Context Analysis Motivation and Decision Making

Alfiani Safitri, 2014 The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | 31

3.4.2 Sociocognition Analysis

The analysis is not only in text level, the research was provided by example of analysis in sociocognition level. The analysis involved the examination of environment, dimension, goals, motivation and decision making. The elaboration and example of analysis are provided below:

a. Environment

Van Dijk 2009b stated that text of social actors might depend on environment because they tended to fulfill situation constraints, for example their social roles or social norms. The example of environment analysis is in Toni Blair’s speech in Iraq debate van Dijk, 2009b. His speech to go to war enacted his social role as Prime Minister of British Parliament.

b. Dimension

Dimension is the evaluation people make about the situation van Dijk, 2009b. It also reflects how people represent the situation and the actor in situation.

c. Goals

The objective of people doing a certain action was influenced by social knowledge van Dijk 2009b.The example of goal analysis was provided in van Dijk 2009b that Toni B lair’s speech in Iraq debate was purposed to bring democracy for Iraqis, to remove dictator, to fight terrorism, etc.

d. Motivation and Decision Making

The process of making decision was influenced by certain knowledge. Therefore, in analyzing the sociocognition, it was useful to examine the motivation and decision making in doing particular activity van Dijk, 2009b.Van Dijk 2009b also gave example of decision making in Toni Blair’s speeh in Iraq debate that his motive was asking parliament to legitimate his decision to go to war.

3.4.3 Context Analysis

Alfiani Safitri, 2014 The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | 32 The analysis involved intertextual analysis of the text.The result of intertextual analysis wascompiled from researchers conclusion from the story behind the making of articles. The resultswhich were presented in paragraphs include the story from the cause of Syrian conflict until the intervention of U.S., the relation between BBC and the U.S., and the relation between BBC and the readers. Representation analyses are presented in Chapter 4 in terms of textual description of representation from Text, which comprises Macrostructure, Superstructure, and Microstructure; Sociocognition; and Context. The analysis results are presented in the form of tables and are elaborated in the form of paragraphs. Alfiani Safitri, 2014 The U.S. in syrian conflict: a critical discourse study on BBC International and BBC Indonesia Articles Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | 55


This chapter presents the last part of the research. It contains conclusions and suggestions of the research. Conclusion presents the findings and discussion of this research in brief. Meanwhile, Suggestion contains the advice from researcher for the next study.

5.1 Conclusions

This research disclosed the representation of U.S. in Syrian conflict as evidenced in five articles from BBC International and five articles from BBC Indonesia. The research employs van Dijk 2009b which comprises three stages of analyses; Text, Sociocognition, and Context. The stage of text analysis covers macrostructure, superstructure, and microstructure analysis. Based on those three stages of analysis, both BBC International and BBC Indonesia similarly represented U.S. as the Globo-cop in Syrian conflict. The representation was indicated by three indicators, which are U.S. as the firm and powerful country, U.S. as being intimate with Opposition, and U.S. as the Opposition helper. In addition, U.S. was found biased to the Opposition based on its policy to help and assist Opposition to achieve their aim. However, BBC International provided more informative news compared to BBC Indonesia, not only the news about political issue, but also the news about religion issue in Syrian conflict. BBC Indonesia omitted sentences which talked about Moslem conflict and reduced the level of representation. BBC International’s readers, whoare wider and more general compared to BBC Indonesia ’s readers mightexplain why the contents of BBC International were more general and informative. The difference level between BBC International and BBC Indonesia in representing U.S. was influenced by their different readers.