On the Job Training Best Practices

On the Job Training
Best Practices.

The Aerospace Joint Apprenticeship
Committee (AJAC) would like to give special
thanks to the following participating
3V Precision Machining Inc.

Lighthouse for the Blind

Advantage Manufacturing

Machinists, Inc.

Technologies, Inc.

Orion Industries

Allflight Corporation

Pioneer Human Services


Polaris Machining

Damar Aerosystems

Precision Machine Works, Inc.


Proto Technologies, Inc.

GE Aviation

Sandvik Special Metals

Global Machine Works

Sound Propeller Services, Inc.

JWD Machine, Inc.

TK Machine Co.

L&M Precision Fabrication, Inc. Umbra Cuschinetti, Inc.

Brought to you by a grant from the U.S. Department of Labor. This Workplace-Based
Learning grant is led by the Workforce Training and Educaion Coordinaing Board with
partners that include: Whatcom Community College, Skagit Valley College, South Seatle
Community College and Clark College Corporate & Coninuing Educaion. Eighty percent of
the project funds come from the $850,000 U.S. Department of Labor grant.

Table of Contents
The Beginning
The Grant
Study Goals
The Questions
Best Practices Defined

Steps to Create and Implement an On-the-Job
Training (OJT) program
The Company
Best Practices for the Company
Senior Management Commitment
Allocation of Resources - Investing in the
Company’s Future and ROI
Discovery of Company Needs
Assessment of Machine Inventory

Clearly Defining the Position
Development of Rotational Training
Mentor Selection and Development
Mentor Selection and Development
Best Practices for Mentor
Role and Expectations
Law of Expectations
Learning Styles

Best Practices for Apprentice Selection
Selection Process
Role and Expectations
Progress and Evaluation
Best Practices for Apprentice Progress and
Feedback during OJT program
Problem Solving
OJT Mentor and Program Evaluation
Employee Training Record





The Beginning.
The Grant
In partnership with South Seatle Community College (SSCC) the Puget
Sound Educaional Service District (PSESD), the Council on Adult and
Experienial Learning (CAEL), the Internaional Associaion of Machinists
and Aerospace Workers (IAM&AW), and aerospace employers, AJAC was
tasked with researching and idenifying On-the-Job Training (OJT) Best
Pracices for efecive, on ime delivery and uilizaion of training. While
the focus was on companies whose business is aerospace, AJAC has
determined that the OJT Best Pracices could be transferred across many
trades and sectors. The goal of this OJT Best Pracices manual is to assist
the training process, provide guidelines for creaing successful programs
and support the journey-level trainers’ ability to pass the greatest depth
and breadth of skills and knowledge to entry – level employees.

AJAC OJT Best Practices

Study Goals
The goal of the interviews was to gauge a variety of OJT training
approaches currently in use, and provide next steps in creaing
formalized OJT training pracices within a company. The goal of the Best
Pracices summary is to assist employers with shop implementaion of
the OJT training plan.
In order to assess and document employer OJT Best Pracices,
businesses were asked to paricipate in an employer case study/
interview process to assess current OJT training pracices. Businesses
were targeted because of their current paricipaion as a registered
training agent with the AJAC appreniceship program. Each of them
paricipates in some level of formal (such as appreniceships) or informal
training for their incumbent workers.
Each interview included a worksite visit, interview, shop tour, and oten a
conversaion with an incumbent worker on the shop loor. The interview
quesions were designed to reveal training pracices currently being
used for apprenice selecion, mentor selecion, and the evaluaion
of progress and proiciency. Evaluaion of progress and proiciency
addresses when skill mastery was achieved and the apprenice or trainee

was ready to proceed to the next skill.


AJAC OJT Best Practices

The Questions
While training through appreniceship is the main focus of AJAC, these
quesions could also be modiied for use when referring to trainees.
Following is an outline of the quesions that were asked to the
paricipaing companies. The topic and quesions are listed below:

Apprentice/Trainee Selection process
• How do you choose your apprenices/trainees? How do you
currently select workers to become apprenices? Do you use
new hires or incumbent workers?
• What criteria do you take into consideraion? Do you choose
new hires for training and/or improve skills of exising workers
with some skill set in mind? Both?
• Do you have any apprenices or trainees in your workforce

• Do you see that number growing?
• How do you make sure the apprenice or trainee is geing a
well-rounded experience?

Mentor Selection/Participation
• What criteria do you use to select a mentor?
• Do you currently have any mentors on the loor? What is their
responsibility currently? If you do have a program in place: how
do you mentor your apprenices currently?
• Do you rotate them or have one lead? Do you rotate your
mentors depending on the machine? Is there a mentor at
diferent stages during the appreniceship program? OR does
one mentor follow them throughout the enire training?
• How does the mentor communicate with their trainee?
• How much ime will this require?


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Mentor Selection/Participation Continued
• Does the mentor receive supplementary training to “teach”
their crat? (Some may lack conidence in their ability to teach
or not be suited for the addiional instrucion) Do they review
safety procedures? Do they have or receive coaching skills
with construcive feedback?
• Is there compensaion for the mentors’ ime? Addiional pay
during their ime mentoring? Bonus? Status recogniion? Part
of their job built in?

Progress/Evaluation of Training Program
• How do you track apprenice progress? Products? Process?
Logs? Do you have a system in place for tracking and
managing transiions? What is that?
• When you assess your apprenice and/or mentor, did
producion sufer? Was this expected? Was it a factor/nonfactor?
• How do you manage rotaing apprenices while focusing on
producion? Is there a system in place for CROSS TRAINING –
how do you decide whom to send where and when? And how

do you do that without impacing producion quality or rates?
• What are your main training areas? What major/minor areas
do you train in?
• Are proiciencies/company requirements/industry standards a
part of their evaluaion? i.e., rotaions – AJAC has “x” amount
of hours to make you “proicient” – what does that mean
to you? 1 month to learn and 3 months to be proicient for
• How do you currently rate their performance? Quality/
Quanity/Work Ethic/Machine Maintenance?
• How do you provide feedback of their performance? Paper? In
person? With review panel?
• If a conlict should arise, is there a process for deliberaion?
• At what point do you determine they are competent and
master the machine skill or process? How do you denote


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Best Practices.

Best Pracices are strategies and/or techniques that have consistently
proven to be the most efecive in producing a desired outcome. These
are methods that can be adopted, customized and standardized and can
be used in most business environments.
The Aerospace Joint Appreniceship Commitee (AJAC) researched
and interviewed companies with exising OJT programs and compiled
addiional informaion from AJAC’s current, successful appreniceship
and mentorship programs. AJAC conducted surveys with companies
with exising OJT programs in the Advanced Manufacturing sector and
exising OJT programs in associaion with AJAC.
From this research, a list of the Best Pracices for an OJT program was
This manual will describe those Best Pracices for On-the-Job Training

AJAC OJT Best Practices

Scenario1: A company needs to increase producivity, has to hire new
employees, and needs them to paricipate and produce quickly.

Scenario2: A company needs to replace a reiring skilled worker

but lacks an efecive process to transfer that wealth of knowledge to
incoming or exising workers.
A structured On-the-Job Training (OJT) program using the Best Pracices
can assist in both scenarios.
This manual outlines the process of creaing a customized structured
OJT program using these Best Pracices. It will provide the tools to
guide you through developing an efecive, structured OJT program that
will capture and pass on the knowledge of your best workers to the
next generaion of your workforce and detail the company’s role in the
process of:
• Company commitment
• Discovery process
• Mentor selecion
• Apprenice selecion
• Knowledge transfer
• Assessment

Following these steps will create a customized, structured OJT program
for your company.
Note: All of the forms included are examples and should be customized
for your company and speciic posiion tasks.


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Steps to Create and Implement an
On-the-Job (OJT) Training Program


Senior Management Commitment
• Allocate resources to create the structured
OJT program.
• Safety should be continuously emphasized
during the OJT program.
Determine the company’s needs:
• Increased orders/increased production
needs? (An immediate need)
• A retiring workforce? Anticipation of
increased sales. (Future preparations)
• Plans to grow the company? (Long term goals)
• What are the priorities for the company?
Take a current inventory of all work areas,
machines and workers.
• This will help determine which areas need
additional workers to be added.
• Survey the current workers in key positions
about what they think are company needs.
• How many additional workers are needed?
In the specified work area:
• Clearly define the requirements and document
the requirements and expectations.
• Is there more than one machine to be trained
• How many apprentices can the area safely
• What are of all processes involved in the
specified work area? For the specific machine?

AJAC OJT Best Practices

Steps to Create and Implement an
On-the-Job (OJT) Training Program


• Gather any machine manuals relative to the
specific work area. Be sure the information is
• What are the required minimum skills an
apprentice should have to train in the specific
work area?
• What is the number of hours required to reach
proficiency and meet company standards and/
or industry standards?
• How much time will training take to have a
contributing apprentice? (short-term)
• How much time will training take to have a
proficient skilled worker? (long-term)

Develop a rotational training schedule. This uses
information from previous steps.
• Identify the equipment (these can be grouped
into a major work area if there are numerous
pieces of equipment).
• Identify the skills and process for each piece of
• Identify the training time it will take an
apprentice to become proficient in each work
• Calculate the total training duration. This will
include training time to reach proficiency in all
work areas.
• Rotate apprentices through each major work
area making sure they are trained on each
piece of equipment in that major work area.


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Steps to Create and Implement an
On-the-Job (OJT) Training Program



Use a mentor to deliver the OJT program.
• Select a mentor that is a current employee in
the specific position.
• The mentor will bring their experience,
expertise and knowledge in the specified
• The mentor will use the explain, demonstrate,
observe and assess style of mentoring.
• The mentor will give the apprentice immediate
feedback on performance.
• The mentor will track the apprentice’s skills
during the OJT period.
• The mentor will assess the apprentice’s
acquired skills at the end of the OJT period.
• Recognize the mentor’s involvement in passing
on their knowledge and keeping their skill alive
in the next generation of workers.
• (AJAC has a mentor-training program to
support the company’s mentor and provide
additional tools to effectively mentor the
Select an apprentice
• Select an apprentice who shows an interest in
the OJT program.
• Clearly define what the apprentice will be
learning and the company’s expectations.
• Develop a training schedule. This uses
information from previous steps.
• The apprentice will evaluate the mentor and
the OJT program. This will help to improve the
OJT program.
• Recognize the apprentice’s accomplishments.

AJAC OJT Best Practices

The Company.
Best Practices
• Senior management commitment
• Allocaion of resources – invesing in the
company’s future and ROI
• Discovery of skilled labor needs
• Assessment of machine inventory
• Structured OJT rotaions
• Mentor selecion and development
• Apprenice selecion
• Feedback for improvement

AJAC OJT Best Practices

Senior Management Commitment

• Allocaion of resources
• Idenifying paricipants; mentor
and apprenice
• Commiing to a training plan



The company’s commitment is a pivotal
moivaional acion that all the paries
involved will recognize. The company’s
commitment encompasses:

Best Practice:
A company’s
strong and
to the
structured OJT

There are beneits for a company when commiing to a structured
OJT program. The company will:
• Uilize a low-cost training program that captures and passes
on the knowledge of their current workforce to a new
generaion of workers
• Have increased producivity and safety because of the
thorough training
• Have less turn-over and a way to screen new employees
• Create a sense of loyalty to the company and increase pride in
The apprenice can be a new hire or an exising employee new to
the speciic posiion. Staring all apprenices at the beginning will
guarantee a consistent transfer of informaion. When your apprenice
completes the OJT program, they will be prepared to work individually
at the tasks they have been trained in, with proicient skills in all
aspects required of those tasks.


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Allocation of Resources
Investing in the Company’s Future and ROI
The company demonstrates its strong commitment to the structured
OJT with their iniial investment in the startup of the OJT program.
The Iniial Investment includes:



• Budgeing for OJT ime in
• Understanding expected
producion levels during the OJT
• Compiling the needed materials
pertaining to the diferent
posiions that may be covered in
the structured OJT program
• Creaing learning manuals for all

Best Practice:
resources to the
development of a
structured OJT

All of these acions are an investment in the success of the structured
OJT program and the company’s future.
The company should recognize that during the OJT process, there might
be a dip in producion for that speciic posiion unil the apprenice
is considered proicient. By pracicing structured OJT mentoring, the
apprenice will get up to speed faster than with no structure. Making
this investment on the front end will result in an accelerated Return
on Investment (ROI) from both the exising employee (mentor) and
the new hire or exising employee (apprenice). The investment by
the company fosters loyalty from the employees who see the company
commitment and the support of their future with the company.
Ater an apprenice goes through the OJT program, the company will
be able to assess the ROI of the OJT program by charing the shortened
ime an employee paricipaing in a structured OJT program requires
before they are able to perform at producion. This pathway is more
eicient versus a new hire that had started working without any sort of
structured OJT program. (This informaion should be available from the
company’s iles).


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Discovery of Company Needs


For this to be successful, the company
must embark on a discovery process of
the speciic areas within the company
that workers need to be trained on
in order for the company to run at
maximum eiciency.


Through conversaions, comments
and brainstorming, the company will
have an idea of which posiions the
company needs to enhance through

Best Practice:
the specific
position the
wants to

Ater deciding what posiions
the company wants to
develop, addiional valuable
informaion should be collected
from a current worker in
those posiions. These will be
quesions designed to discover
the detailed descripion of the
daily processes required to
safely and efecively perform
the job.
A current worker in the speciic posiion has the everyday experience of
performing that speciic job. Your company may have anywhere from
20-500+ speciic job processes for one posiion. The current worker has
the knowledge to efecively and successfully execute that posiion and
that depth of knowledge should be uilized as a training tool.


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Assessment of Machine Inventory



The company must make an
inventory of all the machinery. By
making a thorough inventory, the
company will know what currently
exists and what speciic areas it
needs to develop and increase

Best Practice:
The company
should create an
inventory of all the

This informaion is important in
the structured OJT program. It will
determine where an apprenice
will be trained and the rotaional
schedule of the OJT.

Clearly Defining the Position

This manual will be used by both the
mentor and apprenice during the OJT
program and will provide consistent
program informaion.




Clearly deining the posiion means
documening complete details of all
the speciic processes involved in the
posiion, the required hours to meet
company and/or industry standards and
an OJT schedule (include rotaional if
required) for the mentor to follow.

Best Practice:
Clearly defining
the position.

AJAC OJT Best Practices

Development of Rotational
Training Schedule



Creaing a rotaional schedule
to encompass a complete OJT
rotaion for all the machines,
skills or processes required to
become a proicient worker is
a ime consuming process but
vital for having a successful
OJT program. It cannot be
underesimated how valuable this piece is in an OJT program.
Rotaion helps diversify employees through cross training.

Best Practice:
Creating a
rotational OJT

A rotaional training schedule can be created ater the company
completes the discovery process and will require the following
• Idenifying equipment, skills and processes. (These can be
grouped into major work areas).
• Idenify the ime it will take to become proicient for each
speciic work group.
• Calculate the training duraion (i.e., 4 years). This will use
the ime needed for proiciency in all speciied work areas.
• Rotate trainees through those major work areas making sure
all sub areas are rotated through.
Included in this manual is an example of a paricipaing company’s
rotaional schedule (appendix) that covers all skills and processes
throughout the company and diferent departments and hours
required for the apprenice to be deemed proicient.
This company used AJAC’s performance standards and crossreferenced those to the work areas in their own shop. They were
able to deine 4 major work areas in their shop and determined that
each of the 11 diferent skill areas that AJAC uses to measure a wellrounded employee, overlaps one of their 4 major work areas.


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Example One Discovery of Company Needs:
Example one is a form the company can use during the discovery
process with the current employee performing the job to expand
on the details of the OJT posiion. These shared details, along with
exising informaion the company has about the posiion (machine
manuals, shop procedures, safety) will comprise the mentor’s and
apprenice’s OJT manuals.
You are an integral part of the company team that has been created to
develop and design a structured On the Job Training (OJT) program.
You have the experience and knowledge of all the speciic tasks and
skills required to efecively perform this job. You are considered the
master or journey-level worker on this job.
Your honest and valuable input will help create an efecive OJT program and learning manual for this posiion that will beneit you, the
company and those who work with you. Working together we will
all be more producive, ensuring the knowledge and skills are passed
on to the next generaion and securing a solid fooing in a successful
future for the company.
Thank you.
Worker Currently Performing the Job: _________________________
Job Title: _______________________________________________
Speciic operaion, skill or process: ______________________________
Years Performing the Job: __________________________________
Years with Company: ______________________________________
Please esimate the total amount of ime required to become proicient
at the skill, equipment or process: ______________________________


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Example One Discovery of Company Needs:
Please describe all of the speciic tasks, in order, required of this
posiion. This can range from just turning on the machine to replacing
parts. Remember that there may be tasks that are completely rouine
for you now, that may not be obvious to someone new to the posiion.
Describe those as well.
Example: The skill is applying sealant.
1. Put on PPE
2.Gather Spplies
3. Clean part where sealant will be applied


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Example One Discovery of Company Needs:
Think about the things that are now rouine for you. Of these,
please list those things that you did not know when you irst started.
(These may already be part of your previous “Tasks of Posiion” list).
How did you learn these tasks: Co-worker? Self (i.e., came with the
knowledge)? On-the-Job, Trial and Error?

What are the most important items a new trainee needs to learn to be
skilled in this posiion? These could be skills that you were taught or
that you had discovered on your own.

This posiion will be a mentored posiion in the structured OJT
program. Would you be interested in being a mentor for this posiion?
(Addiional Mentor Quesionnaire required).


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Mentor Selection and Development



A mentor is the person who
possesses the experise and
informaion that will be passed
along to the incoming apprenice.
The mentor must also have
the communicaion skills to
efecively share this informaion
in a manner that the apprenice
will easily understand. They will
be in a leadership role to help the
apprenice become successful
and proicient in their trade.

Best Practice:
Enlisting a current
employee that is
experienced in the
specific position to
become a one on one

As menioned earlier, this side-by-side training model entails less
producivity temporarily, but does decrease the amount of ime for
an apprenice to become producive on the machine. Iniially, the
apprenice is observing but not machining. In the early stages of
appreniceship, apprenices in these shops were not counted as part
of the producion workforce. Instead, they were part of a larger, longterm investment in the company’s overall sustainability. The tradeof
to the short-term loss of producivity is an improvement in safety and
quickly increasing producivity of the apprenice leading to a Return on
Investment (ROI) for the company.
There is a self-assessment quesionnaire (Example 2) for the potenial
mentor to complete. The company is probably already aware of the
potenial mentor’s skill. The self-assessment form will help idenify their
communicaion skill level and if addiional training for the mentor is
necessary so the mentor can efecively transfer their knowledge to the
apprenice they will mentor.


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Mentor Selection and Development
Mentor Producion Levels
During the ime of mentoring, the mentor will otenimes have
a decrease in their personal producion levels. Addiionally, the
apprenice will not be included in any forecasing of producion levels
unil they are assessed to be proicient in the posiion.
This should be understood and addressed when beginning a mentoring
program when using exising employees.

Additional Mentor Training



Best Practice:
Mentors should be
trained on how to
be a mentor.

AJAC has a Mentor Training
program that is available to
help selected mentors gain
more conidence and give them
addiional tools for efecive

AJAC OJT Best Practices

Example TwoMentor Skills Assessment:
As a mentor, you will be required give guidance and training to an
apprenice, to help them become a producive co-worker who is able
to contribute to the coninuing success of the company.
Clear communicaion is fundamental to efecive mentoring. Please
complete the following form and self assess your ability to be an
efecive mentor for the listed posiion.
Name: ______________________________________
Job itle for the posiion that you are qualiied to mentor:
Experience in posiion to be mentored: _______ years _______months
I feel conident transferring my knowledge and skills


Do you know the posiion thoroughly?


Do you follow all procedures for the posiion accurately?


Can you clearly communicate with co-workers?


Do people easily understand you?


Do you keep your cool when having to repeat yourself?


Are you willing to conduct administraive work: reporing,
assessing and evaluaing a person’s skill level?



AJAC OJT Best Practices

Can you give feedback to a co-worker?


Can you give instrucion in a respecful manner?


Do you understand the mentoring process?


Can you show how you will train an apprenice?


Do you understand the diferent learning styles?


Can you objecively assess the apprenice’s skill level?


Do you, if asked a quesion and unsure of the answer,
admit it and try to ind the answer?


Can you mentor someone older than you?


Can you mentor someone of the opposite sex?


Would addiional guidance on being a mentor
give you more conidence?


What do you think are important traits in a mentor?

Is there any addiional informaion you would like to share?


AJAC OJT Best Practices


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Mentor Selection.
Best Practices
• Mentors must have top level skills and trade
• Mentors are oten highly skilled in one
paricular area.
• Mentors must have the ability to relate to
apprenices and their varying levels.
• Mentors should have the capacity to handle
problems that may arise.
• Mentors should be trained on how to be an
efecive mentor.

AJAC OJT Best Practices

Roles and Expectations



Best Practice:
Selecting a
mentor who
is proficient
at the specific

A mentor is someone who can clearly teach the skills and knowledge
they have collected through their own experiences and experise, to an
assigned apprenice.
The role of a mentor is one of the most important parts of the
structured On the Job Training (OJT) process.
Ater the company needs have been determined and the details of the
posiion to be mentored have been writen out, it will be the mentor’s
responsibility to properly and thoroughly transfer knowledge to the
assigned apprenice.
The mentor will bring their personal experience and experise in the
posiion and share it with the apprenice. Addiionally, the mentor will
have a manual, as well as, any exising equipment manuals available to
assist in the training. During the OJT process the mentor will be able to
provide the apprenice with instant feedback.
At the end of the OJT period, the mentor will complete a formal
assessment of the apprenice’s acquired skills. The apprenice will also
be compleing an assessment form about the OJT program and the
mentoring process.


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Roles and Expectations
The Best Pracice for mentoring is a process in which
the mentor will teach the apprenice in the following

Explain – The mentor will explain the posiion and
the procedure(s) in which to properly execute the task,
in detail. The mentor will highlight the importance of
safety procedures. Mentors should be open to twoway communicaion about the task. The mentors
should not rush the explanaion and encourage

Demonstrate – The mentor will then demonstrate
the procedure they have just explained. The mentor
will coninue to describe the procedure as they

Observe – At this point, the mentor will let the

Assess and Release – Ater assessing that the
apprenice can competently perform the task, the
apprenice will be ready to perform the task solo.
The mentor will be compleing an “Assessment of Skills
Acquired” form and signing of that the apprenice
has successfully completed the OJT program and is
competent in the posiion.

apprenice perform the task while standing nearby
and observing. The mentor will stop the apprenice if
there are any safety concerns and give the apprenice
immediate construcive feedback of their skill at the


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Law of Expectations
The Law of Expectaions tells us that whatever one expects becomes a
self-fulilling prophecy. This is true in a mentoring relaionship with the
When a person expects with conidence that good things will happen,
they usually will. If, on the other hand, one expects a negaive outcome
to a situaion, then the outcome will usually be negaive. If you believe
that this person will never learn this skill, or it is taking too long, it is
likely they will not. On the other hand, if you believe they will master
a skill with pracice, it will help them succeed. Consider that everyone
learns things diferently. Adjusing the method of delivering the
informaion to accommodate diferent learning styles may make all the
Always expect the best. Assume the best of intenions on the part of
those around you. Pracice these same behaviors with your coworkers.
The very best managers, entrepreneurs, and salespeople are “high
expectaions” people.
Include yourself in this pracice and expect the best of yourself. Focus on
your unlimited potenial and imagine that you can accomplish anything
that you put your mind to.


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Learning Styles



The mentor will need to be aware
that there are a variety of learning
styles. The apprenice will complete
a self-assessment of learning styles
(Example 3) and give a copy to the
mentor. This will give the mentor an
idea of which learning style will work
best for them.

Best Practice
Being able to adapt
to different learning
styles and levels of

The explanaions of major learning styles below describe the
characterisics of diferent ways people learn. The descripions will give
some informaion about various ways in which to adapt the instrucion.

Visual Major Learning Style Preference: This person learns best

Auditory Major Learning Style Preference: This person learns best

by seeing words in books, on the chalkboard, and in workbooks. They
remember and understand informaion and instrucions beter if they
read them. They don't need as much oral explanaion as an auditory
learner, and they can oten learn alone, with a book. They should be
encouraged to take notes of lectures and oral direcions in order to
beter remember the informaion.

from hearing words spoken and from oral explanaions. They may
remember informaion by reading aloud, especially when they are
learning new material. They beneit from hearing audio tapes, lectures,
and class discussions. They beneit from making tapes to listen to, by
teaching other students, and by conversing with their teacher.

Hands-On Major Learning Style Preference: This person learns best
through experience, by being involved physically in instrucion. They
remember informaion well when they acively paricipate in aciviies.
A combinaion of simuli--for example, an audiotape combined with
an acivity--will help them understand new material. Wriing notes or
instrucions can help them remember informaion.


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Culturally Aware
o Be sensiive to diversity.
o Example: The statement, “the guys” while intended
as a casual reference are inappropriate and may
send a message of “you are not one of us.”
o Instrucion should be inclusive and respecful.

Acid Test
o Before doing or not doing something, think
about how it would look on the front page of the
Ater compleing the training process and submiing the
apprenice’s Competencies Checklist Form (Example 4),
the mentor will have fulilled the training porion of the
mentoring role. They are sill considered a mentor and should
coninue to make themselves available for coaching and
advising to the apprenice.


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Apprentice Selection.
Best Practices
• Select apprenices from those who show an
interest in the program.
• Select apprenices with school or machining
experience when available.
• Develop a set of pre-screen materials.
• Incorporaing feedback during and ater the
OJT process.

AJAC OJT Best Practices

Selection Process



Acceping an apprenice into the OJT
program because they are interested
will guarantee an eager paricipant
instead of assigning someone to
paricipate who does not have an
interest in addiional training.

Best Practice:
Selecting an
apprentice that
shows an interest in
the program.

An apprenice applicaion will
illustrate a person’s readiness
to enter the OJT program and
discover their exising knowledge
base. This knowledge could
come from speciic classes or
experience. There could be some
familiarity with the posiion
already, as in the case of an
exising employee.
In order for the mentor to have an understanding of the apprenice’s
learning style, there is a Learning Style Assessment Form (Example 3)
for the apprenice to complete. This will allow the mentor to adapt
their teaching style to the apprenice’s learning style tendency.

Role and Expectaions:
The role of an apprenice is to listen and learn from the mentor. The
mentor has the experience and knowledge to teach the apprenice
how to efecively perform a speciic job.
If the mentor’s explanaion is unclear, it is the apprenice’s
responsibility to ask quesions to get to the point of understanding
the process. The apprenice should combine the mentor’s
explanaions and demonstraions into pracice and include the skills
learned in class or from previous experience.


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Example ThreeLearning Style Assessment:
For each statement below: rank 1 - not true, 2 - somewhat true,
3 – very true

Visual Learner
____ I learn best by seeing – watch to see what others do
____ I have a good imaginaion (oten daydream or doodle)
____ I noice changes quickly
____ I remember faces more oten than names
____ I oten take notes
____ I have good handwriing
____ I tend to be deliberate, plan in advance, organize, and think
through problems
____ When in a new situaion, I tend to be quiet and observant
____ I am neat, meiculous
____ I prefer art to music
____ I see details or components (harder ime seeing work as a whole)
____ Add Up Column

Auditory Learner
____ I love noise/making noise
____ I enjoy talking, listening
____ When I read, my lips move or I read aloud to myself
____ I remember names more oten than faces
____ I have a large vocabulary, and learn new words easily
____ I am easily distracted by sound
____ I tend to talk problems out, try out soluions verbally
____ I tend to express emoions verbally (laugh out, shout out)
____ I have litle interest in matching clothes (this goes with that)
____ I prefer music to art
____ I learn best by discussing
____ Add Up Column


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Example ThreeLearning Style Assessment:
Hands-on Learner
____ I learn best by doing, direct involvement
____ I do not enjoy reading or being read to
____ I tend to be a poor speller
____ I tend to have poor handwriings, especially when space becomes
____ I do not like to atend visual or sound presentaions
____ I am idgety, I like to inker, touch or feel things
____ I tend to be physical with emoion (hug, clap on back, etc.)
____ I not a strong reader
____ I learn from role-playing or acing things out
____ I can easily get absorbed in my own thoughts
____ Unil I can try it myself, I have a hard ime grasping skills
____ Add Up Column


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Progress & Evaluation.
Best Practices
• Apprenices need feedback as they go,
formally and informally.
• A uniform system of feedback for problem
solving should be in place.
• Tracking system – writen or electronic

AJAC OJT Best Practices

Feedback During OJT Program



Best Practice:
Giving apprentices
feedback as they
go through the OJT

It is important to present feedback
to the apprenice that is construcive
and imely, and not solely focused
on a “rote” exchange of informaion.
At the end of the OJT program, the
mentor will evaluate the apprenice’s
competencies (Example 4).
Addiionally, the apprenice
should evaluate the mentor and
the OJT program ater compleion
(Example5). This will give the
company the feedback it needs to
determine the efeciveness of the
OJT program and the ability to make


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Problem solving



Best Practice:
Having a uniform
system for feedback
for problem solving.

When conlict arises, resoluions
should be imely.
Otenimes, resoluions can come
about in informal discussions. In
the case of producion errors,
there should be documentaion
of the incident with further
invesigaion detailing how the
error occurred.


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Example FourEvaluation:
Aerospace Joint Appreniceship Commitee (AJAC)
Workplace Experience Evaluaion Form
(To be completed by mentor)
Apprenice Name: ___________________________________
Date: __________________
Company Name: ______________________________________
Trade: _________________
Evaluator Name: ______________________________________
Title: __________________

On the following page please rate the candidates’ knowledge,
skills, and abiliies in all the categories that apply, and provide
a writen statement on the back side of this form supporing
your recommendaion to the commitee for advanced entry/
credit for prior experience.


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Example FourEvaluation:
Personal Effectiveness Competencies
Raing: 1=Unacceptable
2=Below Average 3=Average
4=Very Good 5=Superior

(Circle One)

Atendance – Maintains good

1 2 3 4 5

Punctuality – Arrives and leaves
the workplace on ime

1 2 3 4 5

Perseverance – Atends to task.
Coninues diicult tasks unil

1 2 3 4 5

Listening Ability – Receives and
responds to verbal messages

1 2 3 4 5

Speaking Ability – Organizes
ideas and presents them
logically, clearly, and concisely

1 2 3 4 5

Iniiaive – Is self-moivated

1 2 3 4 5

Reliability – Completes
assigned tasks without constant

1 2 3 4 5

Commitment – Demonstrates
alliance to company and

1 2 3 4 5


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Example FourEvaluation:
Personal Effectiveness Competencies
Enthusiasm – Demonstrates
desire to learn and please

1 2 3 4 5

Safety Conscious – Observes
safety rules and regulaions

1 2 3 4 5

Leadership – Gets others to
cooperate toward atainment
of common goals

1 2 3 4 5


AJAC OJT Best Practices

OJT Technical Workplace Competencies
NOTE: The following list of workplace competencies will
be developed by the employer using informaion from the
discovery process. It will be speciic to the company and the
equipment, skills and processes performed in the shop.
To be completed by Mentor:
Apprenice: __________________________
Job: ______________________
Raing: N/A=Not Applicable 1=Unacceptable 2=Below Average
3=Average 4=Very Good 5=Superior


(Circle One)

Produce parts
that meet employer’s
high quality standards

N/A 1 2 3 4 5

Hand Deburr:
a. Filing

N/A 1 2 3 4 5

b. Rotary Tools

N/A 1 2 3 4 5

c. Deburring

N/A 1 2 3 4 5

3. Basic Inspecion –
visual and dimensional:


AJAC OJT Best Practices

OJT Technical Workplace Competencies
Comply with all ISO/
QMS and safety

N/A 1 2 3 4 5

Operate manual mill

N/A 1 2 3 4 5

a. Set-up

N/A 1 2 3 4 5

Calculate speeds and feeds
for a given material and setup
Sets up eiciently maximizing

N/A 1 2 3 4 5
N/A 1 2 3 4 5

Plans operaion sequence
A. Selects correct
cuter tooling and
holders for operaions

N/A 1 2 3 4 5
N/A 1 2 3 4 5
N/A 1 2 3 4 5

Other duies listed:

N/A 1 2 3 4 5

Other duies listed:

N/A 1 2 3 4 5

Other duies listed:

N/A 1 2 3 4 5


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Example FiveOJT Mentor and Program Evaluation:
Mentor Name: _________________________________
Evaluated by: _________________________________
Please rate your experience of the OJT program using the criteria
listed below, ranging from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly
Agree). Please provide comments.
The Mentor






The OJT program was
efecively organized.
Instrucional materials were
useful. (Manuals)
I am clear what the objecive
of the OJT was.
Rate the mentor’s overall
support of your learning.
This training will make me a
producive worker quicker.
The mentor presented the
informaion about the posiion
clearly and efecively.
The mentor demonstrated
thorough knowledge of the
posiion and tasks.
The mentor made efecive use
of our ime.


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Example FiveOJT Mentor and Program Evaluation:
Please respond to the following quesions.
1. What was most valuable about your experience?

2. What changes could the mentor make in order to
improve the training?

3. What aspects of the training should not change?

4. Addiional comments:


AJAC OJT Best Practices


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Employee Training Record

The company can choose to uilize a system to track an
employee’s training history with the company. This Training
Record (Example 6) would encompass every training experience
the employee has with the company; which machines they have
been trained on, by who and the date training was completed.
This is diferent from the apprenice OJT Technical Workplace
Competencies form (Example 5). That form outlines the
apprenice’s proiciency at each task within a speciic posiion.
This Training Record shows that an employee has passed all
aspects required to be proicient, compliant and competent in a
Atach a copy of each of the OJT Technical Workplace
Competencies forms to the Employee Training Record for easy
reference to review the employees raing of proiciency at each
task within a speciic job.


AJAC OJT Best Practices

Example SixEmployee Training Record:
All posiions listed below have been trained per company
standards. The compleion date signiies the employee's skill has
been assessed and has proven proicient in all aspects for the
listed task. This includes set-up, operaion and safety protocol.
Date of Hire



Trained By


General Shop Procedures
CNC Machines:
Drill Press
This list can include
all of your company’s
machines that an
employee could be
trained on during
their employment
with the company.

Water Jet


AJAC OJT Best Practices

APPENDIXRotational Training Example:
This is an example of a rotaional training schedule for 5
apprenices. Each column represents one apprenice's rotaion
through each work cell for a total of 8000 hours/48 months.
This paricular company determined their four (4) main work
areas cells to be:
( A ) Finish

Manual machining

( B ) Grind

Manual & CNC grinding

( C ) Small Turn/

CNC machining

( D ) Inspecion


The company also detailed out work covered in each cell and ime
needed for proicient training:
( A ) Finish

Type of Work

Hours Spent

Lathe, hone deburr


10 mos.

Cylinderical ID/OD
800 5 mos.
Gundrill, lathe, mill, jig
4800 30 mos.
Comparator, bore gauges,
CMM, height gauges,
800 3 mos.
thread gauges
8000 48 mos.
This company determined that 10 months are necessary to become
proicient in ( A ) Finish. The company broke it down even further to
cover the necessary work areas with the following rotaion:
( B ) Grind
( C ) Small
Turn/ Cylinder/
( D ) Inspecion

( A )Finish

3 months deburr
3 months manual hone
4 months manual lathe


AJAC OJT Best Practices

APPENDIXRotational Training Example:

Number of Months Spent Training

Trainee 1

Trainee 2

Trainee 3

Trainee 4

Trainee 5


Grind (B)

Insp (D)

Finish (A)

Finish (A)

ST (C)


Fuse (C)

Grind (B)

Insp (D)

Finish (A)

Finish (A)


Cyl (C)

Fuse (C)

Grind (B)

Insp (D)

Finish (A)


Cyl (C)

Cyl (C)

Fuse (C)

Grind (B)

Insp (D)


Cyl (C)

Cyl (C)

Cyl (C)

Fuse (C)

Grind (B)


ST (C)

Cyl (C)

Cyl (C)

Cyl (C)

Fuse (C)


ST (C)

ST (C)

Cyl (C)

Cyl (C)

Cyl (C)
Cyl (C)


Finish (A)

ST (C)

ST (C)

Cyl (C)


Finish (A)

Finish (A)

ST (C)

ST (C)

Cyl (C)


Insp (D)

Finish (A)

Finish (A)

ST (C)

ST (C)


AJAC OJT Best Practices

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