Background of the Study Research Problems


1.1. Background of the Study

Interaction between human being is one of the factors that shape the language. Through the interaction, humans then create the language that we recognize today. Human interaction can be found in many ways. One of human interactions that we can feel and experience is in campus life. Campus life provides evidences that language is being developed and reveals speakers’ identity that differentiates to other language development in other community. The students in campus come from various backgrounds of economy, religion, social class, family and language. Language background is considered as the important thing which shapes the language community in campus. Bahasa Indonesia becomes the standard language which is used to communicate in formal and academic situations but the students have their own language community. Javanese, Sundanese, and other vernacular languages are used by students within their own speech community in their daily conversation. Nowadays, the trend of using vernacular language to communicate in daily conversation has changed, as the students are actually multilingual or bilingual, they decide to use Bahasa Indonesia in their campus daily conversation rather than using vernacular language. This fact can be seen in daily conversation among the students. By this, they perform language shifting. Language shift is the phenomenon that language is changed from the former language to the new one by a speech-community because of their need of communication Holmes: 2001. One community that shifts the language in campus is Banyumas dialect student community. Based on that phenomenon, this research is intended to investigate the factors that influence language shift performed by speaker of Banyumas dialect in campus.

1.2. Research Problems

Based on the above mentioned phenomenon, there are two research problems which are: 1. What are the facts of language shift conducted by Javanese Banyumas speakers? 2. What factors are involved in language shift from Javanese Banyumas dialect to Bahasa Indonesia?

1.3. Purpose of the Study