Background of Study INTRODUCTION


1.1 Background of Study

Metaphor is a figure of speech that consists of name or descriptive word is concerned to an object or action Oxford English Dictionary, 2007. The basic of metaphor is contained a matter of language, which is described about certain pre- existing similarities two things in the world Rios, 2007. Metaphor is a class of linguistic expressions that is called metaphorical linguistic expressions, which is about linguistic words and expression that are from the terminology of the conceptual metaphor. The conceptual metaphor has related with metaphorical linguistic expression, which in conceptual metaphors, one domain of experience is used to understand another domain of experience and the metaphorical linguistic expression are explained particular conceptual metaphors. Metaphor is one aspects of language where becomes the basic of the cognitive linguistic in conceptual metaphor. The texts of metaphorical structure in the cognitive linguistic view metaphor have two domains in conceptual metaphor. They are called source domain and target domain. Metaphors are sets of mappings between a more concrete or physical source domain and a more abstract target domain Kovecses, 2002. To make understand this definition for purposes of the research, metaphor is a powerful linguistic device because it extends knowledge about human cognitive. Through linguistic metaphors, human can deliver the idea from the conceptual metaphor is source domain and target domain. The word Metaphor is commonly used by many researchers to analyze a kind of language in the linguistic or literature field. Some researchers had already analyzed metaphor in magazine, newspaper, advertisement, etc. It can be found in the form of analysis, journal research Rossa, 2009; Rios, 2007; Yu, 2009; Czerpa, 2006, undergraduate thesis Yalcinkaya, 2012; Anderson, 1998 and dissertation Famelart, 2010 but in other case, the writer informs that some other researchers had metaphors in literary works like poetry, novel Freeman, 2007; Semino and Steen, 2008; Hogan, 2003. Dealing with this, the writer knows some information about metaphor and gets idea from those previous researches. The writer found idea that metaphor has feature in analysis of text, especially in the advertisement. Metaphor has great impact in text because metaphor makes art and unique in every text. So, the writer is chosen metaphor for taking focus in her research. American linguists, Lakoff and Johnson, has found theory of metaphor that becomes a major pillar of cognitive linguistic paradigm, which relates linguistic metaphors and human cognitive. Cognitive linguistic have knowledge about the nature of human cognitive in various aspects of language structure and use. Lakoff and J ohnson’s theory of metaphor is commonly used by researchers to study in the term metaphor Anderson, 1998; Maalej, 2005; Yu, 2009; Hong Bo and Wen-Juan, 2010; Wittink, 2010; Reichert and Morgan, 1999; Rosa, 2009; Famelart, 2010; Pitcher, 2013. In the case, the writer found research from dissertation in Faculty of English Philology I by Famelart 2010 who is done to analyze a trilingual comparative study of the use of multimodal metaphor in Spanish and French bank advertisement in terms of metaphor theories by Lakoff and Johnson 1980. Dealing with previous research, the writer is interest to use theory of Lakoff and Johnson with different object advertisement in the further research. Metaphor has coherence in discourse. Through discourse, the metaphors find a major function to know the meaning of metaphor usage in text. The coherence of metaphors can be either intertextual or intratextual Kovecses, 2002. Most researchers who studies on metaphor in real discourse are agree that a major function of the metaphors is provided coherence to discourse e.g., Hong Bo and Wen-Juan, 2010; Maalej, 2005; Wittink, 2010; Musolff, 2006; Herrmann, 2013; Shen and Balaban, 1999. In addition, most of the research is done analysis about the opportunities that arise from using the linguistic insight in identifying metaphor in discourse. In this matter, the writer found analysis from the publication on International journal by UV University of Amsterdam researcher is written by Wittink 2010 who investigated identify of metaphor in discourse. In the analysis, he put data from text of organizational research with focused aspect de-contextual and contextual approaches in discourse. In the research, researcher also identified locally specific uses and meanings of metaphors and the interaction with other elements of discourse. Meanwhile, another analysis from Maalej 2005 is done analysis about critical discourse with the contemporary theory of metaphor. In the research, researcher used critical model of metaphoric discourse, the stage of interpretation is the product complementary fashion of a critical mind, pursuing the result of the description offered by discourse and following conceptual metaphor. It is the real socio-cultural contexts, which is used to make sense metaphor and the cohesive role in discourse construction and processing. Therefore, by this study, the researcher has a space of the study for analyzing about metaphor coherence in discourse with by identifying metaphor in context-induced across intertextual or intratextual approaches in discourse. This present study aims to fulfill in these gaps by analyzing the metaphor with discourse coherence of the text in slogan to investigate the study. Metaphor are concerned with language Written text, visual image photo, computer drawn images, or digital animations, and the combination of the language with visual image in advertisement. In the study of metaphors, metaphors have been classified to distinguish in differences usage in advertisement. The kinds are pictorial or visual metaphor, verbal metaphor or verbo-pictorial metaphor. Metaphors are also classified to divide between monomodal and multimodal metaphors. The former are metaphors whose target and source are conveyed in the same mode. Monomodal is typically a metaphor that is both target and source are introduced in one mode. Multimodal is typically a metaphor that is target and source are introduced entirely in two different modes Forceville, 2008. Many researchers are publishing in International journal and thesis that take types of metaphors as their focus of study, but most of the study only focuses to analyze one type of metaphors Anderson, 1998; Kadry, 2015; Indurkhya and Ojha, 2008; Yu, 2009; Rosa, 2009; Czerpa, 2006; Yalcinkaya, 2012; Oritonang and Ownie, 2011; Famelart, 2010; Xu, 2009. In addition, most researchers are done analysis about the type of visual metaphors in advertisement. The research from the publication on Thesis by Kristianstad University College researcher is written by Yu 2009 who investigated type of verbal metaphor in food advertising slogans. Researcher analyzed in one of slogan of McDonald’s, “ Mac your day McDonald’s, 2000”. The point from the analysis that day is conceptualized as food or the Big Mac hamburger in the slogan. The kinds of slogan are from McDonald’s, Cola-Cola, Burger King, and the others. Meanwhile, in the difference analysis of type in metaphor from Kadry 2015 is done investigated about type of visual metaphor in The Persuasive effect of using Visual Metaphors in Advertising Design. Researcher is analyzed the persuasive role of visual metaphors as one technique in advertising communication. It explored through the various types of visual metaphors where the visual metaphor was the hero image in design and how the effect image in the persuasive design is. Therefore, by this study, the researcher intends to take analysis in kinds of metaphors for further research. The writer is not only focused in one kind of metaphor, but also all kinds of metaphor in the analysis. The kinds are verbal metaphors, the pictorial metaphors, and verbo- pictorial metaphors. Metaphors has implications for advertising as active audiences are highly interpret the advertising message in a more meaningful and personal way. Metaphor is used for people to understand an abstract concept in media industry, advertising, as one of the most efficient ways of publicizing products. The selling power of the advertisements largely depends on a well chosen the conceptual metaphors like pictures or words used in them Anderson, 1998; Yu, 2009. The use of metaphor is an attractive and efficient way for advertisement to make positive claims for the product, brands, or service. The metaphor is focused almost on language, but concept of pictorial metaphor is well developed in advertisement Forceville, 2008. The use of metaphors in advertisement is becomes special interest as it comes to provide any linguistic researchers with accessible of thesis, international journal, and dissertation Yu, 2009; Czerpa, 2006; Indurkhya and Ojha, 2008; Chorianopoulus and Spinellis, 2003; Aritonang and Ownie, 2011; Famelart., 2010; Sacristan, 2009; Rios, 2007; Rosa, 2009. Part of the research is done to analyze about advertisement in product, Yu 2009 conducted a research on the use metaphors in food advertising, while Czerpa 2006 observed metaphors in cosmetic advertising. And also magazine advertising is becomes subject for researcher Aritonang and Ownie, 2011; Rosa, 2009. Unlike the previous researchers, the writer takes different focuses in slogans of ASEAN tourism destination advertisement. The reason of the writer choice of ASEAN tourism destination advertisement is because tourism has a tractive power that is very interesting for people in the world. Nowadays, travelling becomes famous in world. Most of people are interested in travelling. Slogan of ASEAN tourism destination is one of the important things to become information for every people, especially for people who are interested in travelling. But some people seem to do not care with slogan of ASEAN tourism destination, although it is the only slogan in this country. Sometimes, the slogan of ASEAN tourism destination advertisement is puzzling. There is an implicit message hidden inside it. Thus, the writer wants to reveal what exactly the meaning is behind. Therefore, the writer has a goal to know what kind of metaphors used in slogan of ASEAN tourism destination advertisement and the coherence of metaphor in the slogan.

1.2 Research Problem