Handling Three Disruptive Students in 21th Grade Class at Santa Maria 1 Senior High School, Bandung.

Tugas akhir ini akan membahas kesulitan saya dalam menangani tiga orang
siswa yang berperilaku mengganggu di sebuah kelas 12 ketika saya melaksanakan
magang di SMA Santa Maria 1 Bandung. Topik yang akan diangkat dalam tugas
akhir ini adalah classroom management. Classroom management sangat penting
untuk dibahas karena mempengaruhi produktivitas suatu pembelajaran yang perlu
diperhatikan oleh setiap guru, termasuk guru praktikan. Selain itu, classroom
management sering menimbulkan persoalan yang menyita perhatian para guru di
awal karier mereka. Oleh karena itu, tugas akhir ini akan membahas penyebab
kesulitan saya dalam menangani ketiga siswa berperilaku mengganggu tersebut;
bagaimana perilaku mereka yang mengganggu mempengaruhi saya, pelajaran
saya, serta para siswa lainnya; dan apa sajakah solusi berikut kemungkinan efek
negatif dan positifnya yang dapat diterapkan untuk masalah tersebut.
Ada tiga penyebab yang melatarbelakangi masalah yang saya hadapi. Penyebab
pertama, saya belum berpengalaman dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris, khususnya
ketika harus menangani siswa-siswa berperilaku mengganggu. Penyebab kedua,
dua dari ketiga siswa berperilaku mengganggu tersebut bersahabat karib dan
duduk berdekatan. Penyebab ketiga, ketiga siswa berperilaku mengganggu
sebelumnya telah mempelajari materi yang tengah kami bahas bersama di kelas.
Masalah yang saya hadapi menimbulkan tiga dampak. Dampak pertama, saya
menjadi frustrasi dan menyalahkan diri sendiri atas situasi yang kacau. Dampak

kedua, saya tidak dapat mengajar kelas dengan efektif. Dampak ketiga, para siswa
lainnya menjadi terpengaruh untuk berperilaku mengganggu.
Untuk mengatasi masalah saya, terdapat tiga kemungkinan solusi yang dapat
digunakan. Kemungkinan solusi pertama adalah mengonsultasikan masalah saya
dengan para guru yang telah berpengalaman. Kemungkinan solusi kedua adalah
mengatur ulang tempat duduk para siswa berperilaku mengganggu. Kemungkinan
solusi ketiga adalah membuat kelompok-kelompok kerja dan menunjuk para
siswa berperilaku mengganggu sebagai ketua.
Sebagai kesimpulan, saya memutuskan untuk menerapkan ketiga solusi. Selain
itu, dengan menerapkan ketiga solusi saya berharap mampu mengahadapi siswasiswa berperilaku mengganggu dengan mudah di kemudian hari.


Universitas Kristen Maranatha


ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................. i
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................... iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... iv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................1

Background of the Study
Identification of the Problem
Objectives and Benefits of the Study
Description of the Institution
Method of the Study
Limitation of the Study
Organization of the Term Paper

CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS ..................................................................6
CHAPTER III. POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS ...........................................................9

CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION ............................................................................14


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A. Background of the Study
The topic of this term-paper is based on my internship that I did from January
6, 2016 to February 3, 2016 at Santa Maria 1 Senior High School in Bandung,

West Java. I was an English teacher assistant during the internship. My
responsibilities included observing lessons; practicing to teach in some classes
namely X-1, X-3, X-5, XII Social 1-3, and XII Science 1-3; and also practicing to
create administration letters of teaching, such as program semester and rencana
pelaksanaan pembelajaran.
When delivering material on application letter in one social class grade 12, I
had difficulty in handling three disruptive male students. These three male
students made some noise by laughing loudly, copying my words to make fun of
me, and talked about another topic with their friends out of the material we
discussed. Their behaviours prevented me from delivering the material as I
planned, and made me realize the importance of classroom management for


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According to Larrivee (2005), “[C]lassroom management is a critical
ingredient in the three-way mix of effective teaching strategies, which includes
meaningful content, powerful teaching strategies, and an organizational structure

to support productive learning” (as cited in Allen, 2010, para. 1). It means that
classroom management is important for every teacher including pre-service
teachers. Despite its importance, these authors say, “Many early-career teachers
(and pre-service teachers) claim that managing the classroom and student
behaviour causes them concern” (Crosswell, 2009; Lewis, Romi, Qui, & Katz,
2005; McNally, I’anson, Whewell, & Wilson, 2005; Putman, 2009, as cited in
Sempowicz & Hudson, 2011, p. 2). Therefore, this study aims to discuss the
problem that I mention in the previous paragraph and to find potential solutions
which can be used to solve the problem.

B. Identification of the Problem
The research questions are as follow:
1. Why did I have difficulty in handling three students who showed
disruptive behaviour when delivering material on application letter in one
social class grade 12?
2. How did the disruptive students influence me, my teaching, and other
3. What are possible solutions and the best potential solutions to take and
anticipate if such issues take place in the future?


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C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
This term-paper has one objective and three benefits. The objective is to
discuss the causes, the effects, and the potential solutions of the problem found
during the internship. The first benefit of the study is for the teachers at Santa
Maria 1 Senior High School that they will be inspired to handle disruptive
students, especially the ones in the twelve social class and get insights to apply
good classroom management. The second benefit is for the readers that they will
have more knowledge about handling disruptive students by applying good
classroom management. The third benefit is for me as the writer of this termpaper. I could learn more about classroom management in practice, especially
when handling any disruptive condition or behaviour of students.

D. Description of the Institution
Santa Maria 1 Bandung is a senior high school. It was established in 1967
under the patronage of Salib Suci Foundation (SMA Santa Maria 1, 2007). The
school was located in Jalan Bengawan number 6 (SMA Santa Maria 1, 2007).
The accreditation of this school is A (SMA Santa Maria 1, 2007). The motto of

this school is “growing in mind and heart” (SMA Santa Maria 1, 2007). The
vision of Santa Maria 1 Senior High School is “to be an educational community
that creates excellent persons with knowledge, faith, heart, and nobility” (SMA
Santa Maria 1, 2007). The school is led by Mr. Sentot Sunardjo, S.Pd. (SMA
Santa Maria 1, 2007). It has 44 employees including teachers, a librarian,


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computer technicians, administration officers, security officers, and janitors (SMA
Santa Maria 1, 2007).

E. Method of the Study
This term paper contains data taken from an internship that I did from January
6, 2016 – February 3, 2016 at Santa Maria 1 Senior High School in Bandung.
During the internship, I kept a daily journal for about three weeks. Reflecting on
the content of the journal, I found a problem which I believe important to be
discussed. Thus, using the Internet and library research, I looked for theories that
could support my analysis.

F. Limitation of the Study
This term paper has limitations. The first limitation is that I only used
observation as an instrument to collect data. The second limitation is that I only
focused on one lesson in which I taught application letter. I chose to focus on it
because I only taught once when doing this internship and I found the experience
to be important to discuss as it helped me grow as a pre-service teacher.

G. Organization of the Term Paper
This term-paper contains four chapters. The first chapter comprises Background
of the Study, Identification of the Study, Objectives and Benefits of the Study,


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Description of the Institution, Method of the Study, Limitation of the study and
Organization of the Term-Paper. The second chapter comprises Problem Analysis
with further explanation about causes and effects of the problem. The third
chapter is Potential Solutions. The last chapter is Conclusion, which followed by

References, Appendices, and Evaluation sheets.


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