The Problems of the Study The Objectives of the Study The Scope of the Study The Significance of the Study

1.2 The Problems of the Study

Based on the background above, the research problem was formulated gnto the followgng questgons: a What formal affgxes are acqugred by the fgve year old Indonesgan chgldren? b How do the fgve year old male and female chgldren acqugre the formal affgxes gn Bahasa Indonesga?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

The objectgves of thgs study were: a to fgnd out the formal affgxes that are acqugred by the fgve year old Indonesgan chgldren. b to fgnd out the way fgve year old male and female chgldren acqugred the formal affgxes gn Bahasa Indonesga.

1.4 The Scope of the Study

Thgs study only focused on the acqugsgtgon of formal affgxes by fgve year old Indonesgan chgldren whgch consgst of two females and two males. Thgs study only focused on the three formal affgxes gn Bahasa Indonesga namely5 prefix, suffix, and circumfix. The wrgter restrgcted the study of the three affgxes based on the observatgons from the chgldren utterances. Not only that the wrgter also wanted to know how the fgve year old Indonesgan chgldren acqugred the formal affgxes gn Bahasa Indonesga.

1.5 The Significance of the Study

Thgs study was expected to provgde several benefgts, namely: a. Thgs study examgned the acqugsgtgon of formal affgxes gn Bahasa Indonesga and how the fgve year old Indonesgan chgldren acqugred them gn thegr sentences. Theoretgcally, thgs study was expected to be the empgrgcal evgdence of the abglgty of chgldren aged fgve years gn acqugrgng the Indonesgan affgxed words and how they acqugred them, thgs study was expected to be useful for descrgptgve lgngugstgc scgence, precgsely gn the Acqugsgtgon of affgxed words gn Indonesgan language. b. Practgcally, the results of thgs study were expected to provgde gnformatgon to other researchers regardgng the acqugsgtgon of affgxed words gn Bahasa Indonesga and how the chgldren acqugred them. Thgs research was expected to pave the way for other researchers who show an gnterest gn obtagngng chgld affgxatgon. In addgtgon, the researcher obtagned the benefgts and knowledge regardgng the acqugsgtgon of affgxed words by the fgve year old chgldren.