Online Marketing Research Current Issues in Online Marketing

27 the internet more frequently and searches information through the internet more often. Limayem, Khalifa et al. 2003 added personal innovativeness as another personal characteristic in order to online shopping. Yang and Cho 1999 examined the impact of consumers’ need for cognition, and search objectives on consumer information search through the internet.

2.5.2 Website

Another group of factors that seems to be important for adoption is website related factors. The KNP Report on the Internet User Research 1999 published by IMResearch showed that user satisfaction with the website is decided by information quantity, design, transmission speed, user-friendliness of search structure, and update pace. It suggests that website characteristics are likely to influence consumer information search through the internet.

2.5.3 Perceived risk

Besides there are several academic studies working on perceived risk. According to Koller 1988, the degree of importance of the situation determines the potential effect of risk. Customers unwillingness toward to complete online Consumers have shown reluctance to complete online transactions Hoffman, Novak et al. 1999, primarily due to risk concerns. Therefore, perceived risk is posited as a prominent barrier of consumer acceptance of online services in an e-commerce environment. Consumer perceptions of risks inherent in product adoption and usage have been studied for many years by Bauer and Cox 1967; Dowling and Staelin 1994. This immense literature on perceived risk however has not been applied to the relatively new e-services context in an attempt to better predict evaluation and adoption. Recent research explores the issue of perceived risk in the context of the unfairness of price by Wirtz, Kimes et al. 2003. They found perceived unfairness of pricing generates perceptions of financial risk. Other researchers Kolsaker, Kelley et al. 2004 found that perceptions of risk and convenience are strongly associated with a reluctant to purchase airline services online. Also the authenticity of the company or product is not under question; therefore, it is likely that risk