Halaman Pembayaran pembayaran.php Halaman Logout logout.php

19 li id=kode?php echo row[kode]; ?li ul div ?php } ? div div div class=link input type=submit name=submit value=Konfirmasi pembayaran div form div div div ?php include includesfooter.php; ?

11. Halaman Pembayaran pembayaran.php

?php include includesheader.php ? ?php if isset_POST[submit] { if isset_GET[kode] { kode = _GET[kode]; } no_rek = _POST[no-rek]; nama = _POST[nama]; Universitas Sumatera Utara 20 jenis_bank = _POST[bank]; bank = no_rek . . jenis_bank; target_dir = uploads; target_file = target_dir . basename_FILES[file][name]; uploadOk = 1; imageFileType = pathinfotarget_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION; check = getimagesize_FILES[file][tmp_name]; if check == false { uploadOk = 1; } else { uploadOk = 0; } if file_existstarget_file { uploadOk = 0; echo File tidak boleh sama.; } if _FILES[file][size] 50000000000 { uploadOk = 0; } if imageFileType = jpg imageFileType = png imageFileType = jpeg imageFileType = gif { uploadOk = 0; } if uploadOk == 0 { Universitas Sumatera Utara 21 echo Terjadi Kesalahan; } else { if move_uploaded_file_FILES[file][tmp_name], target_file { gambar = target_file; query = mysqli_queryconn, INSERT INTO pembayaran VALUESnama, bank, gambar, kode; if query { ? script alertFile telah diupload; window.location.href = selesai.php??php echo kode; ?; script ?php } else { echo Error... . mysqli_errorconn; } } } query = mysqli_queryconn, INSERT INTO pembayaran VALUES; } ? div id=main ?php include includespublicaside.php; ? div id=section Universitas Sumatera Utara 22 form action= method=post enctype=multipartform-data table tr tdNo. Rekeningtdtdinput type=text name=no-rektd tr tr tdNamatdtdinput type=text name=namatd tr tr tdJenis Banktd td select name=bank option value=bniBNIoption option value=briBRIoption option value=mandiriMandirioption select td tr tr td input type=file name=file required td tr tr td Universitas Sumatera Utara 23 input type=submit name=submit value=Lanjut td tr table form div div ?php include includesfooter.php; ?

12. Halaman Logout logout.php

?php include koneksi.php; To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates and open the template in the editor. session_destroy; headerLocation: index.php; ?

13. Halaman Selesai selesai.php