English and Indonesia Proverb: a Comparative Study






First of all the present writer would like to express the highest praise and thankfulness to Allah S.W.T because of His blessing, the present writer can write and finish this job training report.

In arranging this job training report, a lot of people have helped the present writer. Therefore in this valuable chance, the present writer wants to express the appreciation to the following:

1. The present writer beloved parent, thank you for the endless love, pray and support that is given to her throughout her life,

2. Prof. Dr. Moh. Tadjuddin, M.A. as the Dean of Faculty of Letters in Indonesia University of Computer, thank you so much.

3. Dr. Juanda, as the Head of English Department in Indonesia University of Computer, thank you so much.

4. The writer’s advisor, Nungki Heryati, S.S., M.A., thank you for your guidance and valuable advices to accomplish this job training report.

5. The Coordinator of The Job Training, Asih Prihandini, S.S., M.Hum., thank you for your support;

6. All Balai Bahasa Bandung staffs who gave the opportunity to the present writer to conduct job training there. Especially Ummi Kulsum S.S as the present writer’s tutor who always led during the job training;



7. All my friends Kang Ali, Belo “Trisa Sepdiani”, Nonoy “Vini”, Cantik

Vivi”, Ceuceu “Lisna”, Dania, Abang “Pian”, Oom “Rian”, Kang Willy, Kak Aldo, Ivan “Irvan Sapardiansyah”, Adi “Upay Tonji”, Daliman, Indra, Wildan and others that cannot be mentioned one by one. Thank you for encouraging me to not give up.

8. All English Department lecturers, staffs and students, thank you so much.

The present writer expects that this job training report will be useful for us. This report is not excellent so the critics and advices are really pleased.

Bandung, December 2013








1.1. Background 1

1.2. Scope 2

1.3. Objective 2

1.4. Significant to Knowledge 2

1.5. The Framework of the Theory 3

1.6. Research Method 3

1.7. Place and Time 3


2.1. Description of Balai Bahasa Bandung 5 2.2. The Objectives of Balai Bahasa Bandung 5

2.3. Job Position and Coordination 6

2.4.1. Job Position 6

2.4.2. Job Coordination 6


3.1. The comparative Study of proverb in 8 English and Indonesia

3.1.1. Explanation 8

3.1.2. Analysis 8


4.1. Conclusion 15






1. Badudu, Dr. J.S., 1983, Belajar Memahami Peribahasa. Bandung: Pustaka Prima.

2. Gilang, 2012, Masyarakat Indonesia Makan Beras 139 Kg/Orang/Tahun, October 2012. Retrieved on November 2, 2013 from http://bangka.tribunnews.com/2012/10/31/masyarakat-indonesia-makan-beras-139-kgorangtahun/.

3. Kus, Ana L., 2011, Minum Susu Segar Belum Jadi Kebiasaan, December 2013.

Retrieved on November 3, 2013 from

http://health.kompas.com/read/2011/05/31/15400127/Minum.Susu.Segar.Belum. Jadi.Kebiasaan.

4. Manster, H, Marhn, 2007, The Facts of File Dictionary of Proverb, Facts on file: New York.

5. Mieder, W, 2004, Proverbs: A Handbook. London: Greenwood Press.

6. Minh Ngoc, D., 2010, A Cross-Cultural Study on Weather proverbs In English

and Vietnamese, May 2010. Retrieved on December 9, 2013 from

http://www.scribd.com/doc/32025796/a-cross-cultural-study-on-weather- proverbs-in-english-and-vietnamese-%C4%90%E1%BB%97-Th%E1%BB%8B-Minh-Ng%E1%BB%8Dc-QHF-1-2006.

7. Rain, Dewne, 2006, Everyday English Proverb- Peribahasa Inggris Sehari-hari, Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

8. Sudyarto, Sides. 2009. Manusia dan Bahasa. Jakarta: RayaKultura.

9. Team redaction, 2012, Ciputra: Indonesia Butuh Banyak Orang Kreatif, September 2012. Retrieved on November 2, 2013 from http://www.infobanknews.com/2012/09/ciputra-indonesia-butuh-banyak-orang-kreatif/.

10. Team redaction, 2012, The History of Apple Pie in American Popular Culture, July 2012. Retrieved on November 2, 2013 from http://www.solofoods.com/news/history-apple-pie-american-popular-culture. 11. Team redaction, 2013, Warga Amerika Tak Lagi Tertarik Jadi Karyawan,

November 2013. Retrieved on November 4, 2013 from http://www.sheradiofm.com/2013/news/2013/4-3399-Warga-Amerika-Tak-Lagi-Tertarik-Jadi-Karyawan.


12. Udiyawati, Eri, 2013, Indonesia Megah dengan Hutan, December 2013.

Retrieved on November 2, 2013 from





1.1. Background

As the social beings, people need a language as the way to communicate or interact with a purpose to express intents, feelings, or ideas to another individual. The usage of language that is used by individual or group in interaction to establish the culture, which can be judged good or bad depend on the language ethics of a person or group. One of the language use in communication uses figurative meaning called peribahasa or proverb.

The proverb is commonly used in daily life as a motto that closely related to social and cultural aspects because the proverb is used to describe a variety of activities, conditions and purposes in social life. Since the time of the ancestors, Indonesian people have known proverb and how to use it. Function and distribution of proverb was made orally by the public to express praise, satire or parable.

The case above makes the present writer interested to conduct the research about proverb. During the job training, before the present writer compares and explains the proverb, and the present writer doing the research by finding what the proverb definition is, collecting the data, discussing how to know or understand its meaning, and then how the proverb is formed and socialized in society. As conclusion from the research of proverb that has done, the present



writer interests to compare proverb between English and Indonesia that have the same meaning in terms of culture, then take a title English and Indonesia Proverb: a Comparative Study.

1.2. Scope

In this job training report, the present writer discusses what cultural value that influences the formation of the proverb in English and Indonesia.

1.3. Objective

1. To describe cultural value that influences the formation of the proverb in English and Indonesia;

2. To fulfill the job training course; 3. To describe the proverb from the book.

1.4. Significant to Knowledge

The report purpose is to make the reader know and understand the comparison of proverb that is used in every culture such as in English and Indonesian language as well as to know why the word that is used in a proverb reflects to their culture.



1.5. The Framework of The Theory

Meider has defined the proverb as "a short, generally known sentence of the folk which contains wisdom, truth, morals, and traditional views in a metaphorical, fixed and memorizable form and which is handed down from

generation to generation". (1985: 119). So, proverb has known since the time of

ancestor as language that have a figurative language contains an advice, education, values life and being a culture heritage from generation to generation.

1.6. Research Method

The present writer uses the analytic descriptive method in this report. Whitney says that:

Analytic descriptive method is fact-finding with the proper

interpretation. In that method, the present writer could compare the data and the case. Determining and analyzing are also used in this method”. (1960: xx)

Descriptive method learns about the problem in society, the ordinances that are applicable in society and a certain situation, includes about relation of an activity, attitude, a viewing, and processing that are running and the influencing of a phenomenon.

1.7. Place and Time

The present writer conducted the job training in Balai Bahasa Bandung located at Jl. Sumbawa No.11, Bandung. The present writer worked in the office



about two months, started on July 16 until September 8, 2013. The present writer started working from 8 am to 3 pm from Monday to Friday.





2.1 Description of Balai Bahasa Bandung

The 36th article of UUD 1945 states that bahasa resmi negara adalah

bahasa Indonesia. Based on that article, in 1948 the Government of Republic of

Indonesia found the institution, namely Pusat Bahasa, in order to protect, construct and develop the Indonesian and indigenous language. The position of

Pusat Bahasa is under the Department of Education.

Pusat Bahasa has 22 branches in Indonesia such as Balai Bahasa Aceh, Balai Bahasa Medan, Balai Bahasa Padang, Balai Bahasa Pekanbaru, Kantor Bahasa Jambi, Balai Bahasa Palembang, Kantor Bahasa Lampung, Balai Bahasa

Bandung where the writer conducted the job training, and others.

This institution was officially established in September 1999 and located at the Sumbawa No. 11, Bandung. The primary task of Balai Bahasa Bandung is to develop, to increase, and to protect the language and literature both of Indonesia and indigenous language in West Java.

2.2. The Objectives of Balai Bahasa Bandung

The objectives of Balai Bahasa Bandung can be described: 1. To improve the quality of linguistics and literature;

2. To increase the positive attitude towards linguistics and literature; 3. To develop the materials of linguistics and literature;



4. To develop the manpower in linguistics and literature field; and 5. To improve the cooperation.

2.3. Job Position and Coordination

In this sub chapter, the writer explains about the job position and the coordination when the writer conducted the job training which is in Balai Bahasa Bandung.

2.3.1. Job Position

In Balai Bahasa Bandung, the present writer was assigned as the technical

staff of linguistics. The jobs that were given to the present writer including: translating books, researching proverbs, and editing structure of sentence of books.

2.3.2 Job Coordination

During job training process, the present writer coordinated with some staffs: 1. Drs. Muh. Abdul Khak, M.Hum

a. Job Position : The Head of Balai Bahasa Bandung

b. Job Authorities : Allowing the present writer to conduct the Job Training

c. Job Responsibilities : Monitoring the program in Balai Bahasa Bandung 2. Ummi Kulsum. S.S



b. Job Authorities : Giving the job and grade to the present writer c. Job responsibilities : Monitoring the present writer during did the job

training 3. Anne Erlyane

a. Job Position : The Head of Administration

b. Job Authorities : Receiving the present writer to conduct the Job Training





3.1 The comparative Study of proverb in English and Indonesia 3.1.1 Explanation

During job training in Balai Bahasa Bandung, the present writer did a research about language and found a case of language, which is used in every country, reflects their country or culture itself. One of language forms is peribahasa or proverb. The proverb is a language contains figurative language. The present writer is interested to compare proverb in Indonesia and English which has a same meaning and the research focuses on the language used in every country to show how the language reflects their culture or country.

3.1.2. Analysis

Marhn H Manster (2007: xx) defines “A proverb is a saying, usually short,

that express a general truth about life. Proverbs give advice, make an observation, or present a teaching in a succinct and memorable way. This dictionary covers the main English-language proverbs that are widely recognized

today”. The proverb contains many lessons or life values which formed from an

experience life and then is known and used by society.

Whereas Norrick (1985:78) defines the proverb as “A traditional, conversational, didactic genre with general meaning, a potential free



conversational turn, preferably with figurative meaning.” In proverb,

language is used to smooth a communication, especially to reprimand, to give an advice or mock without hurting others feeling or acting like a teacher.

Data 1:

Proverb (Indonesia) Proverb (English) Meaning

1. Nasi sudah menjadi bubur

It no use crying over spilt milk

We don‟t need to stress

over all the little mistakes in our past.

Nasi sudah menjadi bubur vs It no use crying over spilt milk Analysis:

Nasi sudah menjadi bubur, this proverb means that something has happened and

we cannot reverse it back. Indonesian culture makes an analogy of the condition

with “nasi” because nasi is identical with primary food of Indonesian. Many

researchers say that a language reflects the culture of a country. This is the reason why the proverb is not represented with kentang (potatoes), gandum (wheat), or roti (bread), because these foods describe American or European food culture. As mentioned in Bangka pos news on 31 Oktober 2012 discusses”mengkonsumsi beras setiap tahun sebesar 139,5 kg. Konsumsi beras Indonesia lebih besar dua kali lipat konsumsi beras dunia pada angka 60 kg per tahun”. Most of Indonesian thinks that eating without rice could not be called eats.



The elaboration above shows that the proverb used shows Indonesian everyday life. In addition, the rice is not only a primary and typical food of Indonesian, but also it is related to natural landscape and culture of Indonesia. Indonesian soil is perfect to be planted by paddy to produce a grain of rice.

Whereas the American describes the same condition with different analogy, the proverb is it no use crying over spilt milk. Milk has the same association as rice that is the main food.

American also loves to consume or drink milk. However, in Indonesia Milk is not the main food. As mentioned in KOMPAS news entitled Minum Susu

Segar Belum Menjadi Kebiasaan on 31 Mei 2012, American spends many liters

of milk every day while Indonesia spends less than it. Thus, American uses "milk" in their proverb reflects their habit in consuming milk. As rice in Indonesia Milk is also a primary drink in America.

Data 2:

Proverb (Indonesia) Proverb (English) Meaning

2. buah jatuh tak jauh dari pohonnya

The apple falls near the tree

Describe the behavior or similar talent between the child and their parent.




This proverb means a habit or behavior children that would be similar

from their parents. In Indonesian it will be described by “buah and pohon”. It is

because Indonesia is known with their country which is fertile and green, as mentioned in KOMPASIANA titled Indonesia Megah dengan Hutan on 3 April

2013 describes that “Indonesia adalah negeri yang indah, negeri yang kaya akan

keindahan alam. Salah satunya adalah Hutan di Indonesia, yang meruapkan

paru-paru bagi iklim di dunia.” A lot of trees spanned in Indonesia Island.

Therefore, the language or word that used in proverb above using buah and pohon. Therefore the analogy is refers to the conditions of Indonesian.

If in Indonesian culture uses “buah”, American uses “apple” to describe

the same condition with proverb. „Apple‟ has a significant role in American social life, as seen in their favorite food “apple pie” is an American Culture phenomenon

that known since the early 1900s, it has been associated with the “American

Dream.” Moreover this food is an important American cultural icon, and it will

continue to be so for many years. (Mentioned in SOLOFOODS NEWS on 3 July 2012)

Data 3:

Proverb (Indonesia) Proverb (English) Meaning

3. Berfikir sebelum bertindak

Look before you leap

Consider all aspects of a situation before you take any




Berfikir sebelum bertindak vs. Look before you leap Analysis:

Berfikir sebelum bertindak, means we have to think carefully before we do

something regretful. Indonesian people use a word "berpikir" in the proverb. It reflects a behavior or condition of Indonesia culture, “kebanyakan teori bukan praktek” as mentioned in info banknews titled Indonesia Butuh Banyak Orang Kreatif on 3 September 2012 describes that “Salah satu yang membuat Indonesia sulit bersaing dengan negara lain dalam berbagai bidang disebabkan oleh kurikulum pendidikan di Tanah Air, yang lebih banyak mengedepankan teori

bukan praktek.” Therefore Indonesia many theories or concept than practice it

made Indonesian people thinks too much before take an action, in other word they afraid to take a risk. Thus, it can make Indonesian left behind the more developed countries who brave enough to take a risk. Actually, it is good to think before doing something, but not too long because we also have to do an action. The time will be wasted to think but no action. Therefore, Indonesians people use

"berpikir" in the proverb above describe or reflect behavior of Indonesian who is

thinking too long.

While American people describe the same condition with the proverb look before you leap. From the analogy above it shows that American tends to do something quickly. It is because of American work ethic, as seen in the following



quotation “Individuals are encouraged to work hard, freely make their economic

choice for the pursuit of their own material.” (ĐỖ THỊ MINH NGỌC: 2010)

As mentioned in SHERADIO news on 15 november 2013 discusses

warga Amerika tak lagi tertarik jadi karyawan” means that Americans prefer

open a business and being a boss, they dare to take a risk and never doubt, this reflect mindset of Americans people who like to do something quickly. Moreover, if the present writer notices when they are doing the business, they don't use like the word that Indonesia use "menjalankan bisnis", but they use "running business atau melarikan bisnis not walking business". Indirectly, from the word that they used reflects America culture which is very active, extreme, and fast. This case is same with the case "look before you leap", they use a word "leap or jump", the word "leap" is more sharp in the meaning and impressed more quickly meaning too, it means before do something we have to think before the thing make us fall or die from the leap that we do. It is clearly, American mindset reflects American never feels doubt in doing something.

The elaboration above shows that the usage of proverbs has the same intention but they use different way of saying. The difference is caused by cultural differences between Indonesia and English.

3.2Problems and Solutions

During job training, the present writer found some problems in researching the proverb, the problems are:



1. There are many proverbs which have same meaning between Indonesia and English, so that the present writer must focus only on proverb that has known or familiar used in daily life;

2. The present writer has problem in finding the background that makes the language that is used in proverb from America and Indonesia culture.

Based to the problem above, the solutions are:

1. The present writer must be careful in researching the proverb, which they often use in daily life;

2. The present writer should read a lot and understand about the culture in America and Indonesia, which is researched by the present writer.





4.1. Conclusion

Proverb has the function to give an advice, reprimand, or mock. The proverb reflects the condition or situation in their culture. The value that is contained in the proverb includes a kinship, patience, hard work, exemplary, sincerity, politeness, peace, and others. Whereas the role of proverb is quite important in social life, especially that refer to the use of expression that to convey an advice, reprimand, or mock, which is expressed to others without offending them.

The analysis shows the reflection culture in the proverb used. As example, rice that Indonesians used in their proverbs reflects Indonesian culture because Indonesians really loves rice, so does in Americans with milk because their country loves to consume milk, therefore it affects on language that they used in their proverb.

4.2. Suggestion

After the present writer finished the research of proverb, the present writer suggests to student to read and learn more about proverb because proverb is cultural heritage that should be preserved, than that because the use of proverb also has a lot of advantage in daily life.



1. Student`s profile

a. Name : Hizzul Nurlena

b. Address : Tubagus Ismail Bawah RT/RW 02/01

No.32 Lebak Gede

Kec. Coblong Kab. Bandung 40132

c. Place and date of birth : Pandeglang, 29st June 1992

d. Sex : Female

e. Religion : Moslem

f. Phone : 087722887128

g. Email : izoel.lena@yahoo.co.id

2. Educational background a. Formal education

No Year Institution

1 1998 – 2004 SD Negeri 1 Bayumundu

2 2004 – 2007 SMP Negeri I Pandeglang 3 2007 – 2010 SMA Negeri 2 Pandeglang 4 2010 – present Indonesia University of Computer


b. Informal education

No Year Name of Education Certification

1 2007

Juara Ke-2 Bupati Cup IPSI (Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia)


2 2009

Juara Ke-2 Bupati Cup IPSI (Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia)


3 2010 Central Computer Banten (CCB) Certified

4 2010

Karya Ilmiah “Penyembuhan Penyakit Maag dengan Kunyit (Curcuma Domestica) Sebagai Salah Satu Pengobatan Alternatif.


5 2011

Seminar “Building Confidence in Delivering Public Speech” as the attendance and committee


6 2011 Seminar and Workshop of Semiotics Certified

7 2011

Feminist, Feminine and Text Seminar as the attendance and committee



Menulis, Rezeki Tak Akan Habis”

9 2012

Hari Sastra “ Cross Culture” as the attendance and committee


10 2012 English Contest Certified

11 2012 Character Building Training Certified

12 2012

Kejuaran Antar Kolat Merati Putih Cabang Bandung “Menggali Potensi Untuk Berprestasi”


13 2013

Participant Of Workshop Translation “Building The Translation Skill and Confidence” as the attendance and committee


14 2013

Copywriting Seminar “Go Viral” as the attendance and committee



a. Competency

Here are the competencies that the writer has: 1. Kejuaran Pencak Silat IPSI and Merpati Putih 2. Speech competition-one of the program ILCF 2013

b. Organizational and work experiences

No Year Organization

1 2004 – 2005

Member of Pramuka SMP Negeri I Pandeglang and Member of PMR SMP Negeri I Pandeglang

2 2005 – 2008

Member of Pencak Silat SMP Negeri 1 Pandeglang and SMA 2 Pandeglang 3 2010-2011 Member of UKM Taikondo UNIKOM

4 2011-2012

Member of UKM Merpati Putih Unikom and Member of SADAYA UNIKOM

5 2010 – 2013

Member of HIMA of English Department UNIKOM



1. There are many proverbs which have same meaning between Indonesia and English, so that the present writer must focus only on proverb that has known or familiar used in daily life;

2. The present writer has problem in finding the background that makes the language that is used in proverb from America and Indonesia culture.

Based to the problem above, the solutions are:

1. The present writer must be careful in researching the proverb, which they often use in daily life;

2. The present writer should read a lot and understand about the culture in America and Indonesia, which is researched by the present writer.





4.1. Conclusion

Proverb has the function to give an advice, reprimand, or mock. The proverb reflects the condition or situation in their culture. The value that is contained in the proverb includes a kinship, patience, hard work, exemplary, sincerity, politeness, peace, and others. Whereas the role of proverb is quite important in social life, especially that refer to the use of expression that to convey an advice, reprimand, or mock, which is expressed to others without offending them.

The analysis shows the reflection culture in the proverb used. As example, rice that Indonesians used in their proverbs reflects Indonesian culture because Indonesians really loves rice, so does in Americans with milk because their country loves to consume milk, therefore it affects on language that they used in their proverb.

4.2. Suggestion

After the present writer finished the research of proverb, the present writer suggests to student to read and learn more about proverb because proverb is cultural heritage that should be preserved, than that because the use of proverb also has a lot of advantage in daily life.



1. Student`s profile

a. Name : Hizzul Nurlena

b. Address : Tubagus Ismail Bawah RT/RW 02/01

No.32 Lebak Gede

Kec. Coblong Kab. Bandung 40132 c. Place and date of birth : Pandeglang, 29st June 1992

d. Sex : Female

e. Religion : Moslem

f. Phone : 087722887128

g. Email : izoel.lena@yahoo.co.id

2. Educational background

a. Formal education

No Year Institution

1 1998 – 2004 SD Negeri 1 Bayumundu 2 2004 – 2007 SMP Negeri I Pandeglang 3 2007 – 2010 SMA Negeri 2 Pandeglang 4 2010 – present Indonesia University of Computer


b. Informal education

No Year Name of Education Certification

1 2007

Juara Ke-2 Bupati Cup IPSI (Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia)


2 2009

Juara Ke-2 Bupati Cup IPSI (Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia)


3 2010 Central Computer Banten (CCB) Certified

4 2010

Karya Ilmiah “Penyembuhan Penyakit Maag dengan Kunyit (Curcuma Domestica) Sebagai Salah Satu Pengobatan Alternatif.


5 2011

Seminar “Building Confidence in Delivering Public Speech” as the attendance and committee


6 2011 Seminar and Workshop of Semiotics Certified

7 2011

Feminist, Feminine and Text Seminar as the attendance and committee



Menulis, Rezeki Tak Akan Habis”

9 2012

Hari Sastra “ Cross Culture” as the attendance and committee


10 2012 English Contest Certified

11 2012 Character Building Training Certified

12 2012

Kejuaran Antar Kolat Merati Putih Cabang Bandung “Menggali Potensi Untuk Berprestasi”


13 2013

Participant Of Workshop Translation

“Building The Translation Skill and

Confidence” as the attendance and



14 2013

Copywriting Seminar “Go Viral” as

the attendance and committee



a. Competency

Here are the competencies that the writer has: 1. Kejuaran Pencak Silat IPSI and Merpati Putih 2. Speech competition-one of the program ILCF 2013

b. Organizational and work experiences

No Year Organization

1 2004 – 2005

Member of Pramuka SMP Negeri I Pandeglang and Member of PMR SMP Negeri I Pandeglang

2 2005 – 2008

Member of Pencak Silat SMP Negeri 1 Pandeglang and SMA 2 Pandeglang 3 2010-2011 Member of UKM Taikondo UNIKOM

4 2011-2012

Member of UKM Merpati Putih Unikom and Member of SADAYA UNIKOM

5 2010 – 2013

Member of HIMA of English Department UNIKOM