Introduction The Selection Study of International Flight Route with Lowest Operational Costs.

Jatinangor, October 23 rd -24 th , 2013 164 The Selection Study of International Flight Route with Lowest Operational Costs Warsito a , Sudradjat SUPIAN b , Sukono c a Department of Mathematics FMIPA Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia b,c Department of Mathematics FMIPA Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia Email: Abstract: Mode of transportation is a very important requirement for human life. Because Humans in performing everyday life Often perform movements from one place to another place, good movement at close range and long distance. Aircraft is a prime choice today to make long-distance traveling, especially traveling cross-country international. This has prompted many airline companies offer international routes. Ticket price competition has also occurred among airline companies, so that any airline should be able to control the aircraft operational cost management. The selection of these aircraft from the national airport to the international airport destination countries need to be considered with the lowest cost. In this paper, the selection of these aircraft with the lowest operating costs is done using network analysis. Results of the analysis are expected to provide an overview of how the selection of one of the methods with the aircraft operating costs lowest done. Keywords: Modes of transportation, international flights, lowest operating costs, network analysis.

1. Introduction

Transportation is an essential requirement for human life today. Rapid technological advances have driven the need for people to become more mobile Azizah et al., 2012. Humans are always looking for ways to shorten move from one place to another. Existing transportation facilities became more advanced, so humans have not been quite satisfied with the land and sea transportation Lee, 2000; Bazargan, 2004, people use air transport. The existence of human aircraft can go to one place to the premises much faster than using land and sea transportation Forbes Lederman, 2005. The existence of transport aircraft, the company makes a variety of flight service providers began to emerge. Various airlines not only offer many destinations, but also the best rates varied Gustia, 2010. The airlines currently managing its management are given freedom. So that they can freely manage system services and flights, even setting the rates theirs of flight Neven et al., 2005. Freedom to manage: system services, flight routes, and the rates to stimulate the rapid growth of new airline companies. Competition in the airline market is increasingly tight Sarndal Statton, 2011. This causes any aviation service companies must be increasingly careful and cautious in doing cost control, by implementing good management Prihananto, 2007. Good management is one of them is the selection of the aircraft. The selection of these aircraft flew very influential on the effectiveness and efficiency of flight planning, where each route that run the company have feasible and meets the requirements of flight. Terms of flight, among others, is that each required flight leg must be the optimal combination of these aircraft, the number of aircraft planned to fly, as well as the needs of the turn- around time for each aircraft Yan Young, 1996. The fulfillment of these requirements is reflected in the total operating cost of each flight of the aircraft Bower Kroo, 2008. Operational costs will affect the financial ability of the airline company. The higher the operating costs will be lower profits and conversely, the lower the operating costs will be higher profits Bae et al., 2010. So the analysis is needed to determine the selected aircraft Renaud Boctor, 2002. Based on the above, this paper aims to analyze the selection of international routes that provide lowest operational costs. Selection of international routes with the lowest cost is analyzed using network analysis. As a numerical illustration of the issue will be analyzed the selection Operational flights route with the lowest cost, as discussed in Section 4 in this paper.