The Theoretical Approach The Autobiographical Study Of Eugene O’neill Through Long Day’s Journey Into Night

1.5 The Review of Related Literature

I found some books which I used as sources of the data and information to support my thesis. These sources in finding the data and information are: 1. Best American Plays Fourth Series – 1951-1957 edited by John Gassner 1958. In This book explained the life background of Eugene O’Neill. In this book I also found the statement that support to the statement of problems of my thesis. 2. Eugene O’Neill Complete Plays edited by Chris Christopersen 1988. This book contains complete plays by Eugene O’Neill from 1913-1920 and his biography. I use this book as one of references to find the biography of Eugene O’Neill. 3. Facts about American Immigration by David M Brownstone and Irene Frank 2001. This book explain how the immigration experienced by the Irish starts from 17 th century until 19 th century. I use this book to analyze how James O’Neill’ family background affect the way he raise his sons miserly. 4. Tragic Drama and Modern Society by John Orr 1981. This book explains about O’Neill’s tragic drama and Long Day’s Journey into Night as well.

1.6 The Theoretical Approach

I use biographical approach in doing this study. According to Wilfred Guerin in A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature: Fourth Edition, Biographical approach can be defined as the approach that see a literary work chiefly, if not exclusively, as a reflection of the author’s life and times or the life and times of the characters in the work Quoted from http:english23045.tripod.comenglish234.html. Biographical approach might be helpful in analyzing a literary work and conveniently to analyze the author’s own experience or his own life. In studying or appreciating a literary work by conducting the biographical approach, we will automatically deal with the biography of an author. Wellek and Warren 1956:75 claim that the most obvious cause of a work of art is its creator, the author, and hence an explanation in terms of the personality and the life of the writer has been one of the oldest and best established methods of literary study. Thus, biographical approach has been regarded as one of the most well-known and appropriate methods in studying and criticizing a literary work. There is so much to be explored there in terms of the author‘s personality and life. CHAPTER II METHOD OF STUDY This study was conducted by applying analytical descriptive method. In Teori, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra dari Strukturalisme Hingga Prostrukturalisme Perspektif Wacana Naratif 2004:53, Kutha Ratna states that: “Metode deskriptif analitik dilakukan dengan cara mendeskripsikan fakta-fakta yang kemudian disusul dengan analisis. Secara Etimologis deskripsi dan analisis berarti menguraikan. Meskipun demikian, analisis yang berasal dari bahasa Yunani, analyein ‘ana’ = atas, ‘lyein’ = lepas, urai, telah diberikan arti tambahan, tidak semata-mata menguraikan, melainkan juga memberikan pemahaman dan penjelasan secukup-cukupnya” “The Analytical descriptive method is done by describing facts and continued by analyzing those facts. Etymologically, description and analysis means to elaborate. Nevertheless, analysis that derived from Greek, analyesies ‘ana’ = up, ‘lyein’= decompose have been given another meaning, not only to elaborate, but also to give the understanding and clarification sufficiently My own translation”. In this study I apply the library research by searching and collecting the references that contain and support the topics from the library. I also find suitable references from the internet in doing this study. In doing this thesis, I use some steps as follows:

2.1 Data Collecting Procedure