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THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan




THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


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  This thesis contains no such material as has been submitted for examination in any course or accepted for the fulfillment of any degree or diploma in any university. To the best of my knowledge and my belief, this contains no material previously published or written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text.

  Copyright ® 2017. Daniel Chrisna Kusuma Putra and Prof. Dr. I Gusti Astika, M.

  A. All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced by any means

  without the permission of at least one of the copyright owners or the English Language Education Program, Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga.

  Daniel Chrisna Kusuma Putra


  Daniel Chrisna Kusuma Putra


  Vocabulary is one of the most important things in learning English. So many obstacles students will face in the classroom, one of which is the lack of insight of vocabulary. With sufficient vocabulary, learners will quickly understand the context in a text and communicate. This study explores the vocabulary in a textbook with the title English in Focus Grade VII, VIII, and IX. Therefore, the aim of this study is to meet the needs of students by designing a Corpus-based dictionary of K-1 Vocabulary. How can a K-1 Corpus-based dictionary be designed for students? The sample vocabulary items were selected after deleting the proper nouns, phonetic transcripts, numbers, Indonesian words, and the pictures or illustrations. Previously, the data is in pdf form, then this needed to be converted into Ms. Word for further cleaning of unnecessary text. After that, the contents of the dictionary would be analyzed using some online tools based on Compleat Lexical Tutor. The first of the VP as a search for the frequency of words that classified into K-1, then generated the 911 words for the next selection was 150 words using a systematically sampling technique. The sample sentences were selected from a Corpus Concordances for dictionary entries. The findings show that the sample sentences were selected from 13 grammatical features in each of the data, both before or after the data. To mention a few are: Infinitive, Auxiliary, Adverb, and the others. In the end, the sample sentences would be arranged into dictionary entries in alphabetical order.

  Keywords: Vocabulary, Copus-based dictionary, Vocabulary Profiler.


  Vocabulary refers to words used to communicate with L2 learners. According to Hornby defined vocabulary as „the total number of words in a language; vocabulary is a list of words with their meanings‟ (as cited in Alqahtani, 2015, p. 24). Vocabulary is essential for communication considering that people will tend to understand it quickly, then on grammar first. Although vocabulary and grammar are interconnected, Wilkins stated that „While without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed‟ (as cited in Bastanfar and Hashemi, 2010, p. 158). It means that, even though Vocabulary refers to words used to communicate with L2 learners. According to Hornby defined vocabulary as „the total number of words in a language; vocabulary is a list of words with their meanings‟ (as cited in Alqahtani, 2015, p. 24). Vocabulary is essential for communication considering that people will tend to understand it quickly, then on grammar first. Although vocabulary and grammar are interconnected, Wilkins stated that „While without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed‟ (as cited in Bastanfar and Hashemi, 2010, p. 158). It means that, even though


  a foreign language. It is supported by River and Nunan stated that to reach the successful second language learning it is impossible without having the extensive vocabulary (as cited in Alqahtani, 2015).

  Teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) in Junior High School is a higher stage after Elementary and the students will gain more new vocabulary. Those vocabulary items play an important role in all aspect of language skills such as writing, speaking, listening, and reading. This study is aimed to measure students‟ vocabulary usage within student‟s handbook, English in Focus for Grade

  VII, VIII, IX. Huckin who also stated that building upon research the second

  reader depends strongly on vocabulary knowledge and the inadequacy of it will be the largest barrier for L2 readers (as cited in Alqahtani, 2015).

  By looking at student‟s problem towards vocabulary, the teacher needs to have good learning strategies. Vocabulary learning strategies are needed to acquire new vocabulary knowledge. Usually, teachers use a dictionary of basic vocabularies for Junior High School. Dictionary is a kind of reference book to look up the meaning of words. This book is usually arranged in alphabetical order and it will be a guideline book to help out find new words. Some dictionaries are often owned by the students is a commercial dictionary. A well-designed dictionary in Junior High School for all grade needs to be made for a distinctive level.

  After all, a research question appears to answer the research problem. How can a K-1 Corpus-Based Dictionary be designed for students? The purpose is to design a simple dictionary that is based on basic vocabulary (Corpus) used in the textbooks sample as a new product of learning. Each of the books which are English in Focus grade VII, VIII, and IX would find the only K-1 as the aim for Corpus-based dictionary. A K-1 Corpus-based dictionary contains the most frequently 1000 words. All the information in textbooks sample which belongs to K-1 words are the most common and easiest words found in. This research is designed by looking teacher‟s need toward teaching students, nowadays. The main obstacle in acquiring the knowledge is because of students‟ lack of vocabulary, later they need to understand the meaning before they go further. With a Corpus-based dictionary as a new product of learning, students will be equipped better with more new vocabulary knowledge in some aspects both by the meaning and the example in sentences. This dictionary contains 150 words which have been chosen from the initial number of 911 words by systematically sampling.

  It is also profitable for the teacher at a time. The learning process in class will run easier as the teacher teaching with efficient timing with all together have

  a corpus-based dictionary at hand to make it habitual. Eventually, students more qualified in learning English as a foreign language with teaching method effectively with efficient time. Hopefully, this Corpus-based dictionary will bridge the gap between students and the lack of vocabulary knowledge.

Literature Review

  I. Vocabulary

  Vocabulary is a fundamental of any language. Originated from a collection of words which form and continuum as sentences which used in communication. As mentioned by Ghazal (2010, p. 84) that „Vocabulary is central to language and is of great significance to language learners‟. Therefore, to study a foreign language, learners need to be equipped with new vocabulary knowledge. Based on Asgari and Mustapha (2011) defined that the main obstacle of learning language is the insufficient vocabulary knowledge of the learners. It is very important regarding the challenge in second language learning will face of. According to Kamil and Heibert stated that „Vocabulary can be generically defined as knowledge of words or word meaning” (as cited in Ahmadi, Ismail, and Abdullah, 2012, p. 187). They also claimed that any language basically needs vocabulary and it should be learned.

  In this research, Vocabulary Profiler will be used as the tool. Vocabulary Profiler is a tool which can identify the words frequency which appears in texts. To explain this Astika (2015, p. 129) stated that in classifying the vocabulary complexity level, Vocabulary Profiler equips beneficial information and helpful guide to teachers. Through Vocabulary Profiler, teachers can easily classify as the guide help in searching the words frequency. He also proposed that Vocabulary Profiler is helpful in agglomerate the words in the text.

1.1 Vocabulary Learning

  One of the most influence parts in learning English as a foreign language is vocabulary learning. Vocabulary learning plays an important role as it is recognized for the meaning word and in the contextual meaning used in narration. Understanding the L2 words is not only knowing what it means but being able how to use it in communication. According to Anderson mentioned „knowing that‟ (declarative knowledge of facts, definitions, or relationships) and includes „knowing how‟ (procedural knowledge, in this case, the communicative use of L2 words) (as cited in Oxford and Crookall, 1990, p. 9).

  Nowadays, vocabulary is seemingly looked as memorizing words by courses on reading, writing, speaking and listening. Students are expected to absorb the vocabulary as well, but in fact the words are seemed just a little is absorbed. This is unfortunate, because the weakness of the language due to the lack of vocabulary and it should be straightened. „In general, one way to study the task of vocabulary learningacquisition is through the distinction between knowing

  a word and using a word‟, Mohseni-Far (2008, p. 122). Moreover, the word can

  be acquired by the L2 learners, if the focus is implemented through in four skills of a language extensively. It is supported by Fatima and Pathan (2016) that to measure for an effective communication, learners can manipulate the four skills of language which are speaking, writing, listening, and reading. This encounter will allow learners to learn new vocabulary in real activities and get them right to the word correct usage, so they will be avoided from a mistake of just looking at the dictionary only, according to Ahmad, Ismail, and Abdullah (2012).

1.2 The Importance of Vocabulary Learning

  However, learning vocabulary is important in learning English. Astika (2015, p. 124) stated that „Learning vocabulary is one of the components in language teaching that is essential to reading comprehension‟. He explained one example of why learning vocabulary is important. If students do not have sufficient vocabulary they will have a problem when translating the meaning of the word into the contextual meaning in a narration. As a consequence, the students translate it inaccurately not same with the meaning of the sentences. Similarly, Al-Mahbashi, Noor, Amir (2015, p. 13) proposed that „Vocabulary is of vital importance for EFL learners particularly for its major contribution to reading comprehension‟. The lack of vocabulary knowledge mainly explains why EFL learners still do not have sufficient vocabulary.

  Another importance of vocabulary learning in reading defined by Senoo and Yonemoto (2014) that it is profitable for learners in compiling learners‟ vocabulary knowledge and representing learners‟ interests and needs in vocabulary learning. The second importance of vocabulary leaning is in writing. According to Zhai (2016), she stated that vocabulary is the base of writing and determine the writing quality. She also explained that vocabulary usage is very important because the lexical richness is obvious characters of good writing. The third importance of vocabulary learning is in listening. This ability is quite familiar in many adolescents and young adults for in this century. The advance of technology has led them to listen to any music from across the world. Most people said that music is a universal language. Learners will listen to the same song many Another importance of vocabulary learning in reading defined by Senoo and Yonemoto (2014) that it is profitable for learners in compiling learners‟ vocabulary knowledge and representing learners‟ interests and needs in vocabulary learning. The second importance of vocabulary leaning is in writing. According to Zhai (2016), she stated that vocabulary is the base of writing and determine the writing quality. She also explained that vocabulary usage is very important because the lexical richness is obvious characters of good writing. The third importance of vocabulary learning is in listening. This ability is quite familiar in many adolescents and young adults for in this century. The advance of technology has led them to listen to any music from across the world. Most people said that music is a universal language. Learners will listen to the same song many


2. Vocabulary Learning Strategy

2.1 Definition

  Vocabulary learning strategies are needed to achieve the goal of learning English as a foreign language. Alqahtani (2015, p. 31) defined the vocabulary learning strategies are useful strategies that make the learning process of vocabulary becomes easier for the students. The usage of strategies will helpful in supporting students‟ learning process. Accordingly, Saengpakdeejit (2014, p. 149) also added that vocabulary learning strategies are needed in the classroom to reinforce the effectiveness of language learning. Under vocabulary learning strategies, students‟ learning process can be handled and controlled to make it effective.

2.2 Types of Vocabulary Learning Strategy

  Other ways of vocabulary learning strategies were stated by another researcher. According to Schmitt who adopted the Oxford‟s division classified learning strategies into 4 kinds, they are Social, Memory, Cognitive, and Meta-

  cognitive categories (as cited in Nation, 2001). For the social as mentioned by Al- Khasawneh (2012) based on Schmitt‟s questionnaires of a taxonomy of VLS defined that social strategy is an activity which learners do in a social environment such as; asking the teacher for L1 translation, asking classmates for meaning, discover new meaning through group work activity, etc. Whereas, memory strategy is strategies which are used to activate learner‟s memorization skill such as; connecting the word to previous personal experience, using semantic maps, study the spelling of a word, saying a new word aloud when studying, etc. The third, cognitive is a strategy which does not use processing but rather by mechanical means. Accordingly, Kalajahi and Pourshahian (2012) mentioned those strategies such as; word lists, using flash cards, using note taking, etc. Meanwhile, for the fourth, they also explained about metacognitive strategy is a strategy to check and grading their learning by learners such as; reading books, watching movies, talk to the native speaker, etc.

2.3 Training Vocabulary Learning Strategy

  Vocabulary is essentially needed to learn language and learners will need learning strategy to deal with vocabulary learning. Accordingly, Nation (2001) mentioned that what the learners need is practice to feel please and capable of before they use the strategy with a good understanding of the goal of strategies. In addition, Yağcioğlu (2005) believed that training vocabulary learning strategy divided into three stages: understanding vocabulary, introducing memory strategies, and producing vocabulary cards. For the understanding, vocabulary aims to encourage the learners to be active and talkative in class. The teacher Vocabulary is essentially needed to learn language and learners will need learning strategy to deal with vocabulary learning. Accordingly, Nation (2001) mentioned that what the learners need is practice to feel please and capable of before they use the strategy with a good understanding of the goal of strategies. In addition, Yağcioğlu (2005) believed that training vocabulary learning strategy divided into three stages: understanding vocabulary, introducing memory strategies, and producing vocabulary cards. For the understanding, vocabulary aims to encourage the learners to be active and talkative in class. The teacher

3. Dictionary Use

  One of the strategies which is used by learners to look up the unknown words is dictionary use. Dictionary is an important book which must be owned by the learners as a guide to find the difficult word meaning. There are two common strategies of using dictionary use in learning English as a foreign language. A monolingual dictionary is using only one language. According to Asgari and Mustapha (2011) pointed that this strategy is the most common practice among second learners. They added that the pronunciation, grammar, and usage with an explanation written is more detail and simple. Further, Alhaysony (2012) stated that bilingual dictionary is not always more helpful for second learners. On the other hand, Oxford and Crookall (1990) defined that monolingual language is an alternative for a bilingual dictionary. Monolingual dictionaries are designed for L2-L2 or for native which means it is not exactly what second learners need to learn a new language.

  According to Liu (2013) stated that encourage students to use dictionaries in English learning has been aware of teachers (as cited in Liu, 2014). Besides, According to Liu (2013) stated that encourage students to use dictionaries in English learning has been aware of teachers (as cited in Liu, 2014). Besides,

  In this dictionary use, the students are expected will be able to apply Corpus-based dictionary in English language learning as foreign language. According to Paradis and Willners (2009) stated that Corpus-based dictionary contains relevant and idiomatic content that will help students connect between the original word and meaning. A Corpus-based dictionary is designed based on basic vocabulary (Corpus). It contains vocabularies which took from a textbook English in Focus Grade VII, VIII, IX. This dictionary is made to bridge the student‟s difiiculties in the lack of vocabulary knowledge.

The Study


  This study used a documentary method. According to Payne and Payne (2004) stated that documentary methods are the techniques used to categorize, investigate, interpret and identify English in Focus book Grade VII, VIII, and IX as written documents, whether in the private or public domain such as personal papers, commercial records, or state archives, communications or legislation.

  Further, Ahmed (2010, p. 2) explained that the data will be taken in many ways in social research and this is a key source of information. In this research, the textbooks were considered as documents and the vocabulary in the textbooks would be categorized and identified for their frequency levels.


  The book which would be analyzed was entitled „‟English in Focus Grade

  VII, VIII, IX‟‟. The data which were included into the Vocabulary Profiler was

  based on the whole book. This book was created by Artono Wardiman, Masduki

  B. Jahur, and M. Sukirman Djusma and published by Department of National Education Pusat Perbukuan in the year 2008. Further information, this book had been assessed by Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) and clarified as a proper lesson book built on regulation by Ministry of National Education No 34 year 2008, 10 July about an establishment of lesson book which under feasibility for used in the learning process.

Data Collection Procedure

  The book was in PDF format, so it needed to be converted into an MS word. Conversion of English in Focus book was conducted with www.pdfonline.com in the online site. By the homepage required an MS Word file which was needed to convert, then it would be uploaded and wait for a few minutes. The English in Focus‟s pdf file instantly changed into an MS Word file as similar as the original text.

  The converted book should be cleaned from the unnecessary text. Some element of text would be elicited such as; name of people, name of places or towns, number, running page.

  a. Indonesian words:

  SMA (p. 156), Jalan (p. 156)

  b. Proper names:

  Ruben (p. 110), Bali (p. 94), Bukit Tinggi (p. 119),

  c. Numbers:

  1, 2, 3, etc.

Research Instrument

  Doing research always need research instrument to make a good and satisfied research, then the tool was Compleat Lexical Tutor, version 8 which was available at www.lextutor.ca . It was a good tool including free access or no registration, no cookies, and aids. In the homepage, there were seven options in researcher‟s section they are; Concordancer, Vocabprofiler, Range v.3, N-gram, React Time v.6, Vocab Stats, Research Base. From these options, it would only need Concordancer and Vocabprofiler. Whereas, they have a different function for each option. Vocabprofiler is a tool to broke vocabulary items down which differ by word frequencies level. While Concordancer is a tool to broke a compiled of text down from big sources and gave a list of useful context or sentences.

  Data Analysis Procedure

  The source from this research was English in Focus book Grade VII, VIII,

  IX in MS word formatted. After converting the pdf file, the output file needs to be cleaned from unnecessary text to make it readable. Compleat Lexical Tutor would IX in MS word formatted. After converting the pdf file, the output file needs to be cleaned from unnecessary text to make it readable. Compleat Lexical Tutor would

  In this research would use the word frequency of NGSL1 (K-1) where it found the most frequently 1000 words. There are three level of word frequencies which are, K-1, K-2, K-3. This study will discuss only the K-1 because this is a part of the consideration between three researchers under the permission of supervisor. Since NGSL1 (K-1) was the most common and easiest words, it should be understood by the Junior High School students. The emerged words were 911, but the necessary are 150 words from the whole books because they were the representative words which had determined. These representative words were selected systematically. Whereas, the definition of systematic sampling is a statistical method which selecting material based on ordered words frame. This technique is choosing word based on particular words in certain number of words. The 150 words were divided by 911 words, for the result was one-sixth word. That was the interval for choosing the sample words. The last six words would be chosen, for example the thick-lettered being selected, available, average, avoid, away, baby, back, bad, balance, bank, bar, base, basic, basis, be, bear, beautiful, because, become, bed, before, begin, and so on.

  The first step was running the Vocabprofiler to get the new word frequencies using VP-Compleat and selecting on the NAWL to make the result on the top. After that, the texts should be copied and pasted into the available space, and by clicking the submit window, the result would be shown. There would appear several words list which has had each frequency such as NGSL1 (K-1) or

  NGSL (K-2), or NGSL (K-3). To produce list of words for the dictionary entries the words need to be copied and extracted. The next step was selecting the necessary vocabulary items for the dictionary. Now the collective data were ready to be input in Concordancer.

  The second step was running the Concordancer tool to get the useful context or sentences for the dictionary entries. From the five options, which were available there the first one should be selected: Corpus concordances: English. Typing the keyword that had gotten from Vocabprofiler would be the next step, for example, advantage. Then, it could be selected start with 1k Graded Corpus because a dictionary for beginner would be made. Finally, the keyword should be entered, and a big list of texts would appear. The five examples of sentences should be selected to have different grammatical patterns. In a particular word the lack of the five grammar patterns is likely to arise, then other Corpuses need to be chosen such as 2k Graded Corpus, Learner Student, Learner Teacher. The selected examples should provide sufficient clue for the meaning of the keyword.

  Meanwhile, in defined the meaning of the keyword in a sentence was conducted with Google Translate and own translation to get the most obvious meaning. Using Google Translate was practically easy to operate, also it would show the grammatical features in every word translation. Some of the words have been translated manually by my own because the level of words was seemed easy enough.


  In this chapter, the findings present on the data (sample sentences) based on the data entry obtained by Concordancer in Compleat Lexical Tutor. The data entries are taken from English in Focus for Grade VII, VIII, and IX of Junior High School. Specifically, the findings of those vocabularies are NGSL (K-1) discuss the vocabulary words within sample sentences which they have in every word. NGSL (K-1) is the most shared and easy to use for students of Junior High School. At first, the data collected are 911 words, which have been chosen and sorted as the representative words to meet to 150 words. These representative words have determined with systematically sampling.

  Before gathering the data for designing Corpus-based dictionary, it should

  be emphasized that this research aims for creating a new product of learning by looking at needs of today‟s students. A Corpus-based dictionary will suit them during English language learning in classroom.

How a Corpus-based dictionary was designed

  The following steps are ways to collect those sample sentences. Firstly, get into Compleat Lexical Tutor site which can be accessed on www.lextutor.ca . Then, selecting Concordance at the homepage and in the option of Corpus concordances the one should be selected English. The next step is typing the data or vocabulary in the keyword column. Next to keyword column is lists of the Corpus. There are 40 Corpuses, but only three Corpuses have been determined will be used. Based on the Compleat Lexical Tutor those three Corpuses are 2k

  Graded Corpus, 1k Graded Corpus, and Learner Student. The first Corpus is 2k Graded Reader who have 2000 word families, originally of 920.000 words. This Corpus formed by hundreds of graded readers over ten years to answer the primary need of learners by the phrase they often encounter and to understand lexical. Secondly, 1k Graded Reader is a part of 2k Graded Corpus which has 1000 word families, originally of 530.00 words and is the closest word to the beginner. Later, Learner Student Corpus defined by Cobb T. (2003). It is a combination of three levels of ESL students with 50000 words each.

  In finding the sample sentences, the selections from the Corpus are based on grammatical features that are used before or after a particular word. For example, by inputting a word „book‟ on the keyword column, the first Corpus is 1k Graded Reader is selected. A list of sentences will appear. It will show the grammatical feature on the left side which means the position is before the word. In the particular column, the location of grammatical feature can be set to the right side which means the grammatical feature is after the word or lexical item. Moreover, to get the full context of a particular sentence the word can be clicked, then a new window of text will emerge.

  The following is the grammatical features as bases for selection which taken from English Grammar In Use by Raymond Murphy (2004).

  a. Auxiliary Various kinds of words that belong to the verbs be, do, have, will to express the meaning of a sentence.

  - My grandfather could speak five languages. - She might not work here anymore. - You must apologize for your mistake.

  b. Article It is determined words to explain the people, place or anything within a sentence. The usage of an article is required before singular count nouns either a, an, or the as the definite. Whereas, in the plural such as mass, abstract, or general is not attached an article, unless if it is definite or specific. - Kate was singing a song - There are no batteries in the radio. - I eat a banana every day.

  c. Noun

  A noun is a word in the form of person, place, or thing. It can be used as subject or object within sentences. - Did you buy any apples? - The news was very depressing. - I am going to buy some bread.

  d. Pronoun

  A pronoun is a word that replaces the name of that person or group. - He got up. - She introduced herself to the other guests at the party. - You must meet Sarah.

  e. Adjective It is telling more about a noun. The adjective usually goes before nouns and after a few verbs (especially be). - My job is tiring. - This weather is depressing. - I was disappointed with the film.

  f. Adverb It can be word or phrases that indicate the place and the period of an event. - We didn‟t go out because it was raining heavily. - Two people were seriously injured in the accident. - The time passed very quickly.

  g. Conjunction It is a connective word such as but, and, because, so, or. Often used for connecting items within a sentence. - We didn‟t go out because it was raining. - Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday. - As I was hungry, I decided to find somewhere to eat.

  h. Collocation It is a combination of two words or phrases to make a new phrase that sounds correct in everyday life. - He run quickly to Andy‟s house - She ate a fast food this morning. - Diana has a beautiful big smile, every time I met her.

  i. Possessive Adjective It is a noun with an apostrophe and final ~s~es to show the possession of something. Its function is to explain the noun, and the position is before it. The following are included in the possessive adjective: my, your, his, her, its, our, and their. - Always be careful, when you park your bike in this parking area. - His laptop was broken last week. - Desy is calling me in front of the door, and through my window I see

  her bringing a basket of orange. j. Possessive Noun

  It is a noun with an apostrophe and final ~s~es to show the ownership of something. Its function is to explain the noun and the position is before it. The following are included in the possessive noun: place, person, action, thing, place, animal, and quality. - Gatsby’s house is always looking scary in the night. - Cobra's poison is the most deadly poison and can kill humans within

  minutes - Intel is a chip as the computer’s brain to run systems and

  applications. k. Verb

  It is a word or phrases that show the activity that the subject does to an object.

  - Students ask the teacher about the difficulties of English language

  learning. - They work together as a team in the class. - The dog barked all day because of those kids disturbed him.

  l. Preposition

  It is a word to link between noun or pronoun within a sentence. - Parents work hard for their children‟s living. - This man doesn‟t care about the trash around his home. - Diana will do her homework at Helen‟s home in the next two hours.

  m. Infinitive

  The infinitive is the base forms of a verb and usually intended to express the purpose of something or intention of someone‟s action about

  something. The form is the to-infinitive = to + base. - A father wanted his son to study hard for his future. - The police ask the girl to tell the chronology of the car accident. - He likes to sing with me.

Dictionary Entries

  In processing the required data all the words contained in a book. Previously, the searched word is a group of words NGSL (K-1) where 1000 words most often encountered. Then the word that has been obtained through the VP will appear with a number of 911 words. But, from 911 words obtained, only 150 words will be taken. The chosen words are the words representation of the initial number of 911 words.

  In choosing 150 words will use systematic sampling technique. This technique is to choose every single word in a certain number of words. If 150 words divided by 911 words, it will get a one-sixth word. So, in every six words one word will be taken. This is the example of the thick-lettered being selected: able, about, above, accept accord, achieve, across, act, action, activity, actually, add, addition, and so on. That is how to get a total of 150 words.

  Here are five sample sentences using a particular word, ability (Taken from Corpus 2k graded, and learner student)

  - Possessive Adjective

  It seemed to take away my ability to think and act. (kemampuanku) - Adjective

  That point was one of many Williams won on her athletic ability alone. (kemampuan atletis)

  - Conjunction

  His confidence in his own charm and ability to please annoyed Elizabeth very much. (dan kemampuan) - Preposition

  I feel confident with my ability in English in general. (kemampuan di (Bahasa Inggris)) - Adverb

  The black man has to believe he has the same ability to be a doctor. (kemampuan yang sama)

  The total number of 150 words for dictionary entries has been obtained and then sorted alphabetically so that it can be compiled into A Corpus-Based Dictionary of K-1 Vocabulary.

  1. ABILITY (KEMAMPUAN, KECAKAPAN) (2k graded, learner student) - Possessive Adjective

  It seemed to take away my ability to think and act. (kemampuanku) - Adjective

  That point was one of many Williams won on her athletic ability alone. (kemampuan atletis)

  - Conjunction

  His confidence in his own charm and ability to please annoyed Elizabeth very much. (dan kemampuan) - Preposition

  I feel confident with my ability in English in general. (kemampuan di) - Adverb

  The black man has to believe he has the same ability to be a doctor. (kemampuan yang sama)

  2. ACHIEVE (MENCAPAI, MEMPEROLEH) (2k graded, learner student) - Pronoun

  The deep relaxation that I achieve by taking exercise. (yang aku peroleh)

  - Possessive Adjective

  Do not imagine, Miss Bennet, that you will ever achieve your ambition. (memperoleh (ambisimu))

  - Preposition

  But they are determined to achieve at work, however difficult that may

  be. (memperoleh saat (bekerja)) - Infinitive

  I think he is too upset to achieve results in the best and safest way. (untuk memperoleh) - Adjective

  Foreign languages are a must to achieve success. (memperoleh sukses)

  3. ADD (MENAMBAHKAN) (1k graded, 2k graded, learner student) - Auxiliary Verb Modal

  There is not much more that I can add to this story. (bisa menambah) - Articles

  Add an extra layer to the students' burdens. (tambahkan sebuah (lapisan tambahan))

  - Infinitive

  Cliord tried to add something to the note. ((mencoba) menambah) - Adverb

  I'm sure marriage will add greatly to my happiness. (menambah dengan sangat)

  - Conjunction

  Though they add that his way of speaking reminds them of Terry Moreton. (menambahkan bahwa)

  4. AFTERNOON (SIANG) (1k graded) - Adverb

  I was at home all afternoon and evening. (sepanjang siang) - Conjunction

  The weather that morning and afternoon was fine. (dan siang) - Adjective

  She remembered the beautiful afternoon that they had spent with John's children. (siang yang indah)

  - Noun

  That Friday afternoon the three boys walked home from school together. (Jumat siang)

  - Auxiliary Verb Be

  It was afternoon, but the 20 sky was dark with rain. ((ini) adalah siang)

  5. AGO (YANG LALU, DAHULU) (1k graded) - Noun

  A long time ago, there was a beautiful princess. (dahulu kala) - Conjunction

  She died two years ago and that's why I'm here. ((dua tahun) lalu dan) - Pronoun

  Five years ago, I met a woman called Irene Adler. ((lima tahun) lalu aku)

  - Possessive Noun

  Many years ago, Tom's father, Daniel Booker, worked the land in Montana. ((bertahun-tahun) lalu ayah Tom)

  - Adverb

  But seventy years ago, this opinion was not so popular. ((tujuh tahun lalu) opini ini)

  6. ALL (SEMUA, SELURUH) (1k graded) - Adjective

  She was afraid all the time. (takut sepanjang waktu) - Collocation

  After all, they're sure to accept you. (akhirnya) - Verb

  He barked all day long until Matty came home. (menyalak sepanjang (hari))

  - Conjunction

  Then the cubs are free to run anywhere because all the adult wolves know them. (karena semua)

  - Preposition

  He knew nothing of all this. (dari semua (ini))

  7. ALSO (JUGA) (1k graded) - Noun

  Antony also started a new government in Alexandria. (Antony juga) - Auxiliary Verb Modal

  We can also imagine what it looked like. (bisa juga) - Verb

  Many ships have also disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. (juga telah (menghilang))

  - Pronoun

  They also like purple shoes. (mereka juga) - Article

  Latin was also the international language of Europe for hundreds of years. (juga (bahasa internasional))

  8. ANIMAL (BINATANG, HEWAN) (1k graded) - Article

  The police do not think that an animal killed the women. (seekor binatanghewan)

  - Adjective

  Like a wild animal, I ran through the trees and destroyed things. (binatanghewan liar)

  - Preposition

  This is clear from the large number of animal programmes on TV. ((sejumlah besar) dari binatanghewan)

  - Verb

  They bought animal skins from the Indians for guns and cloth. (membeli binatanghewan)

  - Noun

  His clothes were made from animal skins. (kulit binatanghewan)

  9. ANYTHING (SESUATU) (1k graded) - Conjunction

  You don't know his real name, or anything about him. (atau sesuatu) - Verb

  Can you remember anything about it? (mengingat sesuatu) - Adverb

  Is there anything I can do for you, son? ((apakah) ada sesuatu) - Auxiliary Verb Modal

  Anything can happen. (apa saja bisa) - Preposition

  But I don't know anything about his books. (apapun tentang)

  10. ARGUE (MEMPERDEBATKAN) (1k graded, 2k graded) - Infinitive

  It's not a good idea to argue with the police tonight. (untuk berdebat) - Pronoun

  What do you argue about? (kamu debatkan) - Preposition

  There's no time to explain or to argue with them. (berdebat dengan) - Conjunction

  I started to argue but I felt too tired. (berdebat tetapi) - Adjective

  Hu could argue better in her own language. (berdebat lebih baik)

  11. ASK (MENANYAKAN, MEMINTA) (1k graded) - Adverb

  James Cameron says that people always ask him about this. (selalu bertanya)

  - Auxiliary Verb Modal

  I must ask you to look at this photo. (harus menanyakan) - Infinitive

  I want to ask you a question. ((ingin) menanyakan) - Pronoun

  They ask you to go out with them. (mereka meminta) - Preposition

  Go to Elba and ask for Marshal Bertrand. (tanyakan untuk)

  12. AUTHOR (PENGARANG, PENULIS) (2k graded) - Article

  Paul said it was an author he knew. (seorang pengarang) - Collocation

  Presenter Today in Bookworld we have an interview with Lucy Parker, who has written a biography of Ian Fleming, the well- known author of the internationally famous James Bond spy novels. ((pengarang) terkenal)

  - Adjective

  Calliope is the story of a modern author who imprisons the youngest of the nine Greek muses. (pengarang modern)

  - Preposition

  He is the author of five novels and a collection. (pengarang dari) - Conjunction

  Patricia J. Williams, an author and law professor at Columbia. (pengarang dan)

  13. BACK (KEMBALI) (1k graded) - Adverb

  Then he carried him quickly back to his mother. (dengan segera kembali) - Verb

  I pushed back the door and saw that there was a window in the room. (mendorong kembali) - Noun

  They say you want to bring Napoleon back to power. ((membawa) Napoleon kembali)

  - Pronoun

  I will take you back to Camelot and I will fight for King Arthur. (kamu kembali) - Preposition

  Angela looked at Ben and then back at Helen. (kembali pada)

  14. BASIC (DASAR) (2k graded) - Article

  Our first aim is to provide a basic education and, where needed, food, clothing, and medical care. (sebuah (Pendidikan) dasar)

  - Adverb

  The tour bus is unbelievably basic. (luar biasa dasar) - Noun

  I've picked up some basic skills. (keterampilan dasar) - Possessive

  Mayberry's basic religious ideas, his interest in protecting the world from modern science. ((ide agama) dasar Mayberry)

  - Preposition

  Why not learn about basic first aid? (tentang dasar)

  15. BECOME (MENJADI) (1k graded) - Infinitive

  Jim was a student and wanted to become an actor. (ingin menjadi) - Auxiliary Verb Modal

  She would become the new Princess of Wales. (akan menjadi) - Pronoun

  They become bad because bad things happen to them. (mereka menjadi)

  - Verb

  Now I have become a vegetarian. (telah menjadi) - Conjunction

  A criminal can perhaps change his ways and become a better person but a foreigner cannot change. (dan menjadi)

  16. BELIEVE (PERCAYA) (1k graded) - Pronoun

  "I believe you," said the old man. (aku percaya) - Auxiliary Verb Modal

  People couldn't believe what they saw. (tidak dapat percaya) - Noun

  Good Christians believe that they will go to this place after death. (orang Kristen (yang baik) percaya)

  - Adverb

  But she did not always believe what he said. (selalu percaya) - Article

  I could not believe what I was hearing. (percaya apa yang)

  17. BIG (BESAR) (1k graded) - Article

  You live in the big house near our house. (rumah) - Adverb

  The house is too big for just one person. (terlalu besar) - Preposition

  somebody is going to be in big trouble. (dalam masalah besar) - Pronoun

  He looked at me with his big, empty, mad eyes. ((dengan) besarnya)

  - Collocation

  Jason Williams had a big smile on his face. (senyum lebar)

  18. BOOK (BUKU) (1k graded) - Adjective

  He became very well known in Europe and wrote a famous book. ((sebuah) buku terkenal)

  - Pronoun

  Zeena continued to read her book. (bukunya) - Article

  This book will try to answer those questions. (buku ini) - Possessive Noun

  That's Karen's book. (bukunya Karen) - Adverb

  Each book describes the dance of love between young ladies and gentlemen. (tiap buku)

  19. BROTHER (SAUDARA LAKI-LAKI) (1k graded) - Possessive

  When they arrived in Mathura, she saw her husband's brother. (saudara laki-laki suaminya)

  - Conjunction

  My father and brother Ernest were still alive. (dan saudara laki-laki) - Adjective

  I am going to give it to your younger brother. (adik laki-laki)

  - Pronoun

  Your brother Gary and Bean aren't interested. (saudara laki-lakimu) - Verb

  Then at last the day came when Grey brother was waiting for him. (saudara laki-laki sedang)

  20. CALL (PANGGILAN, MEMANGGIL) (1k graded) - Auxiliary Verb Modal

  I must call the police and tell them about mother. (harus memanggil) - Noun

  Some people call me princess. (orang memanggil(ku)) - Verb

  Please call me Susan. (tolong panggil) - Collocation

  I want to make a phone call. (sebuah telepon panggilan) - Infinitive

  I wanted to call a doctor, but he never let me. ((ingin) menelepon)

  21. CARE (PEDULI, MENGURUS) (1k graded) - Collocation

  I want to take care of you. (mengurus) - Adverb

  These Radcliffe girls, they really care about sport. (sangat peduli) - Noun

  But many people care for the boys. (orang peduli)

  - Preposition

  He doesn't care about the people. (peduli tentang) - Conjunction

  But he had lost interest in the competition, and didn't care that he had no horse to ride. (peduli bahwa)

  22. CENTER (PUSAT) (1k graded) - Article

  There is a big parade through the center of Manhattan. (pusat (Manhattan))

  - Noun

  On September 11, 2001, New York City changed forever when two airplanes were flown into the two towers of the World Trade Center. (pusat perdagangan (dunia))

  - Collocation

  Now the Academy is building a big shopping center in Hollywood. (pusat perbelanjaan)

  - Preposition

  We can visit the Martin Luther King Jr. Center in Atlanta and the National Civil Rights center in Memphis. (pusat (Martin Luther King Jr.) di (Atlanta))

  - Conjunction

  But people remember two even taller skyscrapers, those of the World Trade center, because on 11 September 2001 two planes flew into But people remember two even taller skyscrapers, those of the World Trade center, because on 11 September 2001 two planes flew into

  23. CHANCE (KESEMPATAN) (1k graded) - Article

  Now we've got a chance of winning! (sebuah kesempatan) - Collocation

  Wyatt knew that this was his last chance. (kesempatan terakhir) - Adjective

  It's a wonderful chance to travel and see more of Europe! (kesempatan yang indah)

  - Preposition

  I can't take a chance with their lives. (kesempatan dengan) - Conjunction

  It's the chance if a lifetime,' he said. (kesempatan jika)

  24. CHOOSE (MEMILIH) (1k graded) - Auxiliary Verb Modal

  We can choose 'to do good', he said, and protect our world. (bisa memilih)

  - Adverb

  You always choose the wrong man. (selalu memilih) - Infinitive

  The mother has to choose between her work and her family. ((harus) memilih)

  - Conjunction

  Now all over the world you can go to a coffee shop and choose from a very long menu of coffees. (dan memilih)

  - Noun

  They choose these clothes very carefully to show that they do not think clothes are important. (mereka memilih)

  25. CLOCK (JAM) (1k graded) - Adverb

  She'll meet us all here at one o'clock. (pukul (satu)) - Noun

  Through the stillness, they heard the church clock. (jam gereja) - Adjective

  He was standing very still, in the shadow of the black clock. (jam hitam)

  - Preposition

  We arrived in New York at about ten o'clock at night. (pukul (sepuluh))

  - Conjunction

  But because of the weather, it was eight o'clock before I arrived in Cromer. (pukul (delapan) sebelum)

  26. COLOR (WARNA) (1k graded) - Adjective

  But the green color didn't go away. (warna hijau)

  - Verb

  But maybe it will change color when you're older. (merubah warna) - Article

  The color of a person's skin did not matter. (warna (dari kulit seseorang))

  - Conjunction

  But maybe it will change color when you're older. ((merubah) warna ketika)

  - Preposition

  If you go to it, remember to wear green, the color of Ireland. (warna dari)

  27. COMPANY (PERUSAHAAN) (1k graded) - Article

  The company started in 1921 with one small store in Italy. (perusahaan)

  - Noun

  She worked for a travel company. (perusahaan perjalanan) - Adjective

  It was a big company that produced music and films. (perusahaan besar)

  - Possessive

  Differences of Opinion Even before Abbey Road, the Beatles' company Apple was losing a lot of money. (perusahaan Beatles)

  - Pronoun

  He called his company "Paolo Gucci. (perusahaannya)

  28. CONDITION (KONDISI) (2k graded) - Collocation

  They survived in very good condition. (kondisi yang baik) - Possessive

  Dave's condition is really serious, he thought. (kondisi Dave) - Adjective

  John was in a very strange condition for some time before his death. (kondisi yang aneh)

  - Article

  Most people with that condition would have died long ago. (kondisi itu)

  - Pronoun

  She was not dead, but her condition was serious. (kondisinya)

  29. CONTINUE (MELANJUTKAN, MENERUSKAN) (1k graded) - Auxiliary Verb Modal

  Suu decided that she must continue her father's good work. (harus melanjutkan)

  - Infinitive

  How long is it going to continue? ((akan) terus berlanjut) - Verb

  Her courage and hard work continue to help people and save lives. (kerja (keras) berlanjut)

  - Adverb

  Please continue, Mr Wyatt. (tolong lanjutkan) - Conjunction

  We planned to stay the night at a hotel, and continue our journey the next day. (dan lanjutkan)

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