Authentic Material Used by Pre-Service Teachers at EED of UMY in Their
Teaching Practice

A Skripsi
Submitted to Language Education Faculty as a partial Fulfillment of the
Requirement for the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan

Alfiyah Zulfa

English Education Department
Language Education Faculty
UniversitasMuhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Approval Sheet

Authentic Material Used by Pre-Service Teachers at EED of UMY in Their
Teaching Practice

Year 2016/2017

Alfiyah Zulfa

Yogyakarta, June 5th 2017

Approved by:

Indah Puspawati, S.Pd., M.A.
The Skripsi advisor

I honestly certify that the skripsi entitled “Authentic Materials used by
Pre-service Teacher at EED of UMY in Their Teaching practice” is purely my
own work, which I have written and does not contain the work of other people.
Some quotations included in this skripsi use the standard rules of scientific

Yogyakarta, June 5th2017

The writer

Alfiyah Zulfa

All praises be to Allah, King of the king, the Lord of the world, and the
Master of the day after, who has given us blessing and guidance, so we all still
have a chance to live and be better person. In this very great opportunity, I would
like to expresses my highest gratitude to Allah subhanahuwata’ala for the love,
blessing opportunity, health, and mercy so I can complete this undergraduate
thesis. An undergraduate thesis entitled “Authentic Materials used by Pre-service
Teacher at EED of UMY in Their Teaching Practice” is submitted as the final
requirement in accomplishing undergraduate degree at Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,
Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa, Universities Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
In a process of finishing this undergraduate thesis, I cannot neglect that a
lot of people have taken an important role to help me finish this. I admitted that all
of this cannot be accomplished without help, advice and motivation of all people
who always cheer me up when I am about to give up on this final project. So, in
this valuable chance, I would express my gratitude and appreciation to all of them.

First, I am deepest appreciation goes to her beloved parents and family for the
endless love, pray, and support. Millions thanks will go to all my besties who
always give supports and advices when I am almost dying finishing this
undergraduate thesis. I might not mention all your names here, but believe me; I
will never forget all the things that you have done to me so I can finish writing
this undergraduate thesis, Love you to the fullest, guys.
I am also presents my sincere appreciation to my beloved supervisor, Ms.
Indah Puspawati, S. Pd., M, A. This undergraduate thesis might not be finished
without your advice, suggestion, patience, and support. I cannot thank you

enough, Ma’am. You are more than just a supervisor to me. I love you to the
moon and back. My gratefulness also belongs to the examiners, Ms. Evi
Puspitasari, S.Pd., M.Hum as my first examiner, and Ms Ika W, Hum as my
second examiner. I would like to say thank you, for their valuable feedback and
valuable suggestion, it was really helpful.
Last but far from least, I very sincerely thanks to all the participants of this
research who helped me complete this undergraduate thesis. Without their
contribution and cooperation, this paper could have never been written.
Finally, I would like to say thank you to me, myself, for finishing this
undergraduate thesis. It such proofs that everything is possible as long as you have

willingness to reach what you are dreaming of. I am really proud of myself. I
realized that this undergraduate thesis is really far from the word “perfect”, but I
expected that this undergraduate thesis will be useful not only for me, but also for
the readers. For this reason, constructive thoughtful suggestion and critics are

Yogyakarta, June 5th 2017

The writer

Alfiyah Zulfa

Teaching materials are key components which should importantly be considered
in a language program. Teaching materials are divided into authentic materials
and created materials. This research was aimed to investigate what kind of
authentic materials which commonly used by pre-service teachers at EED of
UMY in their teaching practice. Furthermore, the significances and the
disadvantages of using authentic materials were also explored by the researcher.
The researcher used descriptive qualitative design to achieve the purpose of the

research. The participants of this research were four pre-service teachers batch
2013 of EED of UMY. The researcher chose in-depth interview to elicit
information from the participants. Finally, the researcher found the kinds of
authentic material, which were divided into two parts, printed and auditory that
were mostly used by pre-service teachers in EED UMY. The research found that
authentic materials have significances those are;motivating the students,
interesting, easily found, multifunction, and improving teacher’s creativity.
Otherwise, the disadvantages of using authentic materials for students and
teachers were also presented. Difficult language, out-dated easily, and difficult to
determine the appropriate one were the disadvantages of using authentic material
in language teaching.
Keywords: authentic materials, kind of authentic materials, significances of used
authentic materials, and disadvantages of used authentic materials.

Table of Contents
Title Page................................................................................................................................... i
Approval Sheet ........................................................................................................................ ii
Statement of Works’ Originality .......................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgement .................................................................................................................. iv
Abstract ................................................................................................................................... vi

Chapter One .............................................................................................................................1
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1
Background ............................................................................................................................1
Statement of the Problem .......................................................................................................3
Research Questions ................................................................................................................3
Purposes of the study ..............................................................................................................4
Significances of the Research .................................................................................................4
Outline ....................................................................................................................................5
Chapter Two .............................................................................................................................6
Literature Review.....................................................................................................................6
Authentic Material ..................................................................................................................6
Definition of authentic material. .........................................................................................6
Kinds of authentic material. ................................................................................................6
Advantages of authentic materials. .....................................................................................7
Disadvantages of authentic materials. ................................................................................9
Pre-service Teachers .............................................................................................................11
Definition of a pre-service teacher....................................................................................11

The purpose of the teacher training program...................................................................11
Teaching practice..................................................................................................................11

Definition of teaching practice. ........................................................................................12
The impact of teaching practice program toward a pre-service teacher. ..........................13
Conceptual Framework ........................................................................................................13
Chapter Three ..........................................................................................................................1
Methodology .............................................................................................................................1
Research Design .....................................................................................................................1
Research Setting .....................................................................................................................2
Research Participants .............................................................................................................3
Instrument of The Study .........................................................................................................4
Technique of Data Collection Method ...................................................................................5
Data Analysis .........................................................................................................................6
Chapter Four ............................................................................................................................7
Finding and Discussion ............................................................................................................7
Types of Authentic Materials are Commonly Used by The Pre-service Teacher
at EED of UMY during Their Teaching Practice. ..................................................................7
The Significances of Using Authentic Materials in The Teaching Process. ........................12
The Disadvantages of Using Authentic Materials in The Teaching Process. ......................17
Chapter Five ...........................................................................................................................23
Conclusion and Recommendation ........................................................................................23
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................23

Recommendation ..................................................................................................................24
References ................................................................................................................................26