Australian Expert Trains UMM Lecturers

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Arsip Berita

Australian Expert Trains UMM Lecturers
Tanggal: 2011-12-28

Thursday, 22 December 2011 | 22:40 WIB | Viewed: 178

Dr. Ferry Jie delivered his material on international journal

43 lecturers from different departments of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) got the training on international journal writing from the expert of
RMIT Australia, Dr. Ferry Jie on Saturday (12/17). The participants’ enthusiasm encouraged Jie to have a similar spirit to deliver the material for three

The Assistant Rector for International Relation, Drs. Soeparto, M.Pd stated that toward international campus, at least, UMM had to pass three phases:
international awareness; international exposure; and international recognition.

“UMM, today, is in the second one, therefore, such kind of training is really needed to realize the next vision. The more lecturers’ writings are published
internationally, UMM will be better,” said Soeparto.

As single key note speaker, Jie, could freely share his own experiences and knowledge. According to him, writing a journal was important part for the seek
of career development. In Indonesia, Directorate of Higher Education (Dikti) required the candidate of professors or even the lecturers who wanted higher
position to publish journal nationally or internationally. In addition, international journal had their own level, it started from the score of A+, A, B, and C. So,
beginners were suggested to start writing from the lowest level.

Besides, there were three considerations before writing then publishing into journal: writer needed to observe on the target readers; writer needed to
strongly correlate between journal and the field of the study; last, writer needed to do carefully with the current issues.

Jie was a man from Palembang. He lived in Australia since he was a child and he had already been the Australian. He acknowledged that there were
brilliant idea from Indonesian writers but it was rarely published internationally.

“I, myself, acknowledged on Indonesian intellectual ability, but, the main obstacle is all about language,” Jie declared .

Furthermore, he explained, to be international, article did not have to be written personally. “I find a lot of Indonesian writers are writing personally, of
course, it is very hard work to do and it spends much time,” he added.

Moreover, he conceded, there were no publications that he wrote personally. Jie used to collaborate with others, even with his peers or students.
Moreover, writing a journal could be done with partners from overseas.

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Arsip Berita

Last, Jie had his own interest for UMM. For him, Malang is a friendly place. Of its nice climate, Malang is appropriate for studying. Among universities he
had ever visited, UMM is the favorite one for Jie due to its exotics view and strong academic culture. (ren/nas/t_vik)

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