Halaman Selesai selesai.php Halaman Koneksi koneksi.php Halaman Header header.php

23 input type=submit name=submit value=Lanjut td tr table form div div ?php include includesfooter.php; ?

12. Halaman Logout logout.php

?php include koneksi.php; To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates and open the template in the editor. session_destroy; headerLocation: index.php; ?

13. Halaman Selesai selesai.php

?php include includesheader.php ? div id=main ?php include includespublicaside.php; ? div id=section ?php echo Terimakasih telah melakukan transaksi.; echo a href=index.phpHomea; ? Universitas Sumatera Utara 24 div div ?php include includesfooter.php; ?

14. Halaman Koneksi koneksi.php

?php host = localhost; user = root; password = ; database = ta; conn = mysqli_connecthost, user, password, database; ?

15. Halaman Header header.php

?php include koneksi.php; ? html head titlewww.jerseyonline.com | Penjualan Jersey Bolatitle link rel=stylesheet href=cssstyle.css script src=jsjquery-2.2.3.jsscript -- Insert to your webpage before the head -- script src=js_sliderjquery.jsscript script src=js_slideramazingslider.jsscript Universitas Sumatera Utara 25 link rel=stylesheet type=textcss href=js_slideramazingslider-1.css script src=js_sliderinitslider- 1.jsscript -- End of head section HTML codes -- script document.readyfunction { .pendaftaran.onclick, function { pendaftaran.cssdisplay, block; overlay.cssdisplay, block; }; linkdaftar.cssbackground, ccc; linkdaftar.csscolor, black; linkdaftar.cssborder, 1px solid white; linklogin.onclick, function { login.cssdisplay, block; daftar.cssdisplay, none; linklogin.cssbackground, ccc; linklogin.csscolor, black; this.cssborder, 1px solid white; linkdaftar.cssbackground, 171717; Universitas Sumatera Utara 26 linkdaftar.csscolor, white; }; linkdaftar.onclick, function { login.cssdisplay, none; daftar.cssdisplay, block; this.cssbackground, ccc; this.csscolor, black; this.cssborder, 1px solid white; linklogin.cssbackground, 171717; linklogin.csscolor, white; }; overlay.onclick, function { pendaftaran.cssdisplay, none; overlay.cssdisplay, none; }; subdaftar.onclick, function { username = dusername.val; email = demail.val; password = dpassword.val; .ajax{ Universitas Sumatera Utara 27 method: post, url: daftar.php, data: {username: username, email: email, password: password}, success: function data { console.logdata; setIntervalfunction { load img.attrsrc, imagesloadload.gif; setTimeoutfunction { window.location.href = http:localhosttaindex.php; }, 2000; }, 2000; } }; }; sublogin.onclick, function { username = lusername.val; password = lpassword.val; .ajax{ method: post, url: login.php, data: {username: username, password: password}, success: function data { console.logdata; Universitas Sumatera Utara 28 setIntervalfunction { load img.attrsrc, imagesloadload.gif; setTimeoutfunction { window.location.href = http:localhosttaindex.php; }, 2000; }, 2000; } }; }; }; script head body div id=container div id=overlay div ?php include includespublicnav.php; ? ?php include includespublichead.php; ?

16. Halaman Footer footer.php