The other one is International New York Times. The first two are the most leading English-language newspapers in Indonesia, and the last is a global newspaper which exemplary can be found in Indonesia. International New York Times is used as a comparison of the writing style and also type of deletion between Indonesian English-language newspapers and global English-language newspapers.

There are two research problems in this research (1) in what contexts are determiner deleted in The Jakarta Post, The Jakarta Globe and International New York Times and (2) what possible effects determiner deletions may have related to the news-writing style in The Jakarta Post, The Jakarta Globe and International New York Times. To answer those questions, document analysis is employed. In this case, the documents are fifteen newspaper articles gathered from The Jakarta Globe, The Jakarta Post and International New York Times. The writer is the instrument who sorted the determiners and the possible deletions. The results of the study show that identifiers, as one of the determiners, are used more than the other determiner, the quantifiers. Among the identifiers, the definite article the is used the most compared to the indefinite article a/an. The reasons are due to its nature as reference backward and also as context identifier. Related to the context of the determiner deletions, the study shows that the determiner deletion occurs in two contexts. The first context is the deletion in coordination phrase. The second context is the appositional name phrase. In the context of coordination phrase, the results also show that as the most used determiner, the also has the highest possibility to be deleted as a result of being economic. Then, in the context of appositional name phrase, the result shows that determiner deletion on naming apposition may bring title given which are in the same level to President or Professor.

The first possible effect that may occur because of the determiner deletion is efficiency. This study is focusing on online articles. In online articles, space is very important because it needs to be shared with hyperlink to a video, a photo or it needs to be shared with advertisements. It is also related to the fact that determiner has a low information style. It leads to another possible effect is


reputation gained from the readers. The less determiner deletion occur in a news-article, the more dependable the newspaper is. The third effect is new titles and status raising.

The results of this study are also expected to be beneficial for fellow students of English Language Studies to conduct deeper stylistic study, for news article writers in Indonesia and for English teachers in Indonesia.



Maria Septiyani. 2014. Determiner Deletion in The Jakarta Post, The Jakarta Globe and International New York Times. Yogyakarta: English Language Studies. Graduate Program. Sanata Dharma University.

Style dalam linguistik sangat menonjol dalam dua cabang linguistic yaitu sosiolinguistik dan juga stilistika. Walaupun fokusnya pun berbeda untuk setiap bidangnya. Dalam sosiolinguistik, fokusnya lebih berkaitan antara style dan masyrkat. Sedangkan tradisional stilistika minitikberatkan pada style itu sendiri. Penelitian ini adalah sebuah penelitian stilistika yang menitikberatkan pada penghilangan kata penentu (determiner) dalam surat kabar berbahaa inggris yang terbit di Indonesia. Determiner sendiri penting dalam sebuah teks karena merupakan referensi sebuah kata benda maupun frasa kata benda. Dalam penelituian ini, tiga surat kabar berbahasa lokal yaitu The Jakarta Post, The Jakarta Globedan satu surat kabar bahasa Inggris internasionalInternational New York Times digunakan sebagai objek penelitian. Alasannya karena The Jakarta Post dan The Jakarta Globe adalah surat kabar berbahsa Inggris terkemuka di Indonesia. Sedangkan International New York Times digunakan sebagai pembanding cara penulisan artikel dan jenis penghilangan determinerantara surat kabar berbahasa Inggris lokal dan surat kabar berbahasa Inggris yang terbit secara global.

Ada dua permasalahan yang hendak dicari jawabannya melalui penelitian ini (1) dalam konteks apa saja penghilangan determiner dalam The Jakarta Post, The Jakarta Globe dan International New York Times 3) apa saja efek yang timbul melalui penghilangan determiner terhadap gaya penulisan surat kabarThe Jakarta Post, The Jakarta Globe dan International New York Times. Untuk menjawah pertanyaan tersebut, maka analisis dokumen sebagai metode penelitian dipilih. Sebagai data, ada lima belas artikel yang dipakai dari ketiga surat kabar yang sudah disebutkan diatas. Penulis penelitian ini juga sebagai instrumen penelitian yang menyortir determiner apa saja yang digunakan beserta penghilangannya.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari dua jenis determiner, identifier dan quantifier, identifier lebih sering digunakan dalam surat kabar. Diantara identifier tersebut, kata penentu the lebih sering digunakan daripada a/an. Alasannya karena the mempunyai fungsi sebagai referensi dan juga sebagai penentu menurut konteks. Hasil lainnya menunjukkan bahwa penghilangan determiner berfungsi membawa fungsi ‘gelar’ yang setara dengan Presiden dan Professor. Efek yang mungkin timbul melalui penghilangan determinerini adalah efisiensi. Karena data yang digunakan adalah artikel online, maka tempat sangat penting. Karena dalam media online, terdapat banyak sisipan link, video maupun iklan. Hasil dari penelitian ini juga diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat untuk sesama mahasiswa yang ingin melaksanakan penelitian stilistika, juga untuk guru bahasa Inggirs dan juga penulis berita di Indonesia.








Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain theMagister Humaniora (M.Hum.)Degree

in English Language Studies

by Maria Septiyani Student Number: 126332001











Maria Septiyani

Student Number: 126332001

Approved by

Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M. Pd., M.A.




Presented by Maria Septiyani Student Number: 126332001

Defended before the Thesis Committee and Declared Acceptable.


Chairperson : Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A. __________________ Secretary : Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A. __________________ Member : F.X. Mukarto, Ph.D. __________________ Member : Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D __________________

Yogyakarta, February 27, 2015 The Graduate Program Director Sanata Dharma University



This is to certify that all ideas, phrases, sentences, unless otherwise stated, are the

ideas, phrases, and sentences of the thesis writer. The writer understands the full

consequences including degree cancellation if she took somebody else’s ideas,

phrases, sentences without proper references.

Yogyakarta, August 11, 2014




Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Maria Septiyani NIM : 126332001

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:


beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal : 11 Agustus 2014

Yang menyatakan



First, I would like to thank Jesus Christ and Mother Mary for the guidance,

for the love, for the blessing and for strengthening me to complete my thesis. My

very deepest gratitude also goes to my thesis advisor Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A.

for his time, patience, help, and suggestions in completing this thesis.

I am also very thankful to have wonderful lecturers while studying in the

English Language Studies of Sanata Dharma University, especially to Dr. B.B.

Dwijatmoko, M.A., Prof. Dr. Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo, Dr. J. Bismoko, Dr. Fr.

B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A. and other lecturers whom I cannot mention. I am grateful to

have learned a lot of new things from them. Their sharing and discussion in class

have enriched my knowledge and also my experiences. I would like to thank

Maria Adelheid Lelyana for her help during my study time in the English

Language Studies.

This thesis would not be completed without the help and support from

many people around me. My deepest gratitude also goes to my beloved father

Yohanes Supardjan, my beloved mother Helena Suprapti, and my grandmother. I

thank them for their continuous love, their continuous prayer and their continuous

support which really strengthen my motivation in finishing this thesis. I also

would like to thank my friends in Linguistic Class of 2012 Simon, Irene, Agnes,

Bu Intan, Mbak Reny, Mbak Ruth, Rina and Mas Eko. I feel grateful for the

wonderful time that we have shared in class. I wish the very best for each of us.

My special gratitude goes to Bu Intan, who is really very helpful and caring


Eli, Siwi, Clara Aurora, Mbak Lia, all ELS friends Nindy, Mbak Laras, Yuki,

Mbak Mera, and others whom I cannot mention. May God always bless them.

Last but not least, I would like to thank Paulus Joko Sambodo for his love,

his support and his care during the process of writing this thesis. I also thank him

for always being a very wonderful sharing and discussion partner. May Jesus

bless him.














ABSTRAK ... xvii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1 A. Background of The Study ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 8

C. Research Objectives ... 8

D. Research Benefits ... 9


A. Review of Related Literature ... 11

1. The Concept of Style and Stylistics... 11


3. Stylistic Analysis Theory ... 17

4. Determiners ... 19

a. The Articles ... 21

b. The Demonstratives ... 26

c. Possessives ... 27

d. Quantifiers ... 28

5. Ellipsis in Noun Phrase and Apposition Name Phrase ... 28

6. Effects of Determiner Deletion in Newspaper Writing ... 31

7. Review of Related Studies ... 32

B. Theoretical Framework ... 34


A. Type of Study ... 37

B. Type of Data... 38

C. Source of Data... 38

D. Size of Data ... 39

E. Data Analysis Method ... 40


A. The Context of Determiner Deletion inThe Jakarta Post, The Jakarta GlobeandInternational New York Times ... 44

B. The Possible Effects of The Deletion... 59


A. Conclusions ... 63





Page Table 3.1. Classification of Determiners ... 41 Table 4.1. Determiner Occurrence in Sport-themed Article inThe Jakarta

Globe, The Jakarta PostandInternational New York Times... 46 Table 4.2. Determiner Occurrence in Entertainment-themed Article inThe

Jakarta Globe, The Jakarta PostandInternational New York Times

……….. 46 Table 4.3. Determiner Occurrence in Travel-themed Article inThe Jakarta

Globe, The Jakarta PostandInternational New York Times... 47 Table 4.4. Determiner Occurrence in Science-techonology-themed Article in

The Jakarta Globe, The Jakarta PostandInternational New York Times... 48 Table 4.5. Determiner Occurrence in Health-themed Article inThe Jakarta

Globe, The Jakarta PostandInternational New York Times... 49 Table 4.6. The Details of Determiner Occurrences in Article inThe Jakarta

Globe, The Jakarta PostandInternational New York Times... 50 Table 4.7 Examples of Determiner Deletion in Phrase Found inThe Jakarta

Globe, The Jakarta PostandInternational New York Times... 53 Table 4.8 The List of Appositional Name Phrase Found inThe Jakarta Post,

The Jakarta GlobeandInternational New York Times... 55 Table 4.9 The Effects of Determiner Deletion inThe Jakarta Post, The Jakarta



Page Figure 2.1 The Beginning of Inverted-pyramid Style ... 16 Figure 3.1 Classification of Determiners ... 41



APPENDIX 1 The Sport-themed articles fromThe Jakarta Globe, The Jakarta PostandInternational New York Times... 69 APPENDIX 2 The Sport-themed articles fromThe Jakarta Globe, The Jakarta

PostandInternational New York Times... 72 APPENDIX 3 The Sport-themed articles fromThe Jakarta Globe, The Jakarta

PostandInternational New York Times... 75 APPENDIX 4 The Entertainment-themed articles fromThe Jakarta Globe, The

Jakarta PostandInternational New York Times... 78 APPENDIX 5 The Entertainment -themed articles fromThe Jakarta Globe,

The Jakarta PostandInternational New York Times... 81 APPENDIX 6 The Entertainment-themed articles fromThe Jakarta Globe, The

Jakarta PostandInternational New York Times... 83 APPENDIX 7 The Travel-themed articles fromThe Jakarta Globe, The

Jakarta PostandInternational New York Times... 85 APPENDIX 8 The Travel -themed articles fromThe Jakarta Globe, The

Jakarta PostandInternational New York Times... 87 APPENDIX 9 The Travel-themed articles fromThe Jakarta Globe, The

Jakarta PostandInternational New York Times... 90 APPENDIX 10 The Science Technology-themed articles fromThe Jakarta

Globe, The Jakarta PostandInternational New York Times. 93 APPENDIX 11 The Science Technology -themed articles fromThe Jakarta

Globe, The Jakarta PostandInternational New York Times. 95 APPENDIX 12 The Science Technology -themed articles fromThe Jakarta

Globe, The Jakarta PostandInternational New York Times. 97 APPENDIX 13 The Health-themed articles fromThe Jakarta Globe, The

Jakarta PostandInternational New York Times... 99 APPENDIX 14 The Health-themed articles fromThe Jakarta Globe, The


APPENDIX 15 The Health-themed articles fromThe Jakarta Globe, The

Jakarta PostandInternational New York Times... 105 APPENDIX 16 List of Determiner Deletion in Appositional Name Phrase Found

in Articles fromThe Jakarta Globe, The Jakarta Postand

International New York Times... 108 APPENDIX 17 List of Determiner Deletion in Phrases Found in Articles from

The Jakarta Globe, The Jakarta PostandInternational New



Maria Septiyani. 2014. Determiner Deletion in The Jakarta Post, The Jakarta Globe and International New York Times. Yogyakarta: English Language Studies. Graduate Program. Sanata Dharma University.

Style in linguistics has gained prominence in at least two branches of linguistics, sociolinguistic and stylistic. However, the focus is different. In sociolinguistic, style may have the effect on the society. In traditional stylistic, the focus is on the style itself. This research is a stylistic study on how determiner deletion occurs in English-language newspapers published in Indonesia. Determiner itself is one of the distinctive features in a text since it used to express the reference of noun and noun phrase in a text. In this research, the texts used are news articles from three English-language newspapers. Two are published in Indonesia, namely The Jakarta Globe and The Jakarta Post. The other one is

International New York Times. The first two are the most leading English-language newspapers in Indonesia, and the last is a global newspaper which exemplary can be found in Indonesia. International New York Times is used as a comparison of the writing style and also type of deletion between Indonesian English-language newspapers and global English-language newspapers.

There are two research problems in this research (1) in what contexts are determiner deleted in The Jakarta Post, The Jakarta Globe and International New York Times and (2) what possible effects determiner deletions may have related to the news-writing style in The Jakarta Post, The Jakarta Globe and

International New York Times. To answer those questions, document analysis is employed. In this case, the documents are fifteen newspaper articles gathered from The Jakarta Globe, The Jakarta Post and International New York Times.

The writer is the instrument who sorted the determiners and the possible deletions. The results of the study show that identifiers, as one of the determiners, are used more than the other determiner, the quantifiers. Among the identifiers, the definite article the is used the most compared to the indefinite article a/an. The reasons are due to its nature as reference backward and also as context identifier. Related to the context of the determiner deletions, the study shows that the determiner deletion occurs in two contexts. The first context is the deletion in coordination phrase. The second context is the appositional name phrase. In the context of coordination phrase, the results also show that as the most used determiner, the also has the highest possibility to be deleted as a result of being economic. Then, in the context of appositional name phrase, the result shows that determiner deletion on naming apposition may bring title given which are in the same level to President or Professor.

The first possible effect that may occur because of the determiner deletion is efficiency. This study is focusing on online articles. In online articles, space is very important because it needs to be shared with hyperlink to a video, a photo or it needs to be shared with advertisements. It is also related to the fact that determiner has a low information style. It leads to another possible effect is


reputation gained from the readers. The less determiner deletion occur in a news-article, the more dependable the newspaper is. The third effect is new titles and status raising.

The results of this study are also expected to be beneficial for fellow students of English Language Studies to conduct deeper stylistic study, for news article writers in Indonesia and for English teachers in Indonesia.



Maria Septiyani. 2014. Determiner Deletion in The Jakarta Post, The Jakarta Globe and International New York Times. Yogyakarta: English Language Studies. Graduate Program. Sanata Dharma University.

Style dalam linguistik sangat menonjol dalam dua cabang linguistic yaitu sosiolinguistik dan juga stilistika. Walaupun fokusnya pun berbeda untuk setiap bidangnya. Dalam sosiolinguistik, fokusnya lebih berkaitan antara style dan masyrkat. Sedangkan tradisional stilistika minitikberatkan pada style itu sendiri. Penelitian ini adalah sebuah penelitian stilistika yang menitikberatkan pada penghilangan kata penentu (determiner) dalam surat kabar berbahaa inggris yang terbit di Indonesia. Determiner sendiri penting dalam sebuah teks karena merupakan referensi sebuah kata benda maupun frasa kata benda. Dalam penelituian ini, tiga surat kabar berbahasa lokal yaitu The Jakarta Post, The Jakarta Globedan satu surat kabar bahasa Inggris internasionalInternational New York Times digunakan sebagai objek penelitian. Alasannya karena The Jakarta Post dan The Jakarta Globe adalah surat kabar berbahsa Inggris terkemuka di Indonesia. Sedangkan International New York Times digunakan sebagai pembanding cara penulisan artikel dan jenis penghilangan determinerantara surat kabar berbahasa Inggris lokal dan surat kabar berbahasa Inggris yang terbit secara global.

Ada dua permasalahan yang hendak dicari jawabannya melalui penelitian ini (1) dalam konteks apa saja penghilangan determiner dalam The Jakarta Post, The Jakarta Globe dan International New York Times 3) apa saja efek yang timbul melalui penghilangan determiner terhadap gaya penulisan surat kabarThe Jakarta Post, The Jakarta Globe dan International New York Times. Untuk menjawah pertanyaan tersebut, maka analisis dokumen sebagai metode penelitian dipilih. Sebagai data, ada lima belas artikel yang dipakai dari ketiga surat kabar yang sudah disebutkan diatas. Penulis penelitian ini juga sebagai instrumen penelitian yang menyortir determiner apa saja yang digunakan beserta penghilangannya.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari dua jenis determiner, identifier dan quantifier, identifier lebih sering digunakan dalam surat kabar. Diantara identifier tersebut, kata penentu the lebih sering digunakan daripada

a/an. Alasannya karena the mempunyai fungsi sebagai referensi dan juga sebagai penentu menurut konteks. Hasil lainnya menunjukkan bahwa penghilangan

determiner berfungsi membawa fungsi ‘gelar’ yang setara dengan Presiden dan Professor. Efek yang mungkin timbul melalui penghilangan determinerini adalah efisiensi. Karena data yang digunakan adalah artikel online, maka tempat sangat penting. Karena dalam media online, terdapat banyak sisipan link, video maupun iklan. Hasil dari penelitian ini juga diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat untuk sesama mahasiswa yang ingin melaksanakan penelitian stilistika, juga untuk guru bahasa Inggirs dan juga penulis berita di Indonesia.




This chapter consists of four parts, namely the background of the study, problem formulation, research objectives and research benefits. Each part contributes important points to this thesis.

A. Background of the Study

Language varies according to its uses as well its users, according to where it is used and to whom, as well as according to who is using it (Holmes, 2001: 223). Therefore, the addressees and the context will affect the choices of code or variety. The code and variety itself can be in form of language, dialect or style. The illustrations about the choices of variety can be seen in the example about three different requests for information as follows:

1. From a friend

Where were you last night? I rang to see if you wanted to come to the party? 2. In a court from a lawyer

Could you tell the court where you were on the night of Friday the seventeenth of March?

3. From a teacher to his pupils in school on the day after Halloween.

I know some of you went ‘trick-or-treating’ last night and so I thought we might talk a bit today about how you got on. Did you go out last night Jimmy? (Holmes, 2001: 223)

The three examples above are actually asking the same matter. The addresser, the one who is asking the question, asks the addressees whether they are out at night. The difference between the three utterances are stylistic differences.

Style in linguistics has gained prominence in at least two branches of linguistics, sociolinguistics and stylistics. The focus of style in those two branches of linguistic is different depending on the point of view. In sociolinguistic, style of language may have the effect on the society since sociolinguistic studies the


language which is used by society. Furthermore, stylistic features also reflect people’s group membership. Moreover, it also reflects the contexts in which language is used. The context here means the context of the addressee. Addressee plays important role in deciding someone’s style, especially the age of addressee and the social background of the addressee (Holmes, 2001: 223).

Related to the age of addressee, many speakers use different styles in addressing different people. In addressing elderly people, whether in spoken or written text, people will use more complicated words and use longer and more complex sentences. In the other hand, in addressing the youngsters especially children, people tend to use more common words and use shorter and simpler sentences. Therefore, it can be concluded that different addressees clearly influence the language used (Holmes, 2001: 226).

Further, Holmes also gives examples on how social background of the addressee can also affect the people’s style of language. This fact is illustrated by the utterances pronounced by newsreaders from different radio stations in Australia. The pronunciation has been recorded and scripted as follow:

1. Last week the British Prime Minister Mrs Margaret Thatcher met the Australian Premier Mr Bob Hawke in Canberra…Their next meeting will not be for several months.

2. Las’ week British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher met Australian Premier Bob Hawke in Canberra…Their nex’ meeting won’t be for sev’ral months (Holmes, 2001: 228).

The illustrations above show some differences in terms of pronunciation and grammar. In example (b), compared to example (a), there is simplification of consonant clusters, so the word last [lɑːst] becomes [lɑːs] and the word next [nekst] becomes [neks]. Furthermore, in example (b), the definite article the is


omitted before the titles Prime Minister and Premier and the honorifics Mrsand Mrdisappear and there is the contractionwon’t(Holmes, 2001: 228).

As an addition, the utterances above are performed by newsreaders in different radio stations in New Zealand. Example (a) is performed by a newsreader in a prestigious National Radio Network whose audiences are older and better-healed. Meanwhile, example (b) is performed by a newsreader in a middle-of-the-road station whose audiences are from the lower and end of spectrum. In other words, it can be said that the audiences for example (a) is more educated and they have a higher social status compared to the audiences for example (b). Based on the example, it can be seen that although the news is the same but the style of the newsreaders is different due to the different audiences as well. This illustration is able to proof that different addressees or audience is a very significant influence on a speakers’ style (Holmes, 2001: 228).

To this point, it can be seen that the concept of style in linguistic field has an extensive existence in sociolinguistic field. However, as far as the writer can note, the concept of style occurs not only in sociolinguistics but also in stylistics itself. Outside the boundary of linguistics, the concept of style also occurs, as for instance in the history of art and in literary criticism, and it also exists as an everyday term with a rather imprecise meaning and ambiguous edges (Jucker, 1992: 1). Thus, it is very common to use the word style with reference to the shape or design of something, for example the minimalist style of a house. Or else, it is very common to use the word style to describe the way something is presented and to describe someone’s manner of writing, speaking or performing. Finally, style can be used to say the quality that someone owns on fashion,


smartness or a superior manners, like ‘He dresses in style’ or ‘They live such a luxurious style’ (Verdonk, 2002: 1). Due to its ambiguous meanings edges, the concept of style should be defined appropriately depending on the area of discussion.

In linguistics, in spite of the differences between the concept of style, it is generally agreed that “style is a comparative concept in that it describes some relevant differences between a text or a discourse and some other texts or discourses; or, in some methodological frameworks, with some kind of implicit or explicit norm” (Jucker, 1992: 4). Therefore, style generally applies to language that has been produced by speakers with their beliefs, aims and goals in specific situations and in particular physical, social and temporal environments. In other words, the concept of style applies to real language or parole (Saussure, 1965) and performance (Chomsky, 1986). Based on this definition, the concept of style can always be found in the final product of speakers’ performance, such as in written texts and spoken discourse since it is the realization of the language knowledge that speakers have owned.

According to some experts in linguistics such as, Chomsky, the study of the real language is not interesting at all and it gains no significance and it has no status at all in linguistic theory (Jucker, 1992: 4). Furthermore, Chomsky explains why real language is not interesting at all. The reasons are because “it appears to have no significance and it has no status in linguistics theory” (Jucker, 1994: 1). However, the realization of the real language in written texts or spoken discourse has a systematic variation and it is highly organized. These two points, the variation and the organization of the texts and discourse, may lead to stylistic


investigation. Therefore, a stylistic investigation is “addressed first and foremost to the problem of uncovering some of the regularity underlying the variation and seeming unorderliness of E-language” (Jucker, 1994: 1).

Hence, it can be said that style in linguistics has gained prominence in at least two branches of linguistics, sociolinguistics and stylistics. The focus of style in those two branches of linguistics is different depending on the point of view. In sociolinguistics, style of language may have the effect on the society since sociolinguistic studies the language which is used by society (Jucker, 1992: 4). However, in traditional stylistics, the focus is on the style itself. Style here means the language features which are used in certain literary texts. Those language features are distinctive and they are also thoughtfully chosen by the authors. Therefore, stylistics, the study of style, can be defined as the analysis of distinctive expression in language and the description of its purpose and effect (Verdonk, 2002: 4).

Distinctive expression in a text may have different forms. The forms might be in the forms of typography, repeated vowels and consonants, choice of words, grammatical structures and many others. Writers who understand and appreciate the rules of the language know how to break the rules to create certain distinctive features in a text. Poets, for example, break the rules with unorthodox indentations, mid-sentence capitalization and other departures from Standard English which serve their purposes (Itule and Anderson, 1999: 176).

Therefore, this research aims to explore one of the language features which is distinctively found in a text, especially in the newspaper article. The reason why newspaper articles are chosen is that news writers, like poets, have


their own rules to depart selectively from the ‘standard English’ which is emphasized in composition courses. Another reason is that newspaper language has often been the subjects of linguistic investigations. Study on newspaper itself can be considered as a media study. As O’ Keeffe (2011) says that media itself is a very board term since it compasses print and broadcast genres, that is anything from newspaper to chat show. The academic area of media studies cuts across a number of disciplines including communication, sociology, political science, cultural studies, and philosophy. According to O’Keeffe as well, the study of media also comes under the radar of linguistics because “at the core of these media is language, communication and the making of meaning, which is obviously a great interest to a linguist.”

Over the years, many studies of language and the media have been focused on the written genres, particularly newspapers. The reason why newspapers are used is that they are more readily available for analysis compared to spoken media discourse. The investigations are either using just one newspaper or comparing two different newspapers usually a broadsheet paper and a tabloid. Some experts have conducted some studies on newspaper language. O’Keeffe (2011) notes down several studies of written texts, Toolan (1988) examines the language of press advertising, Wallace (1977), Ghadessy (1988) and Bhatia (1993) examine sport reporting in newspapers. McQuail (1994) and White (1997) examine how newspapers have created a model of social order.

One of the distinctive features that can be examined in written texts is grammatical features (Crystal, 2006: 8). According to Crystal, grammatical features means, “the many possibilities of syntax and morphology, defines in


terms of such factors as the distinctive use of sentence structure, word order, and word inflections.” As an addition, grammatical features are also considered as one of the categories in stylistic study (Leech and Short, 1981: 6). This study is conducted to explore more on one of the grammatical features which can be found in the written texts, the determiner deletion. Thus, it will try to explore more about determiner deletion in English language newspapers. Determiner deletion here means the dropping of the articles like ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’.

The dropping of the articles and other linguistic items is called as ellipsis. In the interest of economy in written communication, especially in newspaper reporting, good usage of English accepts the omission of certain pattern or words. However, the omission should obey certain rule in order to enhance the meaning (Ayodele, 1988). In newspapers, where the nature of communication is in a hurry and governed by time (deadlines and timelines) and by space (story size and item position), often practices ellipsis and one of the items which is omitted is the determiner. This pattern will not be seen clearly, unless depth observation is conducted. Therefore, this thesis aims to observe the phenomenon of the deletion in English language newspapers, especially those which can be found in Indonesia.

There are three English language newspapers which are going to be used as the objects of this study, namely The Jakarta Post, The Jakarta Globe and International New York Times. The first two are local English newspapers and the last one is a global English newspaper. The writer of this research is going to take only five articles from each newspaper. The length of each article itself is more less 800-900 words. International New York Times is used in this research as a


comparison to the local newspaper. The reason is due its status as a global newspaper. Therefore, the news writers who write for International New York Times are native speakers of English or people who have a very good mastery of English. Then, International New York Times can be compared to the local English-language newspapers whose news writers are mostly Indonesian.

For that reason, this research aims to find out about what determiners are used in the articles, which determiner deletion occurs in those three newspapers and what are the possible effects from the determiner deletion. Later, the findings are also hoped to show the different style between Indonesian news writers and foreign news writerss in terms of determiner deletion.

B. Problem Formulation

The problems of this research are formulated as follows.

1. In what context are determiners deleted in The Jakarta Post, The Jakarta GlobeandInternational New York Times?

2. What possible effects do the determiner deletions have related to the news writing style on The Jakarta Post, The Jakarta Globe and International New York Times?

C. Research Objectives

This research studies determiner deletion which occurs in three English-language newspapers, two are Indonesian English-English-language newspapers and one is global English-language newspaper. Then, related to the problem formulation, there are several objectives which would like to be achieved through this research. The first objective is finding the determiners in the news articles. It is related to find in what context the determiners are deleted in the newspaper. Context here


means the situation which initiates the process of deletion. In order to find the context, the determiners found in the news articles will be classified and categorized so that the exact number of the determiners used in the articles will be discovered. The classification of the determiners will be done based on the theory of the kinds of determiners. It is important to find the number of the determiners since they are one of the distinctive features in news writing style. Moreover, they are the main objects of the research.

The second objective is finding the determiner deletion context. As what have been discussed in the background of the study, deleting the determiners is one of the rule breaking which is done by the news writers. Moreover, it becomes the style which is done by the news writers. Finding out the number of the deleted determiners will be able to reveal which newspaper has the most deletion in its article. Later, the result of the number of deletion will be beneficial to compare the news writing style of those three newspapers, which is also one of the main points of this research.

The third objective is finding the possible effects of the determiner deletion. After gaining the number of the determiners which are used and the number of the determiners which are deleted in those three newspapers, this research aims to compare the result. The comparison result is hoped to show the different style applied by local news writers and also foreign news writers in terms of determiner deletion.

D. Research Benefits

There are two kinds of benefits of this research, theoretical and practical benefit. As for the theoretical benefit, this research is hoped to give more insight


on stylistics research. Considering its main focus, this research will give an insight on how determiners can affect the newspaper writing style. Therefore, the result of this study should give another insight on the study of style in a text, especially in newspaper.

As for the practical benefit, this research is expected to help fellow linguistics students who are also interested in conducting research on stylistics. This research is expected to trigger more research on style of newspaper writing style. Moreover, the result of this study is also able to help news writers in Indonesia to improve their writing skill of English-language article. It is important since English is not the main language of most local news writers who work in the Indonesia English-language newspapers.

This research is also expected to give benefit for fellow language teachers. The result on the use of determiners is also expected to give more insight for teachers whenever they are teaching English grammar for their students. Moreover, they can also use the result of the study as a reference whenever they need to write texts or discourses similar to those examined in this study.




This chapter will review some related theories and also previous studies. The theories presented here are necessary to answer the problems presented in the previous chapter. These theories later on will be constructed into a framework which will be the ground to answer the problems.

A. Review of Related Literature 1. The Concept of Style and Stylistics

Stylistics is the study of style in language (Verdonk, 2002: 3). However, the word style itself, without specific references, is used commonly in the daily conversation and in everyday writing. Therefore, the word ‘style’ frequently appears whenever people want to describe the shape or design of something, such as the classic style of a house. Furthermore, people also use the word ‘style’ whenever they describe someone’s manner of writing, speaking, or performing, such as she writes in a vigorous style. The word ‘style’ is also used whenever people say their opinion on fashionable elegance, smartness or a superior manner, for example one can eat in style here.Then, these discussions about style make a good point to explain more about what style actually is.

Verdonk (2002: 3) defines that style in language is a distinctive language expression. Therefore, according to Verdonk, “stylistics, the study of style, can be defined as the analysis of distinctive expression in language and the description of its purpose and effect.” This definition of style is the same as what is stated by Leech and Short (1981: 11). They define stylistics as “the linguistic study of style,


is rarely undertaken for its own sake, simply an exercise in describing what use is made of language.”

As an addition, Jeffries and McIntyre (2010: 1) also have defined stylistics as a “sub-discipline of linguistics that is concerned with the systematic analysis of style in language and how this can vary according to such factors, as for example, genre, context, historical period and author.” They also add that the term style in an individual distinguishes one writer from another. Therefore, the styles associated with particular genres (e.g. newspaper language or the gothic novel), or the characteristics of what might constitute ‘literary’ style.

Then, the definitions above will be best applied to the most specific domain of style, which is the style of text. A text, whether it is considered as a whole work or just an extract from a work, is the nearest access to a homogenous and specific use of language. Therefore, in a text, the study of style can be done more detail with a more systematic attention to what words or structures are chosen. (Leech and Short, 1981: 12). Furthermore, they also mention another reason why texts are the natural focus for stylistics study, “within a text it is possible to be more specific about how language serves a particular artistic function.” The last reason mentioned by Leech and Short becomes the nature of stylistics. The text which can varies from different genres or types of text containing specific features of style create particular effect. Therefore, the text which may become the object of the study of stylistics might be newspapers, poetries, proses, dramas, and many other texts (Verdonk, 2002: 4).


2. The Type and Organization of Newspaper Texts

Recently, printed newspapers are experimenting with ways to survive in the digital age. Their efforts to stay alive are directed at two areas: cutting costs and increasing revenue. Cost-cutting efforts have ranged from mild to the extreme. Sharing certain stories is one of them. This has been done by two American newspapers, The Washington Post which shares stories with The Baltimore Sun. The most drastic cost-cutting step of all is dropping the print edition altogether and becoming an online-only publication. The example is the Ann Arbor News in Michigan, stopped its printed operation and become, 2010: 114-115).

Talking about online newspapers, Dominick (2010: 121) explains that there are three main types of online newspaper web sites: (1) news aggregators, (2) online web sites associated with a local or national print newspaper and (3) online-only sites. News aggregators are sites that take information from many sources and meld it into a news presentation. According to Dominick, there are two types of news aggregators. First, sites that use an automatic formula to scan news publications and group related stories together, such as Google News and Yahoo! News. Second, sites that use humans to scan and select the stories, such as The Huffington Post. These sites typically carry headlines, photos, video, a lead sentence or two, and links to the full story.

The second type, online Web sites associated with a local or national print newspapers are the most common one. Dominick (2010) further explains that the vast majority of online newspapers are affiliated with traditional print


newspapers, either dailies or weeklies. Sometimes, this type also posts pictures and video links along with the articles. The structure of this online newspaper varies. Some sites have a stand-alone organization with staffers who work only for the online site. Other sites combine the print and online operations so that one person may work for both. Based on this explanation, it can be deduced that the effectiveness of the workers is also varied. If they work for both print and online newspapers, they have to be very effective in writing the article in terms of time and space. They have to be able to manage their words so that it can be adjusted for both types.

Dominick also further explains that the writing style for online media is highly variable. Some newspaper sites may simply post the print version post the story without minor editing. Meanwhile, other sites might post the headline and a couple of sentences highlighting the main points of the story with a link to the rest of the story. “The newspaper inverted-pyramid style is generally used, and photos and video are integrated to the text” (Dominick, 2010: 319).

According to Blake, Inverted-pyramid style is one of the styles in newspaper writing. Inverted-pyramid means when the news is written, the most newsworthy information is put at the beginning of the story and the least newsworthy information is put at the end. The decision of putting that comes as the most trustworthy is by considering its news value. ( ormat.pdf). Therefore, the idea of inverted writing style is putting all information about “what”, “when”, “where”, “who”, “why”, and “how” at the beginning of the


newspaper article. Then, the detailed information will be put on the following paragraphs. Here is the example of inverted-pyramid style taken from ( ormat.pdf).

Figure 1. The beginning of inverted-pyramid style

The example above summarizes the points that should be included in the beginning of a story using inverted-pyramid style. The “what” there is there is a man died. The “when” and “where” is on Monday afternoon and on Broad Street. The “who” is a Murfressboro man. The “why” is he died because his car spun out of control and crashed into a utility pole and threw him through the windshield. By looking at the example above, there is an advantage of having inverted-pyramid style in a newspaper article. The advantage is that readers who are in a hurry can grasp the information needed by reading the first paragraph only.

Related to the style of writing, news writers are usually faithful to the conversations of good English except when departing from the rules help them communicate better with their mass audience. Itule and Anderson (1999: 177) say that writers who understand and appreciate the rules of language know when to break the rules and enhance effectiveness. If poets do it with unusual indentations, mid-sentence capitalization, news writers take the liberties of the language by dropping the articles like “a” and “the”, using colons and single quotation marks

A Murfreesboro man died Monday afternoon when his car spun out of control on rain-slickened Broad Street, crashed into a utility pole and threw him through the windshield.


to indicate attribution and so on. They provide examples of these liberties which are taken fromUSA Todayduring the 1991 Persian Gulf War:

a. Troops set; Bush ‘prepared’ for ground war b. Poll: Most support U.S in gulf war

c. Bush ‘prepared’ for Ground War

The examples above show the liberties which are often taken by news writers. In example (a), the semicolon (;) is used in order to show two different actions which still has relationship to one another. In example (b), the colon (:) is possibly used to replace the verbs ‘says’ or ‘states’ and it is possibly used to shorten the sentence since it is a headline. In example (c), the single quotation mark is put on the verb ‘prepared’ because it possibly signs that Bush has been ready since a long time ago to face Ground War.

The examples below are the examples of another liberty takes by news writers, it is the determiner deletion. The study of determiner deletion in newspaper is proposed by Bell (2011):

a. (the) Finance Minister Bill English

b. (a) City Council spokesperson Richie Moyle c. (its) Chief Executive Roger Sutton.

The examples given by Bell include initial mentions of people in the news which usually take the form of two appositional noun phrases. The first noun phrase is the descriptive of the person and it is followed by an appositional noun phrase which names the person. In language of news reporting, the deletion of the first of


the appositional expressions is often defined as something unique. The deletion restructures the apposition because it elevates the name to equal status with the description.

3. Stylistics Analysis Theory

Leech and Short (1981: 74) say that every analysis of style, in their terms, is an attempt to find the artistic principles underlying a writer’s choice of language. Therefore, it is useful to have a checklist of features which may or may not be significant in a given text. The categories of analysis are placed under four general headings: lexical categories, grammatical categories, figures of speech and cohesion and context.

The main focus of this research is one of the distinctive features which can be found in the newspaper named determiner. According to Leech and Short (2011: 75-78), there are nine categories which are placed under the grammatical categories, namely sentence types, sentence complexity, clause types, clause structure, noun phrases, verb phrases, other phrase types, word classes and general.

The first category is sentence types. This category concerns about some points, among others are whether an author uses only statements (declarative sentences) and whether an author also uses questions, commands, exclamations or minor sentence types. The function of the sentence type can be further investigated under this category.


this category are whether the sentences have a simple or complex structure, whether the complexity of the sentence vary strikingly from one sentence to another and whether the complexity is due to coordination, subordination or parataxis. The average sentence length can be also be addressed under this category.

The third category is clause types. In this category, there are some points which can be addressed. For example, what kind of clauses are favoured in the text and whether reduced or non-finite clauses commonly used in the text. Further investigation on clauses like the use of infinitive clauses,-ing clauses,-ed clauses can also be done under this category.

The fourth category is clause structure. For this category, the stylistic analysis can be done by following a point, such as whether there is anything significant about clause elements, for example frequency of objects, complements or adverbials. Some other points that are useful under the clause structure category are whether there are any unusual orderings or whether special kinds of clause construction occur.

The fifth category is noun phrases. For noun phrases category, the issues which can be addressed to get the data are whether the phrases are simple or complex or where the complexities of the phrases lie. Listing the occurrences of the adjective sequences, the coordination or apposition also can be done under this category.

The sixth category is verb phrases. For verb phrases, the analysis can be done under issues such as whether there are any significant departures from the


use of the simple past tense. This can be done later by comparing the number of past tense occurrences to other verb phrase types such as the present tense, the progressive aspect, and other verb phrases.

The seventh category is other phrase types. This category tries to find out about other phrase types and their significance for the text such as prepositional phrases, adverb phrases, and adjective phrases.

The eighth category is word classes. Since a major or lexical word class has been already considered in the previous category, considering minor word classes is also important. The examples of minor word classes here are prepositions, auxiliaries, determiners, conjunctions, pronouns, interjections.

The ninth category is general category. For the last category, the point that is possible to consider is whether any general types of grammatical construction are used to special effect, for example comparative or superlative constructions, coordinative or listing constructions, appended or interpolated structures.

Crystal (2006) also adds that grammatical features also become one of the types of stylistic approaches in written language. Crystal explains that in grammatical features, the many possibilities of syntax and morphology may become the object of stylistic study. Therefore, from all of the categories above, it can be seen that stylistic investigation on determiner is possible to do. The reason is because determiner belongs to one of the distinctive features which is word classes. Furthermore, what are important from these nine categories are the occurrences and the effects to the style of the text (Leech and Short, 1981).


4. Determiners

The English articles are part of a larger system of reference and determination.

“Articles are sometimes called determiners, although the term is also used generically to refer to a larger class of items which determine noun status in similar ways (e.g. this; that), but which can be used more flexibly (e.g. as pronouns) than the articles proper.” (Wales, 2001: 30).

Quirket aldefines determiner as “words which can determine nouns and they form a set of closed –system items that are mutually exclusive with each other” (1985: 137). Furthermore, Quirk, et al explains the exclusiveness in determiners. It means that there cannot be more than one determiner occurring before the noun head. Therefore, both a the boy and a some boy are ungrammatical.

Related to Wales’ explanation on determiner, he also explains that articles only have little lexical meaning. Therefore, in certain contexts they can be easily omitted to save space or time, e.g. newspaper headlines, small ads, note-taking and many more (2001: 30). However, though the articles have little lexical meaning, they are central to the class of determiners in that they have no function independent of the noun they precede. It means that determiner will be meaningful only when they are attached to the noun or noun phrase. For example:

I want the ink here is the I want some ink here is some

In the example above, the determiners in the second column does not have any meaning since it is not followed by either noun or noun phrase. Quirk et al also


further explain that the articles solely contribute definite or indefinite status to the nouns they determine but the dependence is not unilateral (Quirket al, 1985: 137)

Determiners can be discussed under the headings identifiers and quantifiers. Identifiers consist of the articles, the possessives and the demonstratives. Whereas quantifiers consist of definite and indefinite quantifiers. The articles consist of the indefinite article, the definite article and the zero article. For quantifiers, the definite quantifiers are marked by the numeral and the indefinite quantifiers are marked by some, any, much, many and some other quantifiers (Close, 1977: 128). In English, the definite and indefinite articles are used to identify new and given information. Given information, tends to take the definite article, while new information tends to take the indefinite article (Celce-Murcia and Larsen-Freeman, 1999: 271).

As what has been stated before, Close (1977) has classified determiners into two, identifiers and quantifiers. Identifiers include the articles, the demonstratives and the possessive form of the personal pronouns.

a. The articles

There are three kinds of articles which are used in English Grammar. The first is the indefinite article a and an. According to Close (1977: 129), the indefinite article is aor an when the head of a nominal group is a singular count noun: ais used before a word beginning with a consonant sound and an before a vowel sound, for example:a man, a red apple, an apple, an uncleand many more. Furthermore, he also explains about its characteristics, as explained in the followings


Close also mentions several other characteristics of the indefinite article a/an. The first is that A (n)+ noun can refer to class of thing as a whole, as in:a catina cat is a small domesticated animal. Close defines this as a typical form of definition. The second is that A (n) + noun can also refer to the idea of one example of the class, as expressed in: May I have an apple, please? The third characteristic of indefinite article a (n) is that it isA (n)is obligatory when a count noun singular is an indefinite complement of BE, as it can be seen in example a cat is a small domesticated animal and in sentenceMr Cartwright was a famous surgeon. The last is that A+ one occurs exceptionally in colloquial English, as in Oh, you are a one!The ‘a one’means amusing or daring person.

Related to the concept of indefinite articlea(n), Yule (2004) explains that the indefinite article a(n) is closely connected, both historically, to the number one. Therefore, in many cases, “the basic meaning of a(n) X is single instance of the X type of thing.” (Yule, 2004: 33) Further, he also explains that indefinite articles is used in a process named classifying. Classifying is a process by which a thing or things are named to belong to a certain class of objects. Then, the example of classifying objects signalled by indefinite articles is as follows there’s a farmhouse with a horse, a dog and an old truck.

The second article in English grammar is the definite article the. According to Close (1977: 133-135), the definite article,the, can be used before a count singular, a count noun plural, or a mass noun. One of its main functions is to indicate that the speaker is referring to a particular example, or to particular examples, of a class of thing. In using the, the speaker assumes that his audience


can identify the particular examples to which he is referring. The word thealone is sufficient to identify the examples. However, the definite article the also indicates that something already said or reference backwards. The example of reference backwards can be seen in the following example:

Here is a glass, some water and three coins. Watch! I pour the water into the glass, then drop the coins one by one into the water.

In that example, the water, the glassandthe coins refer to glass, waterand coins which are mentioned in the previous sentence.

The definite article the also indicates that something about to be said or reference forwards. According to Close, there are three patterns which can explain the occurrence oftheas reference forwards. The first is when the speaker assumes there is only one single thing according to his own thought, for example: The light is on in the dining room. When it is said, then the speaker assumes that there is only one light in the room. Second, the may appear in mass nouns, especially abstract nouns, which are often modified by a prepositional phrase beginning with of , e.g. the history of China. Third, an adjective only attracts the if it serves definitely to identify the thing mentioned, for exampleThere are three coats here, which one is yours? The grey coat is mine. Reference forward can also be made by a superlative, by an ordinal number and by next and same, e.g. Tokyo is now the largest city in the world, That’s the third time you’ve trodden on my toe, Woodside Road is the next turning on your right, The same thing happened to me yesterday.


The definite article the + noun frequently occurs when the speaker is referring to some object or person that he assumes the hearer can identify in the environment which they share, for example I’ll meet you at the post office, or at the bank. The is also used as a signal that the speaker is distinguishing one part of his environment from another, for example He speaks of living in the town is distinct from living in the country.

Related to the explanation on definite article provided by Close, Yule (2004) explains that the definite article the is closely connected, historically and conceptually to the demonstrative that. Therefore, the basic meaning of the X is ‘that particular X’. According to Yule, while indefinite articles mark the classifying process, definite article is used to mark the identifying process. Identifying is a process by which a thing or things are referred as distinct from other members of the same category of class of objects. As a definite reference, the has a distinguishing effect and is usually intended to pick out a specific thing or things (Yule, 2003: 33).

Yule also makes a number of implications based on his explanations on indefinite and definite article. However, the most powerful implication is that, in communicative terms, the definite article signals more than the indefinite article. When definite article is used, it means that the classification has already been completed since the whole entity has already been identified (Yule, 2003: 34).

The classifying and identifying process marked by the indefinite and definite article is important in this study to answer the first research question that is the context how determiner deletion can occur. Since indefinite is typically


classifying things, it is often used with the first reference. Meanwhile, the definite article is typically identifying things, it is often used with the second or later references. Therefore, it can be said that indefinite article introduces new information in an English text while definite articles introduces given information. They have important role in news report writing. New information itself can be defined as information that the speaker presents as a new to the hearer. Then, given information can be defines as information that the speaker treats as currently known to the hearer. Therefore, in a news report, it always begins with the introduction of several new things which are going to be the highlight of the story. Later, as the report continues, many of the entities then can be treated as already known or ‘given.’

The last article in English grammar is the very important phenomenon named the zero article. Close defines zero article as the absence of article and it serves as an indefinite identifier. It occurs in several patterns, such as before a count noun plural noun referring to a class as a whole, e.g. cats, as in Cats like fish, don’t they? The example states a characteristic of cats in general. A similar pattern can be used for definitions, especially in Grapes are kind of fruit.It also occurs before a count noun plural referring not to the class as a whole but to a number of indefinite of indefinite examples, e.g. people in Don’t stand in the doorway. There are people waiting. Zero article also occurs before a count noun plural, e.g. engineers inMr Cartwright’s sons were engineers(1977: 133).

Related to the explanation on zero article provided by Close, Yule also has the same argument. According to Yule, zero article is the absence of indefinite


and definite articles in some common phrases, and it is treated as significant for the interpretation of ‘no differentiation required’ (Yule, 2004: 24). Though Yule has mentioned that given information is marked by the definite article, he adds that the clearest given information is sometimes marked by the absence of the article. It can be observed clearly in texts providing instructions and also in recipes.

From the theory above, it can be concluded that there are three basic articles which exist in English grammar. They are the indefinite article, the definite article and the zero article. Indefinite article is used to mark the new information and definite article is used to mark the given information. The zero article is used to mark the clearest given information which is commonly found in instructions and recipes.

In using the articles with the noun, the basic forms of articles in English can be summarized as follow

1) The indefinite article a is used for common noun, which is countable and singular, and the noun begins with consonant. Meanwhile, Indefinite articlean is used for common noun, which is countable and singular, and the noun begins with vowel

2) The definite article the is used for common noun, which takes the singular or plural countable and non-countable form and the noun begins in either consonant or vowel

3) The zero article is used for proper and common noun. For the common noun, it takes the plural countable noun and non-countable noun.


Knowing the nature of the articles is important in since one of the attempts of the study is to know which articles appear the most in the English language newspapers. Looking at the nature of the indefinite article, the definite article and also zero article, it is very possible that the definite article the will occur the most, due to its nature to identify entities and as a given information. It will be proved through the analysis later.

b. The Demonstratives

The demonstratives are also one of the determiners. They belong to the identifiers. There are four demonstratives this, these, that and those. Those four can refer to an object or objects, animate or inanimate. The differences between four of them are the plurality and the distance to the speaker. This and that are used for singular object, whereas these and those are used for plural object. Furthermore, this and these are used when the object or objects are near to the speaker. Meanwhile, thatandthoseare used when the object or objects are farther away from the speaker. (Close, 1971: 138)

The interesting idea about this and that is noted by Yule (2004). According to Yule, indefinite demonstrative this seems to have developed in contemporary English as an article to highlight a particular thing as the main focus of attention. It becomes an example of grammatical innovation that is becoming extremely common in conversational English (Yule, 2004: 43). Strauss (1993), in Yule (2004: 43) has done a research on the use of this/these and that/thoseas determiners occurs 60 percent of the time. Strauss got the result after he conducted a study based on spoken data which used 37 different data sets and


over 40, 000 transcribed words. Knowing the status of demonstratives as one of the determiners, the writer also will observe the number if their occurrences in the news articles.

c. Possessives

Possessives means own. It shows that a thing belongs to person or animal. It can take two forms. The first is the common possessives such as my, your, his, her, our, their, its.The second is a noun with apostropheswhich can act as a premodifier or as an pro-form such as George’s camera, Taylor’s house (Close, 1971: 139).

d. Quantifiers

There are two kinds of quantifiers which Close explains related to determiners. The first is numeral, which can take either ordinal or cardinal number. The second is indefinite quantifiers which take forms like many, much, few, little, a lotand many others.

Numeral may take two forms of number, cardinal and ordinal. The example of the numeral usage such as the first three boys, the first questions, twelve bottles of milk, seven kilograms of rice. The first two sentences are ordinal numbers, while the last two examples are using cardinal numbers (Close, 1971: 140).

The examples of quantifiers which can be used as determiners are many, much, a lot of, a little, a few and other quantifiers. These quantifiers can be used


with count plural nouns. Some of them can be used only with mass nouns and some with either count or mass. (Close, 1971: 140)

Having known about kinds of determiners in English grammar is very important because they have important role in constructing sentences. The different occurrences of determiners are easily observed in the written English, especially the articles (Yule, 2004: 29). Therefore, it becomes the main concern of this study. Later, the writer will attempt to seek the occurrences of these determiners in the news articles. Finding the occurrences of the determiners will be very helpful to answer the first research question.

5. Ellipsis in Noun Phrase and Apposition Name Phrase

Ellipsis of determiners are very common and it can be seen as grammatical omission. Ellipsis itself can be defined as “omission of part of an utterance or grammatical structure, which can be readily understood by the hearer or reader in the context or the co-text, and which can be recovered explicitly” (Wales, 2001: 121).

Therefore, it is common to saya cup and (a) saucer, a knife and (a) fork, a hat and (a) coat, a raincoat and (an) umbrella.However, such ellipsis will only occur when the objects referred to are normally associated with each other, not in an example like I found a hat and a camera in the car. Are they yours? The sentence is impossible to undergo ellipsis process since the objects are not normally associated together, a hat and a camera. A similar ellipsis will occur with other determiners, e.g.,the first and (the) second, my mother and (my) father, and so on.


Related to the main focus of this research, which is determiner deletion in English-language newspapers, Allan Bell (1991: 107) explains one of the examples related to determiner deletion. According to Bell, a rule characteristics of news language deletes the determiner in appositional naming expressions of the form:

[the] Australian entrepreneur Alan bond [a] Spanish tourist Josefa Morelli [his] fellow left-winger Bob Cryer

Bell gathered this data from 4000 tokens of noun phrase which meet the structural description of the determiner deletion rule.

The process of deletion which is proposed by Bell is related to appositive. Appositive itself is a noun that immediately follows and renames another noun in order to clarify or classify it. The function of appositive is to reduce wordiness, add detail and add syntactic variety to a sentence (Andersen, 2012). Andersen gives some examples such as Ms. Wood, Sally’s favourite teacher in high school, is friendly and approachable. Therefore, referring to explanation, the examples above are actually appositives. The first example, [the] Australian entrepreneur Alan Bond is a restricted appositive because there is no comma there. Then, this restricted appositive undergoes the determiner deletion process. The definite articletheis deleted in the first example.

Another example from Bell is also shown in the example below: the Neighbour star Kylie Minogue Neighbour star Kylie Minogue


Appendix 15: Health-themed Articles fromThe Jakarta Globe, The Jakarta Post and International New York Times.

A Patient’s-Eye-View of Nurses

Last June, the month he turned 90, Dr. Arnold S. Relman, the eminent former medical educator and editor, fell down a flight of stairs at his home in Cambridge, Mass. He cracked his skull and broke three vertebrae in his neck and more bones in his face.

By the time he arrived at the emergency room, blood was flowing into his brain and impinging on his windpipe, leading to severe choking and dangerously low oxygen levels. Surgeons cut into his neck to connect a breathing tube from his trachea to a mechanical respirator.

Amid the disciplined medical havoc, his heart stopped three times. Resuscitation efforts saved his life, but at the cost of several broken ribs. His condition remained precarious as he developed complications and endured still more medical procedures.

Astonishingly, he lived to write about all this. After a painful 10-week hospital stay and months of rehabilitation, he can walk — gingerly, with a cane — and is largely recovered, with his mental faculties intact.

His riveting account of the medical adventure, in the Feb. 6 issue of The New York Review of Books, is a testimonial to the best emergency medical care and a tremendous will to live. At the same time, however, it betrays a surprising lack of awareness of some critical aspects of the medical profession and the nation’s fragmented health care system.

Despite decades as a medical educator, researcher, author and editor of The New England Journal of Medicine, Dr. Relman confesses that he “had never before understood how much good nursing care contributes to patients’ safety and comfort, especially when they are very sick or disabled.” Nor did he appreciate the hypnotizing effects of technology, which robs patients of the physician’s bedside manner and affects the training of younger doctors.

How is it that a leading medical professor like Dr. Relman — who has taught hundreds of young doctors at Boston University, the University of Pennsylvania (where he was chairman of the department of medicine) and Harvard — might not have known about the value of modern-day Florence Nightingales?

A number of doctors who have talked to me about Dr. Relman’s article suggest that the culture of medical education may be largely to blame. For example, younger doctors in hospitals spend part of the day on rounds, following professors in their long white coats. Many of these august figures are supremely confident in their observations and opinions; others are more compassionate.

What professors impart on those rounds can have a major effect on the behavior of younger doctors when they go into practice and teach succeeding generations.

*) red shaded parts are determiner deletion in phrases *) blue shaded parts are the phrases with determiners


Appendix 15: Health-themed Articles fromThe Jakarta Globe, The Jakarta Post and International New York Times.

Dr. Relman’s initial care was in a major teaching hospital, Massachusetts General in Boston, where the kind of doctors he taught — students, interns and residents — provided the round-the-clock attention that kept him alive. Yet he did not write directly about their role, referring to them only as “a team.”

On their rounds, some medical professors prefer to talk in a hallway just outside the patient’s room as they discuss test results that are crucial in planning further care. Such behavior appears impersonal, perceived perhaps as a way of shielding bad information.

But many doctors see it as efficient, because they can note the information they deem most important — like heart rate, blood pressure and rate of intravenous drip — by standing at a patient’s door and looking in at the monitors. Feeling no need to go to the bedside, they do not. Instead they rely on nurses, failing to recognize that such behavior omits crucial elements in patient care — the physical touch and the personal touch.

Dr. Relman owes the extension of his life to drugs and devices that did not exist in their present form, if at all, when he was younger. Over the years, the surge in the number of such advances, and most importantly in their hazards, has made work vastly more complicated for doctors, nurses and other health workers. Despite the advantages of technology, tender, loving care from family and nurses is priceless, as is the bedside manner of a sympathetic doctor.

But technology’s monitors, images and devices can deflect that doctor’s attention, as Dr. Relman learned when he reviewed his hospital records and the notes he wrote to nurses and his wife, Dr. Marcia Angell (particularly while he was unable to speak because of the breathing tube).

Instead of descriptions of his appearance and feelings, the doctors’ progress notes in his electronic medical records were filled with technical data. “Conversations with my physicians were infrequent, brief and hardly ever reported,” he wrote, adding:

“What personal care hospitalized patients now get is mostly from nurses. When nursing is not optimal, patient care is never good.”

Many hospital administrators have cut nursing staffs. They say it is to make ends meet; many doctors say it is usually to increase the bottom line.

Nurses’ observations and suggestions have saved many doctors from making fatal mistakes in caring for patients. Though most physicians are grateful for such aid, a few dismiss it — out of arrogance and a mistaken belief that a nurse cannot know more than a doctor.

In many ways, Dr. Relman’s insights reflect changes and generational gaps in training doctors, nurses and other health professionals. Because these disciplines have traditionally been taught in separate silos, they often do not work as tightly as they should.

*) red shaded parts are determiner deletion in phrases *) blue shaded parts are the phrases with determiners


Appendix 15: Health-themed Articles fromThe Jakarta Globe, The Jakarta Post and International New York Times.

Now, as health care financing changes and doctors spend more time training in outpatient settings, a growing movement demands coordinating the education of health professionals to prepare them to work more smoothly in teams. If these efforts succeed, perhaps the next generation of doctors will no longer be surprised at the importance of nurses and other allied professionals.

International New York Times


Appendix 16: List of Determiner Deletion in Appositional Name Phrase Found in articles fromThe Jakarta Globe, The Jakarta Postand International New York Times

No. Sentences

1. American snowboarder Shaun White 2. American Bill Demong

3. Silver medallist Tajana Huefner 4. Teenager Dara Howell

5. Freestyle skiing pioneer Sarah Burke 6. President Vladimir Putin

7. Russian Olga Fatkulina

8. Former goaltending great Vladislv Tretyak 9. Company President Luca di Montezemolo 10. Race team leader Stefano Domenicali 11. Former Ferrari teammate Felipe Massa 12 British former F1 champion Jenson Button 13. Coach Jose Mourinho

14. Indonesian photographer Christina Phan, or Yaya 15. composer Erwin Gutawa

16. young gamelan orchestra singer Woro Mustiko Siwi 17. noted filmmaker Riri Riza

18. political observer J. Kristiadi

19. human rights activist Usman Hamid 20. Indonesian artists Basoeki Abdullah 21. First Lady Ani Yudhoyono


Appendix 17: List of Determiner Deletion in Phrases Found in Articles from The Jakarta Globe,The Jakarta PostandInternational New York Times

No. Phrase Deleted


Possible Phrase Construction Without deletion

1 The better jumper and twister

Thebetter The better jumper and the better twister

2 His personal and political

His His personal and his political 3 The overwhelming

favourite and world record holder

the The overwhelming favourite and the world record holder

4 The Russians, Canadians and Americans

The The Russians, The Canadians and The Americans

5 a contentious “anti-gay propaganda” law and allegations



a contentious “anti-gay propaganda” law and a contentious allegations

6 The circumstances and cause of the accident

the The circumstances and the cause of accident

7 Schumacher’s age and fitness

Schumacher’s Schumacher’s age and Schumacher’s fitness

8 the chancellor and members of the government

The The chancellor and the members of the government

9. the days and nights The The days and the nights 10. the exact same nose,

jawline and teeth

The (exact) The exact same nose, the exact same jawline and the exact same teeth

11. a radio reporter and producer

a a radio reporter and a producer 12. her work and


her her work and her self-expression 13. the deflection,

distraction and guile

the the deflection, the distraction and the guile

14. the building’s classic interior and exterior



the building’s classic interior and the building’s classic exterior

15. these criticisms and threats

these these criticisms and these threats 16. a home appliances

maker and excavator equipment


an a home appliances maker and an excavator equipment

manufacturer 17. an accompanying

signalling and power supply system

a an accompanying signalling and a power supply system


Appendix 17: List of Determiner Deletion in Phrases Found in Articles from The Jakarta Globe,The Jakarta PostandInternational New York Times

No. Phrase Deleted


Possible Phrase Construction Without deletion

18. the Jakarta MRT project’s rolling stock and signalling system

the the Jakarta MRT project’s rolling stock and the signalling system

19. a lack of skilled manpower and education

A (lack of) a lack of skilled manpower and a lack of education

20. your own text, symbols or effects

Your (own) your own text, your own symbols or your own effects 21. a medical educator,

researcher, author and editor

a/an a medical educator, a researcher, an author and an editor

22. their observations and opinions

their their observations and their opinions

23. his appearance and feelings