Frequency of the Use of the Assessment Rubrics and the Reasons in Measuring the Students’ Achievement and Progress by Teacher B to know if the assessment process and the assessment rubrics result could reflect the learning indicators. Here, the students’ achievement and progress could also be seen since Whittaker, Salend, and Duhaney stated that the use of assessment rubrics can help teach ers “assess process, performance, and progress” 21 . These were good choice from the teachers considering the importance of the result of the assessment rubrics use in the learning process.

e. Improving Students’ Skill

The teachers had some ways to improve thei r students’ skill. After knowing the result of the use of the assessment rubrics, the teachers would find the most appropriate strategy based on each students level to be implemented in the learning process so that the students’ skill and ability will improve. Moreover, Creighton stated that “rubrics are tools designed to provide constructive feedback for students through self-, peer, or teacher assessment in order to further develop skills or knowledge ” 22 . It should be good since the students would get the benefit of the result of the assessment rubrics use. 21 As cited in Jennifer Turner - Elizabeth Shellard, Developing and Using Instructional Rubrics Arlington: Educational Research Service, 2004, 1. 22 As cited in The Capacity Building Series, Student Self-Assessment Ontario: The Literacy and Numeracy Secretary, 2007, 6. 112


This chapter presented the conclusion and suggestion of the study. Here, the researcher would like to conclude the result of th e study on the English teachers’ assessment rubrics development which is broken down into two sub-research questions. They are the development of the assessment rubrics and the use of the assessment rubrics in the learning process. Then, the researcher would like to provide some suggestions for improvement.

A. Conclusion

In this study, the researcher gives conclusion based on the data analysis presented in the previous chapter. The conclusion was based on Erlandson and Brophy’s theory on steps in developing the assessment rubric, Arter’s grading rubric on quality of the assessment rubrics developed by the teachers, and the use of the assessment rubrics in the learning process, yet there are still some aspects need improvements. All of those are described below. 1. The researcher concluded that the teachers did some steps dealing with the development of the assessment rubrics. The steps done are looking at models and adapting an existing assessment rubric, deciding the number of levels, and sharing the assessment rubrics. Nonetheless, there are few aspects that need to