The strategies in reviewing book entitled manusia dan bahasa in Balai Bahasa Bandung : job training report

  Indonesia University of Computer

  f. Phone : 089654326728

  SMA Negeri I Rancaekek 4 2008

  SMP Negeri I Rancaekek 3 2005

  SD Negeri VII Rancaekek 2 2002

  1 1996

   Educational background a. Formal education

No Year Institution

  g. Email : 2.

  e. Religion : Moslem


  d. Sex : Female

  May 1989


  c. Place and date of birth : Rancaekek, 1

  b. Address : Rancaekek Kulon RT/RW 01/06 No.56 Desa Rancaekek Kulon Kec. Rancaekek Kab. Bandung 40394

  a. Name : Susilawati

   Student`s profile

  • – 2002
  • – 2005
  • – 2008
  • – present

b. Informal education


No Year Name of Education Certification

  Mentoring of English Conversation 1 2008 Certified

  Club in English Departement English Leadership Internal Training 2 2009

  Certified of Education (ELITE) 3 2009 Copywriting as a Creative Thinking Certified


Upaya Meningkatkan Motivasi

Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris untuk

  4 2010 Certified

  Berprestasi dan Mengapresiasikan Proses Perkuliahan

Menjadi Seorang Konseptor yang

  5 2010 Certified

  baik dalam Berorganisasi

  Copywriting and Consumer Behavior 6 2010 Certified

  Seminar 7 2010 Translating & Interpreting Workshop Certified 8 2011 Copywriting Linguistics on Media Certified

  Feminist, Feminine and Text 9 2011 Certified

  Seminar Building Confidence in Delivering 10 2011

  Certified Public Speech The Seminar and Workshop of 11 2011

  Certified Semiotics in Literature and Media 12 2011 Diskusi Ilmiah Bahasa dan Budaya Certified

  13 2011 Certified

  Kuliah Umum “Strategi Politik Luar

  Negeri Indonesia” Talksho w “Kreatif Menulis, Rejeki

  14 2012 Certified

  Tak Akan Habis”

  15 2012 Fun with Office 2010 Certified c.


  Here are the competencies that the writer has: 1.

  Spoken English, 2. Operating computer, especially. Ms office 3. Basketball d.

   Organizational and work experiences No Year Organization

  1 2002 Member of PRAMUKA SMP

  • – 2004

  Negeri I Rancaekek 2 2004 Member of PMR SMP Negeri I

  • – 2005

  Rancaekek 3 2005 Member of Basketball SMA Negeri I

  • – 2008

  Rancaekek 4 2008 Member of HIMA of English

  • – 2009

  Department UNIKOM 5 2012 Balai Bahasa Bandung


  Susilawati 63708013




  First of all the present writer would like to express the highest praise and thankfulness to Allah S.W.T because of His blessing, the present writer can write and finish the job training report.

  In arranging the job training report, a lot of people have helped the present writer. Therefore in this valuable chance, the present writer wants to express the appreciation for the completing of this job training report to the following: 1.

  The Dean of Faculty of Letters, Prof. Dr. H. Moh. Tadjudin, MA, for giving approval to conduct the Job Training;

  2. The Head of English Departement Dr. Juanda; 3.

  The writer’s advisor, Retno Purwani Sari, S.S., M.Hum., thank you for your guidance and valuable advices to accomplish the job training report. You are the best lecture, friend, and advisor, I do love you mam; 4. The Coordinator of Job Training, Asih Prihandini, S.S., M.Hum., thank you for your support;

  5. All English Department lecturers, staffs and students, thank you so much; 6.

  All Balai Bahasa Bandung staffs who gave the opportunity to the present writer to conduct job training there. Especially Ummi Kulsum S.S as the present writer’s tutor who always led during the job training; 7. My beloved parents, thank you for the endless love, pray and support given to me throughout my life, love you so much;

  8. My beloved friends Rina and Achi, thank you for giving support, making a joke and

  coloring up my life; and 9.

  All my friends Lanita, Qiong, Kames, Bang Andre, A Galih, A Iqbal, A Willy, Yuan, Ilma, Rian, Ronny, Bayu, Hendrik, Arif, Diki, Mas, Endo, Siti, Resti, thank you for encouraging me to not give up.

  The present writer expects that this job training report will be useful for us. This report is not excellent so the critics and advices are really pleased.

  Bandung, December 2012 The present writer









  1 Background to the Topic


  2 Scope


  2 Objectives


  2 Significant to Knowledge


  2 The Framework of the Theory


  3 Research Method


  3 Place and Time




  2.1 Description of Balai Bahasa Bandung


  2.2 The Objectives of Balai Bahasa Bandung


  2.3 The Services of Balai Bahasa Bandung


  2.4 Job Position and Coordination


  2.3.1 Job Position


  2.3.2 Job Coordination


  2.5 The Organization Structure of Balai Bahasa Bandung 8


  3.1 Introduction


  3.2 The Application of The Strategies


  3.2.1 Reading


  3.2.2 Writing

  13 viii


  4.1 Conclusion


  4.2 Suggestions








  Bazerman, Wiener, 1977, Reading Skill Handbook, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Sudyarto, Sides. 2009. Manusia dan Bahasa. Jakarta: RayaKultura. Hogue, Ann., 1995, First Steps in Academic Writing, Wesley

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background In every case, strategies are important. By using strategies, our goal not

  only can be resolved easily and quickly but also can be arranged. Same as in making a book review, strategies are also necessary. Those strategies will be beneficial for the reviewer i.e. (1) the reviewer can complete their review easily because their goal have been arranged before, (2) the reviewer also only take a short time to complete their review.

  In conducting the job training, the present writer conducts her job training in Balai Bahasa Bandung as a reviewer. In reviewing a book the present writer used reading and writing strategies. It is not easy being reviewer. The present writer faces some issues during reviewing.

  According to that case, the present writer entitled this job training report “The Strategies in Reviewing Book entitled “Manusia dan Bahasa” in Balai Bahasa Bandung

  ”. This report aims to give an explanation about the strategies and issues that will help the readers when review a book.

  1.2. Scope 1.

  What are the strategies in reviewing book in Balai Bahasa Bandung? 2. What issues arise in reviewing book in Balai Bahasa Bandung? 1.3.

  Objectives 1.

  To describe the strategies that the writer used in reviewing book in Balai Bahasa Bandung; and 2. To identify the issues that arise during reviewing book in Balai Bahasa Bandung.

  1.4. Significant to Knowledge

  The present writer expects that this report will give significant benefit in the form of information and experiences, especially for English Department students who manage themselves to increase their knowledge in facing some issues in reviewing book.

  1.5. The Framework of The Theory

  Reviewing a book is a form of journalistic writing. The word of „review’ comes from Latin, revidere or recensere, it means observe, weight or evaluate.

  Typically, book reviews are brief. In newspapers and academic journals, they rarely exceed 1000 words.

  There are two obvious purposes of reviewing book: (1) to give an opinion about the book, and (2) to give others help on deciding whether the book has a good quality or not.

  There are two strategies that the present writer uses in reviewing a book: reading and writing strategies. In reading strategy, the present writer uses skimming skill to read the book. Wiener Bazerman (1977) mentioned that Rapid


reading for fact is called skimming. In writing strategy, based on the present

  writer„s experiences, the present writer compile the data of the book and then conclude it by using an appropriate words.

  1.6. Research Method The present writer uses the analytic descriptive method in this report.

  According to Whitney (1960), “Analytic descriptive method is fact-finding with


the proper interpretation. In that method, the present writer could compare the

data and the case. Determining and a nalyzing are also used in this method”.

  The data taken from Manusia dan Bahasa by Sides Suryanto DS in Balai Bahasa Bandung where the writer conduct job training.

  1.7. Place and Time

  The present writer conducted the job training in Balai Bahasa Bandung located at Jl. Sumbawa No.11, Bandung. The writer worked in the office for about a month, started on 9 July until 9 August 2012. The present writer started working from 8 am to 3 pm from Monday to Friday.


2.1 Description of Balai Bahasa Bandung


  The 36 article of UUD 1945 states that bahasa resmi negara adalah


bahasa Indonesia. Based on that article, in 1948 the Government of Republic of

  Indonesia found the institution, namely Pusat Bahasa, in order to protect, construct and develop the Indonesian and indigenous language. The position of


Pusat Bahasa is under the Department of Education. The responsibility of Pusat

Bahasa is to develop and maintain the language and literature both of Indonesia

  and indigenous.

  Pusat Bahasa has 22 branches in Indonesia such as Balai Bahasa Aceh,

Balai Bahasa Medan, Balai Bahasa Padang, Balai Bahasa Pekanbaru, Kantor

Bahasa Jambi, Balai Bahasa Palembang, Kantor Bahasa Lampung, Balai Bahasa

Semarang, Balai Bahasa Surabaya, Balai Bahasa Yogyakarta, Balai Bahasa Bali,

Balai Bahasa Papua, Balai Bahasa Makassar, Balai Bahasa Provinsi Kalimantan

Barat, Kantor Bahasa Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, Balai Bahasa Banjarmasin,

Balai Bahasa Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, Balai Bahasa Provinsi Sulawesi

Tengah, Balai Bahasa Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, Kantor Bahasa Nusa Tenggara

Barat, Kantor Bahasa Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara and Balai Bahasa Bandung

where the writer conducted the job training.

  This institution was officially established in September 1999 and located at the Sumbawa No. 11, Bandung. The primary task of Balai Bahasa Bandung is to develop, to increase, and to protect the language and literature both of Indonesia and indigenous language in West Java.

  2.2. The Objectives of Balai Bahasa Bandung

  The objectives of Balai Bahasa Bandung can be described:

  1. To improve the quality of linguistics and literature;

  2. To increase the positive attitude towards linguistics and literature;

  3. To develop the materials of linguistics and literature;

  4. To develop the manpower in linguistics and literature field; and 5. To improve the cooperation.

  2.3. The Services of Balai Bahasa Bandung

  Balai Bahasa Bandung services includes, as follow: 1. Receiving questions relating to the issues of linguistics and literature of

  Indonesia and the indigenous; 2. Consultation services: individual or group, either through face-to-face, mail, fax, phone regarding to arrange papers, reports, thesis and the language used in formal letters; 3. Provide the manpower to edit manuscripts, documents or other materials published in Indonesian or indigenous language;

  4. Provide the manpower in counseling regarding to linguistics and literature of Indonesia and the indigenous language; 5. Provide the manpower to be judge at the competitions related to linguistics and literature, commonly in writing competition;

  6. Provide a library for the community, especially those interested in the problems of linguistics and literature;

  7. Provide the Proficiency Test (Uji Kemahiran Bahasa Indonesia /UKBI) for students, teachers, and community;

  8. Provide the expert in language (linguist) as the leader for manufacturing the legislation, court proceedings, police investigations, etc.

2.4. Job Position and Coordination

  2.4.1. Job Position

  In Balai Bahasa Bandung, the present writer was assigned as the technical staff of linguistics. The jobs that were given to the present writer including: translating, making a script, and reviewing a book.

  2.4.2 Coordination

  During job training process, the present writer coordinated with some staffs:

  1. Drs. Muh. Abdul Khak, M.Hum

  a. Job Position : The Head of Balai Bahasa Bandung

  b. Job Authorities : Allowing the present writer to conduct the Job Training

  c. Job Responsibilities : Monitoring the program in Balai Bahasa Bandung

  2. Ummi Kulsum. S.S

  a. Job Position : Training Coordinator

  b. Job Authorities : Giving the job and grade to the present writer

  Monitoring the present writer during did the job

  c. Job responsibilities :


  3. Anne Erlyane

  a. Job Position : The Head of Administration

  b. Job Authorities : Receiving the present writer to conduct the Job Training

  c. Job responsibilities : Managing the overall daily office operations

2.5. The Organization Structure of Balai Bahasa Bandung



3.1. Introduction

  For about a month, the present writer conducted job training in Balai Bahasa Bandung as a reviewer. The present writer is interested in discuss a book review since the writer knows that it is very important in the educational field.

  However, it is not easy in making a book review. To solve it, strategies are necessary. There are two strategies that the present writer used in reviewing a book: reading and writing.

  Reading becomes the first strategy in reviewing a book, because before reviewing we must understand first the whole contents of the book. This strategy will help the reviewer easier in handle the next process; that is writing process. While reading the writer has to mark the parts that will be quoted as the data: the important and interesting data based on the reviewer opinion.

  In reading, the present writer used skimming method. Wiener Bazerman in his book which entitled Reading Skill Handbook said , “Rapid reading for fact is


called skimming. When skiming a paragraph or a page, you are searching quickly

  among sentences for the answer to some questions you have.

  ” Bazerman (1977) added that there are some steps in skimming.

  There are: 1.

  Make sure that you know what information you are looking for. Ask yourself a question;

  2. Move your eyes quickly from line to line and from sentence to sentence; 3.

  When you think you have found what you are looking for, stop; 4. Read slowly the part of the line or sentence that tells you what you want to know;

  5. Think about the question you are trying to answer; 6.

  Does the information you have found answer the question? If not, quickly read passage again to look for the information you need; In applying what Bazerman saying, there is an additional treatment when indigenous and foreign languages are involved in that review. It is realized that the involvement of indigenous and foreign languages may decrease the reading speed. However, there is no choice left. The present writer should figure out the meaning of that words before continuing reading.

  Another strategy in reviewing a book is writing. Here are some strategies in writing based on the present writer’s experiences:

  1. Before beginning writing, make a few notes about the points that you think essential or interesting;

  2. Find the strengths and weakness of the book. Make sure that the review is fair in determining the strengths and weakness of the book;

  3. Include a statement of what the author has tried to do; 4.

  When hard to begin writing, find a good place to get a concentration and try to focus; and

  5. Choose a proper word and write a good sentence as attractive as possible so that the reader interested in reading our review.

3.2. The Application of The Strategies 3.2.1. Reading

  In reading, time is being the main problem. A lot of times are needed to read and understand the whole content of the book. In addition, the data below, Data 1, strongly inhibits the reading process because of the involvement of indigenous language, Bahasa Jawa. The present writer needed so much time to understand it, because it is required to be translated into Indonesia before into English. The writer used a lot of references, such as English dictionary, Indonesian dictionary, online dictionary to find out the proper meaning, and asking the native, especially the native of Jawa who is able to speak Javanese.

  Data 1 Yen wis tinitah wong agung Aja sira ganggung diri Aja leket lan wong ala Kang ala lakunireki Nora wurug ajak-ajak Satemah anunulari (Sudyarto, 2009:31)

  The table below is the analysis of the data 1

  Jawa Bahasa English Yen wis tinitah wong agung


Jika sudah jadi orang


  If you have been a great man

  Aja sira ganggung diri Jangan membesar- besarkan diri

  Do not exaggerate yourself

  Aja leket lan wong ala Jangan dekat dengan orang jahat

  Do not close to the wicked man

  Kang ala lakunireki Yang jahat kelakuannya The wicked


  Nora wurug ajak- ajak

Tidak urung ia mengajak


  he invited you misbehave

  Satemah anunulari Pasti menular kejahatannya

  Definitely the wickedness will infect

   Data 2 “Gejala hidup, selain lahir dan tumbuh adalah juga berkembang. Bahasa kita juga terus berkembang, ada ujaran yang mengatakan “Ars longa vita brevis” (Sudyarto, 2009:42)

  “Ars longa vita brevis” is Latin utterance. The present writer needed an

  extra time to understand the meaning of the utterance. To find the proper meaning the present writer translated it first into English then to Bahasa by using the online dictionary.

  The table below is the analysis of the data 2


Latin English Bahasa

Ars longa vita brevis

  Life is temporal, but language is everlasting Hidup itu fana, tapi bahasa itu abadi

3.2.2. Writing

  Same as the reading process, the present writer also dealt with some problems in writing process. The present writer found difficulty in choosing a proper word to make the review more interesting to be read. To solve that problem, the present writer managed to read again the book and marked the parts which were considered to be important. Then, found a good place to get a concentration, finally managed to focus and began writing.

  Data 3 “Lihatlah aliran air itu, siapa yang membuat air mengalir? Air selalu

mengalir dari tempat yang lebih tinggi ke tempat yang lebih rendah,

  ”ujar Sang Bengawan mengawali pembicaran, sambil terus melangkah diiringi kedua cantriknya di kiri dan kananya.

   “Bukankah kita harus meneruskan bicara soal bahasa, Guru?” ujar Tanana. “Betul. Maksudku, bahasa juga mengalir seperti air sungai. Bahasa turun dari nenek moyang sampai kepada kita. Akan menurun lagi ke generasi setelah kita.

  “Apakah bahasa itu tetap bahasa, tanpa perubahan, Guru? Tanya Tanpraka” “Bahasa mengalir seperti air sungai, bertumbuh, seperti pohon hayat.” “Apakah bahasa bisa tercampur bahasa lain Mahaguru” tanya Tanpakra. “Tiap masyarakat bergaul dengan masyarakat lain. Bahasa pun bergaul dengan bahasa lain. Sanskrit menyebar ke dalam bahasa Jawa, Bali, Batak, Aceh, Nias, Bugis, Dayak dan sebagainya. “Bahasa sanskirt unggul benar sehingga begitu luas pengaruhnya? Tanya Tanana. “Bahasa Inggris unggul karena orang Inggris menguasai gelombang di seluruh samudra. Sanskirt unggul karena kekuatan agama yang dibawa agama itu. Bahasa Sanskirt adalah bahasa kitab suci. Bahasa latin, bahasa Arab juga mendapatkan kekuatan dari agama yang disampaikannya.” “Apakah bahasa latin bisa dikatakan mati, Sang Bengawan?” tanya Tanpakra. “Bahasa dikatakan hidup, ketika masih digunakan penuturnya. Tetapi bahasa Latin karena kekuatan agama dan ilmu tidak kunjung mati. Kecuali seluruh manusia sudah mati.”(Sudyarto, 2009:16)

  The data above is a part of the conversation between the Master and his follower. Since it is noticed that a book review should be brief, the present writer concludes the conversation as follow in the review:

  “Percakapan-percakapan yang terjadi dalam cerita sangat mudah dipahami. Tidak hanya di pahami oleh kaum intelek tetapi oleh semua lapisan orang. Dikatakan dalam buku tersebut bahwa bahasa itu turun temurun dan bergaul dengan bahasa lain supaya bahasa itu tetap hidup.


  4.1. Conclusion

  Reviewing a book becomes one of the important things for us. It is not only for the educational field but also for other fields, such as entertainment, advertising, etc. In fact, making a book review is not easy to do, because of that we need some strategies to be applied. Based on the experience, the present writer divides the strategies in reviewing book into two main points: reading and writing strategy.

  Various benefits can be gained from reviewing a book. Such as, the present writer can improve the skimming skill, the knowledge about book review, and gain some new vocabularies.

  4.2. Suggestion

. After finishing the research, the present writer have some suggestions for the

  students who will take the research of book review. The students are suggested to use another method to review the book to gain comprehensive review. As a matter of fact, there is more interesting material for a review; that is to review a movie. Not only the reading and writing strategy the student can use the listening strategy.