Techniques of Collecting Data Techniques of Analyzing Data

3.6 Techniques of Collecting Data

This research will make use of two methods of collecting data which are a questionnaire and a test. Throughout these two ways, it is expected to get the needed data for this study, By the questionnaire, the participants attitudes about their mistakes and what kind of mistakes or problems in writing English they think that they have. The test will provide the study with the real problems that the students suffer from in writing English. It will examine their skills in writing. Also, it wil focus on the linguistc aspects of English which are different from their mother tongue. This research is a qualitative and quantitative study. It will focus on the types of problems and the causes of them as well as the areas of weaknesses that students suffer of. Also, it will focus on the errors in writing. How much errors a student makes in his writing. As more mistakes a student makes as low level of writing skill she has got.

3.7 Techniques of Analyzing Data

The data is collected through two instuments which are a questionnaire and a test. This data will be described as the research is a descriptive one. It will be described through contrastive analysis, error analysis and interlanguage and intralanguage errors. Simple statistics will be used to count the percentage of the errore committed by the participants. Each category of the grammatical errors will be classified into sub-categories and each one will be described as a problem which has a cause and needs to be solved. CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS, FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION In this study, the instruments were applied are a questionnaire and a test as well. These two instruments were applied to collect the data required in this study. Each instrument was used for a specific purpose that may help the study to come out with the results needed. The data collected will be analyzed contrastively i.e. the students performance will be measured and the errors will be counted taking in consideration the differences between the two languages. The answered papers will be observed to highlight the problems that face the learners in writing English and the caused behind them.

4.1. The first instrument