CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Verb Verb Definition There are many different ways of analyzing a language. Such as analysis

  words can be given various names, depending on the function with their performing. One thing of the words that we know is a verb. Verb is the words which perform the function of expressing states or actions (Ansell, 2000 : 25).

  Then from Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary of Current English sixth edition verb is a word or group of words that expresses an action, an event or a state (Hornby, 2000 : 1498). So that verb uses for an action words or predicate in the sentences.

  In brief verb is the words that is performing actions as predicate in the sentences or the words that states action that is done by the subject.

B. Word Formation

  The study of word formation can thus be defined as the study of the ways in which new words are built on the basis of other words. The word formation of verb has relation with the affixes. In affixes there are some forms including prefixes and suffixes that can change the form of verb, most of the word formation of verb is influenced by the suffixes. In general there are two word formations of verb as inflectional suffixes and derivational suffixes.

1. Inflectional Suffixes The first word formation can be seen from the form of inflectional.

  Inflectional comes from the word “inflection”, which means that inflection is to change in the form of a word, especially the ending. According to grammatical function in a sentence (Hornby, 2000 : 696). Inflectional suffixes are morphemes which serve a purely grammatical function, such as referring to and giving extra linguistic information about the already existing meaning of a word, expressing syntactic relation between words, among others (Zapata, 2007 : 3

  ). For example “walk – walked”, in this case the basic meaning of the word does not change.

  There are some inflectional endings that are often faced by us, there are only four single forms of the lexical verb that enter into the construction of the finite verb. In adding

  • –s/-es ( third person singular marker of verbs in


present tense ) , -d/-ed ( regular past tense marker ),-en ( past participle

marker ), -ing ( present participle marker ) (Zapata, 2007 : 3) to the simple

  form of the verb, then we should be careful when we will change the spelling that may be needed.

1. Suffix

  “-s/ -es “

  In the affirmative form that is the subject from the third person singular ( he, she, and it ) in present tense, so the verb I or infinitive will change in the form ending by adding “-s/-es”.

  a. Infinitive (V1) in general will be adding with “-s”.

  Verb 1 -s

  bark barks bring brings eat eats help helps make makes

  b. Infinitive (V1) that is ending by :-ch,-o, -s, -sh, -x and -z, will be adding with “-es”.

  Verb 1 -es

  attach attaches discuss discusses do does finish finishes go goes c.

  Infinitive (V1) that is ending by “y” which is preceded by consonant, so “-y” changes with “ -i “, than adding with “ -es “.

  Verb 1 -es

  accompany accompanies apply applies carry carries fly flies study studies d.

  Infinitive (V1) that is ending by “- y “which is preceded by vowel will be adding by “-s “only.

  Verb 1 -s

  buy lay obey play say buys lays obeys plays says e. When infinitive is beginning by auxiliary, in the interrogative and

  negative form, so does not get additional “-s/ -es”

  can read can open must close must work does not make does he come here?

  (Lado, 2008 : 9

  • – 11)

2. Suffix

  “ –ed” These suffixes are used in the regular past tense marker or verb II.

  The infinitives or Verb I will be ending by

  “ –d/ed “ or change into simple past. It is the rule for changing into past form.

  a. After “-y” preceded by a consonant, the “-y” is changed to “-i” and “-ed” is added (except played).

  Verb 1 -ed

  accompany bury carry clarify identify accompanied buried carried clarified identified

  b. After a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, the final consonant is doubled before”-ed” (except offered, rained).

  Verb 1 -ed

  admit admitted beg begged occur occurred permit permitted stop stopped c.

   After final ”-e”, only “-d” is added.

  Verb 1 -ed

  Achieve achieved blame blamed change changed manage managed phone phoned 3.

  Suffix “-en”

  The third form of the lexical verbs is ending by

  “-en”. Suffix “-en”

  we often face on the verb III (past participle) of irregular verb. It is used with “have/has”.

  Verb 1 -en

  drive driven eat eaten go gone speak spoken write written

4. Suffix “-ing”

  The last form of the lexical verbs is ending by “-ing” or gerund. Verb

  “-ing” or gerund is the present participle. A gerund is the “-ing

  from of a verb used as a noun. A gerund is used in the same ways as a noun, as a subject or an object (Azar, 1993 : 150 ). It is used with “be” (

  am, is, are, were, was )

  There are some rules that should be understood when we are formed present participle (infinitive + ing).

  a. All of infinitives in general just add with “ing”.

  Verb 1 -ing

  apply copy go read watch applying copying going reading watching


b. When infinitive is ending by “-e”, so the letter “-e” is lost, than

adding with “ing”.

  Verb 1 -ing

  change give have shine take changing giving having shining taking c. When infinitive has one syllable and ending by consonant that is

  previously by vowel, so the last consonant will be double and add with “ing”.

  Verb 1 -ing

  cut get put sit swim cutting getting putting sitting swimming


d. When infinitive has two syllables or more than two syllables

which is ending by consonant and beginning by vowel, so the last consonant also doubles and add by “-ing”

  Verb 1 -ing

  allot begin occur submit allotting beginning occurring submitting

  e . When infinitive has two syllables and ending by consonant “-i”

that is previously by one vowel, so the last vowel is double, than

add with “-ing”.

  Verb 1 -ing

  cancel control expel propel cancelling controlling expelling propelling


f. When the verb base has one or two syllables that ending by

consonant “-i” that is previously by two vowels, so the last

consonant does not double, only adding with “-ing”.

  Verb 1 -ing

  sail seal wait sailing sealing waiting

g. When verb base ending by vowel “-ie”, so those vowel change to “-y”, then add with “-ing”.

  Verb 1 -ing

  die lie tie dying lying tying

  (Lado, 2008 : 23

  • – 25)

2. Derivational Suffixes

  The second category from the word formation in lexical verb is derivational. Derivational comes from “derived” as the origin word.

  Derivational Suffixes are morphemes that create (derive) new words, usually by either changing the meaning and/or the part of speech or both (Zapata, 2007: 2).

  The other expert states derivational is suffix which is added to a steam, the resultant from is not closed, but open, because it can take another suffix ; e.g the verb agree, after taking the suffix -ment, can still have another suffix like -s

  , this the form „agreement‟ is a possible construction in English (Ramelan in Desi, 2010 : 7)

  Derivational suffixes also affect the core meaning of the stem they attach to. This is often, but not always, reflected by a category change in the stem after the affix has attached to it. The suffixes for the derivational such as


“–age ,-al,-ence, -ion, -able, -ate, and etc” . There are some suffixes that

give an effect or changing the form of verbs includes noun and adjective.

  The first comes from verbs change to noun which adding by the suffix as follows:

  Suffix “-age” Verb Noun

  break cover shrink spoil breakage coverage shrinkage spoilage

  Suffix “ -al” Verb Noun

  arrive approve refuse survive withdraw arrival approval refusal survival withdrawal

  Suffix “-ance/-ence” Verb Noun

  accept attend emerge resist acceptance attendance emergence resistance

  Suffix “-ion” Verb Noun

  act cooperate instruct operate revise action cooperation instruction operation revision

  Suffix “-ment” Verb Noun

  appease confine develop improve pay appeasement confinement development improvement payment

  Suffix “ –er” Verb Noun

  bake complain manage receive baker complainer manager receiver

  Suffix “ –ant/-ent” Verb Noun

  attend contest depend inhabit attendant contestant dependent inhabitant

  Suffix “ -or “

  Verb Noun

  act conduct corrupt direct actor conductor corruptor director

  Suffix “ –ity “

  Verb Noun

  activate clear create activity clarity creativity

  (englishwilleasy.com : 2014) Then after verbs change to noun, verbs can also be adjective when the verbs is followed by :

  Suffix “ –able” Verb Adjective

  approach believe break live read approachable believable breakable livable readable

  Suffix “-ize” Verb Adjective

  civilize legalize tenderize westernize civil legal tender western

  (Blevins, 14

  • – 16)

  Suffix “ –ible “ Verb Adjective

  access flex force inflex sense accessible flexible forcible inflexible sensible

  Suffix “ –ive” Verb Adjective

  act collect product progress prospect active collective productive progressive prospective

  Suffix “ –ent” Verb Adjective

  confide depend differ excel exist confident dependent different excellent existent

  Suffix “ -ant “ Verb Adjective

  comply ignore please rely resist compliant ignorant pleasant reliant resistant

  Suffix “ -ing “ Verb Adjective

  amuse confuse excite relax surprise amusing confusing exciting relaxing surprising

  Suffix “ -ed “ Verb Adjective

  amuse confuse excite relax surprise amused confused excited relaxed surprised

  Suffix “ -ful “ Verb Adjective

  help use fret helpful useful fretful

  Suffix “-less” Verb Adjective

  help helpless use useless fear fearless

  (grammar-quizzes.com : 2014)

C. The Differences between Inflectional and Derivational

  It can be concluded that there are some differences between inflectional and derivational suffixes in verbs such as:

  Inflectional Suffixes 1. Inflectional suffixes do not change the part meaning of the words.

  2. Inflectional suffixes are productive, it means inflectional suffixes typically combine freely with all members of a certain class of stems.

  3. The meanings of the resulting words are entirely compositional and predictable.

  4. Sometimes depends on tenses/time.

  Derivational Suffixes

  1. Derivational suffix can change part of speech meaning of the word, especially in verb.

  2. Change the meaning into noun or adjective.

  3. Typically occur with only some members of a class.

D. Error Analysis Error and Mistake

  Human being is fundamentaly a process that involves making of mistakes, miscalculation and errorneous assumptions form an important aspect of learning virtually any skill or acquiring information. Most of person has made mistakes in the process of constructing a new system of language need to be analyzed carefully.

  Error and mistakes are different, mistakes it self is caused by the performance factor. This means that students only do, forget in pronouncing a certain sound, word, spelling or stress of word sentences, etc. It does not happen systematically when students make a mistake, they will correct it automatically. Different with the error is caused by the competence factor, which means that students have not understood about the things in languange.

  There are six points of view used as standard of comparison in differencing the error and mistake base on Tarigan (1995:76), those are : Table 2.1

  The differences between error and mistake The category/ point of view Error Mistake

  1. Resources Competence Performance

  2. Characteristic Systematic Unsystematic

  3. Duration Consistent Temporal

  4. Linguistic system The student has not The student has understood the system. understood the system.

  5. Result Deviation from the Deviation from the correct rules. correct rules.

  6. Improvement method It is corrected by the It is corrected by student teacher training, himself. remedial teaching.