19 bourgeoisie and exploits people who do not have capital named proletariat Booker, 1985: 72.

3. 2. 3 Marxist Feminism

The inequality social system is not only in the capitalist system, but also in the patriarchal system. The entire of the private property is owned by men in the patriarchal system. The struggle to be free from the injustice is suffered by women because of the existence of class differences between men and women based on personal property is the focus of attention of Marxist feminism. Tong states that “Male dominance, in the forms of patrilineage and patriarchy, is simply the result of the class division between the propertied man and the propertyless woman” Tong, 2009: 105 – 106. It means that the class division between men and women in the patriarchal system is based on ownership. One way to liberate women from male domination is economic independence. Engels in Tong states that “... if wives are to be emancipated from their husbands, women must first become economically independent of men” Tong, 2009: 106. This confirms that women who have economic independence can escape from male domination in patriarchy system. Since classical Marxist feminism believes that money is the greatest strength in the capitalist system Tong, 2009: 107. The economic independence can be obtained from the entry of women into the public industrial sector. Those who work in the public sector are usually women from the proletarian family Engels, 2004: 80. For Marxist feminism, proletarian women who work outside the home to earn money are a step forward 20 for the independence of women. As Benston in Tong states that “But the simple fact that women will be doing this ‘female’ work outside their own home for wages over which they have control can be viewed as an advancement for women” Tong, 2009: 108 – 109. However, women who work outside the home will have two oppressions. They are capitalism and patriarchy system. Tong states that “... capitalism and patriarchy as two equal partners colluding in a variety of ways to oppress women” Tong, 2009: 115. Capitalism exploits women economically. Meanwhile, patriarchal system oppresses women as women. Therefore, the freedom of women depends on the existence of two systems. Women must have two wars to gain their freedom. “The only possible hope for women was to fight capitalism and patriarchy simultaneously” Tong, 2009: 118.

3. 2. 4 Bourgeoisie and Proletariat