The Cooperative Principle Datum 3

xliv Crane : {Crane stops Po before he embarrasses himself even more}No no no... I meant you dont belong here. I mean, in this room. This is my room. Property of Crane. {Po is mortified, but covers} Po : Oh, okay. Right right. Yeah, you want to get to sleep. Crane : Yeah. Po : Im keepin you up. We got big things tomorrow. Alright. Youre awesome. Last thing Im gonna say. Okay. Bye bye. [Po shuts the door. Crane sighs. The door flies open. Po enters with an eager smile] What was that? Crane : I didnt say anything. a. Context The contextual factors which are supported the analysis in datum 3 can be identified in the following: 1 Character : Po and Crane. 2 Setting : In the bunkhouse, in the night. 3 Context of situation : Po is dejected after his first day of training but advised by Master Oogway, he refuses to quit. He goes back to the bunkhouse. Po peeks around the corner. He tiptoes into the hall. The floorboards strain beneath him. Po takes a gentle step but Pos foot goes through the floor. Po tries to recover. Po rolls his ankle and stumbles through a bedroom door. Crane is staring back at him. Po tries to have the conversation with Crane but he says that he should probably get to sleep. Po is sad and feels dejected.

b. The Cooperative Principle

The violation of cooperative principle in datum 3 to create the humor is identified below: xlv 1 Maxim of quality Crane tells the fact that Po is not belong here because they are in Crane’s room. He says, “Look, you dont belong here. No no no... I meant you dont belong here. I mean, in this room. This is my room. Property of Crane ” and Po also realizes that he is in Crane’s room and Crane wants to get sleep. He utters, “Oh, okay. Right right. Yeah, you want to get to sleep ”. Crane is sure that the idea in his statement is true and Po is honest about what he realizes. In sum, the maxim has been well-fulfilled. 2 Maxim of quantity Po expresses his amazement by saying “You guys were totally amazing at the Battle of Weeping River. Outnumbered a thousand to one, but you didnt stop, and then you just...HI-YAH” He also expresses his awareness by saying “I know. I know. Youre right. I just - my whole life Ive dreamed of- Oh, okay. Right right. Yeah, you want to get to sleep. Im keepin you up. We got big things tomorrow. Alright. Youre awesome. Last thing Im gonna say. Okay. Bye bye” . Po says his ideas effectively. Crane says, “Look, you dont belong here. No no no... I meant you dont belong here. I mean, in this room. This is my room. Property of Crane”. Crane also says his statement effectively. Then the writer identifies that all speakers adhere to the maxim of quantity because they say their ideas in right portion. 3 Maxim of relevance Po shows his kung fu but he breaks Crane’s paper wall. Seeing this fact, crane says that Po doesn’t belong here. Po misunderstands with Crane statement. xlvi He feel dejected the Crane explains that he means that Po doesn’t belong to there room. Crane sends the appropriate statement to cheer Po when he is upset for feeling dejected. He utters, “No no no... I meant you dont belong here. I mean, in this room. This is my room. Property of Crane”. Then, Po is aware that Crane wants to get sleep and he go out of Crane’s room. Po also gives the relevant respond for Crane’s statement when he says that there is his room. Po understands that Crane wants to get sleep. He says, “Oh, okay. Right right. Yeah, you want to get to sleep. Im keepin you up.” In sum, the maxim has been satisfied. 4 Maxim of manner In this maxim, the speaker is required to be brief, be orderly, avoid obscurity of expression, and avoid ambiguity. 50 Crane utters, “Look, you dont belong here”. This statement creates an mbiguity for Po. Po says, “I know. I know. Youre right. I just - my whole life Ive dreamed of-“. He creates an ambiguity for Po. He means that Po does not belong in his room but Po misunderstands. Po suggests that Crane’s statement means he does not belong to the Jade Palace. Crane doesn’t send his message directly. He doesn’t say that Po has to get out from his room. Then, Po misunderstands. It means that Crane, in this conversation, seems to violate the maxim. Toward the explanation above, the writer concludes the maxim of manner is violated in dialog in datum 3. 50 I Dewa Putu Wijana 1996, loc. cit. xlvii

c. Humor