Model development Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:P:Postharvest Biology and Technology:Vol20.Issue1.Aug2000:

10. The data from the packaging experiment were analysed together in one run, simultaneously using temperature, film area, p O 2 air and p CO 2 air as independent variables and r O 2 , r CO 2 , p O 2 cav and p CO 2 cav as dependent variables using the model formula- tion from Eqs. 14, 15, 8 and 9 with the temperature dependence according Arrhenius’ law Eq. 10 applied to r O 2 max , r CO 2 max , P O 2 film and P CO 2 film multi-response, multivariate, non-linear regres- sion analysis. The data on temperature depen- dence of the additional respiration measurements were analysed using the temperature dependence according to Arrhenius’ law Eq. 10. The refer- ence temperature for Arrhenius’s law was in all cases fixed at 15°C 288.15 K. The non-linear equations were applied directly, without transfor- mation to data or equations.

3. Model development

3 . 1 . Gas exchange The O 2 uptake of the packed fruit was modelled as a function of p O 2 cav applying Michaelis – Menten kinetics as introduced by Chevillotte 1973: r O 2 = r O 2 max · p O 2 cav Km O 2 + p O 2 cav 5 where r O 2 max is the maximum O 2 consumption rate mol·kg − 1 ·s − 1 unconstrained by O 2 availability, Km O 2 is the Michaelis constant for O 2 consump- tion Pa and p O 2 cav is the O 2 partial pressure Pa in the cavity of the capsicum. The CO 2 production of the fruit was modelled as described by Peppelenbos et al. 1996, taking into account CO 2 coming from both oxidative and fermentative processes: r CO 2 = RQ ox · r O 2 + r CO 2 max 1 + p O 2 cav km O 2 f 6 where RQ ox represents the respiration quotient ratio of CO 2 production to O 2 consumption for oxidative respiration, r CO 2 max is the maximum fer- mentative CO 2 production rate mol·kg − 1 ·s − 1 and Km O 2 f is the Michaelis constant for the inhibition of this fermentative CO 2 production by O 2 Pa. As the Michaelis – Menten approach is a sim- plified representation of a more complex biochem- ical and physiological process including several diffusion steps, the constants Km O 2 and Km O 2 f are in fact apparent Kms instead of pure Michaelis constants. 3 . 2 . Package conditions At steady state, the rate of O 2 diffusion through the packing film equals the rate of O 2 diffusion into the fruit, which equals the rate of O 2 con- sumption due to respiration, resulting in: r O 2 max · p O 2 cav Km O 2 + p O 2 cav · M = P O 2 film · A film D X film · p O 2 atm − p O 2 pkg = P O 2 fruit · A fruit · p O 2 pkg − p O 2 cav 7 with P O 2 fruit the fruit permeance for O 2 mol·s − 1 ·m − 2 ·Pa − 1 and A fruit , the diffusion area m 2 . Using these relationships, p O 2 cav can be ex- pressed as a function of p O 2 atm : p O 2 cav = 1 2 · a + 1 2 a 2 + 4 · Km O 2 · p O 2 atm 8 with: a = p O 2 atm − Km O 2 − r O 2 max · M · 1 P O 2 fruit · A fruit + D X film P O 2 film · A film A comparable approach is taken to express p CO 2 cav as a function of p CO 2 atm and p CO 2 cav at steady state, resulting in: p CO 2 cav = p CO 2 atm + RQ ox · r O 2 · M + M · r CO2 max · Km O 2 f Km O 2 f + p O 2 cav · 1 P CO 2 fruit · A fruit + D X film P CO 2 film · A film 9 with P CO 2 fruit the fruit permeance for CO 2 mol·s − 1 ·m − 2 ·Pa − 1 . Equivalent approaches were applied by Dadzie et al. 1996 describing internal atmospheres of unpacked apples, Banks et al. 1993 describing internal atmospheres in waxed apples, and Cameron et al. 1995 MA packaging of mini- mally processed produce. 3 . 3 . Temperature dependence Temperature influences the system through both its effects on gas exchange and film perme- ability. In both cases the effect of temperature can be described according to Arrhenius’ law: k = k ref · e Ea R 1 T ref − 1 T 10 where the energy of activation Ea J·mol − 1 ex- presses the dependence of a given rate k exact unit depends on the rate on temperature T K. The parameter k ref exact unit depends on the rate is the rate at an arbitrarily chosen reference temperature T ref K. In accordance with Hertog et al. 1998 it was assumed that the temperature effect on respiration can be accurately described by solely applying the Arrhenius equation to the parameters r O 2 max and r CO 2 max , assuming Km O 2 and Km O 2 f being relatively temperature independent. For packaging films it is also generally accepted to express permeability as a function of tempera- ture according to Arrhenius’ law Beaudry et al., 1992; Exama et al., 1993; Cameron et al., 1994. The permeability of the fruit was considered rea- sonably temperature independent as, with cap- sicums, most of the diffusion takes place in air through gaps underneath the stem plate into the central cavity De Vries et al., 1996; personal communications N.H. Banks and J.P. Bower. 3 . 4 . Fruit-to-fruit 6ariation As all the experimental work was done on individually packed fruit, large variations were expected due to fruit-to-fruit variation in both gas exchange and fruit permeability. Mechanistic models enable discrimination between those parameters likely to vary between individual fruit and those that would be likely to be constant for all fruit. Variation in experimental data has previ- ously been handled by relating it to specific parameters in models that include cultivar, batch and individual fruit effects Hertog et al., 1997b; Tijskens et al., 1997; Hertog et al., 1999. Fruit permeance P O 2 fruit would probably vary substantially between fruit. In addition to this, the diffusion area A fruit would vary between the fruit. As these features are quite hard to measure directly, the initial measurements in air at 20°C made before packing, were used to determine the combination of these two parameters for each of the individual fruit. This was done by analogy to Eqs. 3 and 4 assuming a steady state between respiration and diffusion resulting in: P O 2 fruit · A fruit = r O 2 · M p O 2 atm − p O 2 cav 11 P CO 2 fruit · A fruit = r CO 2 · M p CO 2 cav − p CO 2 atm 12 The meaning of the parameters from Eqs. 5 and 6 describing respiration, provides useful insight into the likely sources of variation in fruit gas exchange. The Michaelis constants Km O 2 and Km O 2 f are based on enzymatic reaction rate con- stants while the maximum rates r O 2 max and r CO 2 max are also related to the amount of enzymes present Her- tog et al., 1998. Assuming that pure rate constants are intrinsic attributes of enzymes, and at the same time realising that the amount of enzyme present would vary between fruit, supports the conclusion that differences between individual capsicums would most likely result from differences in r O 2 max and r CO 2 max . The rate constants Km O 2 and Km O 2 f can be safely assumed constant for a given capsicum cultivar. Based on this reasoning, the relative respi- ration of the individual fruit rr fruit was determined relative to the mean respiration r O 2 , using the initial measurements in air at 20°C before packing as: rr fruit = r O 2 fruit r O 2 13 This relative respiration was subsequently intro- duced into the formulation of gas exchange Eqs. 5 and 6, to take into account the variation between fruit, resulting in: r O 2 = rr fruit · r O 2 max · p O 2 cav Km O 2 + p O 2 cav 14 r CO 2 = RQ ox · r O 2 + rr fruit · r CO 2 max 1 + p O 2 cav Km O 2 f 15

4. Results and discussion

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