Wishes Conflicting wishes Regrets Discussions

2 Unit 1: I Ha ve a Dre a m Expressing Wishes and Regrets

1.1. Wishes

Look at the pictures below. What do you think the people in them might be thinking? Copy meanings into words upper p.95 3

1.2. Conflicting wishes

Example: A has a car; B doesn’t have a car A: I wish I had a car. B: Really? Why’s that? A: Well, if I had a car, I wouldn’t spend all my time waiting for buses. B: Well, frankly, I wish I didn’t have a car. A: Really? Why’s that? B: Because if I didn’t have a car, I wouldn’t have to take the children to school at seven every morning. Situational practice Work in pairs. Have similar conversations, based on the situations below. 1. A doesn’t have a telephone; B has a telephone. 2. A doesn’t work in Jakarta; B works in Jakarta. 3. A’s children go to boarding school; B’s children don’t go to boarding school. 4. A’s mother hardly ever visits him; B’s mother often visits him. 5. A isn’t famous; B is famous.

1.3. Regrets

James didn’t know much about the stock market when he invested all his savings in silver. Shortly afterwards, silver collapsed and he lost all his money. He decided to ‘borrow’ some money from his company’s safe, and use it to win back what he had lost. He knew that he would have to return the money he had taken before the company’s accounts were checked on Friday afternoon. On Wednesday evening he took the money to the Casino and lost it all. on Thursday, in desperation, he asked his bank manager for a loan, but the bank manager refused. So when the accounts were checked on Friday, the loss was noticed, and James was arrested for embezzlement. He is now awaiting trial … 1. James regrets not finding out about the stock market before investing his savings. What other things does he regret doingnot doing? 2. James: “I wish I’d known more about the stock market. If I’d known more about the stock market, I would never have invested my savings in silver.” What else might he say? 4 Situational practice Copy CEL p 30

1.4. Discussions

1. Read the following wishes and select five things you would wish for most. What you wish for will turn out to be as what you wanted. Discuss your decisions in small groups. 1. to deeply love a person who deeply loves me. 2. for there to be peace on earth, and no more war. 3. to have the talent and ability to succeed at anything I choose. 4. to be recognized as the best at something. 5. for there to be a clean environment, free from pollution. 6. to be able to travel in time. 7. to be very attractive and youthful all my life. 8. to understand the meaning of life. 9. to be able to read people’s minds. 10. to be able to be invisible. 11. to live as long as I want. 12. to have a lot of children. 13. to be able to take revenge on my enemies. 14. to be able to change appearance, age, sex and race whenever I want. 15. to be reincarnated with all my memories. 5 2. Discuss the following questions with a partner and then tell your answersopinionsexperiences to the class. Regrets I have a few, but then again too few to mention 1. If your life were on a videotape and you could go back and edit parts cut, what parts would you change? 2. Is there anyone’s advice that you regret having or not having taken? 3. Is there anyone who you wish you had never met? Which person from your past would you most like to see again? 4. Yeats, an Irish poet, wrote: One looks back to one’s youth as to a cup that a madman, dying of thirst, left half-tasted. Will this be the case when you are old i.e. that you will feel that you didn’t take all the opportunities that you should have done? Are you satisfied with your life? do you feel you have and need to have a purpose? Do you set yourself goals? Do you think you make good use of your time? 6 Unit 2: Entertainment’s Corner Expressing Likes and Dislikes

2.1. Language Notes