The Advantages of RoundRobin Structure in Teaching

Since they had a lot of practices, their fluency achievement in the post-test was much better than in the pre-test.

4.4.5 Task

The most significant improvement was in the task aspect. The task got the highest score in the research. In RoundRobin structure, the students worked together in group, they could get many ideas from their group members so the task or the content became better.

4.5 The Advantages of RoundRobin Structure in Teaching

Speaking After conducting the research on the use of RoundRobin structure to improve students speaking skill, the students’ achievement in speaking skill increased. Here are the advantages of RoundRobin structure stated by Richard 2006, 48 : 1 Learning activities can be done in a shorter amount of time. One advantage of working in groups is that a problem can be solved faster and easier. In RoundRobin structure, students work in group; therefore they can divide the assignment with their group members. The time will be more efficient. It will be easier to solve the problem when people work together. 2 Students can develop students social skills. RoundRobin structure is a technique that requires cooperation with other students in group. Therefore, students learn how to communicate with others. Students also can get new ideas from other group members. Some of the students often get stuck in their own thinking, by listening to another persons ideas, it will help them to broaden their knowledge. 3 Creating good atmosphere in teaching learning process. In conducting RoundRobin structure, students work in group. Students will feel more comfortable in teaching process. They will not feel shy to ask questions because they are on the same level with their friend. Students often feel lazy to do their assignment individually but RoundRobin structure makes the assignment or project more fun to do. 4 Increasing students’ oral communication In RoundRobin structure, all of the students must say something or must give opinion about something. It will increase students’ oral communication especially in English. Students will be more confident to speak in front of people. Students also will not feel shy when conveying their ideas. 5 Long term benefits By conducting RoundRobin structure, students learn social skills such as cooperation, teamwork, and communication skills useful in later life. Students also learn how to work together to achieve the goal and how to solve the problem. It will be very useful for the students in their future life. CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS In this chapter, I present some conclusions and suggestion drawn from the study.

5.1 Conclusions

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