A Thesis

Submitted to English Applied Linguistics Study Program
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Magister Humaniora


Registration Number :8146111015


S, Dharma Yunita. 2016. Equivalence Strategies in The Translation of English
Slangs into bahasa Indonesia. English Applied Linguistic Study Program.

Postgraduate School. State University of Medan. 2016.
Key Words: equivalence strategies, translation, slang.
There are some problems of equivalence of word and phrase which are faced
by translators who are doing translation. Experts in translation have proposed
some strategies dealing with problems of equivalence at word level and above
word level by Mona Baker are used in the translation. The purpose of the study is
to describe the strategies used by the translator at word level and above word level
as well as to find out the dominant strategies used in the translation of a novel by
Agatha Christi entitled The ABC Murders. The base of the theory used is the
theory of Mona Baker (1992) on equivalence strategy in the translation of two
different levels which are at the word level and above word level. The method
which is used in this study is a library research. In analyzing the data the
researcher used a qualitative method. Then to find the dominant strategies both at
word level and above word level, formula is used Malo. The results of the study
shown that there is one strategy suggested by Mona Baker which is not applied in
the translation, that is translation by cultural sustitution at word level. The
translator also used another strategy: translation by addition. Translation by a
more general word is the dominant strategy used by translators (48.31%). The
reason why translation by a more general word more dominant is the translator
given semantic field to find a more general word that covers the core

propositional meaning of the missing hyponym in the target language. This is one
of the commonest strategies with many types of non-equivalence. While in
translating phrases into the target language, the translator used translation by
similar meaning and form as the most dominant (55%). This strategy is used when
the translator finds no difficulties in finding the equivalence and serving the
acceptable and natural translation by translating the original text word by word
without any changes both in meaning and form. It means the translator still try to
maintain the form and the meaning of the terms from Source Language into
Target Language.


S, Dharma Yunita. 2016. Strategi Kesetaraan di dalam Penerjemahan bahasa
slang Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan
Bahasa Inggris. Sekolah Pascasarjana Unimed Medan. 2016.
Key Words: strategi kesetaraan, terjemahan, slang.
Ada beberapa masalah kesetaraan di tingkat kata dan frasa yang dihadapi
oleh penerjemah. Para peneliti telah mengusulkan beberapa strategi untuk
menangani masalah kesetaraan di tingkat kata dan tingkat frasa oleh Mona Baker

dalam terjemahan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan
strategi yang digunakan oleh penerjemah di tingkat kata dan frasa serta untuk
mengetahui strategi yang paling dominan digunakan dalam terjemahan dari novel
karya Agatha Christie berjudul The ABC Murders. Landasan teori yang
digunakan adalah teori Mona Baker (1992). Metode yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini adalah metode kepustakaan. Dalam menganalisis data penulis
menggunakan metode kualitatif. Kemudian untuk mencari strategi yang paling
sering digunakan baik dalam tingkat kata ataupun frasa dalam novel ini
digunakanlah formula Malo. Hasil yg didapat dari analisis menunjukkan ada
strategi oleh Baker yang tidak digunakan dalam terjemahan slang, menerjemahkan
dengan kata yang berhubungan dengan kebudayaan. Penerjemah juga
menggunakan strategi lain: terjemahan dengan penambahan. Menerjemahkan kata
yang lebih umum merupakan strategi yang paling dominan digunakan oleh
penerjemah (48,31%). Alasan mengapa terjemahan oleh kata yang lebih umum
lebih dominan adalah penerjemah memberikan bidang semantik untuk
menemukan kata yang lebih umum yang mencakup makna proposisional inti dan
hyponym hilang dalam bahasa target. Ini adalah salah satu strategi yang paling
umum dengan banyak jenis non-kesetaraan. Sedangkan dalam menerjemahkan
frasa slang ke bahasa sasaran, penerjemah dominan menerjemahkan dengan frasa
yang memiliki makna dan bentuk yang sama (55%). Strategi ini digunakan ketika

penerjemah tidak menemukan kesulitan dalam menemukan kesetaraan terjemahan
dapat diterima dan alami dengan menerjemahkan kata teks asli tanpa perubahan
baik dalam arti dan bentuk. Artinya penerjemah masih mencoba untuk
mempertahankan bentuk dan makna dari istilah dari sumber bahasa ke bahasa


Praises be to Allah SWT for His Great Blessing, Health and Luck that
have been continuously poured to the writer in the process of completing her
studies and this piece of academic writing. Praises are also addressed to our
Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us to the better life of today. In the
process of completing this thesis, the writer has to confess her profound
thankfulness for the generous guidance and assistance which has been rendered to
her by many people. It would be impossible to list all names but on this very
special opportunity the writer would like to express her gratitude to the following
First of all, the writer deepest appreciation and gratitude is dedicated to Dr.

Syahron Lubis, M.A., her first adviser for the guidance, comments, criticisms,
encouragement, suggestions and special notes for the improvement of the thesis
from the very beginning up to the end of this thesis.
Next, her deepest appreciation is addressed to Dr. Zainuddin, M.Hum., her
second adviser for his available time spent for consultation, comment, notes for
improvement of the thesis, and full support in shaping this thesis.
She would like to take this special occasion to express her gratitude to Dr.
Rahmad Husein, M.Ed. and Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum. as the Head and
Secretary of the English Applied Linguistics Study Program for their
administrative assistance and administrative requirements during the process of
conducting this study and completing this thesis.


She would like to express her thanks to all lecturers who have given the
valuable knowledge and the excellent performance in delivering the lectures
during her study at the English Applied Linguistics Study.
Thanks also to her reviewers and examiners, Prof. Amrin Saragih,
M.A.,Ph.D., Prof. Dr.Sri MindaMurni, M.S., and Dr. Rahmad Husein, M. Ed for
their valuable inputs to be included in this thesis.

The writer endless gratitude should also go to her beloved parents, Syahrir
Siregar, and Kasamria L. Tobing, S.Pd., together with her lovely brother andsister,
thanks for the best thing that you have given for me: your encouragement, your
patience, your struggel and also your love, her lovely someone, who have
patiently given moral and support their never ending love and pray.She also
would like to express her thankfulness for her friends in class A3 LTBI for the
support and help to finish this thesis and all people who gave me help, spirit,
support, and love that I can not mentionone by one

Medan, Juni 2016
The writer,

Dharma Yunita Siregar
Registration number: 8146111015



ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................


ABSTRAK .........................................................................................................


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................................................. iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................


LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................ viii
LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................... ix
LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION......................................................................


1.1. Background of the Study........................................................................


1.2. The Problems of the Study .....................................................................


1.3. The Objectives of the Study ...................................................................


1.4. The Scope of the Study ..........................................................................


1.5. The Significance of the Study ................................................................


CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................. 11
2.1. Translation ............................................................................................ 11
2.2. Translation as Product and Process ....................................................... 12
2.3. Types of Translation ............................................................................. 14
2.4. Method of Translation........................................................................... 16
2.5. Equivalence ........................................................................................... 18
2.6. Kinds of Equivalence ............................................................................ ..20
2.7. Equivalence Translation Strategies ....................................................... 26
2.7.1. Equivalence Translation Strategies at Word Level ........................ 26
2.7.2. Equivalence Translation Strategies at Above Word Level ............. 31
2.8. Slang ..................................................................................................... 33
2.8.1. Slang Form ..................................................................................... 34
2.8.2. The Charateristics of Slang .............................................................. 36
2.9. The Translation of Short Story/Novel ................................................... 37
2.10. Previous Relevant Study .................................................................... 37
2.11. Conceptual Framework ...................................................................... 41
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ......................................................... 43


3.1. Research Design .................................................................................... 43
3.2. The Data and Data Source .................................................................... 44
3.3. Data Collection ..................................................................................... 44
3.4. Technique of Data Collection ............................................................... 44
3.5. Data Analysis ........................................................................................ 45
3.6. Trustworthiness of the Study ................................................................ 46
3.6.1. Credibility .................................................................................... 47
3.6.2. Transferability .............................................................................. 47
3.6.3. Dependability ............................................................................... 47
3.6.4. Confirmability .............................................................................. 47
4.1 Data Analysis .......................................................................................... 49
4.1.1 The Strategies used in Translating the Slang Word into bahasa
Indonesia ......................................................................................... 57 Translation by a more general word ....................................... 57 Translation by a more neutral/less expressive ....................... 58 Translation by cultural substitution ....................................... 59 Translation by using loan word or loan word plus

explanation..............................................................................59 Translation by paraphrase using a related word ......................60 Translation by paraphrase using unrelated word .....................60 Translation by omission......................................................... 61
4.1.2 The Strategies used in translating the slang phrase into bahasa
Indonesia......................................................................................... 62 Translation by similar meaning and form ...............................62 Translation by similar meaning but dissimilar form ...............62 Translation by paraphrase ..................................................... 63 Translation by omission......................................................... 64 Translation by addition .......................................................... 65
4.1.3 The most dominant strategy and the least used in translating english
slang into bahasa Indonesia............................................................. 65
4.2 Research Findings ................................................................................... 67


4.3 Discussions.............................................................................................. 68
CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS................................ 71
5.1 Conclusions ............................................................................................. 71
5.2 Suggestions ............................................................................................ 72
REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 74
APPENDIXES .................................................................................................. 76


Table 1.1 Data Identification-Translation Strategy Percentage of Slang at Word
Form ................................................................................................... 54
Table 1.2 Data Identification-Translation Strategy Percentage of Slang at Phrase
Form ................................................................................................... 54


Figure 1. Stage System of Translation by Munday ................................................................13
Figure 2. Chart of Strategies at Word Level ..........................................................................55
Figure 3. Chart of Strategies at Above Word Level................................................................56


Appendix 1 Data Classification.............................................................................76
Appendix 2 Types of Equivalence Strategies ...... ................................................90




5.1. Conclusion
1. Based on the data analysis, research findings and discussion, there were
six types of strategies used at word level in translating the slang word
into bahasa Indonesia. They were (1) Translation by a more general word
(2) Translation by a more neutral/less expressive (3) Translation by a
loan word or loan word plus explanation (4) Translation by paraphrase
using a related word (5) Translation by paraphrase using unrelated word
(6) Translation by omission.
2. To answer the second question of the research problem, based on the
analysis the researcher found all the strategies used at above word level
in this analysis based on the theory of Baker, they are (1) Translation by
similar meaning and form (2) Translation by similar meaning but
dissimilar form (3) Translation by paraphrase

(4) Translation by

omission(5) Translation by addition.There was strategies not in line with
the theory of Baker (1992) namely translation by addition at above word
3. The last question of the research problem, the dominant strategies used in
the translation of English slangs into bahasa Indonesia. Totally, there are
89 words and 20 phrases of slang that were translated by using two kinds
of different equivalence strategies based on the lingusitic level form by
Baker (1992). They are: 1) equivalence translation strategies at word


level (for slang in word form), The researcher found slang words was
translated dominantly by using a more general word at word level with
43 cases (48.31%) where when the target language does not have specific
term that is the same as source language,a translator can use a more
general word in the target language that has the core propositional
meaning of a specific word in the source text and 2) equivalence
translation strategies at above word level (for slang in phrase form) with
slang phrases was dominantly translated by using similar meaning and
form since it has 11 cases (55%) in the translation. Because it’s a kind of
matching idiom from the target language with idiom from the source
language so that the translator can apply this strategy to make the
meaning is clear. Translation by addition as the finding of this study.
Finally, the researcher concluded that Luci Dokubani as the translator of
The ABC Murders was translated slang words by using general words
and slang phrases with similar meaning and form.

5.2. Suggestions
Slang is an interesting term to translate. Beside it has different meaning in
its words, slang is one of the language phenomenon that we usually find in our
daily activities. Understanding slang is not as easy as it seems because some

slang meanings cannot be discovered in dictionaries.For that reason, studies
that focus on slang translation are urgently needed.Therefore this study
could be developed into different aims such as analyzing the slang


translation from the method or another translation procedures that were
offered by several translation linguists.There are other methods or
procedures of translation which can be analyzed from the data or another
data of slang. Observing other slang in other text is also suggested. For
instance, observing the slang occurred in comics and movies. This research
also has possibility to be analyzed through the ideology of a translator in
doing slang translation.
The function of translation is to bridge two different languages, so it is
very important for the translator to serve the most communicative
translation that is understandable for the readers. Based on the importance, it
would be better for translators to translate the original text as natural as

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