Analysis Result and Hypothesis Testing


C. Discussion

Although both approaches were considered effective to be applied, the average gain score of Inductive Approach group 20.25 was signicantly higher than the average gain score of Deductive Approach group 19.47. Therefore, the hypothesis indicated that teaching grammar using Inductive Approach was more effective than using Deductive Approach. Therefore, the inductive approach was more effective to teach simple present tense for the sixth graders of Aisyiyah Full Day Elementary School. Deductive approach is still being used as the approach in teaching grammar. However, the result of this research proved that the inductive approach was more effective to teach grammar, especially to teach younger students. Nunan 2005 suggests some vital principles for teaching grammar for beginning learners. First, it is the manageable learning load that simplifies the grammar for the beginning learners. Secondly, emphasizing inductive over deductive teaching because of the lack of linguistic ability to comprehend grammatical explanation at the beginning stages. Ellis 2002 also states that grammar teaching should not be directed at beginners. It is also shown that teaching grammar to young learners inductively is better than teaching grammar to young learners deductively. Shaffer 1989, Herron Tomasello 1992, and Khan 2007 also showed that inductive approach gave more significant result or was more effective to teach grammar for young learners in their researches. Shaffer 1989 observed the implementation of both deductive approach and inductive approach toward students from Princeton. Based on the result, Shaffer concluded that when 48 inductive approach was used to teach simple grammar material, it would influence students’ understanding about grammar effectively. In this research, the researcher taught simple present tense toward the sixth graders of Aisyiyah Full day Elementary School. Simple present tense was considered as a simple grammar material because it was the first material that the students learned from the English class. The research’s result also showed that the inductive approach was more effective. Herron and Tomasello 1992 stated that the effect in inductive approach was particularly strong in the immediate written test where the target structures were learned better in the inductive approach condition. In this researcher, the researcher used pre-test and post-test which were written tests. The result of this research also showed the same result as Herron Tomasello’s research. The students of inductive approach group were more motivated than the students of deductive approach group. It was showed from the students’ reaction toward the teaching and learning activities. The students of inductive approach group were more active during the lessons. They actively answered the quizzes and games. They also paid attention to the teaching and learning activities. Inductive approach can make the students to learn more actively, rather than directly give the grammar rule to the students Widodo, 2006. The researcher provided many teaching and learning activities for the students of inductive approach group. The activities were like games and discussion. Instead of presenting the rules and principles directly, it helps the learners to discover the rules by themselves Butler-Tanaka, 1998. Faw 1980 49 stated that when young students learn what they are curious about, they go faster, cover more territory than we would everything of. It also happened in the inductive approach group. The student were curious about the materials. They discussed the materials and found the rule. Therefore, the students of inductive group had better understanding toward simple present tense. They also had higher gain score than the students of deductive approach group. 49


This study was intended to answer the research problem stated in chapter 1. The problem was whether the Inductive Approach is more effective to teach simple present tense to the sixth graders of Aisyiyah Full Day Elementary School. After calculating the score, the researcher found out that the inductive approach was more effective to teach simple present tense for the sixth graders of Aisyiyah Full Day Elementary School than the deductive approach.

A. Conclusion

Based on the research finding and the data gathered, the researcher concluded that inductive approach was more effective than the deductive approach to teach simple present tense for the sixth graders of Aisyiyah Full Day Elementary School. It was indicated by the fact that the average gain score of the Inductive Approach group was higher than the Deductive Approach group. The result was also significant. It could be seen from the result of calculated t-value on Chapter 4. The researcher also concluded that the inductive approach motivated the sixth graders of Aisyiyah Full Day Elementary School to learn simple present tense. It was indicated by the students’ active participation toward teaching- learning activities. They asked and answered some questions about simple present tense. They also participated in the games actively. 49 50

B. Suggestions

The result of the experiment showed that the Inductive Approach group had a higher average gain score rather that the Deductive Approach group. It showed that the Inductive Approach was effective. English teachers need to take this approach into consideration to support their teaching learning process. Based on the conclusions and the research’s results, the researcher gave 2 suggestions to the English teachers and other researchers on the same topic. First, the teachers should consider some factors like type of students and the grammar materials to implement inductive approach or deductive approach to teach grammar to young learners. However, the implementation of Inductive Approach as a better approach to teach simple present tense needs a control from the teachers due to the weaknesses of this approach. The basic weakness was the concepts given implicitly may lead the learners to have the wrong concepts of the rule taught. Therefore, the teacher needs to have good control of the class when implementing Inductive Approach. Second, for other researcher who would like to do the same research, it is necessary for them to apply these approaches to higher level, for example to teach simple past tense, present continues, and other tenses. Further extension to this research can be used to know to what extend these approaches can be used to teach grammar to young learners. In other words, it helps us to see how effective these approaches are to teach grammar for young learners.