Handling the Disruptive Behavior of Two Children in Class B at TK Angkasa 1.


Penelitian tentang “Menangani Dua Anak TK yang Mengganggu di Kelas”
bertujuan untuk membahas solusi bagi mereka yang berkecimpung sebagai
guru terutama Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. Topik ini diangkat
berdasarkan hasil pengalaman magang dan kesulitan yang juga dialami oleh
beberapa guru di TK Angkasa 1. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode
observasi dan studi pustaka untuk menemukan teori yang bisa dijadikan
acuan dalam Penulisan Tugas Akhir ini. Adapun yang menjadi fokus
penelitian adalah dua anak di Kelas Foker (B).
Saya memiliki kesulitan dalam menangani dua anak yang perilakunya
mengganggu kegiatan belajar dan mengajar karena mereka suka mencari
perhatian saya, ada salah seorang orangtua anak yang sering berdiam di
depan kelas, dan saya kurang memiliki pengalaman dalam menangani anakanak yang perilakunya mengganggu di kelas. Adapun untuk mengatasi
masalah perilaku di kelas, ada tiga pilihan solusi. Pertama adalah dengan
menerapkan aturan, penerapan konsekuensi terhadap aturan yang dilanggar
siswa juga, dan pemberian hadiah terhadap siswa yang melakukan tindakan
positif. Kedua adalah dengan membaca informasi sebanyak-banyaknya dari
buku dan internet sehingga akan membuat saya mendapatkan strategi
tentang cara menangani anak yang perilakunya mengganggu kegiatan
belajar-mengajar di kelas. Ketiga adalah dengan melibatkan orangtua siswa

untuk turut berperan dalam memantau tingkah laku anak mereka. Oleh
karena itu, peran orangtua diharapkan akan sangat membantu siswa menjadi
lebih taat terhadap peraturan yang diberlakukan di kelas. Solusi terbaik yang
akan diambil adalah dengan penggabungan ketiga solusi tersebut.

Maranatha Christian University


ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………. i
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY………………………………………………. ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS………………………………………………………… iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………… v
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………… 1
A. Background of the Study
B. Identification of the Problem
C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
D. Description of the Institution
E. Method of the Study

F. Limitation of the Study
G. Organization of the Term Paper
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION………………………………………………….. 21

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A. Background of the Study
I did my internship at TK Angkasa 1 on Jalan Pajajaran number 149,
Bandung as a teacher assistant. I was teaching Class A (Gelatik) and B-1
Class (Foker). My internship was from 3


of Desember 2013 until 6



March 2014. For the first two weeks, I did my internship in Class A and the
next two weeks I was in Class B. There were 21 pupils in Class A and 17
pupils in Class B. Most of the time, I was handling the children who showed
disruptive behavior in Class B, but sometimes I also taught English to
children. I also helped the home-teacher by explaining the materials to
children who did not understand the task from the home-teacher. At the end
of the week, sometimes I discussed the lesson plan with the home-teacher.
Sometimes I also took care and accompanied children playing in the class
and playground.


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When I did my internship in Class B, I found a problem. My problem was I
had a difficulty in handling disruptive behavior of two children. There were two
children who often showed disruptive behavior such as interrupting teachers
when the teacher was teaching, refusing to do the assigment, making noises
in the class, and disturbing other kids. Also, they seemed to be not interested
in the materials that they learnt in the class. As a result, the home-teacher
and I became angry with the two children. It was difficult for me to handle
them, especially when I was teaching. I could not teach and handle the
children at the same time. Also, I did not know the strategies to handle
disruptive children. That was why I felt overwhelmed. I tried to handle them by
scolding and giving advice to the children to stop that behavior, but I failed.
As a result, the children ignored the advice and still continued showing
disruptive behavior. According to Jacobsen, the examples of disruptive
behaviors are : “not following directions, bothering other kids, making noises,
being off task, wandering around the room, talking to other classmates,
blurting out answers, asking the teacher numerous questions multiple times a
day, throwing things, yelling, self-stimulation, and frequent bowel accidents”

In this paper, I would like to discuss my difficulty in handling disruptive
behavior of the two children. This topic is very important to be discussed
because there are many teachers in TK Angkasa 1 who also have
similar problems in handling disuptive behavior and they do not know the
best strategy to handle disruptive behavior. I am interested in analyzing this
topic because I want to be a more professional teacher by getting
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knowledge from analyzing this topic and to improve my skills in handling
disruptive behavior.

B. Identification of the Problem
The research questions of this Term Paper are as followed :
1. Why did I have difficulty in handling disruptive behavior of the two
children at Class B in TK Angkasa 1?
2. How did my problem influence the children and me?
3. How should I solve this problem effectively?

C. Objectives and Benefits of The Study

The objectives of this study are to find the causes and effects of the
problem and also to present the best solutions to overcome the problem.
The benefit for the teacher at TK Angkasa is they will get knowledge and
the solutions of how to minimize disruptive children behavior. For me, it can
add my skill and experience to handlle disruptive children when I will be
kindergarten’s teacher. For the readers, they can understand the causes,
effects, and the solutions of handling disruptive children.

Maranatha Christian University

D. Description of the Institution

TK Angkasa 1 was established on Desember 1 , 1952. Initially, the name
of the school was TK Dian. In 1968 the name was changed into TK Slamet
Suryo. Finally, TK Selamat Suryo changed its name to “Angkasa” on 1
September 1977. The foundation of TK Angkasa is YASARINI (Yayasan
Ardya Garini). The chairwoman of the foundation is Mrs. Niken Asep Adang
and the Principal of TK Angkasa is Mrs. Siti Holidah.

Vision and Mision TK Angkasa 1 :
Raising children who are devoted to God Almighty, intelligent, skillful, and
1. Increasing faith and devotion to God Almighty.
2. Guiding children to always care for the environment.
3. Instilling a sense of pride for their own culture.
4. Encouraging children to know the world of aerospace.
This school has some large classrooms which are suitable for children to
do activities with a lot of movements. There is also a playground inside
Kober Class. Another facility is this school has a large room for reading
Quran. There are many extracurricular activities for the children, such as
angklung, English, and iqro. The number of teachers are 9 teachers.
(Sanggiani Praemi. Personal Interview.19


of Februari 2014)

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E. Method of Study
The data collection for this term paper is taken from my internship journal
and observation from 3


of Desember 2013 until 6


of March 2014 at TK

Angkasa 1. I also find some relevant data from some books and articles from
the Internet. The data is used to analyze the causes, the effects, and the
best solutions of the problem.

F. Limitation of the Study

The focus of the study is on handling disruptive behavior of the two
children during my internship in Foker Class. The children were Shifan
and Rediko. They are 5 years old. The subject of research are Shifan,
Rediko, and I.

G. Organization of the Term Paper
This term paper starts with the Abstract, Declaration of Originality,
Acknowledgements, and Table of Contents. Chapter One is the Introduction
which consists of seven parts namely Background of the Study, Identification
of the Problem, Objectives and Benefits of the Study, Description of the
Institution, Method of the Study, Limitation of the Study, and Organization of
the Term Paper. Chapter Two is Problem Analysis which presents the
causes and effects of the problem. Chapter Three is Potential Solutions and
the last chapter is Conclusion. This term-paper ends with the Bibliography
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and the Appendices which consist of Flowchart and and Interview

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In this chapter, I would like to explain the conclusion of the analysis. The
problem is my difficulty in handling two children who showed behaviour
problem in the class, namely disruptive behavior. The causes of the problem
are the children were kind of attention-seekers, I had lack of support from the
parent of child who kept staying at school during the lesson, and I was
inexperienced in handling disruptive children so I lack of knowledge and
skills. The effects of the problem are I could not teach effectively, the
children in the class could not study well, and I became frustrated and
To solve the problem, there are three potential solutions, namely I will set
the class rules, apply the consequences, and give reward, then I will find
information about the solutions of handling children disruptive behavior from
the Internet and books, and the last is I will involve the parents of the two

children to help me in controlling their child’s behavior.

Maranatha Christian University

Based on the analysis, the best solution is the combination of the first,
second, and third solution. This combination will help me to be more effective
in dealing with disruptive children behavior because each of solution is
related to each other. So, if I only apply two out of three solutions, it will be
less effective. I will apply the first solution so that children will obey the
regulations, especially when they are combined with the reward system,
because the reward will encourage children to be more disciplined. Moreover,
it will be more motivating for children to do positive behavior which is
manifested through their obedience to the rules. In the future, when I teach in
class, I will focus on applying the rules and consequences than giving
rewards. There is also the possibility that I will eliminate the principle of giving
reward because it is considered less effective in the long run. I will also apply
the second potential solution because there is a great deal of information in
the books and the Internet which will help me get a lot of ideas about the
strategies in handling the disruptive children. By applying the second
solution, I will be able to know the examples of rules and consequences that I
can apply in the classroom as well as the procedures of applying the effective
reward. The third solution is necessary because most parents understand the
circumstances and conditions of the child's day by day. The role of parents is
very instrumental in identifying problems caused the child's behavior. By
involving parents, I will get a lot of information about the causes of the
children disruptive behavior so that I can get the best solution from parents in
handling the disruptive children. The information from the articles and books

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will make me know about how to involve the child's parents so that the
parents can play an active and maximum role. In addition, I will also get
information about what steps I should take in the process of discussion which
involving parents. Applying the first potential solution will not be effective
when there is the absence of cooperation between me and the child 's
parents. Parental involvement will make the application of the first potential
solution be more effective through the children’s obedience to the rules of the
My suggestion to all teachers in TK Angkasa 1 is that they should prepare
themselves to face various problems that occur in the world of education, one
of them is facing the disruptive behavior. One way that teachers can do is
understanding the needs and the characteristics of children and how to deal
with each child. It is better not to give rewards in the long term because the
effect could risk both teachers and students themselves. It is also important to
involve parents and find out about ways of handling children.

Maranatha Christian University


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Maranatha Christian University