Alamat : jln. Pasar Pedati Km 12 Kec. Pondok Kelapa Bengkulu Tengah Telp. 0736 7008787

I. Bahasa Inggris
The following text for answer questions 1 to
My friend, Hendry, is a diligent and smart
student in his school. He gets up at 4.00 a.m. every
morning. He always goes to school earlier than his
friends. He goes to school by public transport and he
sometimes goes home by motorcycle with his uncle.
He’s never absent. After school he usually helps his
parents. They have a cloth store beside their house. In
the evening he studies his lesson and he does the
assignments given by his teacher. He seldom watches
TV. He hardly ever goes to bed late.
1. How does Hendry go to school?
a. on foot

c. by train
b. by motorcycle
d. by public transport
2. What is Hendry like?
a. he is diligent and smart student
b. he goes to school with his uncle
c. he’s sometimes absent in his classroom
d. he does his assignments after going back
3. Which statement is true based on the text?
a. Hendry always goes to school late
b. after school, Hendry usually helps his
c. his uncle sometime goes to school by public
d. Hendry is never diligent to do his
4. “After school he usually helps his parents”
The underline words can be replaced with….

a. his father and grandfather
b. his mother and grandmother
c.his brother and sister
d. his fether and mother
5. The following sign means that ….


we should get in room
the room is only for the staf
we can meet a director in this room
the staf can’t get in

The following text for answer questions 6 to

Do you know that some bajaj in Jakarta
have been replaced by new micro cars called
mobil kancil, has been operating as public
transport in some areas in Jakarta for some
months now. These 400 cc cars only fit 4 people
including the driver and are said to be
environmentally friendlier than the traditional
bajaj. These smart cars are expected to be used
not only in Jakarta but also in Bali and Medan in
near future. Can you imagine if all bemos or
public transport are replaced by these mini cars

6. What is the text about ?
a. bajaj in Jakarta
c. bemos
b. public transport
d. mobil kancil
7. Where will mobil kancil be used?
a. In Jakarta, bali and Medan c. In Bali
b. In Jakarta

d. In Medan
8. What is the purpose of the text?
a. to explain how to operate mobil kancil
b. to retell bajaj in Jakarta
c. to inform mobil kancil
d. to describe public transport
9. Mobil kancil can carry …. people.
a. four
c. six
b. five
d. seven
The following text for answer questions 10
to 12

Dear Basuki,
Hi friend, here I invite you to my 15th birthday
Date : Sunday, 17 May 2009
Time : 4 p.m
Place : My house, Jl. Cinta no. 5 Pasar Pedati

Please arrive on time! Without you the party will
be different.
10. When will Dian’s birthday party be held?
a. at 4 p.m
c. at her house
b. at Jl. Cinta no.23
d. on May 15
11. In what year was Dian born?
a. 1996
c. 1994
b. 1995
d. 1993
12. Dian hopes that Basuki ….
a. Sings and dances
c. attends her party
b. wears new dress
d. brings a present
The following text for answer questions 13

to 16

Sport is physical activity in which people
compete against each other. Sport also make us
healthy. Nowaday, sport is supposed to be an
industry. All about sport see goes into business,
entertainment, life style. We can see David
Beckham! He is famous not only because he is an
athlete but also a metro sexual man. Whatever he
does outside the football field always influences
the world.
13. What is the text mostly about?

a. sport
b. healthy

c. business
d. entertainment

14. From the text we know that David Beckham is

a. an entertainer
b. a businessman
c. a football manager
d. an athlete and metro sexual man
15. “He is famous not only because he is an
athlete but also ….”
The underlined words has the same meaning
as ….
a. Happy
c. handsome
b. well-known
d. diligent
16. We should do sport because ….
a. sport can influence other people
b. sport can make us healthy
c. we can see David Beckham
d. we can be famous
For questions 17 to 19, choose the suitable
word to complete the below

Susan in standing in front of her …. (17). She is
thinking about what to wear to Vera’s party. Her
mother has baought her a new dress. But she can’t
wear it. Her sister has borrowed it, and she has not
returned it yet. She can’t ….(18) her blue dress
either. She has worn it to Emi’s Party. The red
blues looks good, but she has lost its matching
skirt. It is 3.30 p.m now. Aldi has promised to
come and ….(19) at 4. But she has not found the
right dress yet.
17. a. table
c. wardrobe

b. mirror
d. television

18. a. wear
c. finish

b. postpone
d. read

19. a. write
c. bring

b. written
d. fetch

The following text for answer questions number
20 to 22


60 milion
75 milion
130 milion
150 milion
200 milion

20. There are ...
people in Rusia than in Germany.
a. more
c. fewest
b. many
d. smaller
21. Which country has the smallest population ?
a. France
c. Japan
b. Germany
d. Rusia
22. Based on the table, Indonesia has ….
a. least

c. fewest
b. lowest
d. most
23. The notice means ….


a. throw your rubbish here
b. do not throw rubbish here

c. bring your own rubbish
d. do not pick up the rubbish

This notice for questions 24 and 25


24. The notice means that …. The grass.
a. we are allowed to cut
b. we must no walk on
c. we are allowed to pick up
d. we must not clean
25. Where do you usually find the notice above?
a. in the classroom c. on the bus
b. in the market
d. in the garden

1. Besaran di bawah ini yang termasuk besaran
pokok adalah ….
a. panjang, massa, waktu
b. panjang, luas, volume
c. panjang, berat, gaya
d. panjang, massa, kecepatan
2. Suatu logam alumunium mempunyai massa
120 gr dan volumenya 60 cm3, maka massa
jenisnya ....
a. 0,5 gr/cm3
c. 5 gr/cm3
b. 2 gr/cm
d. 20 gr/cm3
3. Yang termasuk gerak lurus berubah beraturan
adalah ....
a. kereta api yang sedang melaju
b. mobil yang sedang diparkir
c. orang yang berlari tetap
d. buah kelapa yang jatuh dari pohon
4. Air massanya 5 gr dipanaskan dari 10oC
sampai 40oC. Jika kalor jenis air 1 kal/groC,
banyaknya kalor yang diperlukan untuk itu
adalah ....
a. 100 kalori
c. 200 kalori
b. 150 kalori
d. 400 kalori
5. Tekanan yang terbesar ditunjukkan oleh
gambar ....





6. Upin dan Ipin sedang tarik tambang dengan
arah yang berlawanan. Jika gaya Upin 25 N
dan gaya Ipin 20 N, maka resultan kedua gaya
tersebut adalah ....
a. 5 Newton
c. 25 Newton
b. 20 Newton
d. 45 Newton
7. Sifat bayangan yang dibentuk oleh cermin
datar adalah ....
a. tegak, sama besar c. tegak diperbesar
b. tegak diperkecil
d. Terbalik sama besar
8. Gerhana bulan terjadi bila ....
a. bulan berada di antara bumi dan matahari
b. matahari berada di antara bumi dan bulan
c. posisi bulan, bumi dan matahari
sudut 90 derajat
d. posisi bumi berada di antara matahari dan

pada satu garis lurus
9. Sisir plastik yang digosokkan pada rambut
yang kering akan bermuatan negatif,
karena ....
a. elektron pindah dari sisir ke rambut
b. proton pindah dari sisir ke rambut
c. elektron pindah dari rambut ke sisir
d. proton pindah dari rambut ke sisir
10. Sebuah kulkas tertulis 220 V 110 W, berarti
besarnya hambatan kulkas tersebut adalah ....
a. 110 Ohm
c. 220 Ohm
b. 440 Ohm
d. 2 Ohm