Klipping berita Roadmap Perekonomian APINDO per 19 September 2014 | APINDO

Daily Monitoring
APINDO – Launching Roadmap Economy Indonesia
As of Thrusday, September 19th 2014
by Kennedy, Voice & Berliner
A Public Relations firm, partner of WIR Global
All ideas are the intellectual property of Kennedy, Voice & Berliner
Copyright 2014

News Stories
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Printed Media

Bisnis Indonesia
Friday, September 19th 2014

Roadmap Economy APINDO
The Elected President and Vice President, Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla, and Chairman
of The Indonesian Employers Association (APINDO), Sofjan Wanandi, took picture with
members and several entrepreneurs in Indoensia at the launch of The Roadmap
Economy APINDO. There are five sectors that are being the focus of APINDO, they are

food and agriculture, energy, manufacturing, services, and finance, with an average
growth target of 6%-7% per year.
Publication: Bisnis Indonesia
Journalist: Dwi Prasetya
Section: Front page

Friday, September 19th 2014
Employers Ready to Create Jobs
The Indonesian Employers Association
(APINDO) is ready to help the government
created at least 3 million jobs per year to
accelerate the growth of national economy.
Chairman of APINDO, Sofjan Wanandi,
handed a study titled Roadmap Economic to
Joko Widodo, witnessed by Jusuf Kalla in the
presence of entrepreneurs, ambassadors, and
foreign investor in Indonesia. There are some
important points that the next government
must quickly resolve it. Although the fiscal

space given to Joko Widodo in 2015 is quite
narrow, but Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla kept
trying to stretch it.
Publication: Kompas
Journalist: (HAM)
Section: Ekonomi
Page: 17

Media Indonesia
Friday, September 19th 2014

APINDO Sets Five Leading Economic Sector
The Indonesian Employers Association (APINDO) established five sectors which
able to raise the Indonesian economy, they are the sectors of food and
agriculture, energy, manufacture, services, and financial, all of which are
summarized Roadmap Economy APINDO, that is submitted to The Elected
President and Vice President, Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla. In the Roadmap,
APINDO target to create three million new jobs per year, if the average economic
growth of 6%-7% per year.
Publication: Media Indonesia

Journalist: (Ami/Ant/X-7)
Section: Selekta
Page: 2

News Stories
Differentiated by our impacts.
Online Media

Thursday, September 18th 2014
Apindo Gave “Roadmap” Economy for
The Indonesian Employers Association (APINDO)
held a launch economy roadmap that will received
by the elected President and Vice President Jusuf
Kalla and Jokowi 2014-2019. APINDO’s
Chairman, Sofyan Wanandi said, "Apindo develop
a roadmap that can be used to guide the elected
president in moving the economy". This roadmap

will be published in two books and Sofyan hoped
The Elected President to give direction to the
ministers to implement the recommendation
Publication: Beritasatu.com
Journalist: DHO/FMB
Section: Ekonomi

Thursday, September 18th 2014
APINDO Gave 14 Proposals of Economy
The Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo)
submitted 14 proposals in the roadmap economy
which compiled from March to August 2014, and
received directly by The Elected President and
Vice President, Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla.
These 14 proposals already summarized in five

main sectors, namely agriculture, manufacturing,
energy, service industry, and financial. Sofyan
Wanandi, as Chairman of APINDO said, "We
give input what needs to be done in order to
grow above 7% and can provide as many as 3
million jobs in one year,“.
Publication: Ekbis.sindonews.com
Journalist: Lily Rusna Fajriah
Section: Sektor Riil

Thursday, September 18th 2014
APINDO Supports Government Increase
Fuel Charge
Indonesian Employers Association (APINDO)
held a launch economy roadmap that will
received by the elected President and Vice

President Jusuf Kalla and Jokowi 2014-2019.
APINDO gave 14 proposals of what needs to
be done in order to grow above 7% and can
provide as many as 3 million jobs in one year,“.
He added, APINDO fully support the
government to raise the price fuel.
Publication: economy.okezone.com
Journalist: Kurniasih Miftakhul Jannah
Section: Home – Economy – Energi

Thursday, September 18th 2014
This is Apindo ideas to maximized economy growth
in Jokowi-JK’s era
The Indonesian Employers Association (APINDO) held a
launch economy roadmap, which also attended by Joko
Widodo and Jusuf Kalla, The Elected President and Vice

President. In that roadmap, APINDO focused in five main
sector, they are food and agriculture, energy, manufacture,
service, and financial, which help government created 3
million job per year. There are three main challenges that
Jokowi-JK will face, first the global market which is still
weak and the slow growth of develop country in Asia,
second comodity price which may remain low permanently,
and third the end of era of low interest rates.

Publication: Merdeka.com
Journalist: Henny Rachma Sari
Section: Uang

Thursday, September 18th 2014
APINDO: This Roadmap for Jokowi-JK Can Opens Jobs
for 3 million people per year
The Indonesian Employers Association (APINDO) is

committed to working with the new government to achieve
economic growth each year until 2019. Chairman of Apindo,
Sofjan Wanandi targeted with good economic growth, it can
be expected three million jobs will open up each year. To
make it happen, the construction must be focused on the
sector of food and agriculture, energy, manufacturing,
services, and financial. On the previous, The Indonesian
Employers Association (Apindo) held a launch economy
roadmap that will be received the elected President and
Vice President Jokowi and Jusuf Kalla, which contains
policy of recommendations involving team work and a
number of speakers from various institutions.
Publication: Portalkbr.com
Journalist: Ade Irmansyah
Section: Home - Nasional


Thursday, September 18th 2014
APINDO Published Road Map Economy for Jokowi-JK
The Indonesian Employers Association (APINDO)
launched a road map for the economy that will be
submitted to the new government Joko Widodo-Jusuf
Kalla (Jokowi-JK) as consideration in formulating
economic plans during his reign. APINDO’s Chairman
Sofyan Wanandi said the economy roadmap period 20142019 focuses on the creation of 3 million jobs per year
qualified. Sofyan added, in the future, there are three
challenges that must be faced by Indonesia, first, global
markets are still weak and slowing growth in developing
countries in Asia, especially China and India, the second
challenge, low international commodity prices permanently
. And the third is the end of era of low interest rates.
Publication: infobank.news.com
Journalist: Rezkiana Nisaputra
Section: Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Headline

Thursday, September 18th 2014

APINDO Gave 14 Proposals of Economy Roadmap
The Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) submitted 14 proposals in the roadmap
economy which compiled from March to August 2014, and received directly by The Elected
President and Vice President, Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla. These 14 proposals already
summarized in five main sectors, namely agriculture, manufacturing, energy, service industry,
and financial. Sofyan Wanandi, as Chairman of APINDO said, "We give input what needs to be
done in order to grow above 7% and can provide as many as 3 million jobs in one year,“.
Publication: bewara.com
Journalist: Lily Rusna Fajriah (ekbis.sindonews.com)
Section: Home – Ekbis - News

Thursday, September 18th 2014
Jokowi-JK Met APINDO Discuss Roadmap

The elected President and Vice President Joko
Widodo and Jusuf Kalla attended the meeting with
The Indonesian Employers Association (APINDO),
talked about roadmap economy Apindo. Both of
Jokowi and JK are welcomed by Sofjan Wanandi,
Chairman of APINDO. Sofjan gave his exposure and
followed by Jokowi-JK’s responses.
Publication: Moneter.co
Journalist: Editor
Section: Referensi Ekonomi - Industri

Thursday, September 18th 2014
Jokowi-JK Met Indonesian Entrepreneur Discuss
Roadmap Economy
The elected President and Vice President Joko
Widodo and Jusuf Kalla attended the meeting with
The Indonesian Employers Association (APINDO),
talked about roadmap economy Apindo. Both of
Jokowi and JK are welcomed by Sofjan Wanandi,
Chairman of APINDO. Sofjan gave his exposure and
followed by Jokowi-JK’s responses.
Publication: News.detik.com
Journalist: Nur Khafifah
Section: detikNews - Berita

Thursday, September 18th 2014
14 Suggestions from the Employers to
The Indonesian Employers’ Association (Apindo)
had compiled an Indonesian economy roadmap to
elected president and vice president for the period
of 2014-2019, Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla.
Djisman Simandjuntak, APINDO Roadmap
drafting team member, delivered that the roadmap
consists of 14 issues and measures that must be
performed by Jokowi-JK while serving as the
President and Vice President of Indonesia.
Publication: economy.okezone.com
Journalist: Kurniasih Miftakhul Jannah
Section: Home – Economy – Fiskal & Moneter

Thursday, September 18th 2014
Requesting the Employers to Obey Tax,
Jokowi Denies Threaten
Elected President Joko Widodo alias Jokowi
promised to maximize state revenues to widen
the fiscal space. He asked the employers to obey
paying taxes as liability on income they earned
from their business. The narrowing fiscal space of
state budget 2015 would be a severe challenge
for Jokowi-JK while serving as President and Vice
President of Indonesia. However, Jokowi still sees
an opportunity to widen the fiscal space by
shifting subsidized fuel oil (BBM), saving budget,
and increasing tax revenues.
Publication: Harianjogja.com
Journalist: Akhirul Anwar
Section: Ekonomi

Thursday, September 18th 2014
Requesting the Employers to Obey Tax, Jokowi
Denies Threaten
businessmen to invest in the productive sector. He
promised that his new government with elected vice
president Jusuf Kalla will seriously improve licensing
bureaucracy to repair infrastructure. Jokowi also
admitted that the narrowness of the space fiscal
2015 draft budget, is a tough challenge in starting
Jokowi-JK administration. But Jokowi see any space
that could be used to widen the fiscal space to divert
subsidized fuel oil (BBM), budget savings, and
increase tax revenues.
Publication: solopos.com
Journalist: Akhirul Anwar
Section: Ekonomi

Thursday, September 18th 2014
Jokowi-JK Accepted Roadmap which Cretaed 3
Million Jobs
Elected President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Vice
President Jusuf Kalla (JK) attended the launch of a
roadmap economy drawn up by Indonesian Employers
Association (APINDO). Economic roadmap for the
period 2014-2019 focuses on the creation of 3 million
jobs per year. Employers see there are at least three
challenges that must be faced Indonesia in the future.
First, the global markets are still weak and slowing
growth in developing countries in Asia, China and India
tertama. Second, international commodity prices will
stay low permanently. And third, the end of the era of
low interest rates spurred the Federal Reserve's
stimulus reduction thereby attracting capital from
developing countries be back to the United States
Publication: id.berita.yahoo.com
Journalist: Section: Bisnis

Thursday, September 18th 2014
These are 14 Messages of Employers to JokowiJK
The Indonesian Employers Association (APINDO)
had compiled economy roadmap for the
development of Indonesian economy. Along with the
presentation of the roadmap, APINDO also sent 14
messages to Jokowi. The messages were delivered
by Djisman Simanjuntak, co-author of the roadmap
and consist of issues and measures should be taken
by Jokowi-JK while serving as the President and
Vice President of Indonesia, such as maintaining
macro-economic stabilization, agricultural
modernization, and creating employment.
Publication: bisniskeuangan.kompas.com
Journalist: Estu Suryowati
Section: Ekonomi/Makro

Thursday, September 18th 2014
These are 14 Messages of Employers to
The Indonesian Employers Association (APINDO)
had compiled economy roadmap for the
development of Indonesian economy. Along with
the presentation of the roadmap, APINDO also
sent 14 messages to Jokowi. The messages were
delivered by Djisman Simanjuntak, co-author of the
roadmap and consist of issues and measures
should be taken by Jokowi-JK while serving as the
President and Vice President of Indonesia, such as
maintaining macro-economic stabilization,
agricultural modernization, and creating
Publication: liputan6.com
Journalist: Nurmayanti
Section: Ekonomi/Makro

Thursday, September 18th 2014
Jokowi Promises the Shifting of Subsidized Fuel
For The Sake of Farmers and Fishermen
President-elect Joko Widodo ensure to widen the fiscal
space, there is a need to reduce subsidized fuel oil
(BBM). However, Jokowi rejected if it is called to raise
the price of subsidized fuel. He would prefer if it is
called as the redirection of subsidy. Although the fuel
subsidy is redirected, he promised that the transfer will
be aimed at farmers and fishermen, and to build
infrastructure. Previously, Djisman Simanjuntak, one of
the team members that drafted the APINDO economic
roadmap, delivered 11 messages to Jokowi-JK. In the
fourth point, it stated about macro stabilization and the
creation of fiscal space.
Publication: kompas.com
Journalist: Estu Suryowati
Section: Ekonomi/Makro

The Jakarta Post,
Thursday, 18 September 2014
Apindo to present Jokowi an economic roadmap
The Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) present
president-elect Jokowi an economic road map comprising a
set of recommendationa and policies for his incoming
administration. Apindo chairman, stated that the new
government should create at least 3 million new jobs each
year. He also said that new government should take the
chance during its first 100 days to scrap the fuel subsidy to
lessen its burden budget and also improve the agriculture

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Jokowi Teased the Entrepreneurs who don’t has NPWP
Jokowi giving views on various economic issues in front
APINDO and ambassadors. Jokowi insinuating the existence
of entrepreneurs who do not have a npwp. Fiscal deficit occurs
when the government makes anyone would be hard pushed
growth. Jokowi receive rioadmap economic development of
the Association.

Thursday, 18 September 2014
Jokowi-JK Received the Roadmap to
Create 3 Millions Jobs
Jokowi-JK attended the launch of the
economic road map drawn up for the
period 2014-2019 focuses on the creation
of 3 million jobs per year qualified. “We
can together build a government prepares
roadmap. Hence, we can also help
government to raise our economy above
7%," said Chairman APINDO, Sofyan
Wanandi in the Ballroom of the Four

Kamis, 18 September 2014
Economic Roadmap: Presented by APINDO
to Jokowi
Indonesian Employers Association (APINDO) provide a
roadmap economy on the president and vice president-elect
for the creation of 3 million jobs per year qualified. Djisman
Simanjuntak one of the 13 sectors making up the Roadmap
describes the macro, sectoral and cross-cutting to be done
for the new government. In order to maintain the stability of
macroeconomic conditions subsidies and increase fiscal
space, Jokowi must raise the price of subsidized fuel at Rp
3,000 per liter.

Kamis, 18 September 2014
APINDO Economic Roadmap: Here’s Jokowi’s
Messages to Entrepreneur
In his speech at the launch of the economic Roadmap, Jokowi
invite businessmen to invest in the sector immediately productive
because the new government will seriously improve licensing
bureaucracy to infrastructure. The narrowness of the space fiscal
2015 draft budget is a challenge in starting Jokowi-JK
pemeerintahan. According APINDO, it is one of which can be
overcome by raising the price of subsidized fuel.

Warta Ekonomi,
Thursday, 18 September 2014
APINDO To Submit Economic Roadmap
to Jokowi-JK
Indonesian Employers Association (APINDO) launched
the economic roadmap received by the president and
vice president elected Jokowi-JK. Recommendations
submitted by the economy as Chairman Sofyan
Wanandi Apindo containing economic policy in the
infrastructure sector, food and agriculture, energy,
manufacturing, financial services as well.
Source: http://wartaekonomi.co.id/berita35324/apindoserahkan-roadmap-perekonomian-pada-jokowijk.html

Thursday, 18 September 2014
Jokowi’s Way To Expand Fiscal
Jokowi provide his comments regarding the economy
roadmap provided by the Association. It is highlighted that
Indonesia is experiencing a deficit double the budget
deficit and trade deficit. According to Jokowi, there are two
ways to do to expand the fiscal, by diverting the fuel
subsidy in the productive sector, productive business and
infrastructure and operating efficiency of the existing
Source: http://bisnis.liputan6.com/read/2107288/ini-


Thursday, 18 September 2014
Jokowi Ready to “Blusukan” to Handle Regional
Head Which Incompentent in Releasing Land
In launching Apindo economic roadmap, Jokowi said that he and JK
ready to go down to the area to address the particular problems
pembebesan land for infrastructure development. However, Jokowi will
coordinate in advance with the head areas relating to resolve this
issue. If not resolved, the new Jokowi that would directly address the

Friday, September 19th 2014
Jokowi Attends Roadmap Economy APINDO
The elected President, Joko Widodo delivered a
speech which was witnessed by Chairman of the
Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) Sofyan
Wanandi and the elected Vice President, Jusuf Kalla,
at the launch of the Roadmap for Economic Apindo.
Apindo focused on a number of sectors, namely food
and agriculture, energy, manufacturing, services,
financial and legal certainty across relevant sectors,
employment, and infrastructure with economic
growth target of 6% -7%.
Publication: Metrotvnews.com
Journalist: (ANTARA/Reno Esnir/BD)
Section: Home - Nasional

Friday, September 19th 2014
Requesting the Employers to Obey Tax, Jokowi
Denies Threaten
Elected President Joko Widodo alias Jokowi promised
to maximize state revenues to widen the fiscal space.
He asked the employers to obey paying taxes as liability
on income they earned from their business. The
narrowing fiscal space of state budget 2015 would be a
severe challenge for Jokowi-JK while serving as
President and Vice President of Indonesia. However,
Jokowi still sees an opportunity to widen the fiscal
space by shifting subsidized fuel oil (BBM), saving
budget, and increasing tax revenues.
Publication: Solopos.com
Journalist: Akhirul Anwar
Section: Ekonomi

Friday, September 19th 2014
Roadmap Economy APINDO
Chairman of the Indonesian Employers Association
(APINDO) Sofyan Wanandi accompanied Joko
Widodo The elected President and Jusuf Kalla The
electedd Vice President, walked to the podium when
the launch of the Roadmap for Economic Apindo.
APINDO is focusing on several sectors namely, food
and agriculture, energy, manufacturing, services,
financial and legal certainty across relevant sectors,
employment, and infrastructure with economic
growth target of 6% -7% per year.
Publication: Antaranews.com
Journalist: (ANTARA/FOTO/Reno Esnir)
Section: FOTO

Friday, September 19th 2014
Roadmap Economy APINDO
Chairman of the Indonesian Employers
accompanied Joko Widodo The elected
President and Jusuf Kalla The electedd Vice
President, walked to the podium when the launch
of the Roadmap for Economic Apindo. APINDO
is focusing on several sectors namely, food and
agriculture, energy, manufacturing, services,
financial and legal certainty across relevant
sectors, regional autonomy, bureaucratic reform,
employment, and infrastructure with economic
growth target of 6% -7% per year.
Publication: Antarafoto.com
Journalist: (ANTARA FOTO/Reno Esnir)
Section: FOTO

Friday, September 19th 2014
Here is the 14 Apindo’s Recommendation for Jokowi-JK’s
Guarding the government of Joko Widodo – Jusuf Kalla, the
Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) has designed the
Indonesian Economic Roadmap for the next five-year term. At
the launch of the Roadmap for Economic Apindo Chairman
Sofjan Wanandi explained the need for entrepreneurs to
come together to support the role of government programs.
"We must unite with the government to help the economy,"
said Sofyan. One of the hopes expressed by Sofjan was the
presence of growth above 7% which include agriculture,
manufacturing, energy, industrial services, and financial.
Furthermore, the Roadmap recommended by Apindo in the
presence of the President and Vice President-elect Joko
Widodo and Jusuf Kalla are carrying the 14 points that can be
used as a handle in the next government.
Publication: the-marketeers.com
Journalist: Ramadhan T.
Section: Movement

Friday, September 19th 2014
In the Era of Jokowi, Business Licensing of Entire Ministry will be
through One-Roof Integrated Service
President-elect Joko Widodo said the business licensing of all
ministries will be through one roof service by establishing an agency
of Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) and the Industrial
Licensing. “Licensing of all ministries will be centralized in BKPM and
Industrial Licensing, so the movement will be fast,” he said in a
response to the economic roadmap drafted by the Indonesian
Employers Association (APINDO) on Thursday night. Next, the
permitting process and map used by every ministry will be the same
map with the help of advanced technology. Sofjam Wanandi,
Chairman of APINDO said there are five sector that are able to boost
the Indonesia economy: food and agriculture sector, energy,
manufacture, and financial services. In the economy roadmap,
APINDO specifically highlighted infrastructure sector that plays an
important role in improving the performance of all sectors of
economic growth to reach growth target.
Publication: Republika.co.id
Journalist: Julkifli Marbun
Section: Home – Nasional - Politik

Friday, September 19th 2014
Becoming President, Jokowi Will Still Work on the
Field for the Sake of Land Acquisition
Joko Widodo is known as the official who likes to
blusuka (impromptu visit). When leading Jakarta, he
managed to overcome various urban problems, from a
slump controlling to land acquisition for infrastructure
development by making an impromptu visit to the
residents. However, Jokowi, during the launch of
economic roadmap by APINDO, wished those kind of
problems could be handled at the level of the regent,
mayor or governor alone. However, if necessary, the
President-elect Jokowi claimed to be willing to work on
the field again just for the sake of completing land
Publication: Solopos.com
Journalist: Akhirul Anwar
Section: Ekonomi

Friday, September 19th 2014
Jokowi: President Came to Village
When attending the event the launch of the
Economy Roadmap by APINDO on Thursday, 18
September 2014, President-elect Joko Widodo
shared his experience when trying to attempt land
acquisition in some area in Jakarta for
infrastructure development. He said he wished
that those kinds of problems would be handled at
the level of regent, governor or mayor alone
without his intervention anymore. However, if
necessary, he would be very willing to work on the
field again in visiting vilages.
Publication: vivanews.com
Journalist: Dwifantya Aquina, Rohimat Nurbaya
Section: Nasional

Friday, September 19th 2014
Apindo Established Five Main Sector of
The Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo)
established five sectors that are able to raise the
Indonesian economy, the sectors of food and
agriculture, energy, manufacturing, services, and
financial. Sofyan said the five sectors have been
prepared in Apindo Economy Roadmap, which has
been submitted to the elected president and vice
president, Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla. In the same
occasion said Jokowi difficult to take care of
business licensing will inhibit the growth number of
entrepreneurs. Therefore, Jokowi promised to fix the
bureaucracy that makes it difficult for entrepreneurs.
Publication: mediaindonesia.com
Journalist: Ami/Ant/X-7
Section: Selekta

Warta Ekonomi,
Friday, 19 September 2014
APINDO: Assurance of Law, Berauc racy,
and Infrastructure Become Huge Task for
In launching the roadmap economy by
APINDO who attended Jokowi-JK, Chairman
APINDO Sofjan Wanandi stated that this
roadmap is the input from entrepreneurs both
at home and abroad. This input is given in
order to work together with the government to
achieve growth above 7%.

Warta Ekonomi,
Friday, 19 September 2014
JK: Entrepreneur No More Bribes Officials
When the discussion session with the board to
discuss the roadmap Apindo economy, JK asks
businessmen not to bribe officials in the conduct of
its business. This is done to create a healthy
economy. The issue of corruption is one of the
major problems was abolished to create a healthy
economic growth. JK also eminta to employers to
pay fair wages to the workers.

Friday, 19 September 2014
JK: Many Entrepreneurs has Tax License but
evade to pay
In the event of APINDO, Jokowi had quipped
entrepreneurs who do not have a Tax License.
"There are many entrepreneurs who already have a
tax license but do not pay taxes, there also does
not have one," said Jokowi in Jakarta, Thursday
(09/18/2014). He said the fiscal deficit occurs when
the government is indeed making anyone would be
hard pushed development. Therefore, one of the
policies that the government can do is to maximize
state tax revenues.

Thank you.
Kennedy, Voice & Berliner,
not for distribution to other parties.
Kennedy, Voice & Berliner
Email: dian.noeh@kennedyvoice-berliner.com