



Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Magister Humaniora


IRMA KHOIROT DAULAY Registration Number : 8126112016









Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Magister Humaniora


IRMA KHOIROT DAULAY Registration Number : 8126112016









IRMA KHOIROT DAULAY.Development of Lexical Acquisition By Two-Year-Old Children With Language Delay.A Thesis. Medan: English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Postgraduate School of State University of Medan, 2014.

This research deals with the development of lexical acquisition by two-year-old children with language delay. This research tries to answer the following problems: (1) what are the lexical items acquired by two–year-old children with language delay? (2) how is the lexical acquisition by two-year-old children with language delay? (3) why do the children delayed in their language acquisition?. The research applied the qualitative research specifically cross sectional study surveys. The observation was run in the three periods of time in six months. The finding indicates that two year old children with language delay acquire mostly noun in their early two years, then they would develop their lexical acquisition such as verb, adjective and adverb in their 2: 7 years old. Environment has the big support in children language acquisition and there are some causes of subjects delayed such as maturation delay, psychosocial deprivation and elective mutism. After concluding the research, the suggestions are stated as follows: (1)to improve and maximize the lexical acquisition by children in early age, the family and environment must actively give the stimulus of language such as having conversation with the children, telling the book story to children, and serving the available and educatedtelevision shows to the children.(2) The active communication is the basic stimulus to children with language delay. Give as much stimulus as possible such as active interactions, educated television shows, games, and musics to help the children with language delay acquire the lexical words normally(3) Maturation delay, Psychosocial depriviation and elective mutism are the causes found in this research.



IRMA KHOIROT DAULAY. Perkembangan pemerolehan lexical pada anak usia dua tahun yang mengalami keterlambatan bahasa. Tesis. Program Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris. Pascasarjana. Universitas Negeri Medan, 2014.

Penelitian ini merujuk pada perkembangan pemerolehan leksikal pada anak usia dua tahun yang mengalami keterlambatan bahasa. Penelitian ini mencoba menjawab masalah: (1) kata leksikal apa saja yang diperoleh anak usia dua tahun yang mengalami keterlambatan bahasa? (2) bagaimana pemerolehan leksikal anak usia dua tahun yang mengalami keterlambatan bahasa? (3) mengapa anak tersebut mengalami keterlambatan bahasa?. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan cross sectional survei. Observasi ini telah dilakukan selama tiga periode waktu selama enam bulan. Hasil dari observasi ini menunjukan bahwa anak usia dua tahun memperoleh bentuk kata benda lebih awal, sedangkan kata kerja, kata sifat dan kata keterangan akan diperoleh diusia 2: 7 tahun. Lingkungan memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam pemerolehan kata anak dan telah ditemukan penyebab keterlambatan bahasa diantaranya adalah keterlambat kemampuan berbahasa, kurangnya sosialisasi dan pendiam. Setelah mendapat kesimpulan, maka saran untuk hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) untuk meningkatkan dan memaksimalkan pemerolehan leksikal anak usia dini, keluarga dan lingkungan harus berperan aktif untuk menstimulasi bahasa seperti berkomunikasi dengan anak, membacakan buku cerita, menyediakan program televisi yang mendidik. (2) Komunikasi aktif kepada anak yang memiliki keterlambatan bahasa adalah salah satu cara untuk menstimulasi bahasanya. (3) Keterlambatan bahasa, Depresi Psikososial dan Pendiam adalah penyebab keterlambatan yang ditemukan pada penelitian ini.



Alhamdulillahirobbilalamin, Praise to Allah Almighty who has blessed the writer to complete this thesis in order to fulfill the requirement inobtaining the degree of Master Humaniora of the English Applied Linguistics Study, Postgraduate School at State University of Medan.

The writer addressed her special gratitude to her beloved parents Alm. H. Anwar Daulay, BA and Dra.Hj. PaujiaRosmini, M.M, her beloved brothers and sister (KhobirulAlamsyahDaulay, NisahSiregar and Raja Ahmad BadawiDaulay), her grandmom (Berlian Br.Gultom), her uncle and aunties (SegindaPasaribu, Melly Fatimah Siregar and TettyPasaribu)for supporting and encouraging her with their best wishes.

Next, the writer would like to extend her indebtedness to a number of people, without their guidance, support and help the completion of this thesis would not have been like this far.

Foremost, her utmost gratitude in extended to her honorable advisers Prof. Dr. Sumarsih, M.Pd and Dr. SitiAisyahGinting, M.Pd who had given her their excellent suggestions, guidances, advices, patience and precious time in completing and correcting the present thesis.

She owns her deepest gratitude to all of her examiners Prof. Dr. AmrinSaragih, M.Pd,. Dr. Zainuddin, M.Hum,. and Dr. RahmadHusein, M.Edwho had given their excellent corrections and suggestions in order to make this thesis became better.

She would like to acknowledge the head of English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Prof. Dr. BusminGurning, M.Pd, the sectary of English Applied Linguistics Study Program Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.Si and the administrative staff of English Applied Linguistics Study Program Farid ma’ruf for their management and administrative help. Special thanks go to all lecturers of English Applied Linguistics Study Program for sharing their valuable knowledge, experience and lesson to her during her academic years.

Her regards also delivered to her best friends (Widya, Rafina, Henny, Rahayu, and Atikah )for their supports, encouragements and prayers

The writer indebted to her classmates LTBI B-1 (Chitra, Balqis, Syafrina, kak Yulie Ayu, Fandy, Bambang, Rika, kak Dessi, kak Wina, kak Nurhalimah, kak Sarni, kak Yulima, kak Trisna, kak Rodiani, bang Jamal, bang Dedi, bang


Agung, bang Indra, bang Riwanto, bang Elbi, and pak Pollung ) for their love, support, advise, encouragement, and friendship during the academic year.

The last but not the least, big thanks to the subjects AAP and RA and their families to permit the writer observed both of them.

The writer admits that the content of this thesis is still far from perfection, but she warmly welcomes any constructive ideas and critics that will improve the quality of this thesis. The writer also hopes this thesis would be useful for those who read this thesis.

Medan, June 5th 2014





TABLE OF CONTENTS.………...……….……... i



1.1. The Background of the Study …….………. 1

1.2. The Problem of Study ………... 9

1.3. The Objective of the Study ………. 10

1.4. The Scope of the Study ……… 10

1.5. The Significances of the Study ...………….…….. 11


2.1. Language Acquisition . ………... 12

2.1.1. Stages in Acquisition ... 14

2.1.2 Children Language Development ... 15

2.2. Children Determine the Meaning of Words …….. 16

2.3 Lexical Words ... 17

2.4 Lexical Acquisition ... 22



2.6 Language Delay ... 28

2.6.1 Causes of Language Delay ... 30

2.6.2 Prevelence and Impact of Language Delay ... 35

2.6.3 Early Indicators of Language Delay ... 35

2.6.4 Testing Children ... 36

2.6.5 Three Main Approaches with Exressive or Receptive Language Delay... 37

2.6.6 Language Promotion Strategies ... 40


3.1. Research Design ……….. 43

3.2. The Subject and the Object of the Study …... 44

3.3 The Instrument of Collecting the Data... 47

3.4. The Technique of Collecting Data ...………… 47

3.6 The Technique of Data Analysis ... 48

3.7 Trustworthiness ... 50


4.1 The Data ... 54

4.2 Data Analysis ... 57



4.2.2 The Ways Lexical Words Acquired by Subjects.. 60

4.2.3 The Cause of Delay by Subjects ... 61

4.3 Findings ... 62

4.3.1 The Lexical Acquisition by Subjects ... 63

4.3.2 The Ways Lexical Words Acquired by Subjects.. 64

4.3.3 The Cause of Delay by Subjects ... 64

4.4 Discussions ... 65

4.4.1 The Lexical Acquisition by Subjects ... 65

4.4.2 The Ways Lexical Words Acquired by Subjects.. 66

4.4.3 The Cause of Delay by Subjects ... 69


5.1 Conclusions ... 70

5.2 Suggestions ... 71

REFERENCES ... ... 70



Table 3.1 The Subjects of the Study ... 46

Table 4.1 The Classifications of Lexical Acquisition by AAP ... 54



Chart 4.1 The Development of Lexical Words by AAP ... 59




1.1 The Background of the Study

Language can be interpreted as a system of signs whether oral or written and a system of communication among humans. Languages include verbal and non-verbal communication can be studied on a regular basis depending on the maturity and learning opportunities that one has, as well as the language is the foundation of a child to learn other things. Before he learned other knowledge, he needs to use language in order to understand it well. Children will be able to expand its expertise in the field of sound pronunciation, writing, and reading.

In communication, language is an essential tool for everyone. Has communication with another children will be able to develop as their social skills. Mastery of social skills in a social environment begins with the mastery of language skills. Without language people would not be able to communicate with others. Children can express his thoughts or mind by using language then people can catch what is thought by the child. Communication between two children can be established with the language so that the child can build a relationship through social interaction so it is not surprising that the language is considered as one of the indicators to stimulate the child. Children are considered to talk much which sometimes as a reflection becomes a smart child.

The basic thing of language to be mastered in early age is lexical. As stated by Kit (2003) Lexical acquisition is an important stage in the language


development of human infants. Words are the basic building blocks for utterances. Without words, there would be no phrases, no utterances, and therefore no syntax, no semantics, and finally, no language. That is why, the lexical acquisition is thought as critical initial step and the very first step towards the proper development of language competence.

The development of language is really important in early childhood because while language becomes the basic skill of a child, s/he will be able to enhance the other abilities of social skills.Early language development involves many issues including cognition, play skills, social interaction and oral motor development (Dale & Philip, 1972). By the statement above, if one of the issues does not develop well it will affect the acquisition of words by each child. From extensive study of child development we have a good idea of what skills and abilities to expect of the average child at any particular age. For example, between 2; 00 – 3; 00 years of age a child will typically be able to identify their body parts and on dolls, understand the difference between big and little, match about four colors, combine some nouns and verbs into short two word phrases, understand about 300 words and use 50 – 100 words expressively (Bloom andLahey, 1978). These are the abilities that child commonly has in the age between 2; 00- 3; 00 years old.

Implementation of language development in children is inseparable from the various theories which are presented by experts. Various opinions are certainly not all the same, but educators and parents need to study more in order to understand what the underlying implementation language development in early


childhood. An understanding of the various theories in language development can affect in applying appropriate methods for the implementation of the development of the child's own language so that it will be expected that educators and parents are able to locate and create the suitable stimulus or materials appropriate to the age level of the child. As for some of the theories that can be used as a references in the implementation of language acquisitionare: 1) Theory of Behaviorism, theory highlights the aspects of linguistic behavior that can be observed directly. This theory deals with imitation, reinforcement and feedback while the acquire words by reconstruct the experience. Skinner (1957) believes that language is acquired through principles of conditioning, including association, imitation and reinforcement. Due to this view, children learn words by associating sounds with objects, actions and events. They also learn words and syntax by imitating others. Adults enable children to learn words and syntax by reinforcing correct speech so that the child unable to imitate adult grammatical constructions exactly. For example: when child says: nobody don’t like me, and the mother corrected him by saying: no, say ‘nobody likes me’, and the child replies: nobody don’t like me (repetition), and mother corrected it again: no, now listen carefully, say: ‘nobody likes me’, and the child says: oh, nobody don’t likes me. Thus Language acquisition is more a matter of maturation than imitation.2) According to the theory of cognitivism, the most important is the cognitive development to be achieved, and then the knowledge can be developing in the form of language skills. From birth to 18 months, language is considered not exist. Children only understand the world through his senses. Children only know objects seen


directly. At the end of one year old, children are able to understand that objects have permanence so that children begin to use symbols to represent objects that are not present in front of him. And next it will become a symbol of the words spoken by the child soon.3) Theory of Nativism Chomsky(1965) states that children were born with an innate propensity for language acquisition and this ability makes the task of acquire the first language easier than it would otherwise be. The human brain is naturally for language in the sense when children are exposed to speak certain general principles for discovering or structuring language automatically begins to operate. Chomsky originally theorized that children were born with a hard wired Language Acquisition Device (LAD) in their brains. Then it later expanded this idea into Universal Grammar (UG) as a set of innate principle and adjustable parameters that are common to all human languages. The child exploits his/her LAD to make sense of the utterances that is heard around -them.

Theory Chomsky(1965) will be applied in this research, which is stated that children are pre-programmed to acquire language and that is why they acquire it. More specifically its stated as follows: 1) baby already knows about linguistic rules, as they were born with an innate knowledge of language, 2) the baby heard examples of his/ her native language, 3) the linguistic rules help the baby makes estimation and presumption about the language s/he was hearing, 4) from this estimation and presumption the baby works out grammatical sets of rules. The more language is heard the grammar becomes more and more like adults, 5) the child has the capacity to test his hypothesis. Therefore, it can not be rejected that


children at the early age can acquire language(s) even though they still do not have the ability in learning process as the adults.

Moreover, Lenneberg (1967) also agrees that critical period of language acquisition ends around the age of 12 years. He claimed that if no language is acquired before then, it could be never acquired a normal and fully functional sense. It can be said that if a child was treated with no verbal interaction during that period, impossible for him to acquire language for whole of his life. This is called the “Critical period hypothesis”.

Specifically this research will analyze with reference to lexical acquisition which is classified by Jackson and Amvela (2000: 50), they state that in most general terms lexical words are nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. They have fairly independent meanings and may be meaningful even in isolation or in series. Classes of lexical words contain hundred or even thousands of members and they form open classes. The examples of the lexical words are flower, fragrance, bottle and stone.

In addition to the explanation above, it is about one year ago when AAP ( the first subject) was first year old, he did not acquire even one word, six months later, finally he acquired a word namely a word ayah and in his two year old, he has a development of acquiring a word including ayah, uwak and abang. And these three words he acquired in his two year old. In that time the researcher realized that AAP got the language delay becausethe developments of his words develop slower than what has been expected. In another situation, by looking


additional subject I found that RA( the second subject ) also acquired the language delay because he had limited words acquired in his two year old and the same with the first subject that the developments of his words develop slower than what has been expected in his age too. So these were the reasonsthis study was conducted in her research. We have to aware on this case, because there are serious impacts to the children future life if they do not get any serious attention and support from their environment.

There are some causes of language delay that can be connected by hearing impairment, social deprivation, developmental delay with language and challenging behavior. In the other hand language delay may impact on the other aspects of children developments including school achievement, socializing with peers, family relationship, emotional well being and behavior. That is why the children with language delay have to get the early streatments to minimize the impact of language delay in their future life.

Besides that, the data which are taken from Center for Emotional Health the department of psychology, Macquarie University, NSW stated that at least 20 percent of infants and toddlers across all socioeconomic ranges have early language and communication delays. Up to 60 percent of language delays in these children resolve without formal treatment between the ages of two and three years. It means that commonly, children with language delay and younger than three years old can resolve the delay without formal treatment or resolve naturally. But in the rest of sum, it is about 40 percent of the number with language delayed children have to receive the stimulus from environment to resolve this problem.


There are also some opinions due to this phenomenon, one of the theories is derived from Fletcher and Miller (2005) “A child that is considered into language delay is the child whose process of developing speech develops slower than what has been expected”. From this statement it can be concluded that language delay occurs not only in children with abnormal growth but also with the normal children who have the normal growth and activities. The child who suffers from speech delay will not follow the normal stages in acquiring his / her first language. This issues will bring the child into learning difficulties in future because his / her limited vocabularies. For instance, the child with the normal language of development will be able to identify body parts, understand the difference between big and little, match about four colors, combine some nouns and verbs in two short two phrases, understand about 300 words and acquired 50-100 words. In contrast, the development of language acquisition in children with language delay will not be the same as what the normal children expecting to acquire. The children with language delay will get fewer than 50 words and no words combinations in their two years of age. Therefore, this research will observe in more detail about the development of language acquisition by two year old children with language delay and how contrast the differences in both cases. Here are some researches in the same field of acquisition conducted by other researchers. The previous studies are (1) Language Acquisition by Five-Year-Old Child Suffering from Language Delay. This research was conducted by Naibaho (2012). In his research, he analyzed only one subject which was known as case study. He found that in the subjects’ language acquisition experience


delayed, the way the child expresses the language in his daily life sometimes use body language. Heuses the body language when his co-speaker does not understand what he said. Due to this previous case, the researcher also wants to analyze more based on her research subjects. (2) The Acquisition of Indonesian Verbs and Nouns by two-year –old Toba Batak Children, which was conducted by Winner (2013). In her research, she searched and observed verbs and nouns acquired by normal children. She found that the normal children of two year old acquired 352 nouns. The subjects acquired the words from their parents, relatives and friends when they played and talked with them in their daily activities. (3) Screening for speech and language delay: a systematic review of the literature which published by The National Coordinating Centre for Health Technology Assessment (NCCHTA, 1998). This research concerns to the identification and treatment of children with primary speech and language delay, that is delays which are cannot be attributed to other conditions such as hearing loss or other more general developmental disabilities. Such delays are important because they cause concern to parents, because they are commonly associated with behavioral and other difficulties in the pre-school period and because they constitute a risk factor for subsequent poor school performance and for a wide range of personal and social difficulties for the individuals concerned.

Thisresearch also found that the evidence indicates that early speech and language delay should be a cause for concern to those involved with child health surveillance.Because delay may pose problems for the individual child at the time of identification, the delay may indicate other co-morbid conditions including


hearing loss, developmental and behavioral difficulties. Beside that early speech and language delay may have implications for the later development of literacy and socialization, evidence exists of the positive effects of intervention and in particular, indirect treatment approaches that involve parents.

Based on the explanation above, the impacts about language delay to the children future live and the percentage research of children with language delay and the previous researches finding give the strength reasons for the researcher to conduct a research on the development of lexical acquisition by two year old children with language delay, the ways children with language delay acquire the lexical words and to discover the causes of language delay which belong to each subject.

1.2 The Problem of the Study

In relation to the background, the problems of this study are:

1) What are the lexical items acquired by two–year-old children with language delay?

2) How is the lexical acquisition by two-year-old children with language delay?


1.3 The Objectives of the Study

In relation to the problems of the study, the objectives of the study are: 1) To find out the lexical item acquire by two-year-old children suffering

from language delay

2) To describe how the two-year-old children with language delay acquired the lexical words.

3) To explain the cause of language delay by each child.

1.4 The Scope of the Study

This study presents to investigate the acquisition of words by two-year-old children with language delay. The aspect to be observed is the words production, the development of words, and the cause of the delay itself.

This study is interdisciplinary between linguistics and psychology. But the researcher only focuses on linguistics field. The researcher is also convinced that health and mental factors influent due their development. But she doesn’t go further to that. As long as the children do not suffer from any serious diseases or mental disorders, she considers them physically and mentally healthy. Her judgment on these two aspects is based on their health, activeness and how they interact with other children and adults. In short, the researcher does not have any pediatrician or children psychologist check them up.


1.5 The Significances of the Study

The findings of the study are expected to be relevant and valuable inputs which enrich the study on the development of language acquisition how is the development by two year old children with language delay and the reason of delay in each children. It is expected that the findings can show significant relevancy to the theoretical and practical aspects.

Theoretically, the research findings can provide a basis for a further research on different stages of the children’s language acquisition especially the child with language delay. While practically, this research can be made as guidelines for adults, teachers, parents who are interest in the process of introducing the new words to the young children with language delay. It will be also very useful for a reference in assisting of facilitating their children in the process of language acquisition especially the children with language delay. The findings of this research will be expected to give answers to some of the problems faced in the process of first language acquisition, especially by two- year- old children with language delay, in the aspect of acquiring early words. While for the future researchers, this research will be useful for them as guidelines in conducting more in depth studies.





From the data and findings presented in the previous chapter is concluded that 1. The children with language delay in their 2; 3 years old acquired less than 50 words. They have increased the lexical acquisition more than 50 words in their 2; 7 years old.

2. The subjects basically influenced by both ‘nature’ process (that language is basically innate, that children were born with a special unique human talent that can acquire the grammar of a language without adults’ instruction or correction), and ‘nurture’ process (that adults’ teach language to the children by using simple language and giving them correction when they have used the language well or bad). In the other words The nature is UG and nurture is the enviroment. UG as the basic knowledge of language must get the support from the environment to work well and based on this study found that both subject has got different support to stimulate their delayed. First subject, got the support from his relative familieswhile, the second subject got the support from his peers and television shows.

3. Based on this study, there are three causes found such as Maturation delay which belong to the first subject and Psychosocial depriviation and Elective mutism which belong to the second subject. Every child will have different cause of delay which was unpredictable factors that bring this


cause to each subject. But the crucial thing is that, every child who are experienced the language delay, have to get early stimulus of language in order to minimize the effect of language delay in future life.

5.2 Suggestion

In relation to the conclusions, suggestions are offered as the following: 1. To improve and maximize the lexical acquisition by children in early

age, the family and environment must actively give the stimulus of language such as having conversation with the children, telling the book story to children, and serving the available and educated television shows to the children.

2. From the point above; there are many ways to give knowledge of language to the children with language delay. Give as much stimulus as possible to help the children with language delay acquire the lexical words so that they will develop the number of their lexical words normally.

3. Every cause has different stimulation needed. But the active stimulus of langguage is the basic stimulation to the children with language delay.



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Winner. 2013. The Language Acquisition of Indonesian Verbs and Nouns Acquired by Two-year- old children. Thesis for the Degree of Magister Humaniora. Medan: LTBI State University of Medan.




5.1 Conclusions

From the data and findings presented in the previous chapter is concluded that 1. The children with language delay in their 2; 3 years old acquired less than 50 words. They have increased the lexical acquisition more than 50 words in their 2; 7 years old.

2. The subjects basically influenced by both ‘nature’ process (that language is basically innate, that children were born with a special unique human talent that can acquire the grammar of a language without adults’ instruction or correction), and ‘nurture’ process (that adults’ teach language to the children by using simple language and giving them correction when they have used the language well or bad). In the other words The nature is UG and nurture is the enviroment. UG as the basic knowledge of language must get the support from the environment to work well and based on this study found that both subject has got different support to stimulate their delayed. First subject, got the support from his relative familieswhile, the second subject got the support from his peers and television shows.

3. Based on this study, there are three causes found such as Maturation delay which belong to the first subject and Psychosocial depriviation and Elective mutism which belong to the second subject. Every child will have different cause of delay which was unpredictable factors that bring this


cause to each subject. But the crucial thing is that, every child who are experienced the language delay, have to get early stimulus of language in order to minimize the effect of language delay in future life.

5.2 Suggestion

In relation to the conclusions, suggestions are offered as the following: 1. To improve and maximize the lexical acquisition by children in early

age, the family and environment must actively give the stimulus of language such as having conversation with the children, telling the book story to children, and serving the available and educated television shows to the children.

2. From the point above; there are many ways to give knowledge of language to the children with language delay. Give as much stimulus as possible to help the children with language delay acquire the lexical words so that they will develop the number of their lexical words normally.

3. Every cause has different stimulation needed. But the active stimulus of langguage is the basic stimulation to the children with language delay.



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