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Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017


Faktor-Faktor Penentu Konversi Padi di Pulau Timor,
Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT)

Prischa Lulan1, Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto2, Slamet Hartono2
Student of Postgraduate Program of Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Professor of Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Lecturers of Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Department of Agriculture Socio Economic, Faculty of Agriculture,
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jl. Flora, Bulaksumur, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman,
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, 55281

The objectives of this research are: (1) to investigate the trend of paddy ields on Timor Island
and (2) to know the determinants of the conversion of paddy ields on Timor Island. Timor
Island consists of several districts such as Kupang District, South Central Timor District
(TTS), North Central Timor District (TTU), Belu District and Kupang City. In fact, they
are the main rice-producing areas in the Timor Island, so they have an important role in the
supplying suficient for locals. However, the regions are slowly started to be converted to
non-paddy-ield use such as new settlements and other infrastructure development along with
the current economic development. The basic method used in this research was descriptive
analysis and the location of research was determined purposively because this location
was based on the consideration that there was a high growth of non-agricultural sectors in
Timor Island; making it vulnerable to the reduction of paddy ield area. The data used was
secondary data (2005-2014). The results showed that (1) the trend of rice ield in Timor Island
is not signiicant with time variable. (2) The analysis of determinants of paddy ield area in
Timor Island using multiple linear regression with Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method
indicated that the factors affecting the conversion of wetland in Timor Island signiicantly
are the variable of building area and the number of industries.
Keywords : ield conversion, multiple regression, trend

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui trend luas lahan sawah di Pulau Timor dan
(2) mengetahui faktor-faktor penentu konversi lahan sawah di Pulau Timor. Pulau Timor
terdiri dari beberapa kabupaten seperti Kabupaten Kupang, Kabupaten Timor Tengah
Selatan (TTS), Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara (TTU), Kabupaten Belu dan Kota Kupang
adalah beberapa kabupaten penghasil padi utama di kawasan Pulau Timor, sehingga
mempunyai peranan penting dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan masyarakatnya.
Namun seiring dengan perkembangan ekonomi di beberapa kabupaten di Pulau Timor
perlahan mulai dikonversi menjadi penggunaan non-sawah seperti permukiman baru
dan pembangunan infrastruktur lainnya. Metode dasar yang digunakan dalam penelitian


Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017

ini adalah metode deskriptif analisis dan lokasi penelitian ditentukan secara sengaja
atau purposive sampling disasarkan pada pertimbangn bahwa adanya pertumbuhan
yang tinggi dari sektor non-pertaniansehingga rentan terhadap pengurangan areal
sawah. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder (2005-2014). Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan mengenai trend lahan sawah di Pulau Timor tidak dsigniikan dengan

variabel waktu. Untuk hasil analisis faktor – faktor penentu luas lahan sawah di Pulau
Timor menggunakan regresi linear berganda dengan metode Ordinary Least Square
(OLS). Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi linear berganda tersebut, faktor-faktor yang
berpengaruh nyata terhadap konversi lahan sawah di Pulau Timor yaitu variabel luas
lahan bangunan dan jumlah industri.
Kata Kunci : konversi lahan, regresi berganda, tren

food security and sovereignty. Maintaining

A plot of land can be used for variety

the balance, progress, and unity of the

of purposes that are often non-compatible.

national economy. Irawan et al (2002: 119)

Hence, it emerges competition in various

asserted that the conversion of agricultural

alternative uses and allocations in its

land in essence occurs as a result of

utilization (Anwar, 1993). In agriculture,

competition in land use between agriculture

land is the most important resource, both for

and non-agricultural sectors. The constant

farmers and for agricultural development.

availability of land in a region, faced with

It is based on the fact that in Indonesian

rapidly increasing demands, leads to an

agricultural activities are still based on

interaction between demand and supply

land. Indonesia as an agricultural country,

of land, then generating land-use patterns

which is set in Law No. 41 of 2009 on

that lead to proitable activities (Nasoetion

Sustainable Food-Crop Agricultural Land

& Winoto, 1996).

Protection, needs to ensure the sustainable

Agricultural land, especially rice

provision of agricultural land as a source of

ields, has economically high selling price

decent work and livelihood for humanity

because it is usually located in certain

by maintaining the balance, progress, and

developing location. However, for farmers

unity of the national economy.

and farm laborers, the conversion of paddy

However, with the economic and

ields is a problem because they cannot

industrial development as well as the

switch jobs. Farmers tend to be trapped

population growth in Indonesia have

by the limited employment opportunities

caused the conversion, fragmentation,

which could lead to further complicated

and degradation of agricultural land that

social problems.

threatens the territory’s carrying capacity

Rice is an important staple food of

nationally in maintaining self-reliance,

the Indonesian population whose role is

Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017


a major concern, given that the shrinking

rice production policy will remain as the

of paddy fields due to land conversion

core policy in agricultural development.

causes the area of rice harvest to fall by

Paddy ields in some areas of Timor

2.2% per year and the rate of growth of

Island such as Kupang District, South

paddy production in densely populated

Central Timor District (TTS), North

areas decreased by 1.1 % per year. This

Central Timor District, Belu District and

situation suggests that efforts to increase

Kupang City are slowly starting to be

rice production should be encouraged

converted to non-paddy-ield use such as

(Ken, 2010).

new settlements and other infrastructure

NTT Province is one of the

development (BPS NTT, 2015). According

archipelago provinces consisting of several

to Ransastra and Budhi (1997), conversion

islands, including Flores Island, Sumba

of agricultural land to non-agricultural use

Island, Palue Island, Alor Island, Lembata

can occur directly or indirectly. Conversion

Island, Rote Island, Sabu Island, Adonara

is directly due to the decision of the

Island, Solor Island, Komodo Island and

landowners to convert their agricultural

Timor Island. The Timor Island is an island

land to other uses such as industry, housing,

in the southern part of the archipelago,

advice and infrastructure.

divided between the independent state of

Land that was originally used for

East Timor and the West Timor Region, part

cultivating media, slowly began to change

of the Indonesian province of NTT.

into multi-use functions. Changes in

The largest contribution is dominated

agricultural land use to non-farming

by the agricultural sector with a contribution

are known as land conversion or land

to the PDRB of Timor Island in 2014 (NTT

conversion. Sumaryanto (1995) said the

dalam Angka, 2015). The agricultural

implications of uncontrolled conversion of

sector is dominant in Timor Island's

rice paddies could threaten the food supply

economy because it is the main livelihood

capacity, and even in the long term can

of some communities on Timor Island.

cause social harm.

Currently, the food consumption pattern

We t l a n d c o n v e rsi o n t o n o n -

in Timor Island that originally consumes

agricultural purposes is a choice taken by

non-rice food (local food such as maize and

farmersrationaay within a circumtances

tubers) is starting to shift to rice as a single

where the size of land holding is squeezing

staple food (Leki, 2010). It is in accordance

over time, and where farm activities could

with Mubyarto (1977), who stated that in

not give adequate returns (Ken, 2001).

the long run rice will remain as the staple

Some of the consequences of the rate

food of the Indonesian population, so that

of economic growth that is the increase


Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017

in population concentration has a great

growth and negatively correlated with

consequence on the provision of facilities,

farmer exchange rate.

which in turn brings great consequences

The impact of the conversion

to the use of space or land serta housing

of paddy field to non-rice field is the

demand and economic center growth also

decreasing of agricultural productivity

accelerated as urban development began to

which can be seen from the decreasing of

reach the suburbs (Budi, 2015).

paddy production then the loss of paddy

The conversion of paddy ields in

and inally will affect the availability of

Timor Island is certainly closely related

rice. Knowing the impact of wet land

to local government policies that provide

conversion can be done anticipatory action

facilities to non-agricultural sectors to

or improvement of the impacts caused, one

encourage regional development. The

of them through controlling the conversion

development of the industrial sector and

of paddy ields. To perform such control, it

the service sector (education, tourism and

is necessary to know the factors that affect

other supporting infrastructure) are causing

the conversion of paddy ields. This study

land demand for these sectors to increase.

aims to determine the trends of paddy

I n a n e ff o r t t o i n c r e a s e r i c e

field area and the factors affecting the

production, one of the priority problems

conversion of paddy ields in Timor Island,

that occupied to be studied is the change

East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT).

of the paddy area use to non-rice field.
The conversion of agricultural land to


non-rice ield is in the form of land use

The basic method employed in

for housing, industrial estate and facilities

this research was descriptive analysis

and infrastructure to support economic

method, which is a method in examining

activities and transportation as an example

the status of a group of people, an object,

of a road that grew longer and longer.

a set of conditions, a system of thought,

Based on the research that has been

or a class of events in the present. The

done by Ilham (2004), economic

aim was to make a systematic, factual and

factors that affect the conversion of paddy

accurate description, image or painting of

ields in the micro scope are the price of

the facts, traits and relationships among

the land, economic activity of a region,

the phenomena investigated (Suharsimi,

the development of settlements and the

2005). The location of the research was

competitiveness of agricultural products.

determined purposively or using purposive

Besides that, the land conversion macro

sampling, which is a determination of

scope is positively correlated with GDRP

research areas that are deliberately selected

Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017


by considering certain things, according

analysis is an analysis used to observe

to the purpose of the research (Sugiyono,

data trends thoroughly over a fairly long

2012). The research sites were conducted

period of time. Trend can be used for a

in Timor Island. The determination of

method of analysis aimed at conducting a

research location was done intentionally

future forecast or forecast of the weather


(Subagyo, 1986). To do a good forecasting

The selection of this location was

it takes a lot of information (data) is quite a

based on the consideration that there is a

lot and observed in a relatively long period,

high growth of non-agricultural sectors in

so the results of the analysis can be known

Timor Island; making it vulnerable to paddy

until large fluctuations occur and what

field area reduction. The development

factors affect the change.

of supporting infrastructures that are

Theoretically, in time series analysis

continuing and growing bigger resulted in

the most decisive is the quality or accuracy

conversion of paddy ields as a source of

of the information or data obtained as well

rice production can not be avoided.

as the time or period of the data collected. If

The type of data used in this

the data collected is more numerous then the

study was secondary data which were

better the estimate or forecasting obtained.

quantitative data including time series

Conversely, if the data collected less then

data within the period from 2005 to 2014.

the result of estimation or forecasting will

The data obtained from the Regional

not good.

Land Agency of NTT Province, as well as

Trend or often called secular trend

related institutions such as: Agricultural

is the average change (usually every year)

Ofice of NTT Province, Central Bureau

in the long run based on time-series data

of Statistics of NTT Province. This study

(time series). If the indicated symptoms go

also explored information to clarify the

up then the trends possess show the average

existing data including other information

increase and vice versa.

related to the objectives of the research.

Trend estimation using linear trend

The determination of variables is based on

analysis with Ordinary Least Squares

the data availability.

Method (OLS) is formulated as follows
(Subagyo, 1986):

Analysis Method
To analyze the trend of paddy ield
area in Timor Island was calculated using
trend analysis. Trend analysis is a common
trend model for time series data. Trend

Ŷ = a + Bx
Where :

: The value of paddy ield area trend


: Constant numbers


Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017


: Slope of line slant

TKP : Labor of agriculture sector (%)


: Time (year)

LLB : Building area (Ha)

Meanwhile, the factors that inluence

: Number of industry (Unit)

PJLN : Length of road (Km)

paddy field conversion were analyzed


: Constants

using multiple linear regression and


: Regression Coeficient

estimated by using Ordinary Least Squares


: Error

(OLS) method. Regression method is an
estimation method that studies how the


inluence of one variable independent (free)

Trend Analysis of Paddy Field Area in

to the dependent variable (not free). In the

Timor Island NTT

modern sense, regression is the study of

Trend analysis is an analysis that

how independent variables are inluenced

sees the long-term uptrend or downtrend

by one or more dependent variables with

movement obtained from the average

the aim of estimating and /or predicting the

changes over time and the value is smooth.

average value of dependent variables based

Periodic data trends can be in form of

on the value of the independent variables

trends that increase and decrease smoothly.

known (Gujarati, 2012).

An uptrend is called a positive trend and

The determinants of paddy field

a downtrend is called a negative trend.

conversion used in this study were Population

Trends show relatively long and stable

(X1), real GRDP of non-agricultural sector

time changes.

(X2), labour of agriculture sector (X3),

Trend analysis is used to know the

building area (X4), number of industry (X5)

development of paddy area from time to

and length of road (X6).

time based on time series data. The area of
paddy ields in Timor Island in the period

The estimated regression model is:

of 2005 to 2014 luctuated. Graphically, the

YK = β 0 + β 1 P D K K t + β 2 P D R B t + β
TKPt+β 4LLBt+ β 5JIt+β 6PJLN+ε

development of paddy ield area in Timor
Figure 1 shows that during the period

Where :

Island can be described as follows:

: Area of paddy ields converted per
year (Ha)

PDKK : Population (People)
PDRB : Real GDRP of non Agricultural
Sector (Rp)

of 2005 - 2014 on Timor Island there was
widespread luctuation of wetland area
with decreasing tendency. In the periods
of 2005 was above the trend line and
then in 2006-2007 showed a declining

Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017


Paddy ield area (Hectare)

The trend of paddy ield in Timor Island


Figure 1. The Development of Paddy Field Area in Timor Island in 2005-2014
Table 1. Result of Analysis of Linear Trend of Paddy ield Area in Timor Island 2005-2014
Time (X)

- 60,615ns


Source: Secondary Data Analysis, 2017
movement. The next period of 2008 was

From Tabel 1, it appears that the trend

a decline in wetlands accompanied by an

pattern of paddy ield area in Timor Island

increase in land for buildings for housing

followed a linear downtrend pattern with

and industry and other uses, and then


tended to move back above trend line in

Ŷ = 47063.769 – 60.615X

2009 due to new paddy ield printing and
luctuating up and down in 2010-2012.
Then in the period 2013-2014 back down
due to construction of new settlements
and other infrastructure facilities (NTT
dalam Angka, 2015).
Statistical analysis using linear trend
analysis to ind out the relationship between
paddy ield area in Timor Island until now
obtained the following results:

The equation of linear trend of
wetland area on Timor Island in 2004-2014
shows that time factor has no signiicant
effect on wetland area. Based on the
coeficient of this time factor has a negative
relationship to the area of wetland, indicated
by the value of the value coeficient (-).
The linear trend estimation of paddy
ield area in Timor Island has decreased due


Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017

to the conversion of paddy ields that keep

to engage in socio-economic activities

happening since some of the districts in

(Wardani, 2009). One of the decisive

the island are located around Kupang City,

factors in planning the development of

the capital of NTT Province, which began

a region, namely as a key element that

developing the land use for settlements

determines everything then. Increased

and other physical development for the

socio-economic activity in a region shows

economic development. That condition

the better road infrastructure in the region.

is realistic considering the land owned by

This is because the relationship between

a region is ixed while the need for non-

regions will be easier in the mobilization

agricultural land sector is increasing so that

of production factors and distribution of

the conversion is inevitable. Therefore, it is

production output.

necessary to anticipate through regulation
or land intensiication efforts.

An area with better access will
inluence the decision on land use. Easy

The graph of the linear trend pattern

access to various facilities and facilities

of wetland area on Timor Island is shown

and infrastructure that support good socio-

in Figure 2. :

economic activities will be interesting to
use as a place of business or residence as

Determinants of Paddy Field Areas in

it will provide greater beneits. But unlike

Timor Island NTT

the areas that have poor road infrastructure,

Decisions on land use are strongly
inluenced by the accessibility of the land,

such as areas that are less dificult to reach,
often used for agricultural activities.

the more easily accessible and affordable

Ease of access to road infrastructure will

areas are relatively chosen as a place

affect land rental in the area will then affect

Figure 2. Estimated Land Trend in Timor Island Year 2005 - 2014

Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017


the conversion of land to non-agricultural

existing industry. The development of the

use. This is because the rate of land rent for

industry will increase the need for land so

non-agricultural use (in the presence of road

that there is an increase of land use change

networks) will be faster than for agricultural

to non agriculture.

use. Therefore, the conversion of paddy

Real GDP of non agricultural sector

ield land will also increase along with the

is the amount of added value that produced

improvement of road infrastructure. In this

or is the value of inal goods and services

case, the variable is measured by the length

produced by the non-agricultural sector

of road owned by a region.

within a region within a certain period. If

The development of facilities for

the GRDP of the non-agricultural sector,

socio-economic activities and settlement

the greater means the ability of non-

is the effect of population growth in a

agricultural sector in generating added

region. Increasing the number of people

value or produce a greater output, which

in a region will lead to pressure from

means also the competitiveness of the

increasing population density. It will trigger

agricultural sector is also greater.

an urge to expand the settlement area to

The economic structure of a wider

the surrounding area so that there will be a

region will affect the economic structure of

change in land use. The suitable topography

the region it covers. The economic structure

and natural conditions for residential areas

can be seen from the contribution of the

are rice fields so that land conversion

economic sector to the creation of GRDP

cannot be avoided.

in the region. The trend of transformation

A region in its urban growth process is

given economic sector from agriculture to

usually accompanied by increasing demand

non-agriculture causes the contribution of

for land for settlements. The demand

non-agricultural sector is greater to GRDP.

was met by the way the construction of

The large contribution of the agricultural

residential complexes in the formerly

sector in Timor Island will also affect

agricultural suburbs. Increased population

the economic structure of the districts /

will also impact on the increase of the

municipalities in the territorial of Timor


Island. The greater the GDP will increase

In countries undergoing

the conversion of paddy ields as a result of

transformation from the primary to

the inluence of non-agricultural economic

secondary sectors will lead to industry,


which is one of the efforts to meet the needs

The analysis of land conversion

of employment with the opening of new

determinants on paddy field in Timor

factories or industries or by developing an

Island was conducted to see the factors


Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017

Table 2. The Results of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis of Paddy Field Conversion
in Timor Island in 2017
Population (X1)
GDP Rill Non-Farm Sector (X2)
Agricultural Sector Employment (X3)

- 17.384

- 1.139
- 0.138
- 0.372


- 0.899

Building area (X4)
Number of Industries (X5)
Road Length (X6)
Adjusted R2
F count
Durbin Watson Test

0.337 ns
0.350 ns
0.435 ns

Source: Secondary Data Analysis, 2017

*** Signiicant effect on the level of 99 %
** Signiicant effect on the level of 95 %
* Signiicant effect on the level of 90 %

that determine the land conversion with

that independent variable of population,

the relationship between the response

real GRDP of agriculture sector, labor of

variables (dependent variable) and the

agriculture sector, building area, industry

explanatory variable (independent variable)

number and length of road can reach

and also to ind the relationship between the

91.5% from the total factors affecting

explanatory variables.

the conversion of paddy ields on Timor

The response variables are variables

Island. The remaining 8.5% is determined

of paddy ield area conversion whereas

by other variables not included in the

the explanatory variables are Population

model. The result of analysis with F

(X 1), GDP Rill Non-Farm Sector (X2),

test shows that the value of Fcount is

Agricultural Sector Employment (X 3),

17.193 and Ftabel is 4.95 which means

Building area (X4) and Length of Road

that Fcount> Ftable is signiicant at α =

(X5). Multiple linear regression analysis

0.05%. So that, the independent variables

in this study was conducted to determine

simultaneously signiicant effect on the

which factor among those 5 (Five) factors

dependent variable.

that mostly affected the conversion of
paddy ields in Timor Island NTT.

To know the inluence of independent
variable to dependent variable done by t test.

The overall test with ANOVA

T test is a partial test that aims to examine

table 2 shows the value of determination

the effect of certain independent variables

coeficient (adjusted R2) is 0.915, meaning

on the dependent variable. The t test is done

Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017


by comparing the t-sig (signiicance) at

rice ields by 0.172 hectare. This indicates

the error rate of each independent variable

that any development, especially physical

affecting the dependent variable. If the

development must require land. The

value of t-sig is smaller than α used, it can

more land area of a building in an area on

be concluded that independent variables

Timor Island to non-agricultural use so

individually have a signiicant inluence

the demand for building land is higher and

on the dependent variable.

what happens is the conversion of paddy

The t test is done by comparing the

ields to meet the demand.

t-sig (significance) at the error rate of

Variable of industrial number also

each independent variable that affects the

has a significant and positive effect to

dependent variable. If the value of t-sig

wetland area with 95% conidence level,

is smaller than the α used, then it can be

where if there is addition of industrial

concluded that the independent variable

amount equal to 1% it will decrease rice

individually has a signiicant effect on the

field area by 0.018 hectare. The most

dependent variable

developed industrial sector in Kupang

The t-test result to see the effect

city region. During the period of industry

of each independent variable on the

research is growing rapidly, especially

conversion of rice ield on Timor Island

small and medium industries. Wetland is

is signiicantly inluenced by the building

needed to meet the development of both

area and the number of industries.

small and medium-sized industries where

While real non-agricultural GRDP, the

more and more industries are increasingly

population, agricultural labor and long

wasted rice ields.

roads are not signiicant. Building area

The variable of industrial quantity

has signiicant effect to α = 0,01% while

also negatively inluence to wetland area

Number of industries have significant

with 95% conidence level, where if there

effect to α = 0,05%. The value of the

is addition of industrial amount equal to

alleged parameter used in the wet land

1% it will decrease wetland area equal to

conversion model is its elasticity value.

0.298%. The most developed industrial

The coeficient or elasticity values of the

sector in Kupang city region. During the

building area and the number of industries

period of industry research is growing

are 0.007 and 0.018, respectively

rapidly, especially small and medium

Building Area (X4) has a signiicant

industries. Wetland is needed to meet the

positive effect with the elasticity of 0.304.

development of both small and medium-

This shows that if the building area increased

sized industries where more and more

by 1% it will increase the conversion of

industries are increasingly wasted rice


Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017

ields. Overall, multiple linear regression
model above is appropriate and it.

According to the results of the

In line with the results of Putri (2015)

research, it is necessary to make efforts to

study entitled Analysis of Causes of Land

conserve paddy ields through prevention of

Function Distribution to Agricultural Land

paddy ield conversion and optimization of

Regency / City In Central Java Province

potential land use so that the sustainability

2003-2013, wide of residential land and

of agriculture in Timor Island can be

number of industry has a significant

maintained. The building area and the

and positive effect to the conversion of

number of industry have a signiicant effect

agricultural land in the 6 povinces of

on the conversion of paddy ields in Timor

Central Java.

Island. Therefore, local governments should
arrange and design local regulations depends


on UUD Lestari about the conversion of


agricultural land such as determining which

Based on the analysis results on the

land may or not be converted, or which

trend of the paddy fields area in Timor

land needs to be maintained, especially for

Island NTT, it was obtained the result that

high-yielding paddy ields. In addition, the

the trend of paddy ield was in the form

development of appropriate agricultural

of linear lat trend. The equation of linear

technology application and the improvement

trend of wetland area on Timor Island in

of irrigation network infrastructure are

2005-2014 shows that time factor has no

needed to increase the productivity of

signiicant effect on wetland area. Based

paddy ields in order to reduce the impact

on the coeficient of this time factor has

of paddy ield conversion resulting from

a negative relationship to the area of

land conversion.

wetland, indicated by the value of the value
coeficient (-).


The analysis of determinants of

Anwar, A. 1993. Dampak Alih Fungsi Lahan

paddy field area in Timor Island used

sawah Menjadi Lahan Non Pertanian

multiple linear regression with Ordinary

di Sekitar Wilayah Perkotaan. Jurnal

Least Square (OLS) method. Based on

Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota,

the results of multiple linear regression

Nomor: 10, triwulan IV/ 2003.

analysis, the factors that significantly
affected the conversion of paddy ields in
Timor Island by the building area and the
number of industry.

Budi, Rohani. 2015. Alih Fungsi Lahan
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