Focus of Study Research Question

or The Jakarta Globe ‟s articles about Bali Nine ringleaders‟ execution?

D. The Significance of Study

There are two significances of this research, theoretical and practical. Theoretically, this research is expected to contribute to linguistics students, especially in majority of perspectivization from discourse analysis concept with the aim that this research can assist to discover other ideas to develop some researches in the same field and add enough information about related topic since the theory itself is rarely used. Practically, this research is expected to contribute in society as the development of the knowledge of language society, especially for people who want to learn further about linguistics. In addition, it is also expected as the steps in introducing linguistics to societies, mainly about perspectivization theory.

E. Research Methodology 1. The Objective of Research

The objectives of this research are: a. To reveal the perspective inside the ABC or The Jakarta Globe‟s articles about Bali Nine ringleaders‟ execution. b. To reveal the vision, focalization, and empathy in revealing the perspective inside the ABC or The Jakarta Globe ‟s articles about Bali Nine‟s execution.

2. The Method of Research

The selecting of method in this research is adjusted to the formulation of the problem and research objectives. Thus, that qualitative methods are considered more appropriate to use since focuses on meaning in context, requires a data collection instrument that the sensitivity is underlying the meaning when gathering and interpreting data. 8 In addition, this research is concern about revealing the pattern of discourse usage that is used for describing a story or information within a text by its writer. The kind of research used in this research is descriptive research. It is because the description is applied to report the findings and result.

3. The Technique of Data Collecting and Analysis

For the aim to provide reliable data, it is necessary for making well-arranged technique for collecting the data. The technique of data collecting is done by bibliography technique, considering the corpus of this research is article. According to Subroto, it is more suitable for research in language field, especially written language such as articles, books, magazines, newspaper and etc. 9 The technique consists with some steps as follows: 1. Reading the some references to determine the topic of research, the research 8 Sharan B Merriam, Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation - The Jossey-Bass Higher and Education Series, San Fransisco: John Wiley Sons Inc., 2009, p. 2. 9 Edi Subroto, Pengantar Metode Penelitian Linguistik Struktural,Surakarta: Sebelas Maret University Press, 1992, p. 42.