Paragraph VII in “Fed’s Policy Adds to Risk of Instability” Paragraph III in “Bank Shift Risky Assets into Murkier Areas of

The semantic component of acquisition is -combination of company, +takeover of company, -the buying of company, -the selling of company, -ownership of company, -ownership of stock, +takeover of stock, -the buying of stock, -the selling of stock, +takeover of corporation, and -ownership corporation.

4. Semantic Field of Asset

There are two terms that include into semantic field of asset. These terms are investment and saving. These terms can be found in the four articles as follows:

a. Paragraph VII in “Fed’s Policy Adds to Risk of Instability”

Article on April 24, 2013 So, what is the cost of low rates? Asset prices will be inflated, merger activity will rise, and those same prices will fluctuate more violently, according to Mr. Kocherlakota‟s argument. Besides sounding like an investment banker‟s drunken dream, that set of circumstances has a harrowing familiarity.

b. Paragraph III in “Bank Shift Risky Assets into Murkier Areas of

Finance Sector ” Article on April 12, 2013 Citigroup, Credit Suisse and UBS have recently completed such trades. Rather than selling the assets, potentially at a loss, the banks transfer a slice of the risk associated with the assets, usually loans. The buyers are typically hedge funds, whose investors are often pensions that manage the life savings of schoolteachers and city workers. The buyers agree to cover a percentage of losses on these assets for a fee, sometimes 15 percent a year or more. Then, the term merger and acquisition will be analyzed by using componential analysis like on the table as follows: Table 7 : “The Componential Analysis from Semantic Field of Asset” 65 ca n be influe n ce d by inc ome ca n be influe n ce d by int ere st ra te ca n be influe n ce d by sp ec ulation ca n be influe n ce d by con dit ion of e coomy ca n be influe n ce d by con sump ti on ca n be influe n ce d by p ro duc t dema nd ca n be influe n ce d by p ro duc t supp ly pr of it orie nted ca n be don e bu pe rson ca n be don e by c ompany Investment + + + + + +- +- + + + Saving + + + + + - - +- + - Table 7 explains that the semantic component of investment is +can be influenced by income, +can be influenced by interest rate, +can be influenced by speculation, +can be influenced by condition of economy, +can be influenced by consumption +-can be influenced by 65 John Downes and Jordan Elliot Goodman. Barron’s Finance and Investment Hand Book : second edition. Newyork: Barron‟s Educational Series, Inc. 1986. pp. 234, 310 Iskandar Putong. Op.Cit. pp. 408-422 Christoper Kamus Lengkap Ekonomi. edisi kedua. Penerbit Erlangga : Jakarta. 1994. pp. 350, 591 product demand, +-can be influenced by product supply, +profit oriented, +can be done by person, and +can be done by company. The semantic component of saving is +can be influenced by income, +can be influenced by interest rate, +can be influenced by speculation, +can be influenced by condition of economy, +can be influenced by consumption -can be influenced by product demand, - can be influenced by product supply, +-profit oriented, +can be done by person, and -can be done by company CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

A. Conclusion

There are four semantic fields of business on The Jakarta Post April 2013 editions. First, the semantic field of economy policy that contains 2 business terms fiscal policy and monetary policy. The semantic component of fiscal policy is +adds government output, +decreases the government income tax, +-stabilizes economy activity, +overcomes joblessness, +overcomes inflation, -stabilizes interest rate, +controls supply of money, +done by government, -done by central bank, +strong in concept, and -strong in action. The semantic component of monetary policy is -adds government output, -decreases the government income tax, +stabilizes economy activity, +overcomes joblessness, +overcomes inflation, +stabilizes interest rate, +controls supply of money, -done by government, +done by central bank, +strong in concept, and +strong in action. Second, the semantic field of economy problem that contains 2 terms inflation and deflation. The semantic component of inflation is +the increasing the supply of money, -the decreasing the supply of money, +the increasing of the product price, -the decreasing of the product price, -the increasing of product demand, +the decreasing of product demand, -the increasing of product supply, +the decreasing of product