Direct Speech Indirect Speech Indirect speech sometimes called reported speech,

87 Del ivering a Speech Grammar Review Direct and Indirect Speech

1. Direct Speech

• Saying exactly what someone has said is called direct speech sometimes called quoted speech • Here what a person says appears within quotation marks ... and should be word for word. Example: • She said, Todays lesson is on presentations. or Todays lesson is on presentation, she said .

2. Indirect Speech Indirect speech sometimes called reported speech,

doesnt use quotation marks to enclose what the person said and it doesnt have to be word for word. In reported speech, the tense usually changes. This is because when we use reported speech, we are usually talking about a time in the past because obviously the person who spoke originally spoke in the past. The verbs therefore usually have to be in the past too. To convert direct speech into indirect speech: • If the main verb is past tense, present tense verbs in the that clause must also be changed to past tense. Dean said that he didnt know what to do. • First and second person pronouns must be changed to third person pronouns. Dean said that he didnt know what to do. UN Shot A : Tony left for Bandung this morning. B : What did you say? A : .... a. I said that Tony leaves for Bandung. b. I said that Tony will leave for Bandung. c. I said that Tony would leave for Bandung. d. I said that Tony had left for Bandung. e. I said that Tony had leave for Bandung UN 20022003 Di unduh dari : 88 Developing English Competencies f or Grade XII of Language Programme Writ ing In this section, you will learn how to: • prepare a speech; • write a speech. The following statements are the steps for preparing a speech, but they are not in correct order. Arrange them into a good order. 1. Write the conclusion 2. Rearrange the speech introduction, body, and conclusion 3. Write the introduction 4. Choose a plan for organisation 5. State the main idea thesis of the speech 6. Develop an outline using the main points 7. Add supporting details to the outline 1. Is what I said correct? Wendy wanted to know . 2. Is what Ive heard true? I wondered . 3. Does Tony know what hes talking about? I wondered . 4. Is there anything I can do to help? Sally wanted to know . 5. I thing Ill go to the library to study. Jerry said . 6. Someday well be in contact with beings from outer space. The scientist predicted . 7. Have you ever met Ms. Shanty? Mr. Ronald asked me . 8. Im going to postpone the examination. Professor Williams announced . Complete the sentences by changing the quoted speech to reported speech. Activity 8 Activity 1 Di unduh dari : 89 Del ivering a Speech • witnessed • cheerleader • wearing • graduation • daydreamed • lectures • eternal • accompanied • con À gurations • fascinating • education • friendships • almamater • diplomas • reality Complete the speech using the words given in the box. Check your answers with your friend ˈ s. Your Proj ect Pretend you are given a task by your headmaster to give a speech at your graduation day. You can ask your big brother sister to help you write the script. Ive attended this school for thirteen years now, and Ive 1 you, my classmates, in quite a variety of clothing–football jerseys, 2 out À ts, and during spirit week–football players 3 cheerleader out À ts. But now, weve all come together for the last time as a class, sporting gowns and mortarboards for 4 . Remember how many times weve 5 about this moment in the middle of class? We sometimes drift off during 6 , fantasizing about how we would spend our days if life were an 7 summer weekend… and thats usually when the teacher brings us back to 8 with an authoritative–ahem–clearing of the throat 9 by a smug inquiry about the electron 10 of the noble gasses. Thanks, Mr Gunawan. Well, everyone, this daydream is just now becoming a new and 11 reality. For in addition to our quality 12 from the classroom, weve received an education in life from each other. Solid, irreplaceable 13 with our peers and, yes, even with our teachers and coaches have been forged through hard work, devotion, good times and bad, and most importantly, pride for a school that we should all be grateful to call our 14 . We may be receiving 15 tonight, fellow classmates, but look around you at your teachers, coaches and friends, and realize what youve truly 16 for four years at Fairmont. Taken from Activity 2 Di unduh dari : 90 Developing English Competencies f or Grade XII of Language Programme With a partner, develop a speech about a new regulation at your school. Pay attention to the following steps of making a speech until delivering it to the audience. Get the topic 1. 2. 3. 4. Start 5. 6. 7. Finish Introduction Write a 3-sentence introduction. Tell your audience what youre about to say. If your speech is persuasive, take side whether you are for or against the regulation. Body Expand on your introduction. What is the À rst argument, the second, and the third? Make each section about one or two paragraphs long. Conclusion If your speech is informative, make a summary of the main idea and speci À c purpose. If it is persuasive, combine a summary with a final appeal to the audience to accept the arguments offered. Practising To give a good speech you must sound familiar with the material; to become familiar with the material requires repetition. Repetition means reading the material aloud up to 50 times if necessary until you are totally familiar with it. F eedback During the practice sessions, ask your partner to listen to your speech. Ask their comments. Get prepared for the show Activity 3 Di unduh dari : 91 Del ivering a Speech For the preparation prior to the presentation, with your partner make the outline of your speech in the following “ speech recipe” . Ingredients: • one headline • one expandable thesis or plan • three points to support your thesis or plan • one conclusion Fill in the blanks in the following order and serve it to your audience with a feeling of con À dence and an eye on clarity. Introduction: Hook: Preview: Body: Point One: 1. 2. Point Two: 1. 2. Point Three: 1. 2. Conclusion: 1. Summary 2. Final appeal Ask the audience to make an individual assessment of your friends’ performance. Group Names of Students Topic Voice Clarity Pronunciation Teamwork Entire Performance Activity 4 Activity 5 Di unduh dari : 92 Developing English Competencies f or Grade XII of Language Programme After learning the lesson in this chapter, you are expected to be able to: 1. respond to various types of speech; 2. learn how to deliver a speech; 3. practise and deliver a speech; 4. read a speech; 5. identify meanings in speech; 6. prepare a speech; 7. write a speech. Now, answer the questions: 1. What do you know about speech? 2. What should we do before delivering a speech? 3. What should we consider when delivering a speech? 4. What do we need to become a good public speaker? If you À nd some difÀ culties, consult your teacher or discuss with your friend. Learning Re Á ect ion

1. Language Functions